Auction, Collectibles Auction, Original Historical Documents (2025)

Table of Contents
MAIL BID SALE Please note sale provisions. 1. Americana I The Earliest Obtainable Version - in any form -of the first draft of the Bill of Rights 1-1. Including what would become the First and Second Amendments. 1-2. "Freedom of Speech" is enshrined in the Bill of Rights. 1-3. A Significant Rarity: The First Magazine Appearance of the U.S. Constitution. 1-4. Jefferson Brings his Forty-Year Dream of Religious Freedom to Fruition. 1-5. From the First Book Printed by Young Ben Franklin on his own Press. 1-6. "Ringing at the Return of Peace." 1-7. Revolutionary War Era Playing Cards. 2. Colonial & Revolutionary War 2-1. Significant Set of a Key Chronicle of the Revolutionary War. 2-2. The Prison Ship "Jersey" - Scourge of the Revolution. 2-3. Wooden Guns for a Warship. 2-4. Setting the Stage for the French & Indian War - Signed by the Owner of Bedloe's Island. 2-5. 1759: "The Year the British Became Master of the World." 2-6. A Soldier Writes from Washington's Headquarters. 2-7. Chocolate and Rum for the Troops. 2-8. Oil for her Brother in the Revolution. 2-9. Wood for Gen. Schuyler's Guard. 2-10. Rivaling John Hancock's Signature. 2-11. Renting an Island off the Bronx Coast in 1776. 2-12. Medicine in the American Revolution. 2-13. "To the Forces of the United States of America": Paying 7/72nds of a Dollar for Hospital Stores. 2-14. The Finale of the Revolution: Rochambeau Signs at Yorktown one day after Britain's Surrender. 2-15. Washington's Top General at the Surrender. 2-16. "New York City During the American Revolution." 2-17. Rare Anti-Slavery, Pro-Independence Chronicle - by an Englishman. 3. Art & Decor 3-1. Period Oil Painting of King Philip V, Founder of the Bourbons. 3-2. Original Drawing of an Enduring Fable. 3-3. Enameled in the Age of Alexander III. 3-4. The Snake Charmer and her Cobras. 3-5. Pink Flowers on Solid-Coverage Gold Leaf. 3-6. Playing with her Panther Cub. 3-7. Cherubs at Work - and Play. 3-8. Father of Modern Sculpture. 3-9. Norman Rockwell. 3-10. A Splendid Artist's Handbook of Color. 3-11. "Everybody's Paint Book" - Used in a Pennsylvania Pottery. 3-12. Original Classic Comic Art: the "Standout Work" of a Star Marvel Artist. 3-13. Architectural Sculpture. 3-14. Fine Plates of Furniture of Ages Past. 3-15. A Pictorial Treasury of Ornamentation - from a Noted Architect's Studio. 3-16. Architecture in the Roaring Twenties. 3-17. Signed Copperplate Views of Old New York. 3-18. Stovepipe Hat of Old New York. 4. Confederate 4-1. "As you take an interest in ‘the Lost Cause....'" 4-2. "You will recognize me in the act of shooting a falling Yankee." 4-3. Mosby's Daughter Stuart - named for General J.E.B. 4-4. A Ton of Pork for two Virginia Families. 4-5. A Confederate Officer comes to Washington - 30 Years On. 4-6. Alex. W. Campbell. 5. Black History 5-1. The Legend of Cuffee Dole. 5-2. A Black Soldier's Name Rooted in - Magic. 5-3. A Slave on Christmas Day. 5-4. A Slave Drawn from a Hat. 5-5. Back to Africa - an Original Plan, 1827. 5-6. Slaves aboard the Mysterious Ghost Ship "Eliza Battle." 5-7. A Slave named Savannah - and the Southern Rifles. 5-8. No Way Out: Caught in the Bondage of Slavery - and in a Battle between Husband and Wife. 5-9. Origin of the Expression "People of Colour" - in Volume One of America's Number-One Magazine. 5-10. A Mulatto Woman Set Free. 5-11. Black Caricature Postcards. 5-12. Including Diecut "Post Card Puzzle": "...I don't want to see no white trash." 5-13. Inscribed by Martin Luther King, Jr. to an important Civil Rights Leader. 5-14. "The Barbarism of Slavery." 5-15. Black Americana. 5-16. "How the darkies shouted when they heard the glorious sound." 5-17. Blackface Comedy. 5-18. A Broadway Icon's Secret: his Blackface Humor. 5-19. Twentieth-Century Black Americana. 5-20. Black-Themed Advertising. 5-21. Black Doll Bookmarks. 5-22. Sanctuary Fortress for Blacks. 6. Civil War Autographs 6-1. I(ra) A(llen) Eastman. 6-2. A(mos) B. Eaton. 6-3. Joseph K. Edgerton. 6-4. W(illiam) H. Emory. 6-5. J(ames) E. English. 6-6. Clement A. Evans. 6-7. J(ames) F. Fagan. 6-8. J(ohn) F(ranklin) Farnsworth. 6-9. D(avid) G. Farragut. 6-10. N.A. Farwell. 6-11. W(infield) S(cott) Featherston. 6-12. Samuel Wragg Ferguson. 6-13. Edw(ard) Ferrero. 6-14. Orris S. Ferry. 6-15. Francis Fessenden. 6-16. W(illiam) P. Fessenden. 6-17. John W. Finnell. 6-18. Francis P. Fleming. 6-19. J(ohn) B(uchanan) Floyd. 6-20. M.F. Force. 6-21. John H. Forney. 6-22. J(ohn) G. Foster. 6-23. John W. Foster. 6-24. Charles B. Fox. 6-25. W.B. Franklin. 6-26. W.B. Franklin. 6-27. S(amuel) G. French. 6-28. Wm. H. French. 6-29. James B. Fry. 6-30. R(ichard) M. Gano. 6-31. John Ganson. 6-32. (William M. Gardner.) 6-33. S(amuel) Garland, Jr. 6-34. I(sham) W. Garrott. 6-35. Lucius J. Gartrell. 6-36. M(artin) W. Gary. 6-37. Jno. W. Geary. 6-38. Geo(rge) W(ashington) Getty. 6-39. R(andall) L(ee) Gibson. 6-40. J(eremy) F. Gilmer. 6-41. Q(uincy) A. Gillmore. 6-42. L.M. Goldsborough. 6-43. D(aniel) W. Gooch. 6-44. Geo(rge) H. Gordon. 6-45. Geo(rge) W(ashington) Gordon. 6-46. J(ohn) B(rown) Gordon. 6-47. A(rthur) P. Gorman. 6-48. W.A. Gorman. 6-49. D(aniel) C. Govan. 6-50. Jesse A. Gove. 6-51. Gordon Granger. 6-52. G(ordon) Granger. 6-53. R(obert) S. Granger. 6-54. A.W. Greely. 6-55. T(homas) Green. 6-56. Geo. S. Greene. 6-57. D(avid) McM. Gregg. 6-58. D(avid) McM. Gregg. 6-59. J(ohn) Irvin Gregg. 6-60. D(udley) S. Gregory. 6-61. W(alter) Q(uintus) Gresham. 6-62. B(enjamin) Henry Grierson. 6-63. B(enjamin) Henry Grierson. 6-64. Chas. Griffin. 6-65. J. Warren Grigsby. 6-66. C(harles) H. Grosvenor. 6-67. Galusha A. Grow. 6-68. P(atrick) R. Guiney. 7. Sugar, Rum & Slaves 7-1. The Brig "Adventure," a Punch of Rum - and Blacks: America's Fourteenth Colony that never was. 7-2. Wilson terms Bermuda "the most ideal play-ground in the world...." 8. Philatelic & Postal History 8-1. A Pane of 100 Confederate Stamps - from the Deats Collection. 8-2. From Kingmaker of the Gold Rush. 8-3. First President of the Pennsylvania Railroad - and Ephemeral Philadelphia Local Delivery Marking. 8-4. Salem to Boston Private Express. 8-5. Canney & Co.'s Express to their own agent in New Hampshire. 8-6. Mexican War U.S. Naval Cover. 8-7. Unlisted Express Label. 8-8. First Year of Cole's City Despatch. 8-9. Manuscript Date within Stamped Postmark. 8-10. Jade Norfolk Cancels. 8-11. Variant Memphis Postmark. 8-12. Postally Used Patriotics. 8-13. George Bernard Shaw buys Postage Stamps. 9. Civil War 9-1. An Excessively Rare Form of Civil War Imprint. 9-2. A Clergyman attached to Infantry at Gettysburg. 9-3. "I don't find any little girl to welcome me home now...." 9-4. "We have not been disturbed by the Confederacy...." 9-5. "May you always be happy and loved as well as you are now by your soldier boy." 9-6. "I am going to War...." 9-7. "The three insane soldiers...." 9-8. 62 Cavalrymen - Every One Signing with an "X." 9-9. Oversize Civil War View by a Celebrated Lithographer. 9-10. "Never! Never! Never Before!" 9-11. The Civil War Bookshelf. 9-12. New Jersey and a Turning Point of the War. 9-13. The Battle above the Clouds. 9-14. Three Days before Hunter's Vanquish of Confederate Gen. "Grumble" Jones. 9-15. To an Army Chaplain, "Hope you may be through in Rebeldom soon...." 9-16. Pension for a Civil War Gold Star Mother. 9-17. The Civil War Park that Never Was. 9-18. "How many turkies have you got by this time?" 9-19. " growing into fashion...." 9-20. A Trio of Patriotic Song Sheets. 9-21. Armed Slaves will learn "the lessons of liberty." 9-22. "We still live in hopes that we may get to see you once more...." 9-23. Pay for "Colored" Private Servants of a Future Noted General. 9-24. From West Point to Medicine Lodge. 9-25. Impeached! 9-26. Wounded Warrior - and Wartime Governor. 9-27. An Elusive Union General. 9-28. Rare Civil War Uniform Catalogue. 10. Carte Photographs 10-1. Confederate Imprint. 10-2. Gen. A.E. Burnside. 10-3. From Gold Rush to Southern Glory. 10-4. Southern Imprint. 10-5. Gen. Joseph Hooker. 10-6. Jeff Davis' Number-One Soldier. 10-7. "The Fiery Little Redhead." 10-8. Gen. John Aaron Rawlins. 10-9. Commanded Black Troops in Florida. 11. Ephemera 11-1. Silver Bells, Fancy Sleighs, Ice Cream Freezers, and More. 11-2. Football at Antebellum Yale. 11-3. Remembering Arlington Cemetery. 11-4. The George Washington of Italy. 11-5. The "pope of Rome" ruling over Congress. 11-6. "The most powerful secret organization in existence." 11-7. Dreams of The Bronx. 11-8. World's Columbian Exposition. 11-9. Cigar Box Labels and Bands - a Commercial Art Showcase. 11-10. Cigarette Silk Premiums. 11-11. Cigarette Felts. 11-12. Cigarette Cards. 11-13. Tobacco Letterheads and Billheads. 11-14. Rare Animal Cards of the 19th Century. 11-15. "Radio Celebrities." 11-16. "Radio Celebrities - Second Series." 11-17. "Association Footballers." 11-18. "Wild Flowers." 11-19. "Silver Jubilee - The Reign of King George V, 1910-1935." 11-20. "The Kings and Queens of England, 1066-1935." 11-21. "Life in the Royal Navy." 11-22. Prewar Motor Vehicles: "Safety First." 11-23. "An Album of Railway Engines." 11-24. "An Album of Dogs." 11-25. "Household Hints." 11-26. "Household Hints." 11-27. "Strange Craft" - Unusual Ships. 11-28. "Wonderful Railway Travel." 11-29. "Aeroplanes (Civil)." 11-30. "Air Raid Precautions." 11-31. "Garden Flowers." 11-32. "Railway Equipment." 11-33. "Railway Equipment." 11-34. "Treasure Trove". 11-35. "The Seashore." 11-36. "National Flags and Arms." 11-37. "Animalloys - An Un-Natural History Series." 11-38. "Motor Cars." 11-39. The British Royals. 12. Transportation 12-1. Tolls for Sheep and Swine, 1 12-2. "America's First Front Drive (Car)." 12-3. The New Stutz Bearcat and "Super Bearcat." 12-4. One of America's Most Expensive Cars. 12-5. Premiere of the Cadillac V-8. 12-6. The First Car on the Bricks at Indianapolis. 12-7. Magazines for Motorists - 1925. 12-8. A Rolls-Royce Rival. 12-9. "Gives the famous ‘Speedway Roar.'" 12-10. "Made Like a Gun." 12-11. "Pleasure Cars, Commercial Cars, and Motorcycles...." 12-12. Final Catalogue of the Solid-Tired Reliable-Dayton. 12-13. Including Palm Beach Special. 12-14. 1927 Essex Super-Six. 12-15. First Year Literature of Hupp-Yeats Electric. 13. Lincolniana 13-1. Rare Pair of Lincoln Portraits - in Script. 13-2. "The Great National Calamity" - April 16, 1865. 13-3. Lincoln's Cortege - and the Manhunt of the Century. 13-4. Lincoln in New York: "Solemn Stillness...." 13-5. A Magnificent Tribute to Lincoln, Engraved in 1864, Amended upon his Assassination. 13-6. Lincoln Cabinet as Printer's Sample. 13-7. The Tragedy of Mary Lincoln. 14. Presidential 14-1. Signature of Lincoln - on the Day of Jeb Stuart's "Wild Ride." 14-2. The "Rising Empire" Sails Again - into the Twilight of Piracy. 14-3. In his Final Run for the White House, Theodore Roosevelt on the Federal Government's Role in Health Care. 14-4. Land in Antebellum Mississippi. 14-5. The Very Day that Andrew Johnson's Impeachment Vote was Scheduled. 14-6. "...The masses of men and women who crowd to see the first impeachment of an American President." 14-7. Grant Pardons a Felon. 14-8. Grover Cleveland loses to Harrison, "and all us Democrats mourned...Is the country safe?...The boys sneer at me for my interest in the election, being only a woman." 14-9. An Uncommon Campaign Item: A Cabinet Photo. 14-10. Preparing for Washington. 14-11. Women for Teddy. 14-12. Pair of F.D.R. Checks. 14-13. Truman's Check No. 2 as "President" - of Jackson County. 15. Political 15-1. Woodrow Wilson and "Remember the Maine." 15-2. Prohibition Buttons. 15-3. 1920 Presidential Campaign Buttons - including Cox-Roosevelt. 15-4. 1924-28 Presidential Campaign Buttons. 15-5. 1932 Presidential Campaign Buttons. 15-6. 1936 Presidential Campaign Buttons. 15-7. Washington's Warning of Foreign Entanglements. 15-8. Twice Defeated by McKinley. 15-9. The Rise and Fall of Pres. McKinley, Harding, and Coolidge - and America's coming "Violent Revolution." 15-10. Longest-Serving House Speaker in History seeks a Tax Cut for "the Little Man." 15-11. Peace, Protest, and Radical Movements. 16. World Wars I & II 16-1. The Teenager who Set the Stage for World War I - in 1889. 16-2. The First Shot of the War to End All Wars. 16-3. The War to End All Wars. 16-4. Oversize Map of the War to End all Wars. 16-5. The Changing Face of the World - 1919. 16-6. Sheet Music of World Wars I and II. 16-7. Patton's Men - 1922. 16-8. "Are there any spies around here?" 16-9. American Caesar. 16-10. Doolittle Signed Cover. 16-11. From a Schofield Barracks Private to "Miss Rachel Rosenberg, Beauty Shop...." 16-12. Casualty of the 8th Army-Air Force's Most Costly Mission Ever - Big Week, 1944. 16-13. Air Support for Merrill's Marauders. 16-14. Closing in on the Land of the Rising Sun: "Special Sub Chaser 99 Report X." 16-15. Home of the Infantry - Fort Benning, Georgia. 16-16. The Ends of World Wars I and II. 16-17. "Signed Sealed and Delivered" - Marine Corps Photos of Japan's Surrender. 16-18. In the Desolate Land of the Rising Sun. 16-19. Rare V-E Day Cancels. 17. Judaica & Nazi 17-1. Savior of Jews and Slaves - Signed at Age 100. 17-2. "In the hope of the New Zion...." 17-3. Happy New Year from Creator of "The Melting Pot." 17-4. The Election that Changed History. 17-5. As the Holocaust Advances, Einstein Ponders an Immigration Dilemma. 17-6. Anti-Semitic Propaganda. 17-7. Escape from Hitler - to Uganda. 17-8. Israel's First Prime Minister on World Peace. 17-9. "I feel myself so lonely and secluded now...." 17-10. The Great Brandeis pronounces his name for Funk & Wagnalls. 17-11. Pictorial Tour of Social Club of Gotham's Wealthy Jewish Citizens. 17-12. A Jewish Student at University of Michigan notes the San Francisco Fire. 17-13. Founder of Ethical Culture Movement. 18. Medical 18-1. Quarantine! - Public Health Perils in the New Century. 18-2. Summer School for Doctors - 1868. 18-3. Medical Remedies of Yesteryear. 18-4. "Leland's Magic Cure" - and "Syrup of Poppies." 18-5. Optometry, Spectacles, and the Eyes. 18-6. Antebellum Medical Lecture Broadside. 18-7. Order Forms for ... Opium. 18-8. Anti-Vaccination - 1879. 19. Ancient & Mediaeval Manuscripts 19-1. Manuscript Fragments of the Time of Jesus to the Dark Ages. 19-2. The Ninth Century: As Charlemagne's Empire gave way to Feudalism. 19-3. The Tenth Century. 19-4. The Fourteenth Century. 19-5. An Attorney at Work in the Fifteenth Century. 19-6. Mediaeval "Sheet Music" including Liquescent Neumes. 19-7. Pair of Monumental Antiphonal Leaves. 20. Maps & Atlases 20-1. First Edition of the First American Atlas. 20-2. With 11-Foot-Long Folding Map. 20-3. Pocket Atlas and Geography Schoolbook - 1800. 20-4. Early Railroad Map of U.S. and British Canada. 20-5. With Unsurpassable Detail of New York Harbor. 20-6. "Atlas of the Borough of Manhattan." 20-7. See the U.S.A.... 20-8. A Significant Landmark in American Cartography. 21. Photography 21-1. Daguerreotype of a Horse and Sleigh in Winter. 21-2. Indians of the Andes - A Landmark Photographic Project. 21-3. Indians of Chile. 21-4. Photo of "a desperate assas(s)in, gambler and thief." 21-5. Valentine's Day Railroad Accident - in aftermath of the Blizzard of 1899. 21-6. Queen Victoria. 21-7. From Glory to Ruin. 21-8. King of a Lost World. 21-9. King and Queen of Portugal. 21-10. Cabinet Photo of a Nurse. 21-11. The Flower Girl in the Park. 21-12. Outdoor Photo of Astrological Clock. 21-13. Outdoor View in France. 21-14. Outdoor Photo of a Dog Cart. 21-15. An Unusual Cabinet Format. 21-16. Outdoor Views of Venice. 21-17. Princess of Denmark - and Wales. 21-18. The Piano in Turn-of-Century America. 21-19. 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Photograph. 22. Entertainment 22-1. Benzino Napaloni, ruler of Bacteria. 22-2. Movie Star Real-Photos - and the Real-Life Drama of their Jewish Publisher. 22-3. Chaplin and Garbo. 22-4. Hand-Brushed with the Magic of Movies. 22-5. Star of "42nd Street" and "The Maltese Falcon." 22-6. "MGM Presents...Elizabeth Taylor." 22-7. Rachmaninoff, Rubinstein, and Serkin - Live in Concert. 22-8. Eddie and Ida Cantor in Stateroom 116. 23. Air & Flight 23-1. Lindbergh Flies through the Rain. 23-2. Deluxe Tribute to Lucky Lindy. 23-3. From Lindbergh's Ticker Tape Parade in New York. 23-4. "Lindbergh...Thrills World." 23-5. The First Decade of Air Stewardesses. 23-6. Historic Balloon Bookmark. 23-7. "That's One Small Step for a Man...." 24. Rare Books & Prints 24-1. Termed "A Landmark in American Culture." 24-2. A Venerable Carey Bible, in Variant Deluxe Crimson Leather. 24-3. Perhaps the First Major Work during Architecture's Establishment as a Profession in America. 24-4. The Zeniths of Artistry of late Renaissance Holland, Sicily, and Austria. 24-5. Hand-Tinted Prints of a Real Shangri-La. 24-6. From Mediaeval Town to Royalist Stronghold. 24-7. As found in the Royal Collection. 24-8. Oxford from the Isis River. 24-9. The Last First Edition of Voltaire to be Published in his Lifetime. 24-10. A Masterpiece of Printing, Illustration, and Binding. 24-11. From Fashion Capital of the World - A Triumph of Hand-Colored Plates. 24-12. The Man who Named "Gotham" - Signed by the Artist. 25. Maritime & Naval 25-1. Builder of an American Icon, Old Ironsides. 25-2. Old Ironsides Victorious - and 500 "horribly painted" Indians. 25-3. Army Heroes of the Revolution sponsor a young man for the Navy. 25-4. Previewing the Unfinished "Titanic." 25-5. Miniature Poster-Postcards of Ocean Travel's Golden Age. 25-6. With Dates Printed Aboard Red Star Line Transatlantic Ship. 25-7. "Think of us as we sail the broad Atlantic!" 25-8. Sketches aboard Ship in a Vanishing World. 25-9. Admiral David Porter. 26. Americana II 26-1. Archive of New Jersey Descendant of a Scottish Warrior. 26-2. Evolution of Big Oil. 26-3. Coal Country. 26-4. Frackville and "Virginia Snake Root." 26-5. The Number of Troops Manning every Fort of the U.S. Army - and a Treaty with Russia. 26-6. Exploring the Wilds of the Adirondacks - 1903. 26-7. Untold Stories of the Making of the Panama Canal - Syrians, Cement, and Deforestation of the Adirondacks. 26-8. How the West was Won. 26-9. Adventures from Washington Territory to the Texas Plains. 26-10. Grizzly Bear more dreaded than the Lion and Tiger. 26-11. Heyday of a Small-Town Bottler and Brewery. 26-12. Heartland of America - Population 123. 26-13. One of the first formal American Weather Reports? 27. Personalities 27-1. Member Hall of Fame of Great Americans. 27-2. Creator of "Sherlock Holmes." 27-3. A Great Thinker likens Man to a Baboon - Playing with Matches. 28. Financial 28-1. Panic and Policy: "Every dollar...will be at the mercy of the Congress...." 28-2. Riches to Rags in New Mexico - the Strawberry Mine at Cow Gulch. 28-3. A Union General's "Other" Job. 28-4. Railroad Stock of a Major Art Collector. 28-5. The Rise, Fall - and Rise of a Kentucky Tycoon. 28-6. First Comptroller of the Treasury tells a Dog Story. 28-7. Stock Certificate No. 2. 28-8. Paper Dreams: A Medley of Stocks. 28-9. Including a Check in Pencil. 29. Newspapers 29-1. Edison's "The New Force," Phonograph - and Trophies from the Custer Massacre. 29-2. Edison's "Dazzling Incandescence" - and Pre-Patent Description of the Light Bulb. 29-3. "Prof. A. Graham Bell Explains his Invention." 29-4. "It has no precedent in history": Early Plans for the Statue of Liberty. 29-5. "The Surrender" - April 10, 1865. 29-6. Ode to Ben Franklin's Lightning Rod - and a Prayer to Abolish "negro-slavery." 29-7. Brigham Young's 17th Wife - and Mormonism's "Unparalleled Nonsense." 29-8. Oration on Washington's Death: "The morning sun cheered the American world...." 29-9. Lincoln's New Whiskers - and the "First Installment of Lincolnism." 30. Interesting Books & Publications 30-1. Protecting the Poor in the Gilded Age. 30-2. "Matters Curious, Useful and Entertaining." 30-3. "The lady of the house leads the way from the parlor to the dining room...." 30-4. "Do burn the great majority of your letters after answering...." 30-5. Locomotive Men "Not Interested in Russian Investigating Commission" - 1927. 30-6. Murder of the Century - and the first plea of Temporary Insanity. 31. Advertising & Catalogues 31-1. With Samples of Colored Yarn. 31-2. Popular Furs of the Roaring Twenties. 31-3. Taxidermy. 31-4. Massive Architectural Catalogue with over 1,150 Illustrations. 31-5. An Album of Estey Pipe Organs for Architects. 31-6. A Catalogue of Architectural Ornaments for Interiors. 31-7. Architectural Leaded Glass Catalogue. 31-8. Factory and Machine Shop Equipment. 31-9. World War I-era Truck Parts. 31-10. Millers Falls Co. References
    • Americana I
    • Americana II
    • Black History
    • Carte Photographs
    • Civil War
    • Civil War Autographs - THE SHAW COLLECTION
    • Confederate
    • Entertainment
    • Ephemera
    • Financial
    • Fixed Price
    • Lincolniana
    • Medical
    • Newspapers
    • Personalities
    • Photography
    • Political
    • Presidential
    • Reference Books
    • Transportation
    • Highlights of Previous Auctions


Please note sale provisions.

1. Americana I

The Earliest Obtainable Version - in any form -
of the first draft of the Bill of Rights

1-1. Including what would become the First and Second Amendments.

Newspaper, Gazette of the United States, N.Y. (then capital of the new nation), June 13, 1789, 4 pp., 10 x 153/4. An organ of George Washington's Federalist Party, the Gazette enjoyed entree to the First Congress, meeting a few blocks away in Manhattan. The newspaper's "biggest supporter was Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, who organized its initial funding and was a primary, albeit anonymous, contributor of letters and essays"--Chronicling America, Library of Congress. Renowned antiquarian William Reese characterizes this issue as "Essentially the earliest version of any form of the Bill of Rights obtainable." (The previous day, the New York Daily Advertiser printed the news, however that issue is considered uncollectible, the Library of Congress database fails to find a single confirmed copy in institutional hands. Equally important, the only newspaper of record was the Gazette, offered here.)

On page 3 of the Gazette, the original nine amendments, less than a week after their introduction in the House by Father of the Constitution, then-Congressman James Madison. Including the words which have shaped the American experience for over two centuries: "That there be prefixed to the constitution a declaration - That all power is originally vested in, and consequently derived from the people. That government is instituted, and ought to be exercised for the benefit of the people; which consists in the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the right of acquiring and using property, and generally of pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. That the people have an indubitable, unalienable and indefeasible right to reform or change their government, whenever it be found adverse or inadequate to the purposes of its institution...." The-then Fourth Amendment (in all, there were some one hundred amendments proposed!) would soon be broken apart, the words "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..." becoming the Second. Some observers have correlated the numbering of the First and Second Amendments with their importance to the Founders. (Astonishingly, over 11,000 amendments to the Constitution have been introduced in Congress to the present day; only 27 have actually been ratified.) Here, Madison framed his text as revisions to the Constitution itself, seeking to safeguard individual rights by specifically enumerating them. "Anti-federalists drew on history and human nature to justify the need for a bill of rights. The corrupting nature of power required written protections for liberties specifying the boundaries which government could not cross...Anti-federalists argued that the Constitution would create a government with dangerous, infinite powers..."--Schechter, Roots of the Republic, pp. 425-27. On p. 3, "While we are obliged to delve and toil to make remittances to the merchants of Britain for manufactures, many of which we pay for, at 50 per cent more than we could furnish them from among ourselves, we are but a little removed from a state of tributary slavery." Serial column, "The Right Constitution of a Commonwealth Examined," continuing from a previous issue. On p. 1, lengthy article "On Emigration": "...The new countries, which owe their populations to emigrations principally from the eastern states, are more indebted to the fertility of human invention...and though from a comparative view from the state of the poor in Europe...they would make a very eligible exchange, in taking the chance of any situation within the boundaries of the United States...." Tortoise-shell foxing lending diffused burl effect; nearly full-height, half-oval waterstain from right margin to center of middle column on both leaves; light chipping at lower right edge, one small V-shaped fragment lacking at lower left spine when removed from binding, else entirely presentable and very good plus. A cornerstone for a comprehensive collection of Americana, and the paramount primary source for the liberties conspicuously under debate in the present day. This issue is among the artifacts showcased at the National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, in their exhibition "American Treasures: Documenting the Nation's Founding." Another example, from the celebrated Caren Collection, realized $31,200 at Swann Galleries in 2012. In the incisive words of their cataloguer at the time, "If any of these rights are dear to your heart, here is your chance to own their first printed expression." As the number of amendments ballooned to seventeen, the all-important phrase "freedom of speech" first appeared in a newspaper on August 29, 1789 (see following lot). $19,000-24,000

The Foundation of American Liberty is Born

1-2. "Freedom of Speech" is enshrined in the Bill of Rights.

Gazette of the United States, N.Y., Aug. 29, 1789, 4 pp., 10 x 153/4. Containing complete draft of the proposed Bill of Rights, now up to seventeen Amendments - and for the first time in its evolution, approving the specific phrase "the freedom of speech." Here, however, the proposed First Amendment (termed "Article 1") concerned the number of members of Congress. Article 5 set forth, "A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, being the best security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...." In the period since Madison's June introduction of the proposed Bill of Rights, vociferous and impassioned debate in the House added the seminal language "the freedom of speech," as well as the core of the future 10th Amendment, reserving powers to the states. By October, the seventeen Amendments had been reduced to twelve, then to the ten immortalized in the final Bill of Rights submitted to the states for ratification. Graduated tortoise-shell foxing, somewhat darker at three margins; drops of coffee-brown writing ink on p. 4, evidently from a dripping quill just raised from a busy patriot's ink bottle, about eighteen ink spots of various sizes, all falling on the two left columns, else very good, with considerable eye appeal and charm for display. An old dealer's slip inserted may be in the hand of Barbara Stuhlmuller, publisher of the delightful Newspaper Collector's Gazette, c. 1969-73. Important issue, off the market since then. $5500-8500

1-3. A Significant Rarity: The First Magazine Appearance of the U.S. Constitution.

The American Museum, or Repository of Ancient and Modern Pieces, &c. Prose and Poetical, Vol. II, No. III, Sept., 1787, (102) pp., 43/4 x 8, printed by Mathew Carey, Philadelphia, 1787. In lovely contemporary maroon, blue, cream, and white marbled wrappers. The Constitution is printed in its entirety - its first appearance in a periodical other than a newspaper - consuming some nine pages, followed by the resolution of the Constitutional Convention submitting it to the states for ratification, and the letter of transmittal, both signed in type by Washington. Issue also contains the first magazine printing of the Northwest Ordnance, an article on punishment by Benjamin Rush, Daniel Boone's adventures, the first six letters of the Federalist, Benjamin Franklin's advice "for those who would wish to remove to America," and much more. The Constitution was passed by the Philadelphia Convention on Sept. 17; this magazine went to press immediately thereafter. This issue must have competed with the Philadelphia newspapers; the Pennsylvania Packet began to publish the text on Sept. 19, with other newspapers following on the 20th and 21st. Carey, born in Ireland, was probably the first Roman Catholic printer in America. Considerable foxing, a few signatures shaken, else its period binding attractive, and generally very good. In Oct. 1987, another example (in a modern binding and with browning, staining, and some marginal chipping) sold at Sotheby Parke Bernet for $3,000. Evans 20196. No copies this issue found online. Core Americana, and extremely scarce. $4500-6500

A Manuscript Draft in Jefferson's Hand -
Prelude to Birth of Multidenominational Education in America

1-4. Jefferson Brings his Forty-Year Dream of Religious Freedom to Fruition.

Fascinating and significant Autograph Manuscript of Thomas Jefferson, unsigned corrected draft, in his fine hand, drafting an agreement between the subscribers and contributors to "Central College near Charlottesville" and the Pres. and Directors of its Literary Fund. C. Apr. 1818 - Jefferson's work here paved the way for Central College becoming the site of the University of Virginia one year later; likely penned at Monticello, complete on one leaf 43/4 x 73/4, filling half of one side, and about three-quarters of verso, penned in rich brown. On a repurposed address-leaf sent to him, retaining black circular postmark and "Thomas" in sender's hand. "Whereas by an act of the Genl. Ass(embly) for appropriating a part of the revenue of the literary fund, to the endowment of an University [sic], & for the appoint(ment) of Comm(issione)rs to enquire & report to the legislature a proper scale for the same, the sd. Commrs. are authorized to receive an voluntary contributions...whether in land, money or other property...for the benefit of the University. Be it therefore known that we the subscribers, Contributors and founders of the establ(ish)ment of the Central College near Charlottesville do hereby authorize & empower the visitors of the sd. Coll(ege) make an absolute conveyance, on cond(itio)n that the lands of the sd. Coll(ege) be ultimately adopted by the legislature as the site of the sd. University...." On verso, Jefferson drafts an invitation to donate to "Central College near Charlottesville": "...The notice to the Contributors that their 1st installment is now due, and request that it may either be deposited in the Richm(on)d Bank of Virg(ini)a, or remitted to the s(u)bscriber at Charl(ottesvill) their convenience...." Jefferson then lists ten contributors and their amounts, including "Albemarle [County] 29360, Cumberland 2090, Fluvanna 1490, Lynchburg 900, Nelson 1052...Wm. Brent, Acquia 100, Winchester 900...," totalling [$]39,387.86, a substantial sum then. Interesting watermark of a seated Sumatran-like goddess. 1" blank square lacking at lower right, perhaps the sender's wax seal removed by Jefferson, old fold wear but no loss of text; expertly Japanized with archival tissue, believed while in possession of Charles Hamilton, the work perhaps done by the renowned Carolyn Horton of New York City. Fine, attractive, and splendid for display. notes, "Successful construction of buildings during the last months of 1817 served to achieve the strategic goal of giving Central College the appearance of an ongoing concern before the legislature reconvened. Lest anyone not know about the rise of Central College, Jefferson's biographer, Dumas Malone, indicates that Jefferson sent a letter, an ‘unsigned communication,' to the Richmond Enquirer. Essentially a progress report, the letter appeared in the newspaper with a laudatory preface by the editor in which Jefferson was identified as the ‘chief founder' of Central College, and expressing the hope that the college would be a ‘future nursery of Science and of Liberty'...The ‘Bill for Establishing a System of Public Education,' drafted by Jefferson in 1817, proposed the same three-tier system that Jefferson, as a young revolutionary, had presented to the Assembly in 1778. It called for free elementary education, followed by tuition-based secondary (collegiate) education, and, for those eligible, entry to a state university...Supporters of a state university were up against numerous factions in the Assembly who did not agree on the structure of an educational system for Virginia, how money from the Literary Fund should be spent, or where a state university, should it be approved, (or) should be located. And then there were political opponents of Jefferson who were simply against anything the ex-President proposed. Debate in the Assembly continued through Jan. and into Feb...." (Jefferson's 1814 manuscript draft bill to create Central College, in Library of Congress, is featured in National Archives' Founders Online.)

As his dream of a Virginia state university eked its way through the halls of the legislature, in choosing the name Central College, Jefferson hoped to communicate that its prospective site, in Charlottesville, was indeed centrally located. Succeeding in coopting "a local academy with a charter and an historically lethargic board, but without faculty, students, buildings, and funds," his plan transformed it into the new Central College. Jefferson's next step would be elevation of Central College to the highest tier of education - Virginia's own state university.

He is generally credited with thus establishing the first multi-denominational university in America (termed by one historian the first trans-denominational such). Jefferson wrote, "We suggest the expediency of encouraging the different religious sects to establish, each for itself, a professorship of their own tenets on the confines of the university so near as that their students may...have the free use of our library and every other accommodation we can give them...By bringing the sects together and mixing them with the mass of other students, we shall soften their asperities [harshness], liberalize and neutralize their prejudices, and make the general religion a religion of peace, reason, and morality."--Jefferson, Writings (1904), Vol. XIX, pp. 405-406, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, Nov. 2, 1822, cited at

Jefferson's motives went even further, however: His design for public education reflected in this manuscript was underpinned by his Statute for Religious Freedom, drafted in 1777. It has been termed "one of the most important documents in American history on the subject of religious liberty. It prohibited government interference or support for religion and became an inspiration for the First Amendment..." It also became an inspiration for Jefferson's concept and implementation creating a home for these freedoms - at Central College, soon to become the University of Virginia. Needless to say, draft manuscripts by the same hand that penned the first draft of the Declaration of Independence are highly desirable. As one navigates Jefferson's precise hand, interspersed with his editing, the reader becomes immersed in his thought processes. Off the market since 1981. Key Americana. $42,000-50,000

1-5. From the First Book Printed by Young Ben Franklin on his own Press.

Leaf printed by Franklin at age of about 22, from latter portion of 1728's The History of the People called Quakers.... About 7 x 11. When his employer Samuel Keimer was unable to complete the work on time, Franklin secured the contract, opening his own print shop. Ben's own press produced the latter section of the book from which this leaf came, Franklin composing type at the rate of "a sheet a day." This text including story of "a young Maid at London" and temptations: "...How often have I adorned my self, as fine in their Fashion as I could make me?...How like a Taudry have you dressed your self?...We must not give ourselves the Liberty to think our own Thoughts, much less act such Abominations...Shall a little Dirt of this World draw away his Mind?..." Dampstaining, semicircular tea(?) stain at edge, corner and fore-edge wear, but still satisfactory. The book was termed "the most important yet published in Philadelphia" at the time. Two years later, Franklin would begin a quarter-century of Poor Richard's Almanack, publishing under the pseudonym Richard Saunders. A leaf from the forward part of the book, printed by Franklin's employer, sold at Heritage (and probably acquired from us decades before) for $81.25 in 2016. Now elusive on the market. • With portrait of Franklin, from painting by Chappel, lithographed on canvas-embossed cream, in late 1960s. Excellent. $110-140 (2 pcs.)

1-6. "Ringing at the Return of Peace."

Dramatic War of 1812-related manuscript bill, "To Ringing the Bell from Dec. 15th [1814] to Mar. 15, 1815, $9.00; To Ringing at the Return of Peace, $1.50." Signed by town bell ringer Caleb Putnam. Newburyport (Mass.), Apr. 4, 1815. 6 x 63/4. Newburyport was a wealthy whaling town. Irregular left edge, nibble at top, else fine and pleasing for display. $75-100

1-7. Revolutionary War Era Playing Cards.

Two, block-printed by hand on French board. 21/8 x 31/4. Black; 3 and 4 of spades. Vestiges of French lettering on verso, in red and brown. One with light waterstain at lower left quadrant; minor wear, else about fine. Unconditionally guaranteed to be of Revolutionary War period. The last of a 1970s find of noted N.Y.C. dealer Peter Hlinka. Now rare. Wonderful for display. $90-130 (2 pcs.)

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2. Colonial & Revolutionary War

First Edition of "the First Important Historical Work by an American Woman"

2-1. Significant Set of a Key Chronicle of the Revolutionary War.

History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution..., by Mercy (Otis) Warren, of Plymouth, Mass., printed by Manning and Loring, for E. Larkin, Boston, 1805. Very rare first edition. Complete 3-volume set, intriguing period-style 3/4 saddle-brown leather over marbled boards, 51/4 x 81/4, 447, 412, and 475 pp., respectively. Fascinating treatment of the war - and termed by Howes' US-iana "the first important historical work by an American woman" - the author having known many of its leading figures personally. (Her literary mentor was John Adams.) Spanning the Stamp Act, through the Declaration, War, and Constitution, the richly eloquent prose, fortified with her footnotes, belies a degree of detail and perception gained by the author. Actually drafting the book in real time as the events unfolded, her temporary bouts of blindness, and deaths of three of her five sons extended the printing date into the next century. "The dread of slavery in free nations, has at all times produced more virtues than the principles of their political institutions. This dread hung heavily on the most sober and judicious...of the inhabitants of America...The period was now arrived, when America felt her wrongs, without hope of redress, and supported her own rights by assuming her rank as a distinct nation on the political theatre..."--pp. 302-303. Though optimistic about the future of the new nation, she insisted that true liberty could only be the expression of a virtuous citizenry, and could not be maintained merely through institutions. Jefferson praised the book as a "truthful and insightful account...a more instructive lesson to mankind than any equal period known in history." Evidently ex-lib., with evidence of spine markings rubbed at lower compartments; 1/2 x 31/4 fragment removed years ago from top right of each title leaf, restored with inlays; Vol. 2 retaining part of manuscript date "180-," suggesting bindings were done slightly after publication and first ownership but before about 1825; text with varied but unobjectionable light waterstains, modest occasional foxing or toning. Vol. 1: front cover and blank endleaf detached, old ink spill at lower left quadrant of cover, variable but light waterstain at parts of right margin, intermittent foxing. Vols. 2 and 3: trifle shelf lean, outer hinges cracked but strong. Else, internally all surprisingly crisp, and about very fine or better. No examples of first edition on WorldCat locates only microfiche. US-iana W-122. $3200-4200 (3 vols.)

2-2. The Prison Ship "Jersey" - Scourge of the Revolution.

Very rare orders to one of the most notorious ships of olde, the British prison ship Jersey. Declared unseaworthy by the time of the Revolution, it was anchored in the bay of the future Brooklyn Navy Yard, witnessing the cruel demise of some 8,000 American, Spanish, and French prisoners-of-war and privateers. Colonial manuscript order signed by (Earl of) Winchelsea (as First Lord of the Admiralty), C. Hardy (Gov. of Colony of New York, "Rear Admiral of the Blue," at Siege of Louisbourg), and Jno. Phillipson, three "Com(missione)rs for executing the Office of Lords high Admiralty of Great Britain & Ireland &c.," and by Tho. Corbett (Secretary to the Admiralty). June 20, 1744, 73/4 x 12, 1 p. To "Capt. (Charles) Hardy, Comdr. of His Maj(esty)s Ship the Jersey at Plymouth, By Command of their Lordships, Tho. Corbett." "In addition to the Order you will receive herewith, for calling off the Bar of Topsham in your way to Spithead, you are hereby required and directed to call in like manner off of Dartmouth & Weymouth, and to bring from those Parts all such Trade as shall be willing & desirous to accompany you, and see them in safety as far as your way and theirs lies together...." Very minor edge toning, else very fine and attractive. Issued in the month Hardy took command of the Jersey and sailed for North America, the ship took a pummeling the next year against the French, "in one of the most desperate engagements on record." By 1776, the Jersey became such a breeding ground for pestilence that it had to be removed from Manhattan Island to malarious Brooklyn. "Of all the ships that were ever launched, the ‘Old Jersey' is the most notorious. Never before or since, in the dark annals of human sufferings, has so small a space enclosed such a heavy weight of misery. No other prison has destroyed so many human beings in so short a space of time. And yet the Jersey was once as staunch and beautiful a vessel as ever formed a part of the Royal Navy..."--American Prisoners of the Revolution, Dandridge, Chap. XXIV. Modern research accompanies. Jersey-related material is seldom seen. A dramatic list of the ship's 8,000 prisoners, reprinted from 1888, may be seen at A massive Prison Ship Martyrs Monument, dedicated in 1908 but its gravitas forgotten til recently, stands over the reinterred remains of some of the Jersey's prisoners, in Brooklyn's Fort Greene Park. $450-600

2-3. Wooden Guns for a Warship.

Manuscript invoice, French & Indian War, Boston, Dec. 27, 1757, in hand of Samuel Phillips, to Capt. Alex(ande)r Inglish, 6 x 71/2. "To Mr. John Doane's Passage from Boston to the west Indies in my Ship Boston, £8; To his Victualing on Board While in the west Indies, £4; Paid Thornton & Brewer for Making 22 Wooden Guns for You...22 Tompkins [plugs?] for the Guns...11 pr. Hinges for d(itt)o...." • With A.L.S. of Wm. Stoddard, Just(ice of the) Peace, Boston, Sept. 28, 1765, 53/4 x 6. "John Gould personally appeared & made oath that he has not...received any of the Bills of Credit of the Neighboring Governments of Conn., Rhode Island or New Hampshire, in order to have Extension...." Stoddard was also a director of the unconventional "Land Bank of 1740 and Manufactory Co.," serving with Sam Adams' father. The bank's loans were payable in their own "Manufactory Notes" or in actual hemp, flax, cordage, bar-iron, or cast iron--Currency and Banking in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, Davis, Vol. 2, p. 133. Gould was evidently also a Justice of the Peace in colonial Mass. Each item with some toning, else about fine and attractive. $100-130 (2 pcs.)

2-4. Setting the Stage for the French & Indian War - Signed by the Owner of Bedloe's Island.

French & Indian War manuscript order signed by British Capt. Arch(ibal)d Kennedy, (Jr.), "Agent to the Transports now lying at New York," and commander of the Royal Navy station at N.Y., Aug. 19, 1756, 7 x 12. To Tobias Ten Eyck, Master of the Sloop Christine. "By authority to me given by the...Principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy, You are hereby receive from on board the several Transport Ships named in the margin [Mary, Neptune, Caple, Prince Frederick, and Earl of Halifax] all the Baggage and Stores they shall send...belonging to Lt. Gen. Otway's Regt...During the time of your L(o)ading you are to hoist an Ensign in its proper place...." Light old waterstaining lending a rich cream patination, breaks but no separation at center horizontal fold, handling evidence, else about very good, and highly displayable. Research reveals that this order was issued by Kennedy on the very day he received a letter from Col. John Stanwix. Tasked with organizing the famed Royal American Regiment, Stanwix would soon construct Fort Stanwix to guard New York's Mohawk Valley, and Fort Pitt, to defend Pittsburgh. "It is quite a commentary on the inefficiency of British military and civil organization at the time that paying for the equipping of even the most crucial regiments, at a dangerous juncture of a major war, was not the responsibility of the national government but of each individual regiment. And these regiments, in turn, had to deal with the individual ships that had carried their goods"--Raab Collection. Five years earlier, Kennedy had authored a slender work (not present), "The Importance of Gaining and Preserving the Friendship of the Indians to the British Interest." Noting that Indians excelled in "Skulking, Surprizing and Killing...," he lamented the number of Germans in Pennsylvania, fearing that colonists "must live as in a foreign Country." During the French & Indian War, Kennedy earned some £250,000 - a fortune - in prize money. Becoming the leading property owner in Old New York, he actually held title to Bedloe's Island, on which the Statue of Liberty would one day be built. Fleeing his home at No. 1 Broadway in Manhattan, Kennedy House became Washington's residence in 1776, then headquarters of British Gens. Howe and Clinton. Kennedy is co-subject of a fascinating monograph, "Empire and Authority in Colonial New York - The Political Thought of Archibald Kennedy and Cadwallader Colden," by Prof. Paul Tonks. Very scarce, with rich and engaging subtext. $425-650

2-5. 1759: "The Year the British Became Master of the World."

Highly interesting group of six manuscript documents from the Seven Years' War, with vivid subtext, relating to an Engineers Regt. in Guadeloupe, West Indies, mid-Feb.-Mar. 1759. Discovered by Columbus, later this year its two islands surrendered to the British - not knowing that a large French relief force was just days away. All signed on verso by Will(iam) Cuninghame, "Commander in Chief" of this expedition that would make Britain masters of the world (see below), and by varying officers, including Jno. Bacon, Lt. William Carter, Walter Home, Lt. Gabriel Lewis, Thos. Richards, Jno. Roche, and Head Carpenter Richd. Collins. Prepared for John Barnes, Commissary of Stores and Pay Master to Artillery. (Cuninghame appears in The Campaign for the Sugar Islands, 1759: A Study of Amphibious Warfare, by Smelser.) Comprising: Three lists of "Working Party of the King's Own Regt.," double column, 71/2 x 12, each a different day in Feb. Including "7 Artificers, 1 Drum(mer)...." Some dampstaining, wear at two fold junctions, but about very good. • List of "Working men...," Bastra Camp (probably a corruption of Guadeloupe's principal island, Basse-Terra). Fold wear, some entries light but legible, satisfactory. • List of "Working Party of 65(th) Regt.," 3 x 12. Including "1 Mason, 32 Privates...." • Penned on one sheet, four pay receipts for soldiers John Largo and John Thompson, 9 x 9. Fold wear, light stains. A month before, the British had opened fire on Basse-Terra, "reducing it to a heap of blackened ruins"--1759: The Year the British Became Master of the World, McLynn. By February, the British were "on the brink of destruction," with over 2,000 of their troops sick from the climate. Guadeloupe was returned to the French in 1763, in exchange for - Canada. A forgotten watershed of modern history, fascinating for further study. $400-650 (6 pcs.)

2-6. A Soldier Writes from Washington's Headquarters.

A.L.S. of patriot Abel Whitting, Cambridg(e), (Mass.) - then site of Washington's headquarters, "ye 17th 1776" (separate marking suggesting March or May; the British evacuated in Mar.), to "Honoured Father and Mother," 33/4 x 81/2. "These lines come with my deutty [sic] to you to let you know that I am well through the Blessings of God, hoping these lines will find you the same. We expect to march today. I have nothing remarkable to Write. Nothing new. I remember my love to all enquiring Friends...I remain your deuttyfull Son untill death." From Hanover, Mass., Whitting (spelled Whiting in most printed sources) served in Capt. Joseph Soper's Company in 1776, marching to Bristol that year. His company might have included black troops, as the roll includes such names as Prince Curtis, Snow Curtis, and Cuffy Josselyn. Neatly irregular edges top and bottom, where removed by writer from a larger sheet before penning his letter; deckle edge at right, old vertical folds, light soiling, some wear, else about very good. Ex-Milton Slater Collection. All Revolutionary War soldier's letters are now uncommon. Poignant for display. $425-600

2-7. Chocolate and Rum for the Troops.

A.D.S. of enigmatic Capt. Ben Walker, aide-de-camp to Gen. von Steuben at Valley Forge, formally adopted by him, and made his heir; later member of Washington's staff. Probably New York State, Aug. 26, 1777, 21/4 x 71/4. "Recd. of Mr. Currie(?) - Nineteen pounds & half of Sugar, twenty-four pound(s) of Chocolate & half a Gallon of Rum - for Col. Livington's Regt." Some very light blind creases at right portion, else fine, and highly displayable. Revolutionary War military documents mentioning chocolate are very rare. $250-325

2-8. Oil for her Brother in the Revolution.

Letter of Finis Peters, Medfield (Mass.), Sept. 10, 1775, to her brother "Capt. Nathan Peters at Roxbury," 51/4 x 8. "These few lines leave us in health. I hope they will find you so. I went with Sister as far as Uxbridge, parted with her at Dr. Reed's(?) on Wed. She was then in health. I have got the Oil according to your desire. I(t) cost one Shilling...." Serving in the 6th Mass. Regt., through at least Jan. to Dec. 1776 Peters commanded his own eponymous company in the 3rd Mass. Regt. Continental Infantry, at the Battles of Frogs Point (Throgs Neck in The Bronx), White Plains, and Trenton. His nine siblings included Adam and Eve. Upper hemisphere of interesting circular watermark. Address panel on verso. Fold wear, residue of red wax seal on writer's last name, blank upper right corner torn, toning from minor old dampstaining, else very satisfactory. $130-160

2-9. Wood for Gen. Schuyler's Guard.

L.S. of Commander M(arinus) Willett, "one of the truly outstanding American leaders of the Revolution...a fiery and effective Son of Liberty..."--Boatner. Albany, Feb. 5, 1780, to Deputy Quarter Master, Albany. 41/2 x 9. "Issue Wood for Ten Men belonging to Gen. Schuyler's Guard(?) for the present Month." Below, also signed by John Beekman, "Recd. of Nicholas Quackenbush...One Cord of wood." A New York City merchant, til Jan. 1776 Beekman had been a Lt. in 1st N.Y. (His Lower East Side residence had the distinction of being the oldest known house in Manhattan - at the time it was demolished for public housing, in 1936! Beekman's Cherry Street neighbors later included newly-elected George Washington.) Willett commanded Fort Constitution, opposite West Point, though ironically he became virulently anti-Federalist and opposed the actual Constitution. Later Washington's personal representative, making a peace treaty with the Creek Indians, Willett was Mayor of New York, and is memorialized in Walter Edmonds' work, Drums Along the Mohawk. Watermark with beaded crown, enclosing three fleurs-de-lis, and date "1780." Deckled right edge. Very light edge toning, else fresh and very fine. Beekman's signature is very scarce. $240-300

2-10. Rivaling John Hancock's Signature.

Strikingly attractive large A.D.S. of future Conn. Gov. John Treadwell, considered its last Puritan Governor. Here issuing a summons to a Constable, Treadwell's flamboyant signature nearly on a par with Hancock's for conspicuity. Farmington (Conn.), Nov. 17, 1783, 9 x 101/2. Ordering Gilbert Hart to appear at Treadwell's "Dwelling House," who had trespassed "with Force and Arms, and against the Mind & Will of the Plaintiff." Hart entered a barn, thrashed a quantity of wheat, in the process "through the unskilful and Imprudent Management" of a flail, damaging the barn's floor and destroying additional wheat. Docketing on verso itemizing nine items in plaintiff's bill of cost, including "3 Witnesses," "Travail," "Travel 10 Miles," and Trial. Docketed by Constable Zebulon Frisbie. Treadwell, "Father of common school education," was twice elected to the Confederation Congress, antecedent of the modern Congress provided for in the Constitution - but never attended. Broken at horizontal center fold, neatly reinforced on verso with four old paper strips; moderate waterstaining at top and bottom, some edge fray at blank bottom right, else very satisfactory, and a bold signature that likely struck fear into the hearts of those being summoned. (Request photograph.) $225-300

2-11. Renting an Island off the Bronx Coast in 1776.

Very rare D.S. of Joseph Rodman "of New Rochelle in the...Province of New York," with two other Bronx-Westchester notables. Indenture, May 14, 1776, 8 x 111/2 irregular. Blind-embossed paper seal. One-year rental to John R. Myer of "that Certain Island New Rochelle...Commonly called...Rodman's Island, Containing...60 Acres ...Together with all...the Houses, Barnes, Orchards, Fences, Trees, Timber, footings, Pastures, Meadows, Marshes, Swamps, Ways, Waters, Water Courses, Mines & Minerals of all sorts whatsoever (except Gold & Silver mines)...." Annual rent, 10 Shillings and "One Pepper Corn only if the same shall be Lawfully demanded." With signatures of witnesses Rutger Bleecker and Theod(osius) Bartow. Uniform caramel toning, nearly separated at horizontal center fold, torn fragment at top folded back but present, else darkly penned, good plus, and displaying well. Running a grist mill, Rodman was part of a growing Quaker presence on Long Island Sound. His house - today the oldest in New Rochelle - was also sold to Myers by 1776, used during the Revolution as a British hospital for their wounded soldiers. By the following century, the home had evolved into an elegant country seat. Within memory, the feature known as Rodman's Neck, in what is today The Bronx's Pelham Bay, was an almost magical area, filled with both American Indian and colonial artifacts. Bulldozed into oblivion for an NYPD shooting range, it no longer exists except in name. Witness Rutger Bleecker, of the famed Dutch family of Old New York, was a major landowner, including practically the whole of today's Utica. Bartow was descended from John Pell, proprietor of the colonial manor of Pelham. The Bartow Mansion survives nearby, and is a landmarked attraction. Rodman's buyer here, John Myer, owned land from Harlem to Cooperstown. The first Rodman autograph we have handled, with rich Bronx, New York City, Westchester, and Revolutionary War association. $400-600

"I sympathize with the brave wounded persons..."

2-12. Medicine in the American Revolution.

Fascinating assemblage of fifteen manuscript and partly printed documents, some significant, signed by or relating to thirteen named surgeons and doctors of the War for Independence. (Two surgeons have a pair of documents each.)

"The coming of the Revolution found Americans ill equipped for military action. Medically, the colonies were especially handicapped. With their source of surgical equipment and most medicines discontinued by the termination of trade with England, and with a scarcity of well-trained physicians and surgeons - and only one medical school in all the revolting colonies - the situation called for tremendous contributions of energy and service by the few who were qualified to perform medical services..."--Thesis by William Trammell Snyder, Jr., University of Maryland.

Collection comprising: D.S. of "David Adams, Surgeon," Hartford, Oct. 26, 1780, 7 x 71/4. Variant Pay-Table-Committee receipt for his service. With, manuscript document, Canterbury (Conn.), Nov. 13, 1780, 31/4 x 73/4, certifying that "Doct. David Adams of Canterbury Ingag(e)d and Serv(e)d as a Surgeon in the fourth Regt. of the Connecticut line of the Continental Army Commanded by Col. Durkee...." Signed by Selectmen Asa Mason and Jos. Ensworth. • D.S. of "Noah Coleman, Surg(eo)n," Hartford, Nov. 6, 1782, 63/4 x 7. Receipt for his considerable pay, over £258. With, manuscript document, Lebanon (Conn.), Nov. 5, 1782, 33/4 x 81/4, certifying that "Doctr. Noah Coleman served (as) a Surgeon in the Conn. Line of the Continental Army in the Year 1780." Because of the financial crisis (giving rise to the expression "not worth a Continental"), the doctor was not paid for nearly two years. Records indicate he served as a Surgeon from 1776; an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati, Coleman did not receive his War pension til 1797. • Manuscript pay order to "Doctr. Joshua Elderkin," with his two-line holograph endorsement and signature on verso, Hartford, Mar. 12, 1777, 5 x 71/4. • Manuscript pay order to "Doctr. Reuben Linsley," probably Hartford, Apr. 14, 1780, 61/4 x 71/2.

• Also, rare style partly printed pay order to (Dr.) Joseph Gardner, Philadelphia, Apr. 5, 1779, 63/4 x 81/2, signed by Penna. General Assembly Speaker John Bayard, and boldly below by Gardner, "Received the Contents...." For Gardner's "Wages as a Member of Assembly for 63 Days, and the Sum of £13 for his Mileage 52 Miles...." Two blank corners lacking, some wear at folds, else very good. Bayard, an early Son of Liberty, and member 1776 Penna. Committee of Safety, was cited by Washington for his gallantry at the Battle of Princeton. Gardner was Surgeon in 12th Continental Regt. • Unusual leaf, each side containing a different A.D.S. of (Dr.) Edw(ard) Hand, Ft. Pitt (as Commander), Apr. 16, 1778, 41/4 x 61/4. Instructing Paymaster to remit to Capt. James O'Hara, "it being for the pay of his Compy. of Regulars to and at Fort Pitt..."; on verso, Hand requests pay for Lt. Wm. Jack "of Capt. Saml. Moorehead's Indepdt. Compy... Stationed at the Kittaning & Fort Hand...." Bottom text of salutation at lower left trimmed, where removed from a ledger. Crossing the Delaware with Washington on Christmas night 1776, the Irish-trained Hand rose to Brig. Gen., later a member of Congress of the Confederation. His material is rare. • Brief A.D.S. of "A. Holbrook, Surg.," Sept. 2, 1778, 2 x 7, certifying that "Asa Pierce has had the Small Pox & is Clean from that Infection." Greyish ink light but legible, some toning, foxing, and wear, but satisfactory. In colonial Connecticut, it was believed that smallpox was spread by "pedlars, hawkers, and petty chap men." • Partly printed pay order to "Doctr. Amos Mead," Conn., Apr. 2, 1783, 5 x 61/2. Auditing signature of Hez(ekiah) Rogers. Postwar, Mead was a member of Congress voting for ratification of the Constitution. • D.S. of "Jno. Simpson, Surgn., 5th Conn. (Regt.)," partly printed, Hartford, Jan. 22, 1781, 63/4 x 71/4. • A.D.S. of "Thos. Skinner, Surgn.," Camp Connecticut Hills(?), June 25, 1782, 3 x 9, certifying that "Josiah Wheeler, a Soldier in the 5th Conn. Regt., is in a Consumption, for which reason he is recommended for a discharge from the Service." Also signed by Lt. Col. Comdg. Isaac Sherman. Considerable foxing (though improveable with conservation), else good plus. Skinner a "surgeon in many battles, 1779-83"--Lineage Book, D.A.R. • Partly printed pay order to "Doct. Philip Turner, Jun(r).," Conn., Nov. 18, 1781, 51/4 x 6. Turner's interesting signature in center of verso, with final stroke of "r" trailing for two inches. Auditing signature of (Brig. Gen. Jedidiah) Huntington. Impassioned pleas from Turner for his war pay - not paid til 1808 - appear in the Papers of Thomas Jefferson. Turner recounts for the Pres. how he served "from the first Action at Bunker-Hill." • Highly attractive manuscript pay order to (Surgeon) Joseph B. Wadsworth, Hartford, Sept. 15, 1777, 6 x 81/4, signed by James Church - a seldom-seen name on Conn. pay orders, and by Wadsworth on verso. Darkly penned in a flamboyant hand. "The handsomest man...," Wadsworth was noted for his "large three-cornered hat, scarlet coat, white or yellow vest...and topped boots..."--History of Ancient Windsor, Conn., 1859 (modern copy accompanies).

• A.L.S. of pioneer patriot Maryland doctor C(harles Frederick) Wiesenthal, "Baltimore Town," Jan. 15, 1781, 63/4 x 9. "The Bearer arriving at 4 o'clock this afternoon, the preparing the Bark [certainly for medicinal purposes] required some little Time so that the Messenger was detained til 8 in the Evening. I sympathize with the brave wounded persons and shall be always ready to assist (th)em in any manner (to) my ability...The Bark is very fresh and good." Some toning, mostly in lower blank and lightly-written half, lacking semicircular fragment at blank left where opened, else very good. The Prussian-born Wiesenthal, said to have been physician to Frederick the Great, was Surgeon-Major, then Surgeon-Gen. of the 1st Maryland Battalion during the Revolution, and termed the most important German-American in old Baltimore (its growth between 1755-70 was greater than any other town in the colonies, with population increasing twentyfold). "He issued what may have been the first appeal in recorded history - on either side of the Atlantic - for women and homemakers to provide materials for bandages," in a 1776 issue of the Maryland Gazette--Snyder. At onset of the War, Wiesenthal conceived a triad of fixed, garrison, and moving or flying hospitals, for troops in the field. He is credited as "the first surgeon to use a four-wheeled vehicle to transport injured soldiers and other patients, and on a number of occasions marched with Maryland troops - and served with them in battle...." Attempting to establish Maryland's first medical society, with examination and licensing requirements, he is credited with formalizing the apprenticeship method of training young doctors, taking students into his home. Using the press to attack medical quackery, Wiesenthal became object of the Baltimore Dissection Riots. He "seemed to establish a type of private Red Cross a century ahead of the actual establishment"; a fascinating thesis on him accompanies. His material is excessively rare, a letter with Revolutionary War medical content especially so. $3200-4000 (15 pcs.)

2-13. "To the Forces of the United States of America": Paying 7/72nds of a Dollar for Hospital Stores.

Two related Continental Army orders, on both sides of leaf: A.L.S. of (Dr.) Isaac Foster, "D(eputy) Direct(o)r Genl., East(ern) Dept.," Cambridge (Mass.), Nov. 12, 1777, 71/4 x 91/4. To Saml. Barret(t) & Company. "You are hereby apply to the hon. Maj. Gen. Heath, for his warrant on Deputy pay master Gen., for $6,364 and 7 pence...lawfull money, it being the balance of an account due to you, for purchases made for use of the Hospitals under my Direction...." •On verso, D.S. of (Brig. Gen.) W(illiam) Heath, Seth Loring, Jr., and "Saml. Barrett & Co.," H.Q., Nov. 15, 1777. To Eleazer Hancock, "Deputy Pay Master Gen. to the Forces of the United States of America - Pay Saml. Barrett & Co. $6,364 and Seven Seventy-Seconds of a Dollar, to enable them to pay for Sundry Hospital Stores purchased by order of Doctr. Foster, D.D. Genl. of Hospitals in the Eastern Dept...." Foster was a "member of the first Provincial Congress of Mass., Oct. 1774. After the battle of Concord, he gave up a large practice and came here to attend the wounded..."--An Historic Guide to Cambridge, Mass. D.A.R. (Ironically, a General Order issued by Washington in 1775 referred to Foster as "President Doctor Foster," the title evidently for Foster's heading a Court of Enquiry.) Two years later, Foster wrote to his friend John Adams, imploring, "...I much wish some plan was settled and known for the military medical Dept., it would promote the enlistment of Soldiers...." Foster remained with the Continental Army through at least 1779. Old pale purplish dampstains at one margin, affecting text only on Heath side; breaks at two horizontal folds repaired with modern tape, lacking 3/4 x 11/2 lower blank corner, triangular fragment lacking at edge, wear, but still good. With original full-size filing wrapper with contemporary docketing, also dampstained and worn. Uncommon early use of "United States of America" in a manuscript document - and fascinating denomination of a fractional dollar. $850-1200 (2 pcs.)

2-14. The Finale of the Revolution: Rochambeau Signs at Yorktown one day after Britain's Surrender.

Splendid and highly significant manuscript field commission bearing signed 7-line holograph passage in hand of "Le Comte de Rochambeau," the celebrated commander of French Army in America, partnering with Washington in the decisive campaign clinching victory at Yorktown. Headed "Armee De Rochambeau - Corps du Genie, au Camp D'York[town, Va.]," Oct. 21, 1781, 8 x 121/4. Also with full-column signed passage in hand of Le Chevalier De Sales, and a briefer statement of Querenet De La Combe. Dated the day after British surrender, concerning thanks due Chevalier de Palys, Lt. Col. in the Corps Royal, " est passe en Amerique avec le Comte de Rochambeau où il a fait le siège d'York...." Rochambeau, in his holograph endorsement, concurs: "...sous ma decision il a servi avec zèle et subordination et ce dans tout le siège" (roughly, "Under my decision he has served with zeal and subordination and this in the entire siege"). With French transcription.

Arriving in Newport the previous year, Rochambeau "faced a difficult task. Up until his arrival in America the French Alliance had been a frustrating disappointment to the patriots..."--Boatner. Though speaking no English, and with no familiarity with American life, he joined forces with Washington in the plans to recapture New York City. His French troops "dazzling the provincials with their brilliant uniforms, their bands, and their military precision," Rochambeau is credited with much of the success of the Yorktown Campaign - and American independence. Suitably, Britain's surrender document had been countersigned - one day before - by Washington and his new friend Rochambeau. Cornwallis, claiming illness following surrender, had his deputy ask his French escort to point out Rochambeau. "The Guardsman then raced ahead to present himself to this officer. With devastating savoir faire Rochambeau pointed across the road to Washington...Although we know that the Revolution virtually ended at Yorktown, this was by no means obvious at the time...." With one of the most elaborate watermarks we have seen in some time, an intricately detailed crest with rose medallions, topped with fleur-de-lis, 61/2" high. Dark cream toning at lower margin, and soft file creases along vertical right, both passing through Rochambeau's last line and signature; two diagonal soft creases through blank area, balance remarkably fresh, highly attractive, and fine. Rochambeau material has always been scarce; the date and content of this item render it a landmark item for a Revolutionary War collection. $2200-2700

2-15. Washington's Top General at the Surrender.

Document Signed of B(enjamin) Lincoln, as Collector of Customs, Marblehead, Mass., 1804, 5 x 91/2 oblong, all edges deckled. Blind-embossed Seal of U.S. With details of cask of wine imported from Bordeaux. Impressing Washington, Lincoln was among the five made Maj. Gen. in Feb. 1777, his commission among those infuriating Benedict Arnold. Severely wounded at Saratoga and surrendering Charleston in "the greatest British triumph of the war to that time" (--Boatner), Lincoln served as Washington's Secretary of War, 1781-83. Picked to lead the American element of the allied army marching south to Yorktown, mystique has developed over Lincoln's role - with Rochambeau (see above lot) - at the surrender. Noted historians have debated whether Lincoln received Cornwallis' sword; whether myth or fact, Lincoln led a fascinating life, postwar a member of Constitutional Convention. Pristine condition. $130-170

2-16. "New York City During the American Revolution."

Privately printed book, "Being a collection of original papers (now first published) from the manuscripts in possession of Mercantile Library Association of N.Y.C.," 1861, 73/4 x 101/4, 194 pp. + bibliography, folding frontispiece map from Valentine's Manual; fore-edges deckled, variant blind-tooled forest-green grosgrain cloth, spine covered with later brown buckram strip with hand-lettered title. Comprising fascinating essays on original documents in the Tomlinson Collection, on N.Y.C. between the years of the 1765 Stamp Act Riot and British evacuation in 1783. Including extensive footnotes. "...Until Sept. 1776, the city was the scene of no ordinary excitement. Patriots and loyalists dwelt here together, but the lines which distinguished them were fast being drawn. The British soldiers and Sons of Liberty were mutually exasperating each other...The struggle against foreign usurpation...was now taking that determined form which was to lead to victory and independence...." Among the now-forgotten subjects treated: "The N.Y. Loyalists of 1776 - Addresses to Lord and Gen. Howe...with the names of nearly 1,000 signers." Thus was the Declaration of Dependence created. Its signators included Frederick Philipse, once the richest man in Old New York, on whose formal lawn the Cohasco Building later rose. Old pencil checkmarks and marginal lines suggest this might have been a printer's proof, and the binding supplied in an unglued state, to permit lie-flat proofreading by customer; all signatures sewn but showing no traces of glue where normally secured to spine. Blotted ink at blank bottom of "Introduction" page, some corners worn from absence of a fixed spine, dark cream marginal toning, else internally very good. Very rare in any state. Curiously, of the few copies on WorldCat, two are in Germany. $325-425

2-17. Rare Anti-Slavery, Pro-Independence Chronicle - by an Englishman.

Book, Records of Patriotism and Love of Country, by William Bailey, Washington, 1826 (second ed.), 51/2 x 83/4, 216 pp., original moss-green boards, brown linen spine, portion of spine label remaining. An incendiary pro-American review of people and events of the War for Independence - penned by a Briton, disguised by a bogus Washington, D.C. imprint. "The Declaration of Independence of America was one of the noblest efforts of a united people extant in history...fought out of the fire and wrath of fierce and powerful enemies...[Blacks] cannot by man be made slaves...In the state of Virginia...the sons of Africa, when restored by some generous planter to their birthright of liberty, forfeit the protection of a master without securing the guardianship of the law...Every independent-minded Briton must detest and abominate the reign of George III, if it were only for his conduct towards America," blaming the King's misfortunes - even his blindness - on his anti-colonial stance. "His ministers, counsellors, and advisers ...may be damned to their own dearly believed hell-flames 9,000 years..." (pp. v, 129, 162). Howe's US-iana later remarked, "Based largely on Alex. Garden's Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War, this bitterly anti-British compilation from an English pen had to be issued with a counterfeit American imprint." (On the last page appears a diminutive "Drakard and Wilson, Printers, Stamford.") Two period ink signatures of reader Jno. Kirk, succeeded by multiple pencil signatures of Samuel Shireman, Maytown, Lancaster County, Pa. Two endleaves at rear removed; text block opened but uncut, numerous leaves retaining deckled edges; spine cloth perished, covers much worn, circular waterstain overlapping title page, light foxing, shaken, but still very satisfactory. Few books of the era - certainly by an Englishman - are filled with such pro-American fire. Howes US-iana B36. Shoemaker 23572. Very scarce. $200-250

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3. Art & Decor

3-1. Period Oil Painting of King Philip V, Founder of the Bourbons.

A splendid period portrait of the first Bourbon King of Spain (1700-24 and 1724-46), one of a modest quantity produced in a royal workshop to be sent to Spanish consuls in the New World, for display. About 223/4 x 28, in appealing, very old, wide gilt frame, possibly original to portrait. Here, King Philip is wearing a golilla (Spanish collar), the Order of the Golden Fleece, and diagonal sash. One of three dull sienna seals on verso of frame intact (photo available), bearing distinctive coat-of-arms including a rampant lion on five-coronet crowned shield, and "party per bend sinister," the band running from lower left to upper right, normally indicating the seal owner was illegitimate. Further research may reveal the identity of the original owner. Expertly cleaned and conserved years ago, still very much darkened, hair graduating into solid background, else porcelain-like glaze, and very fine. Frame with several flakes, patination to soft old brassy toning, else sound and ready to hang, with modern sash chain for safety.

The longest reign in modern Spanish history, Philip's was dramatic, seeing the loss of Gibraltar to the British, and Milan, Naples, Sardinia, Sicily, and the Spanish Netherlands to Austria. Retaining Spanish America, the commissioning and shipment of this portrait there was intended to fortify his image and power. Indeed, silver from Spain's mines in the New World bankrolled the thousands employed at Philip's palaces at home. Ultimately, his largesse exceeded income, and the country effectively declared bankruptcy in 1739. It was not surprising that French ideas and institutions gained foothold in his royal court: his grandfather was King Louis XIV of France, and his father Louis, le Grand Dauphin. Exuding mystery, a compelling, evocative item for display, such portraits now seldom on the market. The more elaborate, full-body painting, by Catalán-born Hyacinthe Rigaud c. 1701, said to have inspired the present item, hangs in the Louvre. To this day, the museum in Xátiva - the Spanish town ordered burned by Philip - hangs his portrait upside down. $525-725

3-2. Original Drawing of an Enduring Fable.

Intriguing original drawing depicting Leda and the Swan, the latter seemingly speaking, as Leda reclines in a massive horn of plenty. Judged c. 1675-1775, signed Johan Manse(?). Pen and brown ink, with wash in tones of grey, executed with a charming level of skill. 7 x 8. Both a story from Greek mythology and a recurring theme in art, Zeus, in the form of a swan, seduced Leda. Bearing two of Zeus' children - including Helen - Leda also bore those of her husband, King of Sparta. Given new life by Yeats' poem "Leda and the Swan," it has fascinated artists, writers, and beholders alike for milennia, appearing on everything from 1st-century Roman oil lamps to jewelry and in art. Interestingly, the era in which this drawing is judged to have been done, based on paper, ink, and other clues, saw depictions of Leda and the Swan take "something of a hiatus in the 18th and early 19th centuries...." Before then, the subject had been "largely confined to Italy, and sometimes France - Northern versions are rare"--The Mirror of the Gods: How Renaissance Artists Rediscovered the Pagan Gods, Malcolm Bull, Oxford University Press, 2005. Hence, the present drawing may be notable both for its time period and locale, "Johan" obviously being neither a typical Italian nor French name. Edge tears and small marginal fragments lacking, some dust soiling, professionally inlaid and rebacked, and very satisfactory. $175-250

3-3. Enameled in the Age of Alexander III.

Elaborately crafted 1887 Imperial Russian shooting medal, multi-color enamel on silver(?), hollow mushroom shape, about 1 x 11/4, 3/16" thick, ventilated tooled sphere one side, "Preobrazhenka [Ukraine] / III / 18-87 / XI" (Nov. 3, 1887), during reign of Emperor Alexander III, father of the last Czar. On reverse, gilded crossed rifles, translated "Garden Shooting - 2nd Prize." Looped for suspension. Letters charmingly enameled in alternating blue, mint green, and crimson; vinery both sides in emerald green enamel. Enamel in vinery about 80%, elsewhere 95%; pleasing patina, and generally fine. (Untested for precious metal content.) A fascinating artifact of Imperial Russia. Two years earlier, Alexander's military advances took Russia to the doorstep of Afghanistan. Ironically, the region of this medal's shooting contest is today also under Russian siege. Rare. $140-180

3-4. The Snake Charmer and her Cobras.

Original Indian artwork of a female snake-charmer, Delhi School, c. 18th century, 6 x 81/4, with old pencil notation "Ragini Asavari" - a heroine playing a melody of the early morning, the name taken from an ancient jungle tribe renowned for its snake-charming skill. Wearing only an elaborate pearl necklace and skirt of green leaves, she is seated on a pink knoll, playing a bulbous flute rendered in genuine gold leaf. Two cobras dance to the music before her, as three more encircle her legs and one arm. Watercolor and gilt, laid on ornate floral border of sprays of gold-leaf flowers, this in turn mounted on a board hand-ruled in black, red, and burnished silver. The assemblage in old hinged mat of Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge (today known simply as Sotheby's), enclosed by stiff board folder, bearing both pencilled and printed description from their (1921) catalogue, identifying this as their lot 17, valued at £5 15s.: "...The background is a typical Punjab scene, with an avenue of trees...." Extending into the Himalayas, Punjab played a fascinating role in history, influenced by Alexander the Great's settlers; it became the only Sikh-majority state in India, their empire dissolved by the British in 1849, then partitioned in 1947. Mat and boards with toning and foxing, art with some rubbing in azure and white sky, else very good. Rather alluring and attractive. Such paintings of the snake charmer, sometimes represented as goddesses, were used as album folios and, in much larger sizes, palace murals. $275-350

3-5. Pink Flowers on Solid-Coverage Gold Leaf.

Original Indian artwork of a pensive lady luxuriating in red sandstone bath, Kangra School, judged c. 1725-1800, 5 x 8. Watercolor and gilt, within lavishly decorated background panel of green-leafed pink flowers stepped-and-repeated on solid gold-leaf. Border with gilt leaves and rule, on black, this within green outer frame, enclosed in red and black on gold. Done on traditional handmade paper, "the colors (in Kangra painting) were extracted from minerals (and) vegetables and possessed enamel-like luster"--wikipedia. A Maharajah enamored of art employed painters in his atelier, some paid with money, others with land. Kangra also boasts the Himalayan Pyramids. The assemblage in old hinged mat of Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge (today known simply as Sotheby's), enclosed by stiff board folder, bearing both pencilled and printed description from their (1921) catalogue, identifying this as their lot 18, valued at £6. Mat and boards with toning and foxing, art with two old horizontal folds just above and below main subject, else very good. Not to be confused with modern-day emulations of the nearly-extinct Kangra style, even those fetching good prices. $225-300

3-6. Playing with her Panther Cub.

Fascinating original Persian drawing of a seated lady playing with a panther cub, judged 19th century, about 61/2 x 81/2, executed on board 73/4 x 12. Pen and colored inks, watercolor, and gilt, on black bristol. Wearing a head wrap adorned with several jewels, and a necklace with micro-miniature red jewels - perhaps rubies - she holds a pillow, as she watches the adorable baby panther stand on its rear legs. Surrounding the scene, blocks of vinery and grapes, and Farsi script, in opaque white, pink, and gilt. The entirety then dusted with gold powder, imparting a Milky Way-like speckling. Leaf containing Farsi text mounted on verso, as a backing, with its written side against the artwork. Some table soiling of blank verso, minor taps at two tips of art, gold varying from mottled brassy tone to more muted, else fine. Laid loosely into old oversize card folder with pencil description, possibly also ex-Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, price "42/-" on verso. $150-225

3-7. Cherubs at Work - and Play.

Fanciful etching on paper, 1640, entitled (translated), "Allegory of the Arts and Time," drenched in complex symbolism of seventeenth-century Italy. By Giovanni Andrea Podestá (1608-c. 1674), printed by Francesco Saluccio, Rome. 103/4 x 131/2 within mat. Charming depiction of putti (cherub-like winged male infants believed to influence human lives) in a wooded landscape, one painting two others on a large easeled canvas, one balancing an hourglass on his head, another strumming a lute-like instrument, as one oddly holds aloft an urn bearing a skull and crossbones. At top, a dedication to Guido Reni, Bolognese chief master of the Eclectic school of painting; at lower left, "Romae apud Franciscum Salvucium." Cartouche with date and eight lines Latin text. Putti were often linked to Aphrodite and love, to Heaven, and peace, prosperity, mirth, and leisure. All of these associations may be inferred here. Old soft diagonal crease, some light foxing, minor wear, else good plus; in double-thick ivory mat, under glass in modern black lacquer shadowbox. Chip in frame at 6 o'clock, possibly restorable with filler and sanding; not examined out of frame. State one of four, before address of G. Rossi and change of date. Bartsch 5. $700-900

3-8. Father of Modern Sculpture.

Calling card lithographed in formal script, "A. Rodin / 182 rue de l'Universite," (Paris), signed above in chestnut brown. Termed the "progenitor of modern sculpture" (--Early Modern Sculpture, Tucker, Oxford University Press, 1974), Rodin remains widely known outside the world of art; even during his lifetime, he was likened to Michelangelo. His works include "The Thinker," among the most-recognized of all sculpture, originally intended to look down upon his epic creation, "The Gates of Hell." Album mounting evidence on verso including vestige of tape, three thin spots only detectable when held to light, one handling crease in left blank area, smudge at end of line under-scoring Rodin's signature - certainly by his own hand, else about very good. An uncommon form of his autograph. $160-220

3-9. Norman Rockwell.

Delightful color photo of the artist at work at his drawing board, smoke curling from pipe. From a rotogravure magazine. Inscribed in blue ballpoint at lower portion, "My best to Anne, Cordially...." 31/4 x 51/2. Probably 1970s. Last four letters on darker portion of image, else very good. Rockwell's own likeness is almost as evocative as his creations. $175-225

3-10. A Splendid Artist's Handbook of Color.

Water Color Painting: Description of Materials with Directions for their Use in Elementary Practice. "Sketching from Nature in Water Color - Illustrated with diagrams printed in colors," by H.W. Herrick. N.Y., 1882, 51/4 x 7, 128 pp. + 2 chromolithographed plates presenting "Definitions of Color" + (30) pp. advertising, generously illustrated with fine woodcuts of publisher F.W. Devoe & Co.'s artists' materials, plus bird's-eye of their square-block paint works in Greenwich Village. Black on chocolate cloth. Fascinating discussion of characteristics of 120 colors, consuming some 34 pp. Caramel spotting of lower portion of outside front cover (perhaps from an exuberant artist at work); waterstaining of left vertical and upper right margins, becoming somewhat lighter toward rear of text, tears at two leaves of text repaired with old glassine tape, 1984(!) owner's name. The color plates vivid, and generally about V.G. Very scarce. $140-200

3-11. "Everybody's Paint Book" - Used in a Pennsylvania Pottery.

A Complete Guide to the Art of Outdoor and Indoor Painting, "designed for the special use of those who wish to do their own work...Practical lessons in plain painting, varnishing, polishing, staining, paper-hanging...Full description of tools and materials used - Precise directions...for mixing paints for all purposes." By F.B. Gardner. N.Y., 1885 ed., 5 x 71/4, 186 pp., charming black on variant avocado pictorial cloth. 38 woodcuts and mezzotints. 1887 pencil signature of J.F. Ack, Mooresburg, Pa., owner of the Mooresburg pottery; the maker of stoneware and earthenware is listed in the 1980 work, Museums, Sites, and Collections of Germanic (Immigrant) Culture in North America. Cover wear, slightly shaken, some fore-edge spots, pleasing uniform cream toning, else good. Interesting association, and charming for display. $60-85

3-12. Original Classic Comic Art: the "Standout Work" of a Star Marvel Artist.

Key, finished pen-and-ink full-page artwork actually used in Marvel Comics' The Count of Monte Cristo, by Dumas, adapted by Stan Lee for a generation of youngsters imbibing great literature in comic book form. Pencilled on verso, "(Dino) Castrillo," Marvel's renowned artist, this very comic considered his "standout work," of which he was sole illustrator. 101/2 x 16, with complete printed comic book in which it appeared as the first page of the story (p. 2, following full-page introductory scene). "All New Marvel Classics Comics...52 full pages - No Ads." At top margin of art, purple rubber stamp "Marvel Classics"; on verso, black rubber stamp with manuscript "Vol. I, No. 17, 1976." Drawn about 60% upsize, to enable rendering of fine detail, then reduced when negatives shot. Fascinating for display, with white opaquing, redrawing of several elements, and light pencil roughing discernable beneath india ink. (Coloring was done later in pre-press production, and is reflected in the printed comic book.) Two narrow bands of tape at blank top and bottom edges, corner wear, else fine and clean; comic book with soft crease at spine, light cigarette odor, else about fine. A celebrated Filipino artist, "the standout work from this stage in Castrillo's American comics career is the adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo, where he was able to occasionally break out from the claustrophobic layouts that were a necessity in such an abbreviated version of the French classic..." (All of Marvel's Classic comics were tailored to fit in exactly 52 pages, regardless of the length of the underlying book!) $180-240 (2 pcs.)

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3-13. Architectural Sculpture.

Portfolio, Reproductions of Sculpture by J. Massey Rhind, N.Y.," n.d. but evidently c. 1920, 10 x 121/4, moss green on coral boards, matching flaps enclosing 9 plates, mocha on ivory vellum card, showcasing the sculptor's architectural credits. Printed by screenless Albertype process, with microfine mezzotint texture. Including his bronze memorial door at N.Y.'s Trinity Church, with tableau of six scenes "in memory of William Waldorf Astor"; statues of Childhood, Youth, Manhood, and Old Age, created for King Memorial Fountain, Albany, N.Y.; Moses, principal figure at latter; and plaques of William Gladstone and Samuel Glasgow. Plates with marginal toning, some handling marks, corner wear, else good plus; portfolio chipped at three edges, separating at cloth spine, but still satisfactory. Combining the arts of architectural design, sculpture, and fine printing. Ex-noted architects Alfred Zucker then James Riely Gordon. $70-90

3-14. Fine Plates of Furniture of Ages Past.

Large string-tied portfolio enclosing complete set of 60 numbered, captioned plates for architects, Historical Art Furniture, "Specimens of English, French, German and Italian Workmanship from the Middle Ages, Renaissance-Period, and Epochs of Louis XIII, XIV, XV, and XVI. Drawn from originals in European museums and private collections." Pub. by Helburn & Hagen, 777 Broadway, N.Y., n.d. but c. 1885, 11 x 14, black on persimmon boards, black buckram spine, plates unbound as issued. Appealing grisaille-style printing, black on solid cream panel. Captions note some furniture details of copper, ebony, ivory, walnut, and other fine materials. Covers with some soiling, minor chipping, and wear; semicircular tail of spine cloth lacking, with tears elsewhere; plates 2 and 58 with toning, chipping, and tears on two blank margins where protruded in old storage, plates 2, 3, 57, 59, and 60 less so, balance with occasional tip wear, else about fine and better. Signature of noted architect Alfred Zucker on cover ("Zu" rubbed), his purple handstamp neatly applied to each plate. Even though these venerable furniture styles were replaced by more modern ones by the 1930s, they continued to have incalculable exposure - through their appearances in motion pictures. • Oversize volume, Examples of Ancient & Modern Furniture, Metal Work, Tapestries, Decorations &c., by B.J. Talbert, architect, pub. by James R. Osgood & Co., Boston, 1877, the companion to his work on Gothic decor nine years earlier. 111/2 x 163/4, elaborately decorated front board, stamped with gold leaf medallions and illuminated-manuscript-style title on russet cloth, complete with 21 full-page plates in brown-black, tissue guardleaves, depicting soaring interiors as seen in the grandest residences, cathedrals, and structures. "At present there is no style without admirers...Those who were once believers only in 13th Century Gothic now imitate the Tudor, Jacobean, or the Georgian... Stucco combined with the contractor having made our ordinary street architecture utterly intolerable, a change was inevitable." Areas of spine cloth rubbed at tail and center hinge, some cover corner wear but elaborate stamping very good and suitable for display as is; edge fragment of blank front endleaf snagged, another disbound and tattered with two edges - but inscribed in pencil by "Alfred Zucker, Arch(itec)t, Vicksburg, Miss. - Recd. from J. Moses, Archt., Galveston, Texas, June 10, 1878"; title page's tissue guard creased, else internally very good and surprisingly fresh. Both titles then ex-architect James Riely Gordon. Elusive. $300-400 (2 pcs.)

3-15. A Pictorial Treasury of Ornamentation - from a Noted Architect's Studio.

The Workshop, "A Monthly Journal devoted to Progress of the Useful Arts," ed. by architect Ad. Schill, pub. by E. Steiger, 25 Park Pl., N.Y., 1878-79, two volumes bound together. 11 x 15, 3/4 green cloth, black calf spine and tips, 96 full-page plates (several with a second, third, or fourth color; the last, of Persian earthenware, in gold and silver leaf). Well-used by noted architect Alfred Zucker, his ornate 346-8 Broadway handstamp appearing several times; subsequent handstamp of architect James Riely Gordon, 5 E. 44 St., earlier of Texas, where despite his lack of formal training, he became nationally known for his landmark county courthouses. A visual feast of the most remarkable architectural features from around the world, together with descriptive text. Including a spectacular chandelier from foyer of the Paris Opera House, Viennese bedstead fit for a princess, wrought iron gates from Salzburg, Roman-inspired jewelry, marble mantel from Ducal Palace in Urbino, floral wallpaper - printed in mustard and burgundy - seen in a church in Hungary, Chinese garden chair in purple, yellow, and pale gold porcelain (Plate 32), "Velvet Brocade, end of 15th century" in citrine, green, and two shades of royal red, "Persian Carpet Pattern" manufactured in Saxony in four colors (Plate 80), and much, much more. Optimistic text on new uses of asbestos in the industrial arts, "on account of its peculiar qualities." Ornate purple handstamp inside, "C.H. Mathews - Post Office News Depot - Books, Stationery, News Papers &c...Vicksburg, Miss.," from whom Zucker purchased that issue (and presumably the others as well); he likely had them bound when he relocated to N.Y.C. Some cosmetic delamination of black leather veneer, much tip wear, cover lightened from old waterstains, inner hinges dry and cracked, text separated into several blocks; first 14 leaves with triangular waterstain at lower right portion, all leaves with pleasant light uniform toning, else internally fine, the spine worthy of a bookbinder's attention. A rich treasury of the creme of architectural design, clearly consulted by Zucker, some of these elements likely the inspiration for his own elaborate, complex creations. $80-110

3-16. Architecture in the Roaring Twenties.

Oversize volume, [Yearbook of] Architectural League of New York - 1925 Architectural and Allied Arts Exposition, "under the auspices of American Institute of Architects and Architectural League of N.Y.," 91/2 x 123/4, 396 pp. (including 183 pp. of advertise-ments), brown on milk chocolate boards, orange-yellow logo, warm brown on cream text. Profusely illustrated with photos of recent buildings around the country, many in the New York City area, with their architectural credits. The various Revival movements were maturing rapidly; photos of a dizzying number of exquisitely designed buildings, any one of which would be a dream to occupy. Local membership roster, with addresses, including Dwight James Baum, Daniel Chester French, Norman-Bel Geddes, Cass Gilbert (and Cass Gilbert, Jr.), H. Lansing Quick (who helped adapt the Cohasco Building c. 1912 for Thomas Murray, one of Edison's wizards and the number-two all-time patent holder in U.S. history), Louis C. Tiffany, et al. Non-resident active members include Albert Kahn, Detroit. Also including crafts, decorations, sculpture, town planning, and renderings, some by noted architects and artists, and all exemplary. Never-realized plans include "Proposed Music and Art Centre, N.Y." by Arnold Brunner, showing a Lincoln Center-scale mini-city between about 51-55 Sts., but much in the style of Penn Station. Advertisements, most illustrated, include architectural bronze, fresco buono, glassware, gilding, heraldic enamelers, stained glass, woodwork, and virtually every other embellishment and service imaginable, from mundane to luxurious, to satisfy an architect's fancy. Spine perished, boards separated, some waterstains and edge wear of front board, minor tears on blank front endleaf, else internally clean and about fine. WorldCat locates only one complete copy - in Stockholm! Ex-noted architects Alfred Zucker and James Riely Gordon. $120-150

3-17. Signed Copperplate Views of Old New York.

Folder titled "Old South Street, New York, 1878-1881 - Etchings by F. Leo Hunter, from his Original Drawings," enclosing six lovely limited-edition prints made by him c. 1935, each signed and captioned by the prominent maritime artist in soft pencil. Folder 15 x 181/4, prints about 131/2 x 171/4 oblong. Copperplate engraved, on delicate long-fibered ivory etching paper, deckled two edges. Detailed drypoint-style perspectives of Coenties Slip, The Old East India Wharf, At the Foot of Maiden Lane, Burling Slip, Peck Slip, and Old Slip, several with snow clinging to the roofs of the old Dutch buildings. Hunter's specialties included coastal marine views of Long Island Sound, and street scenes of N.Y.C. The waterfront flavor he conveyed here was still faintly perceptible in the 1960s, though construction of the F.D.R. Drive decades before had disrupted the viewscape. Folder considerably waterstained from a spilled glass of water(?); with exception of just one plate with large waterstain at its entire right margin, the other five are very good plus, several with attractive coppery mottling. $425-650 (6 etchings in folder)

3-18. Stovepipe Hat of Old New York.

Genuine fur top hat, c. 1856-70, with noted purveyor's name on crown of inner lining, "Bird / 49 Nassau St. / New York," its ornate logotype in style of the 1850s. 65/8" high, 11 x 121/4 at brim. Tan felt liner, green baize rim lining, narrow black silk ribbon. Separate diecut paper shield with ornate "P," the initial of its wearer. Matthew Bird appears at this address in the 1860 Trow's New York City Directory and 1867 Wilson's Business Directory of New-York City (modern copies of findings accompany), among others. Bird's 1860 residence at 248 Madison Ave. was stylish, indicating he enjoyed success. Worn thin at periphery of top rim, gently/fashionably indented sides, several thin spots at one side, but in all, very good and charming. Needless to say, American stovepipes dateable to the antebellum and Civil War eras are thin on the market; Bird's newspaper ads showing the 49 Nassau St. address have thus far been found as early as 1856. $190-240

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4. Confederate

The Grey Ghost & "The Lost Cause"
Fresh to the market: A series of superb letters of Confederate raider John S. Mosby

4-1. "As you take an interest in ‘the Lost Cause....'"

Lengthy postwar A.L.S. of Jno. S. Mosby, the celebrated and daring Grey Ghost, his Confederate Raiders able to attack behind Union lines, then melt into the Virginia countryside. Mosby is credited with prolonging the viability of the Confederacy by diverting Grant. Operating under a Southern law permitting division of their captured bounty - not unlike seafaring pirates - stories of Mosby's raids filled newspapers in both the North and South. As late as the final Winter of the war, Mosby's Rangers reigned supreme in Virginia, one region actually called "Mosby's Confederacy." He was one of the last officers of the Confederacy to surrender, holding out til June 17, 1865.

First letter of three, all to "My dear Cousin" (Mrs. J.D. Herblin, Nashville, born c. 1852), and probably consecutive. Written as lawyer for Southern Pacific Railroad; Mosby material from those sixteen years in California and the Orient is scant, as a fire destroyed the company's records.

From San Francisco, June 1, 1899, 43/4 x 8, 3 pp., in blue-grey on cream. "As you have shown some interest in my military record, I send you by mail three pictures illustrating scenes through wh(ich) I passed. They are copied from paintings made in Paris 30 years ago by Philippoteaux, a celebrated battle scene painter. These pictures were taken in Japan & colored there. The first represents us about sundown on the evening of Aug. 12, 1864, just as we had passed through the Blue-Ridge & come to the right bank of the Shenandoah that flows along its base. I am on a gray horse in front, just under a tree with my right hand pointing while talking (with) one of scouts (John Russell), who is also on a gray horse. The officer who is orders is Capt. Sam Chapman. Since the war he has been a Baptist preacher. McKinley appointed him a Chaplain & sent him to Cuba. In [scene] No. 2, the attack on Sheridan's train, I am in front, near the howitzer that is firing on the guard for the train. The attack was on the Valley pike. The guard consisted of about 3,000 men. There was a heavy fog. I had about 300 men & one gun. The first notice they had of our presence was when a shell dropped in their column & knocked off the head of (a) mule & this stopped the train. The Yankees did not think it was fair for 300 men to attack 3,000 in a fog. So they ran away & left everything - wagons, mules, beef cattle. We got Gen. Merritt's (the same who went to Manila) headquarters, teams. With his baggage were several violins. There were several fiddlers among my men, who played tunes on the violins. In this picture (No. 3), I am mounted on a gray horse. Immediately to my right & rear is my brother Willie Mosby, who was my Adjt. He is 11 years my junior. The officer standing on my left is Lt. Col. Chapman. He was appointed to office at my request by Gen. Grant. Is still in office, Special Agent Int(ernal) Rev(enue). The officer in front (mounted) is Maj. Richards, now Judge Richards of Louisville. The officer to whom he is talking is Lt. Ben Palmer of Richmond. The officer sitting down is Capt. Mountjoy, who was killed a few weeks afterward. Of course you can distinguish the Yankee prisoners. I took more prisoners than I had men. As you take an interest in ‘the lost cause,' these pictures may interest you." Interesting "Court Vellum..." watermark. Some handling evidence, average fold wear, else about very good. Splendid content.

Together with "picture No. 3" described above, comprising contemporary sepia photograph of a painting, hand-colored in Japan, 41/4 x 71/4, on 7 x 10 original stiff card mount. Numbered "3" and neatly captioned in Mosby's hand on lower mount: "Mosby's battalion - Attack on Sheridan's wagon train - Berryville, Va. - Returning from the raid - Aug. 13th, 1864 - Shenandoah Valley." Now rather light, but soft greenery of the river banks, blue-coated Union prisoners, and ruby-red caps and embellishments lend color. The artist's monumental creations included the six-ton, 300-foot-long cyclorama of the Battle of Gettysburg. Wear at blank corners, old dust toning, mounting evidence at four corners on verso, some fading, but Mosby's endorsement in same prominent blue-grey ink as letter which accompanies, and very satisfactory. A remarkable pair.

At war's end, Mosby refused to surrender, instead disbanding his cavalry, his farewell address among the most memorable words of the conflict. (At first, in fact, Mosby was specifically excluded by the Union from the surrender terms offered Lee.) Becoming a fugitive, he assumed even greater mystique - as a bandit to Northerners, and a hero to the South. But to all, Mosby ascended into American popular culture, his legacy even found in F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night, and Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls. Wearing "a gray cape lined with scarlet...and a curling ostrich plume...the second most famous feather in the Confederacy. Weighing only 125 pounds, he was agile and fearless..."--Boatner. The trio of letters offered here, penned some three decades on, at the turn of the next century, show his devotion to the South; Mosby's mention of his subsequent diplomatic posts show his reconciliation with a reunited nation. He would become friends of Presidents Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, and Theodore Roosevelt. Mosby's addressee was a noted member of Nashville society, and granddaughter of a patriot "holding a distinguished position on the staff of Gen. Washington." Leaving Nashville during the Civil War, her family returned to find their home almost entirely demolished. A modest gathering of Herblin family papers (but lacking any Mosby letters) resides in the Tennessee State Library. $3800-5000 (2 pcs.)

4-2. "You will recognize me in the act of shooting a falling Yankee."

Second letter of three: Postwar A.L.S. of Jno. S. Mosby, "705 Post St., San Francisco," June 20, (18)99, 43/4 x 8, 3 pp., in darker blue-grey on cream. Also to his cousin. "Tomorrow I shall send you my photo as you request. The War Reminiscences you speak of having were written by me shortly after my return from Hong Kong, where I was Consul nearly seven years. They were written by request for the Boston Herald & I had no idea when I was writing them that these fugitive sketches w(oul)d ever be collected in book form. They contain only a small portion of my military life. Ch(apter) X, (p. 205) was a lecture delivered by me on Stuart's Cavalry at Tremont Temple, Boston, in Dec. 1886. Three years ago one of my men published a book, Mosby's Rangers. The publisher is Ralph B. Kenyon, N.Y. In the picture in this book of ‘The fight at Miskels,' you will recognize me in the act of shooting a falling Yankee, & the Rev. Sam Chapman with his sword suspended (in front), in the act of striking a Yankee. He was appointed a Chaplain in Cuba. His son is here with me in the employment of the Southern Pacific Co. & runs on a steamer between here & Hong Kong. In the pictures I send you Capt. Sam is in No. I - behind me - pointing at the little howitzer. I intend soon to begin writing a complete memoir of my command. I got the picture also that your husband sent me. I hope some day to visit you...." Modest handling and fold wear, dust-toning in upper half of blank last page, else very good. $2400-3200

4-3. Mosby's Daughter Stuart - named for General J.E.B.

Third letter of three: Postwar A.L.S. of Jno. S. Mosby, "705 Post St., S(an) F(rancisco)," July 11, (18)99, 43/4 x 8, 3 very full pp., with corrections in his hand, in darker blue-grey on cream. Also to his cousin in Nashville. "...I have no sort of objection to the photo being engraved for the Confederate Veteran. I wish you w(oul)d ask the Editor to send me a few copies. I want them for my children: I have two sons & four daughters. My oldest son, Beverly Clarke, is a lawyer at Spokane, Wash. My second son, John S., Jr., is a lawyer at Denver, Colorado. My oldest daughter, May, was born at Franklin, Ky. (only forty miles from Nashville) in 1858. She married Mr. Campbell, a lawyer, who lived at my old home after the war, Warrenton, Va. Another married daughter, Stuart (named after Gen. J.E.B. Stuart) lives in Washington City. My two single daughters are staying in Baltimore. My wife died in 1876 before I went to China. I have not married again. I read your grandfather's autobiography with great pleasure & returned you the paper. He was my mother's first cousin.

"You need not apologize for writing to me. I read your letters with the greatest interest, then forward(ed) them to Beverly & he forwards them to May. So they pass all around. Do you ever see my cousin, Mrs. Throne? If you do, remember me to her: She is related to me through the Mosbys. You spoke of being interested in the Rev. (Captain) Sam Chapman, whom I describe in the Miskel fight, hewing his way through the enemy's ranks. Since the war he has been a Baptist preacher. I got Grant to appoint him in the postal service. He held the position 9 years. McKinley appointed him a Chaplain. He went to Cuba & has been mustered out. Expects now to go to the Philippines. I brought his son out here & put him on a steamship that runs between this port & Hong Kong. He is here now & in my room last night. I told him what you said about his father. My kind regards to your family." One tear at blank top, four tips dogeared, but perhaps from folding for mailing; light dust-toning page 1, else about very good. Wonderful personal content. Mosby named an additional child after another famous leader: a son was named ... Lincoln Mosby. Arch-enemies during the war, Grant later wrote of Mosby in his own memoirs, "Since the close of the war, I have come to know Col. Mosby personally and somewhat intimately. He is a different man entirely from what I had supposed...He is able and thoroughly honest and truthful." After the war, Mosby - a fugitive - was unable to return to his Warrenton, Va. home until Grant personally provided a pass allowing safe passage. Mosby became intensely unpopular in the South he had defended, when he declared his support for his favored candidate for President: U.S. Grant, in fact serving as his campaign manager in Virginia. $2600-3400

4-4. A Ton of Pork for two Virginia Families.

Manuscript affidavit of Thomas Ferguson, Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 3, 1864, 51/4 x 81/4, who "purchased of Darrel F. Simmons 2,000 lbs. of Pork & that in the month of Aug. he purchased of John H. Smith 10 barrels of Roanoke County to be delivered by Rail Road transportation & that he purchased said Pork & Flour for his own family use & that of Capt. Charles W. Statham's family & not for resale or speculation and that two families consist of 36 persons...." Signed by Justice of Peace T.C.S. Ferguson, Jr., likely a relative. Signed on verso by petitioner, his request granted the following day. Statham was scion of a prominent Lynchburg family, Pres. of Norfolk & Western Railroad, editor of the Virginian, and antebellum tobacco dealer. In 1861, he helped raise a Confederate artillery company; wounded and captured at Rich Mountain that July, Statham went on to fight at Sharpsburg "under the immediate direction of Gen. Jackson..."--Virginia and Virginians, Dr. Robert Brock, 1888. Two old vertical folds, possibly where wrapped around a bundle of papers, pleasing toning, else very good. Such declarations of personal use were exacted in the waning days of the Confederacy, as taxation was desperately sought on goods of every description. $110-140

4-5. A Confederate Officer comes to Washington - 30 Years On.

Lengthy postwar A.L.S. of G.R. Cherry, Capt., 17th Miss. Infantry, commanding Humphrey's Brigade. Here writing on "House of Reps. U.S." letterhead as aide to Congressman John Allen of Miss., Washington, Jan. 28, 1895, 71/4 x 93/4, 2 pp. To "Dear Col.," on life and politics in D.C. and Miss. "I suppose you have heard of the fire in Saltillo (Miss.). Two of our largest stores burned. A good many goods saved...Heavily insured, fire incendiary...Think Jonas is against you. Speaks highly of Harris in his paper and I don't like his manners anyway...You had better try to run up to Aberdeen. I think I can interest John Allen in helping you in Monroe. You know he is potent there...The President sent in a message this morning that stirs things up. I have been very busy in sending out seeds, and attending to Mr. Allen's correspondence. Sometimes have to write 30 or 40 letters per day. Mr. Allen is at home, has been for several days attending a daughter who is very sick. I open all his letters in his absence and attend to them...I tell you, office-seeking here is an unthankful calling. I have seen open my eyes. I recd. another letter from Jim Mahon a few days ago. He is Deputy U.S. M(arshal) at Parkersburg, W.Va...Has saved 10 or $12,000. Has a family of 10...He is coming over to see me soon...I have not committed myself to anyone for a State office. Till then I am only interested in you. Think McLaurin may head for Governor if there is not a combine against him." Both Cherry and Allen were attorneys, the latter practicing in Elvis' future home town of Tupelo. Allen became U.S. Commissioner to 1904 St. Louis Exposition. Minor dust-toning of lower half verso, else very good. With modern research, including praise of Cherry in an 1862 field report near Fredericksburg: "Capt. G.R. Cherry, with his gallant company, stood the shot and shell like veterans...." $70-100

4-6. Alex. W. Campbell.

Of Tenn. Confederate Brig. Gen. Florid signature with paraph, on cream slip with generous margins, probably intended for presentation. 33/4 x 43/4. Antebellum law partner of future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Howell Jackson, Campbell was seriously wounded at Shiloh. Named Adjt. Inspector Gen. to Cheatham and Polk, and captured July 1863, Campbell was not exchanged til the turn of 1865 - just in time to lead a cavalry brigade in Gen. Forrest's corps. Considerable toning, imparting a mottled cinnamon, with clean rectangular area above his signature, where a card exactly 2 x 3 had lain for eons; two parallel folds well above signature, else good. An elusive name. $140-180

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5. Black History

Believed the Earliest Known Document of the United States
Naming an African-American
- Dated July 4, 1776 -

5-1. The Legend of Cuffee Dole.

Supremely significant July 4, 1776 manuscript document, Boxford, Essex County, Mass., 61/2 x 81/4, concerning accusation against black soldier Cuff Dole at George Washington's headquarters. Signed by, and apparently entirely in hand of Justice of the Peace Aaron Wood, charismatic patriot, and future Massachusetts legislator.

The magic date appears prominently as the final line of text, making the document dramatic for display.

If July 4, 1776 represents the symbolic beginning of the United States, then this is the earliest located, earliest obtainable - and essentially the earliest possible - such manuscript identifying a black.

For centuries, the legend of Cuffee Dole has circulated in Essex County, Massachusetts. In details both amazing and shocking, he has left an indelible mark on American history. His story is truly inspirational and heartrending, from his sale into slavery by his treacherous nurse, to her deathbed confession that he was in fact freeborn, and his patriotic service and life in early America. He almost certainly crossed paths with George Washington, and was for several months a waiter to Gen. and future Sec. of War Benjamin Lincoln. Old Legends of Georgetown, Mass. offers that Dole "served in some of the finer homes of Boston, becoming well known for the sumptuous banquets he produced."

In full:

"To the Sheriff or Marshall of the County of Essex or either of his deputies or either of the Constables of the Town of Rowley in said County or to any or either of them - Greeting. Whereas complaint has this Day been made unto me the subscriber by Abel Dodge of Rowley in said County [?] against one Cuff Dole a Negro man of the said town of Rowley that the said Cuff did in the night beset after the Thirty First Day of March last by force of arms steel [sic] and take out of Pocket cash belonging to the said Abel as he was sleeping in his Barrack on Prospect Hill in Cambridge one Eight Dollar Bill of the Continental Emission which was the Property of the said Abel's. Wherefore you and each of you are hereby required by virtue of the Authority reposed in me the subscriber by the Major Part of the Council of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay immediately to apprehend the Body of the said Cuff Dole if he may be found in yr. Parish and bring him before me or some other of the Justices for the said County of Essex so that he may be Examined ...and further de(a)lt with according us to law and Justice it doth...Given under my hand and seal at Boxford this fourth Day of July AD 1776 - Aaron Wood Justice of the Peace."

Notwithstanding its dramatic content - alleging that "one Eight Dollar Bill of the Continental Emission" was stolen at George Washington's Cambridge headquarters - Cuff Dole served honorably as a soldier in the war. He participated in "the second Battle of Saratoga on Oct. 7, 1777...considered the first major victory for the Patriot Army, and regarded by many historians as a turning point in the American Revolution...Among the many Rowley men who fought in this famous battle along with Cuffee were Abel Dodge, who had earlier sought to have him arrested [in this document], and Peabody Dole, a member of the family by whom Cuffee had been owned...Cuffee was discharged on Nov. 20, 1777, as were Dodge and Dole."--A Respectable Man of Color - Beyond the Legend of Cuffee Dole, by Christine Comiskey, published by Georgetown (Mass.) Historical Society, 2008, p. 8.

Comiskey states that Cuffee Dole could reasonably have witnessed the hanging of Major Andre (p. 9). He is included in the monumental 854-page reference work, Forgotten Patriots, African-American and American Indian Patriots in the Revolutionary War, A Guide to Service, Sources and Studies, published by The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.

He further appears within a list of black soldiers, with his age, height, and residence in Rowley: "...Negro soldiers participated in nearly every battle of the Revolutionary War. They witnessed the first flash of war that marked the severance of the colonies from the British Empire, and they beheld Cornwallis' banners go down before the victorious standards of the American army. They were modest, patient, heroic, and efficient from the gray dawn of the struggle, until the bright noontide of victory. Their sufferings, sacrifices, and triumphs are now the priceless heritage of a grateful nation."--A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion...Preceded by a Review of the Military Services of Negroes in Ancient and Modern Times, by George W. Williams, N.Y., 1888, pp. 35-36.

Dole is also listed as one of nine black soldiers participating in the Pawlet Expedition of 1777--Vermont History, Vermont Historical Society, Vol. 75, No. 2, Summer/Fall 2007, pp. 69-100. A significant campaign, this is said to have been key in reversing "the long retreat and defensive posture of the American army." Additional details of Dole's Revolutionary War service record are included in the classic 17-volume work, Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, Secretary of the Commonwealth, 1896 (vol. 4, p. 852).

And incredibly, Cuff Dole has become the subject of the recent biographical monograph cited above, by Christine Comiskey. This very document is reprinted therein (with permission).

Researcher Comiskey states that she "found no further records of the alleged case and believe the charges were probably dropped. Judging by the March 31, 1776 date when the alleged theft occurred, Cuffee participated in the siege of Boston and was probably on Prospect Hill on Mar. 17, when the British evacuated. It is also entirely possible that he was there a few months earlier when, on Jan. 1, 1776, Gen. George Washington ordered the Grand Union Flag - the first flag to represent the American Colonies - to be raised at his base on Prospect Hill" (p. 6).

Following the war, one of a number of Cuff Dole's appearances in church records show him "as one of the ‘Proprietors of the Bell,' having donated one dollar to help purchase the Paul Revere Bell that now hangs in the First Congregational Church in Georgetown, and still calls people to worship on Sunday mornings. To put that singular dollar into better perspective, of the 79 men who donated money, over half of them gave less than five dollars. Cuffee was one of eleven who gave one dollar..." (p. 12).

The History of Boxford, Mass. (1880) contains a lengthy passage on the family of the signer of this document, remarking that "...Hon. Aaron Wood (was) a man of no little consequence in the history of the town...Mr. Wood was a Senator in 1781; representative to the General Court, 1761-1770, 1773, 1774, 1776-79, sixteen years in all; and was also employed in the councils and conventions of the Commonwealth of Mass...." In 1776 Wood held thirty-eight committee seats; in 1777, more than fifty! It is stated that his wife took the first prisoner of the American Revolution: "...She was a woman of strong mind and body, weighing over two hundred pounds...When the British retreated after the Battle of Lexington, they passed by her house. One of the privates stole a horse, and was making his retreat in better style. He said something to (Mrs. Wood) that was not acceptable to her patriotic mind, and she pulled him from his horse, and took him prisoner; and, it is said, this was the first prisoner taken during the Revolution" (p. 350).

Essex County was an important center of patriotic activity. The modern scholarly work, The World Turned Upside Down - Essex County During America's Turbulent Years, 1763-1790 by Ronald N. Tagney, makes special mention of Aaron Wood for his opposition to the proposed Constitution, noting the "antifederalism of agrarian Boxford...Opposition from (the towns of) Andover and Danvers, however, was composed more of a mixture of democratic populism and political theory...." A Senator in 1787, he was defeated in 1788, along with several others, their "anti-Constitution views out of favor." A monument to Wood, and his original home survive in Boxford to this day.

Cuffee Dole's tombstone survives as well. The first black man to pass away in Georgetown, it reads: "Cuffee Dole - A Respectable Man of Color...White man, turn not away in Disgust, Thou art my brother...." In a fitting tribute, as the cemetery was enlarged over the years, by the mid-nineteenth century his resting place, once near its periphery, would find itself near its center. And ironically, the twelve acres of land he purchased in 1806 survives - as a public park. It lies within Georgetown's scenic conservation area.

July 4, 1776 documents have become thin on the market. Because such a document is intrinsically the cornerstone of a collection of Americana, some have been absorbed into institutions over the last half century; those remaining in private hands are cherished, and reach the market only serendipitously. Unlike documents whose only feature is the magic date, this example sheds light on a remarkable black soldier and patriot, and places him in context with Washington. Further, it is presently believed the earliest located manuscript of the modern American era (formally commencing July 2-4, 1776), to name a specific African-American. Thus, this may be said to be the earliest located document with specific African-American content in the annals of the United States. Some staining, edge chipping, and weakness at folds, else darkly penned and good. With research file on Dole and Wood from Massachusetts State Library and other sources. Of singular rarity. Estimate on request.

5-2. A Black Soldier's Name Rooted in - Magic.

Unusual pay order, signed with his "X," to recently-identified Revolutionary War black soldier Cato Quashy, not listed in the original reference work on the subject, Connecticut's Black Soldiers 1775-1783, by David O. White. Treasury-Office, Hartford, Conn., June 1, 1780, about 41/2 x 81/2 irregular, with the complete anti-counterfeiting border intact at its lower left. Signed by Treasurer J(ohn) Lawrence. Cato's last name Quashy arises from a form of witchcraft or magic practiced by some blacks in Africa and the West Indies. "Negro children were given names according to the day of the week on which they were born. In the lore of obeah practices, it is said that the obeahman or sorcerer did not use a Negro's common or Christian name when he wanted to bewitch him, but his ‘born day' name..."--"Slavery on British West Indies Plantations in the Eighteenth Century," by Frank Wesley Pitman, Journal of Negro History, Oct., 1926. Quashy's name indicates he was born on a Sunday (the female counterpart was Quashiba).

Of the spirits recognized by West Indian slaves, "the most popular and powerful was Obeah or Obi, whose origin...may be sought in the serpent gods of ancient Egypt. The cult of Obi was known and practiced by obeahmen or medicine men, occasionally by old women who somewhat resembled the witches of Christendom. Obeahmen preserved, occasionally modified, and transmitted the whole technique by which men lived and died, coerced nature, protected or destroyed property, cursed and bewitched their fellows and masters, and prospered in love or deviltry. The worship of Obi involved secret meetings at night in the forest, licentious dancing, blood sacrifices of chickens, goats, and at infrequent intervals...the sacrifice of ‘a goat without horns,' that is, a human being or child...So dangerous did the practice of magic and the secret meetings of Negroes become in the mid-eighteenth century that Jamaica passed an act in 1760 to forbid such meetings and the practice of Obeah...Slaves were in the habit of negotiating with the ‘witches' to ‘set obi' on their enemies; vials or little coffins of weird mixtures were planted with a formal curse at the gate or in proximity to the enemy's hut. As soon as the cursed Negro learned that ‘obi was set on him,' by the power of mal-suggestion, he grew sick and often died...."

Seven signatures on verso (including three of John Lawrence), denoting interest paid annually til 1789, though text on the front promised discharge by 1785. Soldier Quashy understandably was unable to wait, selling his note to others, including Conn. Treasurer J(ohn) Lawrence, his son Wm. Lawrence, Richard Butler, and Jno. Jeffery. William Lawrence and his wife Alice are mentioned in Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring, by Alexander Rose. Known as "the handsomest girl in Connecticut," she had been engaged to Nathan Hale, and possessed his only known portrait, a miniature of the martyred secret agent. It is speculated that Lawrence, her second husband, destroyed the painting in jealousy. Some light visible wear along two folds, but unbroken, and otherwise very good and suitable for display. Documents signed, albeit with an "X," by Revolutionary War black soldiers, are the exception. The undercurrents here are fascinating, inviting potentially significant new research avenues. $1700-2200

5-3. A Slave on Christmas Day.

Unusual partly printed promissary note, (Huntsville, Ala.), Dec. 25, 1827, 43/4 x 63/4. Promising to pay David E. Sumner $80.50 on next Christmas Day "for the hire of negro London for the term of one year, which negro we promise to keep and return in good clothes, with a Hat and Blanket." Signed by Richd. Robertson, A. Stewart, and Wm. Kelly. The unlikely timing of this hire suggests that London's services might have been a Christmas "gift." Light old folds, uniform cream toning, else about fine. Suitable for display. $130-160

5-4. A Slave Drawn from a Hat.

Manuscript document distributing estate of William Childs, Georgia, Nov. 29, 1859, two sheets joined with small wax seals, 71/2 x 173/4 together, signed by four commissioners. Describing a highly unusual method of choosing one of the six beneficiaries to receive property: their names to be written on pieces of paper and placed in a hat, then numbers 1 through 6 likewise in another hat. "The hats were both well shaken," and names and numbers were drawn alternately. Thus the son, drawing no. 2, received slave "Starling, valued at $1,000." Minor toning, few contemporary ink smudges, some handling evidence, else very good. The first item of its kind we recall handling. $170-220

5-5. Back to Africa - an Original Plan, 1827.

Pamphlet, "Colonization of Free People of Colour," 19th Congress, House of Representatives, Mar. 3, 1827. 51/2 x 9, 95 pp., (printed by Gale & Seaton). Describing early government plan to colonize Africa with American blacks, "of the highest importance to the future peace, prosperity, and happiness, of the United States...An inquiry into the expediency and of promoting, by the authority and resources of the General Government, the colonization of the free people of colour, beyond the territorial limits of the U.S. The existence of a distinct race of people, in the bosom of the U.S., who, both by their moral and political condition and their natural complexion, are excluded from a social equality with the great body of the community...In many States of the American Union, all the coloured population are now free...Their own consciousness of their degraded condition...has appeared to the North as well as the South, in their repeated efforts to find a territory beyond the limits of the Union to which they may retire...." Promoted initially by American Colonization Society, and resolutions of the Delaware and Kentucky legislatures, here supplemented with additional states' support. Fascinating mention of secret attempts by Virginia to locate a country suitable for American blacks; discussion of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the interior of "Tropical Africa." Disbound, first eight pp. nearly separated, uniform dark cream toning, foxing varying from little to heavy, else very good. A key item in the literature of antebellum slavery and freedom; even then, some three decades before the first shots of the Civil War, it was felt that colonization could ultimately provide a structure for abolition of slavery throughout the country. Rare on the market; only about twelve copies located by WorldCat. $175-250

5-6. Slaves aboard the Mysterious Ghost Ship "Eliza Battle."

Partly printed billhead for Mrs. C. Mitchell's "passage - Self & 2 Servants, $6.00," on Steamer Eliza Battle, May 1, 1853, 41/4 x 73/4, on blue. One of the most luxurious steamboats plying antebellum Alabama waters, the ship's guests would include former Pres. Fillmore. On a cold night in 1858, laden with passengers, some of the 1,200 bales of cotton on the main deck caught fire. Fanned by strong winds, the flames escalated out of control, cutting off access to the lifeboats. Clad only in their nightclothes, some passengers floated atop cotton bales - each weighing 500 pounds - others clinging to treetops, as the ship coasted downstream out of control. Captain's orders to steer into a bank were to no avail: some of the tiller ropes steering the majestic vessel had burned as well. Of some 200 on board, up to 90 perished in the frigid waters (both numbers vary widely). Thence the Eliza Battle became an enduring ghost story, with sightings of the burning ship claimed to this day. Its wreck remains submerged. With modern copies of articles from Birmingham News, 1942, reconstructing the disaster, and pinning the fire on two thieves who robbed the stateroom, setting the fire to enable their escape. Very rare. $160-200

5-7. A Slave named Savannah - and the Southern Rifles.

Highly attractive lengthy manuscript appraising and distributing "ten negroes" in estate of James L. Callier, to his wife Electra and minor son. Georgia, Jan. 2, 1860, 73/4 x 121/4, 4 pp., rich brown on lined powder blue. Including "Joe, a man, valued at $1200; Dock, a man...1400; Betsey, a woman...600; Jane & her child Frances...1800; Leah & her children Oliver and Elizabeth...2000; Savannah & Annie...1500...." Signed by three commissioners, including W.A. Daniel, soon to become a Confederate officer in Talbot County's Southern Rifles, known for their uniforms of Georgia Gray, trimmed in black velvet; later in 6th and 46th Ga. Infantries, rising to Lt. Col. Signed three times on docketing panel by Marion Bethune, "Ord[inar]y [Court]." Bethune is among rarified ranks for the briefest term in Congressional history: he was Representative for a nine-week period in 1870-71, before returning to Georgia, living til 1895. He was also "a member of the Constitutional Convention of Georgia at time of repeal of the ordinance of secession"--Congressional Record, Vol. 132, 1991. Some yellowed toning of bottom half of last page, else fine. $160-200

5-8. No Way Out: Caught in the Bondage of Slavery - and in a Battle between Husband and Wife.

Two unusual related documents: Partly printed document, ordering sheriff to summon Woodford McDowell and Isaac Hornbeck before the judge in Shepherdsville, Ky., to answer a bill in chancery against them by the latter's wife. Aug. 16, 1847, 6 x 73/4. On verso, lengthy endorsement of court clerk, instructing sheriff to hire out the Hornbeck's slaves, Caroline and child Susan, "and in case he can't hire them, to keep them safe in his custody until the further order of this Court...and said McDowell is also restrained from selling or removing the said Slaves from this Jurisdiction...." Also bearing manuscript statement, "...I hired the within named negroes...and Mahala Hornbeck, being the best bidder, became the (subsequent) hirer at the sum of $12...." • Accompanying manuscript bond for injunction and restraining order on slaveowners, sought by wife M(ahala) Hornbeck, Oct. 1, 1847, 8 x 121/4. Sheriff of Bullitt County "to take the negroes...Caroline, her child Susan, with her possessions and hire them out for the best price he can....(and) to have said negroes forthcoming at said Court to abide & perform the order...." Caroline and Susan were not only ensnared in slavery, but in the vortex of a domestic clash between the Hornbecks. The 1850 county census records Isaac Hornbeck's three slaves, a 27 year-old woman and 4 year-old girl - likely those in this dispute - and a 1 year-old boy. It is possible that Hornbeck's wife sought to keep the three together. "Probably the most important (and) most notorious section in the entire state of Kentucky during pioneer times," Bullitt County - trod by Daniel Boone - held the secret of the Bluegrass State's survival: salt. "In early days salt was a very precious, a very necessary article...It was almost the only preservative. The early settlers had to have salt in order to pickle their beef, cure their pork, salt down their deer and bear meat. Since game was their principal source of food, without salt to preserve it they would have starved..."--Address before The Filson Club by Robert E. McDowell, 1956. Both with broad waterstains, lightening at left portion of first item, some toning, but still very satisfactory, lending patina for display. $150-180 (2 pcs.)

5-9. Origin of the Expression "People of Colour" - in Volume One of America's Number-One Magazine.

A significant item, The Port Folio, by Oliver Oldschool (pseudonym of Joseph Dennie), complete Vol. I, Nos. 1-52, Philadelphia: printed and sold by H. Maxwell, 1801. 93/4 x 123/4, 416 pp., original plain full calf. At front, a "Prospectus of a New Weekly Paper, submitted to men of affluence, men of liberality, and men of letters." Witty, intricately crafted, and highly enjoyable wordsmithing, including travelogues, original poetry, literary criticism, and pithy commentary: "The paper is to be neither wire-woven, nor hot-pressed...(or) cream-colored; but, in a plain dress of Quaker simplicity, may...offer something tolerable on political, literary, and transient topics, which, after church, ‘retired leisure' may read on Sunday...." List of their sales agents as distant as Natchez. Article, "People of Colour" (pp. 163-164): "This new-fangled name for the black race, which has, within the last few years, crept into the vocabulary of the U.S., seems to have been borrowed from...the philosophical school of Paris. When Brissot...had resolved on the massacre of the rich planters of St. Domingo, to clear the way for the new doctrine of equality, they enlisted the slaves under the bloody banners of the rights of man; and as nothing escaped their revolutionary fury, they resolved to change, not only the civil condition of the blacks, but their ancient and general appellation...The mulattoes, who were the fruits of an obscene, but very fashionable commerce, between the Frenchmen and their black wenches, and who had...become more numerous than the whites, were termed people of colour. But the Americans have improved on this invention of Brissot & Co.; they call the blacks, as well as their tawny offspring, people of colour...Copper-face, though the offspring of beastly lust, always thinks himself one grade, at least, above his black mamma...But if we grant that indefensible, although it has existed thro' all ages of the world...what was the reason for discarding from common usage, first, the name of negro, and then, the name of black...The innovation certainly originated with the white people; it is a specimen of adulation...." While adeptness with the English language was common then, Oliver Oldschool is perhaps singularly engaging, the prose both sparkling and satisfying. Indeed, "The Port Folio quickly became the most important magazine devoted to literature and politics in the U.S. During...its greatest influence, 1802 to 1805, Dennie had organized a distinguished circle of mostly pro-Federalist contributors known for their ‘liveliness, urbanity, and wit.' The Republicans and Jefferson in particular were frequently attacked in its pages. Thus when James T. Callender first published the allegation that Jefferson had fathered several children by his slave Sally Hemings (in the Sept. 1, [1802] issue of the Richmond Recorder), Dennie was quick to exploit and expand upon the charge in this famous series of satirical poems..."--Credit: Between the Covers - Rare Books. Boards scuffed, lacking one of two red spine labels, 7" bookwormed channel on front cover, hinge wear but stable, bookworm hole at edge of first five leaves (only), foxing varying issue by issue, from none to heavy, else about good. This first volume excessively rare: WorldCat locates only six holdings, three of them overseas. Library of American Civilization 3144-31484. $1800-2500 (52 issues)

5-10. A Mulatto Woman Set Free.

Manuscript document attesting to freedom of a mulatto woman, Maryland, Sept. 12, 1857, 7 x 73/4, on pale blue. "...Appeared Rhoderick Dorsey, and made oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God that Ann Carilla, the mulatto woman now in my presence...was manumitted and set free by Kitty H. Dorsey...." In pencil below, "4 [ft.] 113/4 [in.] / Scar on Knuckles right hand / About 19." Ann's last name is unusual. Old tattering at right edge with no loss of text, professionally conserved with sheer archival nylon by Arbee Co. c. 1972, and very fine thusly. $90-130

5-11. Black Caricature Postcards.

Group of 5 color cartoon postcards: Tuck "Wishing you a Merry Christmas," with cartoonish barefoot black couple dancing. "Art Publishers to their Majesties the King and Queen. Designed in England, printed in Bavaria...." Postmarked Hampstead [then a borough of London], Dec. 19, (19)03. Sound red British stamp. To West End Ave., N.Y.C. Blind impression felt but not seen on front, possibly from pressure of cancelling machine, some postal wear, else very good. •Tuck "Merry Christmas Greetings," "You are de honeysuckle, I am de bee!" Elegantly attired black couple, she with matchng green gloves and shoes, holding fan; he in orange-red tails, wearing carnation. Postmarked Hampstead, year indistinct but to same addressee in N.Y. Sound stamp. Some corner and postal wear, about very good. • Color cartoon card, small boy and girl - and their lifelike toy bear - on the sofa, watching a black baby boy crawling through the open door. "There's a bit of real good luck coming to you." Printed by J. Salmon, England. Postmarked London, probably 1923. Sound stamp. Some corner and postal wear, about very good. •"At last we am alone Dinah," showing black boy and girl, perhaps 3 years of age, cutely dressed, seated on a low bench as six endearing dogs of various breeds watch them with wide eyes. Salmon, London, 1923. Sound stamp. Some corner and postal wear, some glue residue at right of address side, else good plus. •Black dog, in red and white striped swimsuit, urging black cat into water from her perch atop pier, "Come Along Little Girl, Come Along." Several bars of music from this popular song at top. Glazier Art Co., Boston; song by P.J. Howley, N.Y. Postmarked N.Y., 1908. Mailed without postage, the 1¢ Postage Due stamp affixed at angle at upper left, trifle beyond edges of card, "New York / W" handstamp. Bend at lower right, old paper residue, probably from item once facing in album, else good. $45-65 (5 pcs.)

5-12. Including Diecut "Post Card Puzzle": "...I don't want to see no white trash."

Group of 5 postcards: Elaborate diecut, folding "Post Card Puzzle - Pick the Pickaninnies," Ullman Mfg. Co., N.Y., 1907. At left, black woman in lilac and blue hoop skirt, branding a stick, exclaiming, "Show me all dem eleben Pickaninnies at one time. I don't want to see no white trash." Postcard size, opening to six-flapped horizontal and vertical gatefolds, 101/4 x 15. Small caricatures of white and black characters appear within circular windows, including bawling babies, a Chinaman with long braid - and an unquestionable inspiration for Mad Magazine's trademark Alfred E. Neuman. Unmailed. A fascinating social document! Mentioned in the modern work Mammy and Uncle Mose: Black Collectibles and American Stereotyping, Kenneth Goings, University of Indiana Press. Some stains on address panel, average wear, else about V.G. and scarce. • Sepia realphoto postcard showing five small foxlike dogs with glossy fur, "Five Little N----r Boys." No imprint but British. Postally unused. Bend at upper right, else fine. •Tuck color cartoon, "‘Colliwogg' Rescued," depicting the blackface character being carried through a field by four white wooden children. Art by Florence K. Upton. Blind-embossed "Gordon Gill Ltd., 28 Old Bond St. W." Unused. Water spot at blank upper right, light cream toning, else about fine. •Teich Colortone, showing black boy clinging fearfully to a coconut tree as an alligator stands on its hind legs, "Honey come down, We're waiting for you in Florida." Linen. "Tropical Florida Series." Unused. Uniform toning, minor edge wear, else fine. • Unusual color cartoon card with onlay of simulated miniature black phono-graph record, inscribed "Rainbow Intermezzo." Above, a festive outdoor party in progress, a young black playing banjo beneath a tree, a drummer facing, as two flamboyantly attired black couples dance, and a little boy eats watermelon. Watermelon and bunches of bananas at bottom, with red, white and blue shield. Wear at spindle hole (an earlier collector evidently tried to play the "record"), some corner wear, minor chipping at top left margin, else very satisfactory . Eye-catching. $225-300 (5 pcs.)

5-13. Inscribed by Martin Luther King, Jr. to an important Civil Rights Leader.

King's first book - published at age 29, Stride Toward Freedom - The Montgomery Story, boldly inscribed on flyleaf in Capri blue, "To: Dr. Reuben Nelson / In appreciation for your genuine goodwill, and your great contribution to the cause of Christ. Martin L. King, Jr." Nearly matching blue cloth, black spine. First edition, 1958, publisher's code 1-H, evidently 8th printing placing it within three months of its first appearance, Harper & Bros., N.Y., 51/2 x 81/2, 230 pp., photographs, King's portrait on black, red, and storm-grey d.j. "A leader of his people tells The Montgomery Story...New hope was born for a peaceful solution to the crisis of desegregation...Describing what it was like to live through one of the great events in current history, Dr. King reveals the spirit of a people who had had enough...." The dustjacket describes King as "a name to conjure with whenever the race issue is mentioned. At age 29, he is possibly the most sought-after speaker in the U.S. today...He has served the Dexter Ave. Baptist Church in Montgomery as pastor for three years - his first pastorate." Nelson occupied an influential post, as the first General Secretary of the American Baptist Convention, its top administrative position. (The founding Pres. of its forerunner organization was Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes, in1907.) It was essential that the young King cultivate Nelson, who had access not only to the Baptist world, but America at large. Triangular fragment lacking at top edge of d.j. 1/4 x 1/2 x 3/4", with 1" tear passing through "h" of "...his people"; repaired on verso with tape, light shelf wear at bottom edge, else very good plus, the colors bright. Internally fresh, clean, and excellent, with warm cream text, deckled fore-edge. Blockson 4119. Off the market since its sale at Swann Galleries, 1985 (lot ticket accompanies). Unconditionally guaranteed authentic. King books, of any title or edition, with important inscriptions are rare on the market. $9500-12,000

5-14. "The Barbarism of Slavery."

Epic "Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, on the Bill for the Admission of Kansas as a Free State...The Barbarism of Slavery," U.S. Senate, June 4, 1860. Boston, 1860, 5 x 73/4, 118 pp. (not to be confused with the abbreviated 16 pp. N.Y. or 32 pp. Washington versions printed that same year), mocha wrappers, steel-engraved frontispiece portrait, tissue guard-leaf. One of the great speeches of the antebellum era - certainly of the fateful year of 1860 - with Sumner's Herculean attempt to add fuel to the abolitionists' fire, and with allusion to "a Mahometan." His first speech in the Senate following a three-year recuperation from the cane attack by a South Carolina legislator, Sumner minces no words: "The fatal partition between Freedom and Slavery, known as the Missouri Compromise...the seizure of all by Slavery...Slavery was not only recognized on this beautiful soil, but made to bristle with a Code of Death such as the world has rarely seen...The whole character of Slavery as a pretended form of civilization is put directly in issue...Senators from S.C. naturally take the lead...One Senator from Miss. [Jefferson Davis] adds that Slavery ‘is but a form of civil government for those who are not fit to govern themselves'...It is natural that Senators thus insensible to the free character of Slavery should evince an equal insensibility to the true character of the Constitution...(which) nowhere recognizes property in man...Slavery is a bloody Touch-me-not, and everywhere in sight now blooms the bloody flower...I stand now in the house of its friends...The Law of Slavery, imitating that rule of evidence which, in barbarous days and barbarous countries, prevented a Christian from testifying against a Mahometan, openly pronounces the incompetency of the whole African race...." On covers, detailed publisher's advertisements for other Republican tracts, including "Wide Awake Edition" of a Lincoln-Hamlin biography for 1860 Presidential campaign. Some waterstaining of covers and last five leaves, wrapper torn but repairable at blank upper spine, minor handling wear, else about very good. One of the significant documents of the core of abolitionism - and of American precepts of freedom. DAB XVIII, p. 211. Sabin 93643. $80-120

5-15. Black Americana.

Interesting varied group: Oversize booklet for classroom use, "King Cotton - The Story of Cotton with a Moving Picture to Build," by Charlotte Barske, Artists and Writers Guild, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1938, 91/4 x 13, (20) pp. Tinted color and black-and-white illustrations on cream vellum; students to clip and arrange photos in a classroom "theatre." "All day long, singing their songs, Hundreds of dark men follow hundreds of dark mules...Hundreds and hundreds of negro children and their mothers and fathers work in the cotton fields. Dedee Lucas and his wife have five children: Lily May, Lincoln, Gardenia, Daisy, and George...." Centerfold art of "Cotton Picking Time," showing blacks of all ages contentedly toiling in the field. Lesson ideas include, "Sing old Southern songs and Negro spirituals...Mark the Cottonland...." Some handling, else very good. •Pair of humorous sepia photoprints, 1898, McCrary & Branson, Knoxville, Tenn., 7 x 93/4. Showing 11 black children perched atop a wooden fence, watching a young man lifting a watermelon, captioned "Gimme de Rine." Second scene shows him voraciously eating, replying, "Ain't Gwine to be no Rine." One with fine crinkled area, perhaps from photographer's developing roller, minor wear, light foxing, else about very good. •Pamphlet, "An Estimate of our Negro Schools," E. George Payne, Ph.D., Asst. Dean, New York University, issued c. 1935 by American Church Institute for Negroes, "Fostering the Rebirth of an Ancient Race." 6 x 83/4, (28) pp., numerous small drawings, brown on tan cover, brown braided cord tie, brown on cream text. Seeking endowments for nine black schools, the Episcopal-affiliated Institute claims "no motive than that of advancing education of the Negro in the South...Trained to be craftsmen devoid of shame...A happy blending of work and play." Light cover dust-toning and wear at overhung cover, else excellent. • Large stereo photo of a black mother seated outside ramshackle wooden house, a young boy resting his head on her lap, as she removes nits from his hair. On verso, contemporary inscription, "You know how it is yourself." Waterstain at blank left margin, also affecting about half of verso. $90-120 (5 pcs.)

5-16. "How the darkies shouted when they heard the glorious sound."

Pair of Civil War-related songsheets: "Up with the Flag - Long may it Wave," printed by A.W. Auner, Philadelphia, war date, 53/4 x 91/4, floral and shell border. "The Rebels thought they had us when the war first begun, When we had the misfortune at the battle of Bull's Run...The Little Iron Monitor went to Norfolk well packed, She fought seven hours along side the Merrimac, When she opened fire she made the Merrimac sound, She crippled her with a ball weighing 480 pounds...." Also mentioning "Old Kentucky," Richmond, Gov. Wise, Roanoke Island, "the Ghost of old John Brown," Pittsburg Landing, death of Confederate Gen. (Albert) Johnston, Beauregard, England, France, and proposed hanging of Jeff Davis. Foxing, old eighth folds, some blue toning around margins, possibly from a blotter, handling wear, but still about good, with much character. • "Marching Through Georgia," pocket-size, 4 x 53/4. No date, no printer, but judged as late as about 1915, and carried at a reunion or parade. "...We sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea, While we are marching through Georgia. How the darkies shouted when they heard the glorious sound...Yes and they were union men who wept with joyful tears...Treason fled before us for resistance was in vain...." Breaks but no separations at all folds, some pocket-toning on blank verso, else satisfactory. Very scarce ephemeral songsheet. $75-100 (2 pcs.)

5-17. Blackface Comedy.

Two stage plays: "Denison's Blackface Series - Oh, Doctor!," by Harry L. Newton, 1915, 43/4 x 71/4, (20) pp. Taking place in "Dr. Quack"'s office, accoutrements including a monkey wrench, in his absence the patients to be minded by his two black-face assistants. "If you want to know anything, just look in the book there...." The two then decide to act as doctor and helper. "Find out what's de mattah wid him and how much money he got...." Period label "Frederick G. Johnson, Entertainment Specialist...Wilkes-Barre, Pa." Much worn, with pencil notations showing actual casting, covers separated at spine, edge tears, but satisfactory. • "Denison's Vaudeville Sketches - At Harmony Junction - A Comedy Character Sketch for Singing Quartette," by Frederick G. Johnson, 1917, (12) pp. "...That train is an hour fast!" "Wrong again. It's 23 hours slow. That was yesterday's train...." Publisher's listing of multitude of other blackface plays, farces, and comedies, with prices. Johnson label as preceding. Old vertical half-fold, some wear, but good. $50-75 (2 pcs.)

5-18. A Broadway Icon's Secret: his Blackface Humor.

Two booklets: "Let's put on a Minstrel show," Paine Publishing Co., Dayton, judged late 1920s, 43/4 x 7, (24) pp. Blackface banjo and guitar duo on cover; inside, numerous drawings highlighting blackface song, sketch, skit, and show programs, priced 30¢ to 6.50. "‘Swanee' has a Limerick-Making Contest full of sure-fire laughs...‘Happy Hollow' featuring the Endmen's Wild Experiment with Hypnotism Juice...‘Mellow Moon': The Ends almost get snowed under by a Captured Snowstorm from the Sahara Desert...." Snappy summaries of dozens of minstrel scripts. Light waterstain at bottom, minor dust-toning covers, else about very good. Scarce publisher. • "Denison's Movie Minstrel, First Part," by the young Walter F. Kerr, 1938, 41/2 x 71/4, (64) pp., desert rose cover. Characters include Syncopation, Hifalutin, Sorry Sam, Woundup, Jigglebones, et al. A lengthy show, set in a dusty, long-closed theatre, the entertainers admitted by the watchman. Publisher's ads for others (not by Kerr!), including "Two Coons in a Wreck" and "Mush and Poke, Detectives." Waterstain and some bookworming cover and first four leaves, else good. Playwright Kerr was none other than the celebrated author and New York Times drama critic, winner of a Pulitzer Prize for "the whole body of his critical work." Here only 25 years old, this blackface show predates his earliest recorded Broadway credit, "Count Me In," a 1942 musical, and his 1951 critical debut, in a Catholic weekly. An American social document, and perhaps the latest blackface sketch we recall. $100-130 (2 pcs.)

5-19. Twentieth-Century Black Americana.

Three pressure-sensitive stickers, unused, issued by NAACP, 1790 Broadway, N.Y., c. 1968, DayGlo lemon and lime, 21/4 x 5. "No Young Blood on the Pavements - Prevent Riots"; "Hot Head -- Hot Lead -- Cold Dead -- Prevent Riots"; "Over No Dead Bodies -- Prevent Riots." Printed in wake of rioting in successive Sixties summers. • With accompanying small folder, black, white and red, "Make a World for Men - Join the NAACP now," Mar. 1968. Offering memberships for $2 and up. "Will he be educated to compete...with white youngsters?..." • Promoter's advertising mat, black on newsprint, for musician-showman Louis Jordan, Spring 1945, unfolding to 161/2 x 22, "Talk About Jordan." Issued by his personal representative, Berle Adams Agency, Chicago. Clever silhouetting of charismatic photos as display type. "Biggest Hit at the Paramount Theatre, N.Y., in years!..." Uniform toning, some short edge tears, original quarter folds, else about very good. Rare. • Color foldout postcards, "Greetings from the Happy South - Containing typical views of Negro Life in Dixie Land." Postmarked Asheville, N.C., 1920. Printed by Teich. Including "Watching the circus go by" (the observers including a donkey), "The Coon Creek Rehearsal," and more. Panel of text, presenting "...typical southern darky scenes, reproduced from actual photographs, showing the care-free and happy life of the negro down in Dixie...made famous in Song and Story...This can only be appreciated by a visit to the Southland, and see the negro as he toils in the cotton and cane, happy and contented...." Postal wear, else stamp sound, and internally fresh, showing little handling. • Oversize litho trade card, c. 1920, 51/2 x 61/2, showing a young black jockey resting on wooden fence, daydreaming of race horses in background. "F.L. Dunne / My Importations now Ready / Transcript Building, Boston." Art by Gallagher. A tailor to high society, Dunne's creations are included in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's costume collection. Removed from album, one hard crease in blank area above head, some toning and modest wear, else good plus. Rare. •Program, "Roland Hayes, Tenor, Reginald Boardman at the Piano, in a Program Dedicated to the United Nations," Symphony Hall, Boston, Oct. 23, 1955, 6 x 9, 4 pp. Large photo of Hayes, one of the era's few black tenors, on front. Pocket quarter-folds, light wear, else very good. $90-120 (8 pcs.)

5-20. Black-Themed Advertising.

Full color chromolithographed trade card-style handbill with stereotypical artwork of older black man extolling "Dixon's Carburet of Iron Stove Polish" to ten black children gathered round a (black) heater. 1887, 5 x 6. "What Uncle Obadiah says about Dixon's Stove Polish." A black baby in wooden crib admires a box of the product, another climbs back of his chair to have a look, as others listen raptly. Large view of package on verso, with, "Now chillen, what yer needs in dese times is a practical eddycashun...I kin tell when I hab the rest, jess as if I could read Dixon's...on de label...." Light uniform toning, else about fine. $60-85

5-21. Black Doll Bookmarks.

Pair of small, vintage novelty bookmarks of black figures, c. 1920s-30s. Comprising thick black felt, tied scarecrow-style with moss-green thread to form eyes, mouths, Afro hairstyles, belts, and pantaloons. Each about 1 x 11/2, joined by 1/2"-wide matching green grosgrain ribbon, as made. Wear but no separation where ribbon sewn to verso of one figure; other end of ribbon sound. Some fading of end portions of ribbon to yellow-green, else about fine. Stereotypical exemplars of a once-popular motif in American popular culture. $30-45 (pair)

5-22. Sanctuary Fortress for Blacks.

Variant pair of Civil War patriotic covers with similar illustration, 11/2 x 51/4, of Fort Monroe and more than a dozen Negroes running towards it. One envelope black on tan; other red, blue, and brown on tan, with flag added atop Fort. Slave master with whip cries, "Come back here, you black rascal!" Blacks reply they cannot, as they are "contraband." Gen. Butler's legal expertise provided this nomenclature for escaping blacks; entry into Fort Monroe would provide them with sanctuary. Both with two parallel blind scores at left and right, perhaps from old storage with ribbon tie; color envelope with small square of lighter toning at blank lower right corner, else unused and fine. $130-160 (2 pcs.)

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6. Civil War Autographs

From a Major Collection of Confederate & Union Signatures

- Part III, "E-F-G" -

Between the 1890s to 1920s, William M. Shaw, a Sherman, Texas merchant,
formed a collection of autographs of Civil War Generals. In many cases,
despite the paucity of autograph dealers in those early days,
he was successful in locating examples of officers killed in action.
For others, he sought their signatures by mail. Shaw precisely mounted most items on a rigid white
linen-embossed card, 31/2 x 5, usually with a typewritten biography mounted on verso.
Some cards are toned; the signatures are almost invariably unaffected.
Such magnificent collections seldom come to market at this late date;
whether you are beginning a collection, or filling in names,
the Shaw Collection represents a special opportunity.
Letter of provenance on request for each Shaw item.
A small number of names were lacking in Shaw,
and added from another old collection in the 1970s.

6-1. I(ra) A(llen) Eastman.

Of N.H. Member prewar Congresses; 1863 pro-Southern Copperhead ("Peace Democrat") candidate for Gov. of N.H., linked to Vallandigham. Winning more votes than his two opponents, but still shy of a majority, when the choice was thrown to the legislature, Eastman lost the election to a Radical Republican with 2,500 fewer votes. "Rumor had it that New Hampshire's War Democrat was promised a brigadier-general's commission if he would split the Democratic vote... Lincoln, who controlled the army and the patronage, alone had the power to save the party in the States"--Lincoln and the War Governors, Hesseltine, 1955. On pale green, "Comr. of Deeds" also in Eastman's hand. Old folds, marginal toning, else very good. Lacking in Shaw, and added from another old collection in 1970s. $35-45

6-2. A(mos) B. Eaton.

Of N.Y. Union Maj. Gen. Zachary Taylor's Chief Commissary in Mexican War; Purchasing Commissary for Armies in the field in Civil War. On pastel blue, apparently from a letter, with "Com. Gen. Subs(istence)" in field hand. Somewhat obscure, but certainly one of the more important personages in the Union Army, his skill in distributing supplies to the troops recognized by Lincoln. Dust-toning of mount, else fine. Very scarce. $45-65

6-3. Joseph K. Edgerton.

Of Ind. Civil War-era Democratic Congressman, voting against 13th Amendment. Railroad Pres. linking Midwest and Chicago to the East coast. "Fort Wayne, Ind." in his hand. On ivory card. Pleasing uniform toning, and very fine. $25-35

6-4. W(illiam) H. Emory.

Of Md. Union Brig. Gen. A grizzled veteran by the time the Civil War erupted, having already fought in Calif., Kansas, and Utah. Married to Benjamin Franklin's great-granddaughter, Emory was a distinguished cartographer, mapping the Gadsden Purchase, Texas border, and Southwest. "His mapmaking skills were so superb and detailed with such great accuracy that he often made other maps obsolete, thus making him the authority of the trans-Mississippi West...He wrote Notes of a Military Reconnaissance from Ft. Leavenworth to San Diego, which became an important guide book for the road to Southern California..."--wikipedia. In early 1861, with the help of famed Indian warrior Black Beaver, Emory captured the advance guard of Texas rebel militia near Ft. Leavenworth - considered the first prisoners captured in the Civil War. Commanding defenses of New Orleans, he led from Washington to the Gulf Coast. Postwar, Emory negotiated peace with the White League, which had taken over New Orleans. A crater on the Moon was named for him by Apollo 17's astronauts. Manuscript endorsement clipped from document, 23/4 x 23/4, "Head Quarters Dept. W. Va., Office Pro(vost) Mar(shal) Genl., Cumberland, Md., May 12/(18)65 / (R)espectfully forwarded...Brvt. Maj. Genl." Double border ruled in red by clerk. A curious example, with superficial microscopic pebbling on "W.H." of signature, evidently when ink was smudged by his own hand, and he blotted, then scraped surrounding paper with a dull knife, to clean. His mapmaking background and attention to detail make his fastidiousness here fascinating. Amber glue toning on verso from old album mount, else about V.G. Uncommon. $150-180

6-5. J(ames) E. English.

Of Conn. Civil War Congressman, Conn. Gov. and Sen. "...Despite being a Democrat, he voted in favor of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in 1864. His ‘aye' prompted applause ‘and the tide turned.' (English) later remarked that voting for the Amendment ruined his standing among Democrats, but he thought it the right thing to do, saying ‘I suppose I am politically ruined, but that day was the happiest of my life'"--In Memoriam..., 1891, at wikipedia. Winning the popular vote in a postwar gubernatorial contest, the election was deemed fraudulent, with stolen votes, and his office awarded to his opponent. Ironically, English became a Presidential elector in the contentious Tilden campaign in 1876 which nearly ignited another civil war. English is depicted in Spielberg's recent motion picture Lincoln, but erroneously shown voting against the 13th Amendment. Closing of A.L.S. Some glue stains from mounting on ivory sheet, else good plus. $45-65

6-6. Clement A. Evans.

Of Ga. Confederate Brig. Gen. An antebellum lawyer and judge, Evans served under Stonewall Jackson. Commanding at Gettysburg and Petersburg, wounded at Monocacy, he surrendered at Appomattox. "Much depressed by the carnage he had seen at Fredericksburg, he determined to enter the ministry...and was a Methodist preacher for over 25 years"--Boatner. His "holiness movement" ultimately split the Methodist Church. Evans edited the 12-vol. Confederate Military History in 1899; a founder of United Confederate Veterans. Bold signature with two lines in his hand, "Brig. Genl. Comdg. Div. / Army No. Va., P.A.C.S." Some blotting by him of a few thicker penstrokes, dark cream toning of mount, else fine. The postwar use of "P(rovisional) A(rmy) of (the) C(onfederate) S(tates)" is very unusual and seldom encountered thusly. Evans once proclaimed, "If we cannot justify the South in the act of Secession, we will go down in history solely as a brave, impulsive but rash people who attempted in an illegal manner to overthrow the Union of our Country"--The Myth of the Lost Cause..., Gallagher and Nolan, Indiana University Press, pp. 13-14. $170-220

6-7. J(ames) F. Fagan.

Of Ky. Confederate Maj. Gen. His regiment part of the first wave of attacks at Shiloh under Gen. Johnston; served in Trans-Mississippi Dept., raising troops for defense of Arkansas, capturing over 200 wagons in the clash at Camden. With Sterling Price in his last Missouri raid. One of the last Confederate holdouts, Fagan did not surrender til June 14, 1865. Postwar U.S. Marshal in Indian Terr., and a commander in obscure Brooks-Baxter War of 1874, an armed, politically rooted conflict in the streets of Little Rock, pitting the Scalawags against Carpetbaggers. Lasting several weeks - ridden with voter fraud, clashes between blacks and whites, cannon fire on the river, a train hijacking, and outright assassinations - a role was also played by the eponymous founder of the Rose Law Firm, with which Hillary Clinton would be linked a century later. The Brooks-Baxter War resulted in an unbroken 90-year run of 35 Democratic Governors of Arkansas. Bold sig. in drawing pencil, with paraph, on slip 7/8 x 31/4. Old mounting evidence, else fine. Very scarce. Fascinating character. $150-200

6-8. J(ohn) F(ranklin) Farnsworth.

Of Ill., but born in Canada. Union Brig. Gen. At first a Democratic politician, as his sentiments became abolitionist, Farnsworth moved to the Republican side of the aisle. At Lincoln's personal direction, raised and led the 8th Ill. Cavalry. Severely injured, resigning in 1863 to take the Congressional seat he had won several months earlier. Holding his post for a decade, Farnsworth became one of the first Radical Republicans - then switching back to the Democrats. A leader in Johnson's impeachment, he enthusiastically championed the Emancipation Proclamation and 13th Amendment. "St. Charles, Ill." also in his hand. Mount dust-toned at left and right, else fine. $55-75

6-9. D(avid) G. Farragut.

Of Tenn. Union - first in the U.S. Navy to hold the ranks of Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, and Admiral. Serving some sixty years, he went to sea at age 9; by age 12 he was prize master of a captured ship, witnessing establishment of America's first naval base in the Pacific, in Polynesia. Later living in Norfolk, Va. - with his Norfolk-born wife - as the war clouds gathered in 1861, Farragut was informed that a Unionist could not reside in Virginia. Moving his family North to a town bordering Yonkers, he would go on to distinction on the Mississippi and Mobile Bay, where he exclaimed (according to tradition), "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead." One of the first Northerners to enter Richmond after it fell in 1865, his fame spanned a character of the same name in Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, to Star Trek, in which multiple starships are named Farragut. Dark signature on slender ivory card, Shaw's pencil notations on verso of mount. Puckered areas at left and right where Shaw apparently pressed to adhere while paste drying, cosmetically imperfect thusly, else about fine. $175-225

6-10. N.A. Farwell.

Of Maine. Delegate to 1864 Republican National Convention; Civil War Sen. for five months in 1864-65, succeeding Fessenden. Flamboyant signature in dark brown on mocha slip, evidently trimmed from letter. Uniform toning, else fine. $20-30

6-11. W(infield) S(cott) Featherston.

Of Miss. Confederate Brig. Gen. Antebellum Congressman from Miss. Fighting at 1st Manassas, and wounded at Seven Days, he asked Lee to return him to Miss. to counter the Union threat. Leading his eponymous brigade on the Peninsula, at Atlanta, Franklin, and Nashville, Featherston - nicknamed "Old Swet" - was severely wounded at White Oak Swamp. In a sprawling hand, with "Houston, Mississippi" also in his hand. Left and right a trifle trimmed by Shaw to fit his standard mount, just grazing one descender of initial "W.," some dust-toning, else very good plus. Uncommon. $130-160

6-12. Samuel Wragg Ferguson.

Of S.C. Confederate Brig. Gen. Joining the Dragoons just out of West Point, he served in Utah and Washington Territory. Aide-de-camp to Beauregard by Mar. 1861, Ferguson was among those receiving Anderson's surrender at Fort Sumter, raising the first Confederate flag, and posting the first guards there. Sent to the original Confederate capital in Montgomery, Ala., Ferguson presented the Confederate flag tattered by Union fire during the attack on Sumter. Commanding his own brigade at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and the Atlanta campaign, he escorted the fleeing Jeff Davis from Charlotte to Georgia. Though listed as a general officer in Marcus Wright's standard 1911 roster, he is curiously unlisted in fellow Confederate Clement Evans' 12-volume 1899 work. With "Brig. Genl. Cavalry / C.S.A." also in his hand. On cream card. Choice. $200-250

6-13. Edw(ard) Ferrero.

Of N.Y., born in Spain. Union Maj. Gen. A fascinating character, Ferrero continued his father's dancing school in New York City, also teaching West Point cadets. Soon commanding his own regiment at Roanoke, New Bern, 2nd Bull Run, Antietam, and Fredericksburg, he is best known for his role in the 1864 Petersburg Mine Explosion. "His command, a Negro division, was selected by Burnside to lead the assault into the Crater. After they had been drilled some weeks for this role, Meade cancelled the order, and Grant concurred. In an unbelievable multiplication of errors the division was sent into the breach...and set up heavy fire..."--Boatner. As Ferrero's men advanced, Bruce Catton recounted in his epic A Stillness at Appomattox, he took "a swig of his jug of rum, leaving his brigadiers to direct the fight." Also blamed for his failure to issue orders at Knoxville, Ferrero escaped charges, running several large ballrooms in New York after the war. A flamboyant signature with paraph, "Major Genl. U.S. Vols." apparently in another contemporary hand. Mat browned, else fine, and suitable for display. $80-110

6-14. Orris S. Ferry.

Of Conn. Union Brig. Gen. A prewar member of the obscure Toleration Party, Ferry became an early Republican, Connecticut's member of the Committee of Thirty-Three, attempting reconciliation between North and South. Leading at the First Battle of Winchester, he commanded at St. Helena and Seabrook Islands. "Characterized as the worst possible radical; his election to the U.S. Senate in 1866 was, apparently, somewhat less than fair. Once he took office, however, he voted...for Johnson's conviction..."--Boatner. With "Norwalk, Conn." in his hand. Light marginal dust-toning, else fine. Uncommon. $75-100

6-15. Francis Fessenden.

Of Maine. Union Brig. Gen. Son of Lincoln's Secretary of Treasury; wounded at Shiloh, he found himself quartered near Centreville - where his younger brother had been killed the year before. Losing a leg at Monett's Bluff, he went on to command his troops again. Signature from Army form, 1 x 41/2, rank below in clerical hand, "corrected" from "Brig." to "Bvt. Major (Gen.)" by the assiduous old-time collector seen in several other examples in collection. In brown ink in old hand, "Washington, Jan. 18, 1863," with "Col. Com(manding)" in old pencil, his rank at that date. Border double-ruled in pink. Signature somewhat light; removed from old scrapbook, old vertical fold through first name, else good, and a conversation piece. Probably added to Shaw in 1970s. $100-130

6-16. W(illiam) P. Fessenden.

Of N.H. and Maine. Lincoln's Sec. of Treasury; an anti-slavery organizer of Republican Party, postwar Chairman of Joint Committee on Reconstruction, dubbed a Radical during Johnson's impeachment. Signature on eggshell-white slip, 21/2 x 41/2, with "Maine" below. Album mounting remnants on verso, few handling traces, smudge on paraph beneath "Maine," probably by his hand, else about very good. Probably added to Shaw in 1970s. $40-60

6-17. John W. Finnell.

Of Kentucky. Union politician. As Ky.'s Adj. Gen. 1861-63, Finnell oversaw Army camps and supplies for troops in the Bluegrass State. Editor of Louisville's Daily Commercial. Close of L.S., with "Adj. Genl. Ky. Vols." in clerical hand. Border double-ruled in pink. Half-oval fragment at top once separated and rejoined by old-time collector, just clearing signature; some toning, else about fine and rare. Amusing ancient "25¢" price in pencil on verso. Probably added to Shaw in 1970s. $25-35

6-18. Francis P. Fleming.

Of Fla. Confederate Capt. His family's Florida plantation spared destruction by Mass. Cavalry when its commander - Fleming relative and future Maj. Gen. Guy Henry - intervened. Enlisting as a Pvt. in 2nd Fla. Regt., Fleming was wounded, later leading at Florida's obscure Battle of Natural Bridge in Mar. 1865. Pitting teenage students and elderly Floridians against Union Colored Troops, the clash allowed Tallahassee to remain the only Confederate capital east of the Mississippi never captured. The battle is considered the last Confederate victory of the war. Now a State Park, the event is reenacted annually. A postwar Democratic segregationist, as Gov. of Fla., he removed the state's sole black judge from the bench, for having married a white man and black woman. In Waterman blue, on ivory card. Old blind indentation of triangular clip at left, just touching first letter, pleasing toning, else fine. Scarce. $70-100

6-19. J(ohn) B(uchanan) Floyd.

Of Va. Confederate Brig. Gen., dying of poor health in 1863. Losing his fortune as an antebellum cotton planter, then states-rights Democratic Gov. of Va., and Buchanan's Secretary of War til Dec. 1860. Some say that Floyd was a proximate cause of the Civil War, by refusing to order Anderson to abandon Fort Sumter. In his last days in office, the war looming, Floyd was "accused in the North of concentrating guns in the Southern arsenals in anticipation of their capture by Confederate forces"--Boatner. Asked to leave office by Buchanan for scandals involving Indian bonds and the Pony Express, Floyd would once again be relieved of command by a President - this time by Jefferson Davis - upon escaping unscathed from a falling Fort Donelson. Close of manuscript D.S. as Sec. of War, "War Dept.," July 1, 1859. In clerical hand above, "It is not deemed necessary or expedient to order a Court of Inquiry, or go further into a consideration of the case." • On verso, signature of future Adj. Gen. of the Union Army Gen. E.D. Townsend. On pastel blue. Old soft roll at right edge, having once enclosed a thick gathering of records, else very fine. An interesting juxtaposition of Union and Confederate generals. $200-240

6-20. M.F. Force.

Of Washington, D.C. Son of Peter Force, printer of the coveted facsimiles of the Declaration; recipient of 17th Corps Gold Medal for his valor at Vicksburg. Severely wounded in the face and disfigured for life while commanding in the Atlanta campaign, for which he later received the Medal of Honor, Force went on to command during March to the Sea and through the Carolinas. An interesting, sprawling signature, evidently close of a letter, with "Brig. Gen. Cmg. 1st Brig. 3 Div. 17th A.C." in his hand below - his command at time of his wounding outside Atlanta. Mounted by Shaw at an angle to fit card, uniform dust-toning, a trifle light, else very good. Force's papers reside in the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center. $65-90

6-21. John H. Forney.

Of N.C. Confederate Maj. Gen. Severely wounded at Dranesville while replacing recently-wounded Kirby Smith; commanded Dept. of Southern Ala. & W. Florida; captured at Vicksburg. Forney's last command was in Dept. of Texas, N.M. and Arizona, not surrendering til May 12. Signed once in full, and again with initials: On front of card, with the uncommon usage "P(rovisional) A(rmy of the) C(onfederate) S(tates), "...Maj. Gen. / PACS / With pleasure / over." On verso, "Jacksonville, Alabama, Mar. 24, 1899, J.H.F." In coffee-and-cream ink on ivory card. Fine. An interesting example. $275-325

6-22. J(ohn) G. Foster.

Of N.H. Union Maj. Gen. Teaching engineering at West Point, second-in-command to Anderson during bombardment of Ft. Sumter - which he had helped construct in 1858. Next building forts along the N.J. coast, Foster commanded Depts. of Va. and N.C., and the South. Foster famously replied to Confederate Gen. D.H. Hill, demanding Union surrender of Washington, N.C., "If you want Washington, come and get it." Leading Dept. of N.C. at time of the Emancipation Proclamation, Foster developed freedmen's colonies, to prepare thousands of just-liberated blacks for their new "free and independent community." With "Maj. Gen. Vols." in his hand. Some fingerprinting at right margin when mounted to card by Shaw, else very good. $60-85

6-23. John W. Foster.

Of Ind. Union officer, his troops first to enter Knoxville in Burnside's campaign. Ambassador under four postwar Presidents; as Sec. of State under Benjamin Harrison, Foster helped direct overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. Upon leaving public office, he is credited with pioneering a new type of legal practice: lobbying! His grandchildren included John Foster and Allen Dulles, respectively the Sec. of State and early Dir. of the C.I.A. From close of letter, with "Very truly" in his hand. Light cream toning at edges, else fine. $35-50

6-24. Charles B. Fox.

Of Mass. Union Col. Wounded at Antietam; commander of three of the ten companies of 55th Mass., sister regiment of black troops, its nucleus actually the remaining recruits of the famed 54th. Fox led his Colored Troops at Florida's Olustee, Palatka, and Yellow Bluff, losing not a man, their stay an unlikely respite in the depths of the Civil War. Returning that Summer to South Carolina, their luck turned, suffering grievously at James Island and Honey Hill. The men of the 55th had the same struggle receiving their full pay of $13 a month that had afflicted the 54th. Close of A.L.S., "Yours truly...late Lieut. Col., 55 Regt. Mass. Vols. / (To) Gen. W.S. Tilton." Amber toning of card mount, else fine. Very scarce. $50-70

6-25. W.B. Franklin.

Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. First in his West Point class (topping U.S. Grant), Franklin was supervising engineer of construction of U.S. Capitol dome. Commanding his eponymous Brig. and Div., feuding with Burnside, Franklin was blamed for Fredericksburg by Committee on the Conduct of the War. Refusing to serve under Hooker, he resigned, finding himself at home in York, Pa. at time of Gettysburg. Later wounded at Sabine Cross Roads, while recuperating, his train was captured by Jubal Early's men, Franklin escaping the next night. Postwar Gen. Manager of Colt's Patent Firearms Mfg. Co., saving the company in the aftermath of an 1864 factory fire, loss of war contracts in 1865, and expiration of their revolver patents. Under Franklin, Colt diversified to watches, sewing machines, typewriters, bicycles, derringers, and the Colt Peacemaker, still in production today. Offered 1872 Democratic Presidential nomination, to oppose Horace Greeley; Franklin was one of a relatively few Civil War generals to live into the 20th century. "With Maj. Gen. U.S. Vols." also in his hand. Two tears, both just missing live area; evidently once on top of a stack of Shaw's cards, sun-lightened to coffee-and-cream, and uniform dust-toning, with two bright lines where a string or rubber band wrapped the group, else satisfactory. $60-80

6-26. W.B. Franklin.

Presentation signature, in rich purple-black, "Major General U.S. Army / Feb. 25, 1889." On blue-lined pale ivory slip. One soft diagonal crease, trivial mounting traces on verso, some offset from blotting by his own hand, else very fine and attractive. $110-140

6-27. S(amuel) G. French.

Of N.J. Confederate Maj. Gen. A West Point classmate of U.S. Grant and W.B. Franklin; named Chief of Ordnance upon Mississippi's secession. Blocking the Potomac in 1862, French went on to command Dept. of Southern Va. and N.C., and lead in Atlanta, Franklin, and Nashville campaigns. Born in N.J., a postwar resident of Pensacola, Fla. - with a memorial to him in Philadelphia. With "Maj. Gen. C.S. Army" in his hand. Uniform honey toning of card mount, else excellent. Superior example. $200-250

6-28. Wm. H. French.

Of Md. Union Maj. Gen. Aide-de-camp to Franklin Pierce in Mexican War; commanding officer of a young Stonewall Jackson in antebellum Florida, the two constantly feuding, filing charges against each other. In command at Eagle Pass, Texas at outbreak of Civil War, French refused to follow Twiggs into the Confederacy, instead marching his men to the Gulf, sailing for Key West. Leading at Yorktown, Antietam, and Fredericksburg, he was held responsible for the Mine Run failure. Signature from Army form, 1 x 31/2, rank below in his hand, "corrected" from "Brig." to "Major Gen." by the assiduous old-time collector seen in several other examples in collection. In brown ink in old hand, "Near Yorktown, Va., June 30, 1862," with "Brig. (Gen.)" in old pencil, his rank at that date. Border double-ruled in brown. Removed from old scrapbook, laid on onion skin, else very good. Probably added to Shaw in 1970s. $80-110

6-29. James B. Fry.

Of Ill. Union Maj. Gen. An artillery instructor at West Point, serving in expedition to suppress John Brown's Harpers Ferry raid. Chief of Staff to McDowell and Buell, Fry fought at 1st Bull Run and Corinth. With "Provost Marshal Gen." also in his hand. In rich brown on dark cream slip, 1 x 4, trimmed from autograph album, just touching top loop of "J." Fine. $55-75

6-30. R(ichard) M. Gano.

Of Texas. Confederate Brig. Gen.; physician. His father known as the "Fighting Chaplain" in the Revolution, said to have baptized George Washington in the Potomac (though unproven). At age 12, son Richard entered Bacon College, precursor of the University of Kentucky. Practicing medicine - and farming - on the approximate site of Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, he commanded a Texas cavalry in Trans-Mississippi Dept. in Indian Territory, wounded at Moscow, Ark. Wounded again while leading Stand Watie's Indian Cavalry, of Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole fighting for the South, their capture at Cabin Creek of hundreds of Union wagons and mules was termed "one of the most brilliant raids of the entire war," by Gen. Kirby Smith. Gano's great-grandson was Howard Hughes. On cream card, in rich brown. Last two letters smudged by his own hand, else excellent. Elusive, and a fascinating personality. Unpriced in Seagrave. $350-475

6-31. John Ganson.

Of N.Y. Civil War-era Congressman; delegate to 1864 Democratic National Convention. On ivory card. "Buffalo, N.Y." also in his hand. Excellent. $20-25

6-32. (William M. Gardner.)

Of Ga. Confederate Brig. Gen. His wound thought to be fatal, while commanding 8th Ga. at 1st Bull Run. Though he eventually recovered, Gardner was unable to resume field service, instead given commands including District of Middle Fla. In 1864, he was appointed to command most Confederate prisons east of the Miss.; in the last four months of the war, he commanded the epicenter of the South, the post of Richmond. Docketed portion, 2 x 3, entirely in a Confederate aide's hand; it is possible that Gardner was on sick leave, or his ability to write was impaired. "Hd. Qrs. Dept. of West Fla., Quincy, Nov. 25, 1863. Approved and respectfully forwarded in the absence of and By Command / W.M. Gardner, Brig. Gen. Comdg." Mounted on old cream card. Red ruled border. Semi-circular fragment lacking at blank edge, some toning, else very good. An interesting curiosity, and probably the only Confederate item datelined Quincy, Fla. to emerge on the market! $55-75

6-33. S(amuel) Garland, Jr.

Of Va. Confederate Brig. Gen. The great-grandnephew of James Madison, Garland organized the Lynchburg Home Guards in 1859, spurred by John Brown's attack. Leading at 1st Bull Run, his fearlessness under fire has been posited to stem from his recent loss of both his wife and four-year-old son in an influenza epidemic. Celebrated for his bravery and strategic skills, he was mortally wounded at South Mountain in Antietam campaign, 1862. His loss has been linked to a mislaid copy of Lee's movement order finding its way into McClellan's hands. Of Garland's bravery, Gen. D.H. Hill wrote in his history of the battle, "The firing had aroused that prompt and gallant soldier, Gen. Garland, and his men were under arms when I reached the pike. I explained the situation briefly to him, directed him to sweep through the woods, reach the road, and hold it at all hazards, as the safety of Lee's large train depended upon its being held. He went off in high spirits and I never saw him again. I never knew a truer, better, braver man. Had he lived, his talents, pluck, energy, and purity of character must have put him in the front rank of his profession, whether in civil or military life...(He) had no superiors, and few equals...." Close of letter, in pencil on robin's-egg blue, "Your aff(ectionate) son / S. Garland Jr. / Col. 11th" (Va.), his rank beginning late Apr. 1861. Old mounting on mocha slip, perhaps c. 1910-30, simple border ruled in light brown. Very minor tan toning at lower portion, microminiature dimples, mostly in blank area, perhaps depressions from his pencil holder touching paper, else fine plus. "A rare signature"--Autographs of the Confederacy, Reese, published by Cohasco. $900-1200

6-34. I(sham) W. Garrott.

Of N.C. Confederate Brig. Gen., but never confirmed in a tragic error. Sent as a commissioner from Ala. to urge his native N.C. to secede, Garrott led the 20th Ala. in the early Vicksburg engagements. Within three weeks of his appointment as Brig. Gen., he was killed at Vicksburg by a sharpshooter while inspecting an outpost. Because his name had been misspelled, his commission arrived at headquarters after his death; his posthumous appointment was never confirmed by the Confederate Senate. Bold signature in pencil, "Marion, Ala." also in his hand. 11/4 x 43/4, irregular, mounted on larger ivory slip. Left half uniformly toned to darker sand, almost certainly when extending from a stack of papers over many decades, partially toned by ambient light thusly. Else very fine, and rare. $550-775

6-35. Lucius J. Gartrell.

Of Ga. Confederate Brig. Gen. Member of U.S. and First Confederate Congresses. Reading law in future Confederate Sec. of State Robert Toombs' office, he was leading at 1st Bull Run when his 16-year-old son was killed. Commanding his brigade of Ga. Reserves in S.C., Gartrell was wounded near the end of the war. With "Atlanta, Ga." in his hand. Minor dust-toning of card mount, else very fine. Scarce. $110-140

6-36. M(artin) W. Gary.

Of S.C. Confederate Brig. Gen. A Harvard-educated criminal lawyer, becoming an ardent secessionist. Commanding the famed Hampton Legion at 1st Bull Run, after much action Gary's regiment was mounted, to become cavalry. He "was the last general officer to leave Richmond when it fell. [Refusing to surrender] at Appomattox, his forces cut through the lines to join Davis at Greensboro and escorted him to Cokesbury, S.C., where one of the last cabinet meetings took place in Gary's mother's home...Thin, erect, and baldheaded...he was called the Bald Eagle"--Boatner. Playing a major role in Wade Hampton III's 1876 campaign for Gov. of S.C., Gary planned "a detailed campaign to disrupt the Republican Party and black voters by violence and intimidation"--wikipedia. In two counties, the Democratic votes for Hampton exceeded the number of registered voters. The settlement reached with Republicans would allow S.C.'s contested electors to cast their votes for Rutherford B. Hayes, finally breaking the impasse with Tilden that remained til the following year. Trimmed from a larger sheet, 11/4 x 31/2. Orange mottling on ivory, else rich brown and about very good. $170-220

6-37. Jno. W. Geary.

Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. Chosen by Pres. Polk to set up California's postal system in the first year of the Gold Rush, Geary became final Alcalde and first Mayor of San Francisco upon California Statehood. As prewar Gov. of Kansas, credited with restoring order. Wounded at least ten times in his career, attributed to his 6' 6" stature and large build. Captured at Leesburg, he went on to lead at Gettysburg - though he lost track of the division he was to follow, marching completely off the battlefield, only to return after dark to a fierce firefight. Geary's son was killed at Wauhatchie, expiring in his arms. Ironically, (Jefferson) Davis County, Kansas was renamed Geary County, in 1889. Splendid flamboyant signature on slip, with paraph, "Bvt. Maj. Gen." also in his hand. Blank corner at lower right trimmed, where removed from old album, else fine and attractive. $90-120

6-38. Geo(rge) W(ashington) Getty.

Of D.C. Union Maj. Gen. Commanding four batteries at Antietam, Getty "led a storming column in a successful assault of Battery Huger" (Boatner); severely wounded at the Wilderness. It was Getty's Division that made the initial breakthrough at Petersburg on Apr. 2, taking part in the Army of the Potomac's final campaign, leading to Lee's surrender. Signature from partly printed document, "Commanding the Regt.," as Col. 3rd Artillery, c. 1872, as Commander of Fortress Monroe's Artillery School. Some blind handling wrinkles, else very good. $45-65

6-39. R(andall) L(ee) Gibson.

Of La. Confederate Brig. Gen. Yale-degreed, traveling through Europe before the war. Commanding 13th La. at Shiloh, and two regiments at Chickamauga and Chattanooga. A Reconstruction Congressman and Sen., an opponent claimed that Gibson had black blood. A modern historian writes, "As much as racial purity mattered to white Southerners, they had to circle the wagons around Randall Gibson. If someone of his position could not be secure in his race, then no one was safe"--The Invisible Line: Three American Families and the Secret Journey from Black to White, Scharfstein. The book confirms the old claim that Gibson's ancestry included freed black slaves in colonial Virginia. Gibson was Paul Tulane's chief agent in founding the eponymous university. With "New Orleans, La." also in his hand. Hard crease in blank mount at left vertical, easily matted, else very fine. $110-140

6-40. J(eremy) F. Gilmer.

Of N.C. Confederate Maj. Gen. Prewar Chief Engineer of Dept. of the West, resigning June 1861 to become Confederate Gen. A.S. Johnston's Chief Engineer. Wounded at Shiloh, he notably skipped the rank of Brig. Gen., advancing from Col. to Maj. Gen. Signed while second-in-command of Dept. of S.C., Ga., and Fla. In clerical hand, "(Hd.) Qrs. Savannah / 4 May 1864...forwarded / Maj. Gen. Com'g." Double red rule at right, old mounting evidence on verso, else fine. Uncommon. $140-180

6-41. Q(uincy) A. Gillmore.

Of Ohio. Union Maj. Gen. Engineering instructor at West Point, Chief Engineer on Port Royal expedition to S.C., later leading at Charleston 1863-64. Severely injured falling from his horse, while pursuing Jubal Early in the Shenandoah Valley, Gillmore recovered to command Dept. of the South. With "Maj. Genl." in his hand. Some puckering as mounted by Shaw, uniform cream toning of mount, else very good. $50-70

6-42. L.M. Goldsborough.

Of D.C. Union Navy. Appointed midshipman at age 7, he would become commander of North Atlantic Blockading Squadron. His refusal to be placed under McClellan's direct command - only agreeing to "cooperate" with him - ultimately led to Lincoln detaching Goldsborough's ships, and the end of a storied naval career til war's end. Highly attractive, penned in rich brown at top of blue-lined ivory, apparently the last leaf of a letter (balance not present). With "Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy" also in his hand. Few minor edge creases, else very fine. $110-140

6-43. D(aniel) W. Gooch.

Of Mass. Congressman. Serving in five successive Congresses, 1858-65, filling the shoes of future Union Gens. Benjamin Butler and Nathaniel Banks. With "Melrose, Mass." also in his hand. Portion of fingerprint (his) dropshadowing first initial, some ink evidently having transferred as he lifted the just-signed card, else excellent, and a curiosity. $20-30

6-44. Geo(rge) H. Gordon.

Of Mass. Union Maj. Gen. A Harvard Law graduate, Gordon commanded from Antietam to Florida and Mobile Bay. "His health ruined by the war, he returned to his Boston law office and wrote a number of books on the Civil War in Va...‘His strong opinions and trenchant criticisms which hindered his promotion...are evident...[but with] a sense of humor..."--Boatner. From a letter, judged postwar, removing lower portion of "Geo. H." when clipped, else bold and very good. $30-45

6-45. Geo(rge) W(ashington) Gordon.

Of Tenn. Confederate Brig. Gen. Wounded at Stones River, and again wounded and captured at Franklin. Postwar Indian Agent in Arizona and Nevada; Tenn. Congressman, and Commander-in-Chief of United Confederate Veterans. One of the first members of the K.K.K., Gordon practiced law in Pulaski, Tenn., putative birthplace of the Klan, authoring its "Prescript," the secretly-printed handbook of its organization and principles. The tome was accompanied by cypher code and explanation for its use. Following his death, Gordon's wife claimed that he had been the original Grand Wizard of the Klan, and that it was he, not Forrest, who disbanded it. Also in his hand, "Brig. Gen., Cheatham's Div., Army of Tennessee, C.S.A." Smudge on final "A." by his hand, ivory patination of card, mount toned, else very good. plus. A desirable example. $325-400

6-46. J(ohn) B(rown) Gordon.

Of Ga. Confederate Maj. Gen. At outbreak of war, Capt. of the Raccoon Roughs, a volunteer company of mountaineers. Wounded leading his new 6th Ala. at Antietam, then commanding his Ga. brigade at Gettysburg, his wife accompanied him on all of his campaigns, leaving their children with his mother. "She was a prime annoyance to Jubal Early, who was once heard to wish that the Federals would capture her"--Boatner. Planning and leading the assault on Fort Stedman at Peterbsurg, Gordon was postwar Sen. and Gov. of Ga. With "Georgia" also in his hand. In coffee-and-cream ink, minor smudge at blank lower right corner, else very fine. $220-270

6-47. A(rthur) P. Gorman.

Of Md. Senator. Beginning as a Senate Page at age 11, Gorman was taken under the wing of Lincoln's nemesis Stephen A. Douglas, becoming his private secretary. In 1859 - at age 20 - he was "one of the founding members of the Washington Nationals Base Ball Club, the first official baseball team in America, and rose to become a star by end of the Civil War"--wikipedia. A postwar leader of the Bourbon Democrats, his election was "influenced by large groups of ‘ward rounders' who shot and wounded black Republican voters...," according to The New York Times. In 1889, Gorman character-ized his Democratic Party thusly: "We have determined that this government was made by white men and shall be ruled by white men as long as the republic lasts." "Yrs. Truly...Maryland." On ivory card. Ink spilt on last letter of "Truly," else fine. A conversation piece, at least semantically linking Lincoln and baseball. $90-120

6-48. W.A. Gorman.

Of Ky. Union Brig. Gen. Leaving behind his law practice, family, and post in the Indiana State House, Gorman enlisted as a private in the Mexican War. Antebellum Gov. of Pueblo, and of Minn. Territory, he proposed moving the capital from St. Paul to St. Peter - where he happened to own land suitable for government buildings. In a litany of firsts, he led the 1st Minn. at 1st Bull Run. Commanding the 1st Brigade at Antietam, his men suffered high casualties in an ill-fated attack on Confederates; he resigned the Army in 1864. Bold signature from document, with "Brig. Genl." also in his hand; datelined in clerical hand Memphis, Apr. 6, (18)63. Double-ruled red border. 3/4" tear passing through "ma" of "Gorman," old expert mounting on card, and inconspicuous; uniform toning, else very good. $65-90

6-49. D(aniel) C. Govan.

Of N.C. Confederate Brig. Gen. Joining his cousin, future Confederate Gen. McCulloch in the Gold Rush of ‘49, Govan became Deputy Sheriff of Sacramento. Returning as a planter in antebellum Miss. and Ark., he led the 2nd Ark. at Shiloh and Stones River. Govan garnered high praise from Gen. Patrick Cleburne, the "Stonewall Jackson of the West," for his service at Missionary Ridge. Also in his hand, "Brigadier Genl., Cleburne's Div., Hardee's Corps, Army of Tennessee, C.S.A." (It was while commanding under Hardee that Govan was captured with his regiment in front of Atlanta. Exchanged, Govan returned to lead at Franklin where he was severely wounded - and the revered Cleburne killed.) Coffee-and-cream ink, mount toned, else fine. $180-220

6-50. Jesse A. Gove.

Of Mass. Union Col. After fighting in the Mexican War, Gove studied law in future Pres. Franklin Pierce's New Hampshire office. Returning to the Army in 1855, he served under future Confederate Gen. A.S. Johnston in suppressing a Mormon insurrection in Utah. Seven years later, when Confederate forces evacuated Yorktown, Gove was the first Union officer to climb over its earthworks. Killed in action while his 22nd Mass. was suddenly surrounded at Gaines' Mill, his body was never recovered. For years after, veterans of the 22nd held their reunions on the anniversary of his death. Dateline and closing of A.L.S. neatly mounted on Shaw's card: "Hd. Qrs.: 22d Mass. Regt., Camp Lincoln, Va., June 16, 1862..." - eleven days before falling at Gaines' Mill. Light dust toning and edge patina, else very good. Rare, certainly with this dating. His Regimental historian wrote, "...No order of his was ever questioned, much less disobeyed, because every man in his command believed that the Colonel could not make a mistake and always meant what he said." $180-220

6-51. Gordon Granger.

Of N.Y. Union Maj. Gen. Commander of St. Louis Arsenal for four critical months in 1861; commanded Cavalry of Army of Miss. in siege of Corinth. Elevated to command of a corps after his remarkable performance at Chickamauga, Granger "failed in subsequent actions to live up to the promise shown in that battle...[His] independence occasionally came near to insubordination..."--Boatner. It was Granger's historic General Order No. 3, issued in June 1865 as commander of Dept. of Texas, which originated today's Juneteenth celebration. Declaring all slaves in Texas free, Granger proclaimed " absolute equality of rights...between former masters and slaves...." Triggering joyous gatherings by newly-liberated blacks, few today know who sparked this commemoration, continuing to the present day. Also in his hand, "Very truly Yours...Maj. Genl., Vols. U.S.A." Very light dust and cream toning, else very fine and attractive. $90-130

6-52. G(ordon) Granger.

Postwar example, probably 1875-76, from bottom of printed document, "Commanding the Regt." "Col. 15th Regt. Infantry" in clerical hand (as Commander of District of New Mexico). 13/4 x 51/4. Old fold just touching first initial, else fine. $65-100

6-53. R(obert) S. Granger.

Of Ohio. Union Maj. Gen. Captured on the Texas coast upon secession in Apr. 1861, he soon commanded the post of Louisville, leading Ky. State Troops in early battles in the Bluegrass State. Seeing much action in Ky. and Tenn., Granger superintended defenses of Nashville. Postwar example, 1872, from bottom of printed document, "Commanding the Regt." "Col. 21st U.S. Infantry" in clerical hand. 21/4 x 51/4. Some file wear at blank bottom margin, else fine. Probably added to Shaw in 1970s. $50-70

6-54. A.W. Greely.

Of Mass. Union officer, postwar Maj. Gen. Likely the only Civil War general officer to be a Polar explorer. The only person in American history to receive Medal of Honor for lifetime achievement, rather than a single act of physical courage - and with Charles Lindbergh, the only Medals of Honor for non-combat service. Enlisting in the 19th Mass. at age 17, Greely led Colored Infantry. In 1881, commanded Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, collecting astronomical and polar magnetic data, and searching for the U.S.S. Jeannette, lost in Arctic waters. Achieving a new "farthest north" record, Greely and his men found themselves marooned, with winter setting in. By the time rescue ships reached them - the following year - there were just six survivors of his 25-man crew, all in dire health. The Greely Expedition was fêted in the Columbian Exposition. As Army Chief Signal Officer, he supervised over 10,000 miles of telegraph lines in Cuba, The Philippines, and Puerto Rico - and the world's then-longest working commercial system, 107 miles in Alaska. Commanded emergency upon San Francisco earthquake. Signature from conclusion of printed document, 1869-73; in clerical hand, "In absence of Chief Signal Officer of the Army / 2nd Lt., 5th U.S. Cavalry, Acting Signal Officer and Assistant." 11/2 x 51/4. Fine and attractive. Probably added to Shaw in 1970s. A remarkable life. $80-110

6-55. T(homas) Green.

Of Texas. Confederate Brig. Gen. Fought under Sam Houston in Texas Revolution, helping operate the famed "Twin Sisters" cannons, their sole piece of artillery. Serving in Confederate forces in New Mexico, by 1863 Green captured Galveston. Killed the following year while leading a cavalry attack against Union gunboats at Blair's Landing, La. "...With the simplicity of a child, danger seemed to be his element, and he rejoiced in combat. His men adored him, and would follow wherever he led..."--Boatner. Even Union Naval commander David Porter lamented his death: "...Losing Gen. Green has paralyzed them; he was worth 5,000 men to them." Signature as clerk of Texas Supreme Court. Wide margins, very minor edge wear, else fine. Probably added to Shaw in 1970s. $120-150

6-56. Geo. S. Greene.

Of R.I. Union Maj. Gen. Teaching math at West Point, later commanding at Gettysburg, withstanding a nighttime attack by superior Confederate forces on July 2, 1863. While leading at Wauhatchie, "shot through the face" (Boatner), sending him out of action for a year and a half. Postwar, Greene was responsible for water supply, elevated trains, and many new streets in N.Y.C. (and the water supply in Yonkers). A founder of American Soc. of Civil Engineers, becoming the oldest living graduate of West Point. With date "24 June 1897" in his hand. Old vertical fold through middle initial, air pockets from Shaw's mounting, else about fine. $50-70

6-57. D(avid) McM. Gregg.

Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. West Point cadet with two formidable future figures, J.E.B. Stuart and Philip Sheridan. His first taste of battle occurred in Washington Territory, his 160 men surrounded by 1,000 Indian warriors. Ironically, early at Gettysburg, Gregg found himself leading a cavalry attack on J.E.B. Stuart, attacking his headquarters. "The fighting was fierce, saber-wielding, and hand-to-hand...The battle overall was essentially a draw, although it surprised and humiliated Stuart..."--Boatner. The two classmates would meet again: "The most important use of Gregg's cavalry during [the Overland] Campaign was to screen Union movements southward, battle to battle, but a significant raid was staged that culminated in the Battle of Yellow Tavern, where J.E.B. Stuart was mortally wounded." "A rare combination of modesty, geniality and ability, he was universally liked..." --D.A.B. Presentation signature on ivory card, diced corners, "Yours Sincerely...Brig. & Bvt. Maj. Gen. Vols. / Reading, Pa., Mar. 11, 1891." Excellent. A lovely example. 80-110

6-58. D(avid) McM. Gregg.

Superb cabinet photograph, showing him in uniform, facing right. Inscribed on lower portion of emulsion and mount, "D.McM. Gregg / Brig. & Bvt. Maj. Gen. Vols. / Comdg. 2d Cav. Div. A(rmy) of P(otomac." 4 x 61/4, all edges gilt. Stirring newspaper article, "At Chancellorsville," judged c. 1910, on Gregg's "brilliant attack...and his crowning achievement at Gettysburg," neatly mounted on glazed yellow verso. Pleasing warm cream toning of mount, complementing ivory border of image. Trivial rub at blank upper left, else very fine, and striking for display. Ex-Rev. Cornelius Greenway, who formed one of the finest collections of signed photographs ever amassed, dispersed at Parke-Bernet in early 1970s, this off the market since. $325-450

6-59. J(ohn) Irvin Gregg.

Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. Led cavalry brigade in division commanded by his cousin Gen. David Gregg (see preceding lots), including at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; wounded at Deep Bottom, Hatcher's Run, Amelia Court House, and Sayler's Creek. Captured at Farmville, released upon Lee's surrender just days later. Postwar Indian fighter in Arizona and New Mexico Territories, seeking to subdue the Apaches. In rich brown, "Very Respectfully, Your Obedt. Serv...Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vol." Ivory patination around margins, else very fine. Curiously unlisted in Sanders and Seagrave. Scarce. $80-110

6-60. D(udley) S. Gregory.

Of N.J. Politician, Civil War industrialist. First Mayor of Jersey City; director of 16 railroads at the same time; from 1863, owner of Adirondack Iron & Steel Works, the oldest continually-operating cast-steel plant in America. In its heyday employing some 400 men, "expert opinion at the time held that the Adirondack iron was the best steel-producing ore so far discovered in the country"--Adirondack Park Agency. Their output fetched twice the price, per ton, of the best marks of American and Scotch pig iron. Clipped from letter. Fine. $35-50

6-61. W(alter) Q(uintus) Gresham.

Of Ind. Union Maj. Gen. A prewar abolitionist, Gresham maintained that "time alone would be sufficient to end (slavery) and so curtailed the local activities of the Underground Railroad around his home"--Boatner. Commanded Union forces at Natchez; wounded in knee by a sharpshooter at Atlanta, forcing his retirement. Postmaster Gen. in 1883; candidate for Presidential nomination at 1884 and 1888 Republican Conventions, in the lead for a time at the latter; Sec. of State 1893-95. From close of T.L.S. Uniform cream toning, trimmed at an angle, else very good. $45-70

6-62. B(enjamin) Henry Grierson.

Of Pa. Union Maj. Gen. A music teacher, then fruit seller, Grierson commanded his eponymous cavalry brigade, famously leading Grierson's Raid in the Vicksburg Campaign. A fascinating saga, covering 600 miles in 16 days, Grierson used masterful decoys, psywar - and the Butternut Guerrillas - to deceive the Confederates. Racing for Baton Rouge, Grierson covered 76 miles in the Raid's final 28 hours. Grant considered the Raid "one of the most brilliant cavalry exploits of the war, and will be handed down in history as an example to be imitated." A definitive history of Grierson's Raid was published by University of Illinois Press, 1954. In his hand, "Very sincerely...Brig. Genl. U.S.A. / Maj. Genl. Vols." Graduated honey marginal toning of mount, minor colorless specks of Shaw's paste at blank lower corner of card, else fine. Scarce. $120-160

6-63. B(enjamin) Henry Grierson.

Postwar signature: Organized and led the celebrated Buffalo Soldiers' 10th Cavalry, one of two mounted regiments of black enlisted men. Sprawling signature from partly printed document, here as Col., 10th Cavalry, "Commanding the Regt.," 1871. 2 x 6. During this period, he selected the site for Camp Wichita - later Fort Sill, Okla. - supervising construction and commanding the post. Grierson saved the life of visiting Gen. Sherman in a confrontation with Chief Lone Wolf, over responsibility for attacking a wagon train at Salt Creek Prairie, Texas. The adventures of Grierson and his black horsemen were cinematic, encompassing outlaws, the Apache Wars, Indian raids, railroad building on the frontier, guarding mail routes, and scouting uncharted terrain. Grierson was prominently portrayed in the TNT documentary "Buffalo Soldiers." John Wayne's character in "The Horse Soldiers" was based loosely on Grierson. Some fine wrinkles at bottom and right edges, else very good and attractive. Scarce. $150-190

6-64. Chas. Griffin.

Of Ohio. Union Maj. Gen. Upon outbreak of the war, formed West Point Battery from the Academy's enlisted men, leading them at 1st Bull Run. Commanded 1st Div. at Gettysburg, the Wilderness, and siege of Petersburg. It was Griffin who received the arms and colors of Army of Northern Va. at Lee's surrender at Appomattox. Continuing in the Army in Texas, an ardent support of freedmens' rights, registering black and white voters under the Reconstruction Act, he died of yellow fever in Galveston in 1867. With "Bvt. Maj. Genl." in his hand. Some toning of mount and card, crease at blank upper right of mount (only), else about fine. Scarce. $120-150

6-65. J. Warren Grigsby.

Confederate Col.; listed as a Gen. in two traditional sources, however this may have arisen from his service as Inspector Gen. From a distinguished Kentucky family, Grigsby began eight-year service as U.S. Consul in Bordeaux - at age 22. Helping raise, then commanding 6th Kentucky Cavalry, he was wounded leading a charge at Milton, Tenn. Participating in Morgan's Raid in 1863, he evaded capture by swimming the Ohio River. In the Atlanta Campaign, "unsupported, Grigsby and his troopers held off the Union attack all day, helping to save the main army's line of retreat. It was his finest hour as a Confederate"--More Generals in Gray. Bold signature from printed form, probably a check, 1 x 31/2, with blue border at two sides. Old fold through one letter, modest wear, else very good. Rare. $100-140

6-66. C(harles) H. Grosvenor.

Of Ohio. Union Brig. Genl. Commander Post of Chattanooga. Medal of Honor recipient. Nicknamed "Old Figgers" for his skill in predicting election results, later a Congressman. "A Chautauqua speaker, brilliant debater, and spellbinding conversationalist" (Boatner), biographer of McKinley, and author of The Book of Presidents... (1902). From close of T.L.S. Old horizontal mailing fold at top edge, else fine. $45-65

6-67. Galusha A. Grow.

Of Pa. Top Union Congressman, 1861-63. Speaker of House of Representatives, nominated in a special session called by Lincoln on July 4, 1861. Physically attacked on the floor of the House in 1858, after Grow was called a "black Republican puppy" by a Democrat. Replying, "No negro-driver shall crack his whip over me," a brawl erupted between some fifty Northern and Southern Congressmen. Father of the Homestead Law. Presentation signature in rich brown on dark cream card. Excellent. $30-40

6-68. P(atrick) R. Guiney.

Of Mass. Union Col. of Boston's Irish Ninth - the 9th Mass. Infantry. Irish-born, fighting in over thirty battles. Lauded for courage at Chickahominy, where "after three successive color-bearers had been shot down, the Colonel himself reportedly seized the flag, threw aside coat and sword-belt, rose white-shirted and conspicuous in the stirrups, inspired a final rally, and turned the fortune of the day"--wikipedia. Shot in the face by a sharpshooter at the Wildnerness, his wound was thought fatal; he was "kept alive for years by nursing." Close of an A.L.S., to Gen. Tilton: "I am much obliged for the kindness evinced in saying that you would refer him to me for particulars of that battle...." Some toning from Shaw's mount, else about fine. A stirring book containing Guiney's Civil War letters was published by Fordham University Press in 1998. Rare. $110-140

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7. Sugar, Rum & Slaves

A Substantial Archive of Old Bermuda
Commencing 1776

"I have Lost every thing...and am in hopes to be a man again
and have it in my Power to convince the World...."
"...Your Negro woman Ammorett arrived safe but looks Shocking Poor...
I told her to endeavor to choose her an Owner which she said she endeavored to do but without effect.
I then had offered (her) for sale at Public Auction, but no one would bid for her...."

7-1. The Brig "Adventure," a Punch of Rum - and Blacks: America's Fourteenth Colony that never was.

Major cache of manuscript documents, a ship's logbook, two account books, six letter-, order- and sales-books, and related items - over 160 in all, totalling some 33 pounds. All penned in or relating to Bermuda, the files of noted Bermuda bankers, merchants, and slave-insurers and -holders Wadson & Astwood, and variously bearing names of some of the island's pioneer mercantile and maritime personalities and families, including the Butterfields, Friths, Lightbourns, Tuckers, Gov. Hamilton, and many more. 1776-1848, but principally first quarter of the 19th century. A fascinating profile of the island's rich and colorful history of commerce, finance, shipping - and its saga of slavery - and reflecting its central role as a strategic hub in North America. This role continued through the Civil War, and to the present day.

Bermuda's relationship with early America was significant and fascinating: When the thirteen colonies rebelled against Britain, the American-Bermudian "strong bonds of blood, commerce, and history meant that most Bermudians sympathized with the rebels. It is entirely probable that, if Bermuda had not been so remote from the continental coastline, and had the Royal Navy not enjoyed near supremacy on the ocean, Bermuda would have been the fourteenth colony to join the rebellion. As this was not possible, Bermudians initially assisted the colonists by selling them Bermuda sloops via neutral ports to use as privateers..."--wikipedia.

Notable Bermudian names including Capt. Nathaniel, Thomas, and William Astwood, Benjamin, Francis, Henry, Nathaniel (Capt. and Jr.), and Thomas Butterfield, Dickinson (three family members), John Dunscombe, Frith (10 family members), Lightbourn (6), Daniel Lusher ("Bad debt" penned beside), Tucker (9 family members), et al. Locations mentioned include Antigua, Barbados, Belize, Caicos, Cayman and Little Cayman, Cienfuegos (Cuba), Crab Island (Puerto Rico), England, Florida, Georgetown (Grand Cayman Island or St. Vincent), Jamaica, Martinique, New Orleans, New Providence (Bahamas), "Porto Rico," St. Bartholomews, St. Eustatia, St. John, St. Kitts, St. Thomas, St. Vincent, Surinam, Tobago, Tortola, Trinidad, Turks Islands, and likely others.

With numerous mention of Blacks, together with almonds, bombazine (a twilled cloth often used for mourning), brandy, brown bread, brown sugar, "cocoa nuts," coffee, duck eggs, "elephant's teeth" (ivory), gin, Indian meal, limes, mustard, nutmeg, quicksilver, porter, privateers, "segars," tobacco, turtle, veal, vinegar, yams, and much more.

Just a sampling of contents:

• Important Wadson & Astwood account book, intermittently dated Aug. 3, 1776-Aug. 1794, with many entries during the Revolutionary War years. In old boards (only), 91/2 x 141/2 x 2 thick, weighing 71/2 pounds, 193 numbered spreads (386 pages) used, entries varying from several lines to many, plus lesser number of leaves at rear unwritten. Entries made by account name, leaving space for future transactions for that debtor to be entered nearby. Penned in several hands, in inks ranging from coffee-and-cream to rich chocolate brown. Numerous contemporary documents nested or pinned. Spread 2 comprises the first of several passages for Bermuda pioneer Nathaniel Butterfield, Jr., 1777-81, including "his proportion of a private Adventure put on board the Favorite, jointly among himself, Capt. J. Middleton...Capt. Frank Butterfield for Cash for a Hatt [sic]...1/2 the p(roportio)n of an Adventure...sent by Sam. Darrell to Virginia...."

The earliest entries in the volume, beginning Aug. 3, 1776, are under the heading, "The Store / Dan. Astwood, Jr.," and also mention John Tucker, Hall & Dickinson ("Expense of procuring two prove the Property of the Brig Phoenix"), "Indigo ship(pe)d to London," and more. Elsewhere, "labour Negro Tom" for Eliza Corbusier, 1786; two facing pp. of entries for Benjamin Butterfield, 1780-83, including corn, lime, and veal; Capt. Joseph Lightbourn, "a Turtle wt. 34 lbs...Negro Tom's Work building Wall...," 1777-91; Capt. Forster Bascome, "My Advance his half of an Adventure sent by James Parker to North Carolina...," 1777; Capt. Samuel Wood "cr(edit) of Turtle placed there through mistake," 1788; Samuel Conyers "repairing & set(t)ing Locks on Place's & Butterfield's Store Doors," 1778; Capt. James Parker, "Labour Negro Tom at the Wharf, 191/2 Days...," 1786; Rev. John Moore, "Cash rec'd. this day thro' the hand (of) Mr. Butterfield...," 1783; Capt. Joseph Lightbourn, "Negro Tony's Wages on Board Ship Queen...," 1784; another spread for Nathaniel Butterfield, Jr., 1780-86, including "2 Gallons Whale Oil" and mention of Deborah Butterfield; Capt. Nathaniel Butterfield, 1781-89, including "Freight sundries from N(ew) York...Labour his two Negroes Noah & Jimmy, 3 Days at the Wharf...Sales 18 Puncheons Rum...," business totalling £61.5.91/2"; "Capt. Thomas Brownlow's proportion of Rum in Adventure to North Carolina...," 1785; Capt. Nathaniel James, "4 Days of Negro Man...Boy Tony's Passage from St. Kitts in Sloop Deborah...2 lbs. Black Pepper...," 1790; and much, much more. Spine perished, worming in one local region from rear of book, affecting about last 100 written pp., but diminishing as leaves turned in reverse order; about first 20 leaves shaken at front, with edge tattering and some marginal waterstaining, else internally very good to fine. • Nested at front, a period "finding aid": a separately sewn, manuscript alphabetical register of names, ships, and places appearing within ledger, with their page numbers. 36 pp. in self-wrappers, 8 x 123/4, stepped tabs. Certainly holding research potential on the links between Bermuda and the newly-independent United States during the Revolution. A seminal artifact of Bermudian history, capturing its role straddling the worlds of the King - and the rebels.

• A second Wadson & Astwood account book, more massive than above, in original binding, weathered full calf over boards, spine straps simply hand-decorated with diamond motif, 103/4 x 161/2 x 4 thick, weighing 17 pounds, 366 numbered spreads (732 pages) used, entries varying from a few lines to many, plus lesser number of leaves unwritten; two consecutive spreads lacking. Intermittently dated May 1794-1827. • Nested at front, separately sewn, manuscript alphabetical register of names and ships appearing within ledger, with their page numbers. 28 leaves in self-wrappers, 91/2 x 143/4, stepped tabs.

Random selections from the many thousands of entries:

"Two pr. Gold Bracelets, and one Locket shipt. by Mr. Tucker from N. York...Negro Will's Wages on Board...Negro Harry's Wages...Negro Esau's Wages...George Wadson for Passage of Negro Jane & finding to (New) Providence...," apparently the Bahamas, as facing entries refer to the Catherine's "cargo" from New Providence to Charleston; "Mak(in)g a Coffin for Negro Mall of G. Wadson's...Negro Davy 2 Days on board Schooner Wm. & Mary...4 Days onboard Augusta Susan...By Negro Ben's wages on board Brig Adventure...Deduct Hospital Money...Hire of Negro George, 9 Days on b(oar)d Sloop Industry...Freight of a Bbl. Sugar from Martinique belonging to Mrs. Mary Butterfield...Thomas Coverly for Premium on a Negro Wench & Child from this to Turks Islands...Premium Received of Messrs. Thomas & Samuel Cooper for a Negro Insured from this to Turks Islands...Hire of Negro Adam aboard Sloop Industry, 1 Day, £0.2.0...By cash recd. of Miss Betsey, by Negro Betty, £2.6.8...11/2 Bushels Irish Potatoes bot. at Hamilton ...Wm. Astwood for a Barrel (of) Prime Beef...Capt. John Wm. Miller for balance due & recd. on the Sale of Elephants Teeth in Liverpool...this bal. recd. in Irish Linen & Callicos...Negro Ben [McKinney]'s share...of Sloop Industry...(and) Ben's 1 share in the proceeds of Prize Schoon(e)r Mary...," this entry fascinating for a black being given equity in the spoils of quasi-piracy; Two Half Barrels Crackers...Barrel Whale Oil cont(ainin)g 31 Gallons...2 Punch(eon)s Rum, 237 Gallons... Hire to Negro Ben McKinney, to W. & A. and Wm. Astwood, 281/2 Days, gett(in)g Rocks & build(in)g Wall...5 Days Work of Ben, with Saml. Wadson...." A half page dedicated to rum, "Half of the amt. of Invoice of 30 Puncheons of Rum... from Tobago, on acct. of owner of Sloop Industry...Tobago currency...." "Cash received of David Badden, for a Man sold by his Father, $9...30 Bushels Salt to Saml. Wadson to pay for his passage from Turks Islands to Bermuda...Balance carried to Acct. of Bad Debts." This entry seems to have tragic subtext: The most unfortunate slaves of all were consigned to raking salt in the Turks Islands; it was this salt on which the American colonists had been heavily dependent. Penned in 1809 - two years after formal outlawing of the slave trade in Bermuda - the transaction suggests that this was perhaps not the case. "Negro's Wages...on b(oar)d the [Sloop] Industry by Capt. Jno. Wainwright...Tom Godfrey's Wages £9.6.7...2 Barrels Indian Meal...a Round Beef...4 Silk Shawls...76 Hams...D(ebto)r Thomas Bascome, a Mulatto Man...," with nearly a full page of cash entries, 1804-11; "Hire of Negro Woman Bess, as nurse...2/3rds of 8 days Work of Negro Jo, with W.A. Conkling...Freight of 3 Punch(eon)s Rum, Flour &c. from St. Georges & Hamilton...Bob Bassett, a Negro...," some 36 lines of his accounts, 1809-11, including "1/2 Bushel Corn..."; "For 2 Boxes Quick Silver 150 ea...Settled with Messrs. J. & W. Lightbourn for Negro Rubin Wages on Board Sloop Supply...Recd. of Danl. Tucker for Negro Jack's Shares on Board Sundry Privateers...against Jack for supplies, and Mrs. L. Astwood's Verdue [St. Lucia?] bill..."; multiple entries for "Wages for Negro George...31/2 Days Work of Negro Davy...By himself & Boy 1/2 Days Work on B(oar)d Sloop Betsey...," and more. Ledger with especially thick leaves, variously watermarked "J. Whatman" and with 61/2" escutcheon crowned with fleur-de-lis. Ledger lacking one of three straps; boards considerably worn, a limited number of leaves shaken (two lacking, as described above), marbled endpapers faded and loose, small quarter-round waterstain at upper right tips commencing around spread 170, some leaves with blind impression of a clerk's pin, else internally surprisingly fresh - notwithstanding the archive's discovery in the crawl space of a beach house years ago - and the text about fine and better.

A percentage of Bermuda's slaves were Algonquin, captured by the British in North America - especially in New England - and sent to the island. "Native American slaves were reportedly preferred as house servants as they proved less troublesome than the black slaves and Irish laborers, who were constantly fomenting rebellion"--wikipedia. Some content in the archive suggests aspects of Bermudian slavery not commonly seen in American primary sources: The woman allowed to pick her master rather than endure auction, the slaves taught by Astwood, the black laborer given financial interest in a prize schooner - perhaps to allow him to purchase his freedom, the named "Mulatto man" conducting extensive business with Astwood, and other content. The slave trade was banned in Bermuda in 1807, but all slaves were not freed til 1834, hence many of these entries bracket the slow transition from bondage to freedom.

• Log of Bermuda-based ship Reliance, May 24, 1842-Aug. 21, 1843, 10 x 12, disbound, unpaginated but 1/2" thick, the innumerable entries penned in several hands. Supplied by "Chartsellers to the Admiralty," London. Beginning "W.S. Hutchings, Master, from Bermuda, towards St. Thomas"; "E.I. Astwood, Commander" in later period.

"People [on board] employed picking onions...Three sails in sight...Made Porto Rico at 6...Anchored in St. Thomas Harbor. Cap(tain) went on shore...Commenced discharging onions [this took two days!]...Received 1 ton coal, 5 bbls. Port [wine], 500 ft. Lumber, 8 bbls. Bread, a Ships Bell...Got all ready for sea...Toward Cuba...Recd. 40 Hhds. sugar & 4 puncheons rum...Hoisted our ensign to the Admiral Ship...[July 3, 1842:] Made Florida shore...." Reaching London in Aug., the ship then returned to Bermuda, arriving in Hamilton in late Oct. Sailing again in Spring, she loaded "25 Cases Segars...450 Demijohns Gin, 2 Baskets Almonds...10 Casks Brandy..." in St. Thomas. Upon leaving Porto Rico, "carpenter fitting the awning for the cattle...Saw St. Domingo," delivering them to Kingston. Heading to New Orleans, "made the Belize bearing...Steamer Panther took us in tow as far as the bar...Pilot left us...." Arriving in New Orleans the next day, loading corn and hogs; "caulked and battoned hatches...Steam Boat Daniel Webster took us in tow, bound down the river...Meridian Steam Boat cast us off, being over the Bar...Made the Caymans bearing S.S.E.; Meridian sailed between the Cayman beach and Little Cayman...Crooked Island [Bahamas] ends with strong breezes, smooth sea...Passed Bird Rock...At 3 A.M. James Bores, Sailor, departed this Life, having been for a few days sick with a Fever. His remains committed to the deep at 6 A.M...." Heavily waterstained (perhaps understandably), light grey band at top margin of some later leaves, but treatable, and still satisfactory.

• Interesting primitively sewn manuscript letter- and order-book of William A. Astwood (some pages possibly in his hand), Hamilton, Bermuda, 1824-32, 81/4 x 131/4, (68) pp.; covers made from thick leaves of a 1757-64 ledger, plus marbled sheet at back. Including: retained copy of Astwood's very large dry goods order to London, for Irish linen, white sateen, cotton shirting, blue cotton, "mens cold cotton gloves," "boys asst. stout shoes," fabrics in orange, royal purple, pink, and cinnamon brown, trimmings, crepe, "green cotton umbrellas," lead pencils, "essence peppermint," artificial flowers, and much more - all with quantities and prices. Orders to Madeira merchant for "One Pipe Madeira...2 Boxes Best Citron..."; to N.Y. for corn meal, water crackers, "white beanes"; fascinating order for foods, including prunes, currants, "best bloom raisins," pickles, "pine apple," Cheshire cheese, and more.

His London supplier responds, commenting extensively on the various qualities: "...Three weeks for the execution of such an order in a place where there is so much room for choice is not exactly as I would have had it...Jessop is unquestionably a good Shoemaker...and as he understands exactly what suits the Bermuda market...He is not however a cheap tradesman...There is no such thing kept ready made as cotton Parasols, and I had scarcely time to have them made...Bottling wine here is three times the price you name...In wine so much depends upon the individual taste that what pleases A is sometimes condemned by B...The melancholy loss of 14 whalers has occasioned an advance in all oil of near 100 p(er) cent, but as I thought the paints would be of no use without it, I deemed it right to buy...Tripe and pickles, none at y(ou)r quotations...The Thames is a very old vessel...My hope that the shipment will give satisfaction...Before I quitted Bermuda I heard a good deal upon the subject of Discounts...Money will always buy Goods in England on very much better terms than credit...." A month later, on New Years Day 1831, the "very old vessel" arrived in Bermuda, and Astwood writes, enthusing that he is "exceedingly well pleased...." Astwood explains the reason for the urgency in shipping so quickly: "The winter market...(and) I find I have the market almost exclusively to myself...You judged right about the figs, they must have been too new as many of the drums were found bursted and their contents in the cask loose...." In other contents, copy of Astwood's letter to Tucker & Lauries, sending 20 Spanish Dollars via Capt. Dunscomb, for $8 worth of claret and $12 of velvet. Fascinating repository of the broad range of goods imported into Bermuda by this leading merchant. Front wrapper worn; inks variable, from somewhat light to rich brown, else internally fine.

• Manuscript sales book of William A. Astwood, each and every page headed "Bermuda" in a bold, florid hand, preceding date, Apr. 4, 1815-Nov. 4, 1817, 8 x 123/4, (94) pp., closely penned in a fine secretarial hand. Once bound in wrappers. Listing daily sales, with description of goods and prices, his customers including prominent Bermudian names Bascome, Frith, Lightbourn, Lusher, "the Mayor of Hamilton," et al. One page at random (June 19, 1816) includes "1 vial Peppermint" to Isaiah Frith, a door lock, 200 nails to Solomon J. Hutchings "for Meet(in)g House," 2 Calf Skins, Wash Brush, and many dry goods. It would be fascinating to correlate the prices Astwood paid for this merchandise, with the prices he charged here. Some fraying where pulled from stitches on blank spine and at lower edges, soiling of first page, else internally fine.

• Manuscript letterbook of correspondence to and from William Astwood, Aug. 10, 1813-July 25, 1816, 8 x 121/2, (186) pp., sewn with brown paper covers. Many letters from Turks Island, together with Astwoods' from Bermuda. Just a few samples (request our prospectus for more content):

From Turks Island, Benjamin Lightbourn (Dec. 18, 1813) laments "the loss of Books & papers in the Gale... many of my Bills and receipts being lost in the Gale. You will see the Company's expenses don't amount to quite £7 pr. year...It was impossible to maintain a Negro for it...I would wish you to apply to Capt. Thos. L. Smith or any other person who is capable of giving an account of what Salt was raked those years, and by which I will abide...." The following day, Lightbourn writes again, "I sent for a box of Deep Water Salt under the care of Capt. Cooper...I would have sent you a Barrel of Salt but for the want of a Barrel...I have Lost every thing...and am in hopes to be a man again and have it in my Power to convince the World...." The next day, a long letter from Saml. Lightbourn: "...We have witnessed great distress around us...My personal losses have been severe...We were more distressed for others than for ourselves...It affords me no small pleasure to relieve the anxiety of my friends...Enough cannot be said of the humane dispositions of the Inhabitants of Bermuda...Mrs. very unhappy at present for the safety of my Brother. He left us two months since for Jamaica with a handsome little cargo of Pickled fish, Tobacco, Salt &c. with best promises of success in his voyage... Information that he & his crew were in confinement...." (Feb. 14, 1814:) Astwood writes John T. Darrell, "...after your arrival at Tobago...the balance due you for the Proceeds of Negro Harry...." (Mar. 14, 1814:) Astwood writes Lightbourn on Turks Island, "...Stephen was discharged by Thomas Atwood...He has done a very few days work partly owing to a lame hand, and partly, I believe, for the want of an inclination. I am at a loss what to do with him. Your suit against C. Butterfield seems to have come on the last Court...." (Mar. 14, 1814:) Astwood writes Lightbourn, "...By Adm. Cochrane, who arrived here a few days past from England, we learn that the Allied Armies are advancing fast toward Paris, and there is very little doubt the lawful Heir to the crown of France will be placed as head of the Government. All the Allied Powers are determined not to treat with Buonaparte for Peace. Our Government is determined to propagate the war against America with the utmost Rigor. Six Thousand Marines are expected here, soon to go on the coast of America...and Lord Cochrane an order given for a very Strict Blockade...I have reason to think that an Embargo will take place here, today or tomorrow, on all kinds of Provisions."

(Mar. 14, 1814:) Astwood writes Ann Conyers (on Turks Island), "...Your Negro woman Ammorett[?] arrived safe but looks Shocking Poor, and was seen after very sick. After recovering, I told her to endeavor to choose her an Owner which she said she endeavored to do but without effect. I then had offered for sale at Public Auction, but no one would bid for her. I at last...hired her in St. George to Mr. Grogan for five Dollars per month, and he to find her clothes...." (Mar. 14, 1814:) Astwood writes George Gibbs: "Your Negros Tom & Jim arrived safe...I agreed with Mr. Stennett (who keeps a Public House in St. George) to hire them both...which seemed to be quite agreeable to them...Tom did not stop a day, saying that he was not able to (do) all the work...and the next day Jim was taken sick...I found he required a Doctor... Coming to execute the conveyance for the House and Land sold to Mr. Isaiah Frith which I know Mr. Butterfield has but very lately furnish(ed)...." (Apr. 7, 1814:) Danl. Bascome on Turks Island, to Astwood, "...From St. Bartholomews we have received the agreeable news of the death (of) Buonaparte who died of his wounds in an engagement with allies...If this be true, the continental war is ere this at an end. This being accomplished, I trust a peace with America will soon follow. This alone can save this Country from ruin...." (Apr. 7, 1814:) Lightbourn on Turks Island: "...You omitted...what the Girl Betsey sold for at auction...From St. Bartholomews brings us joyful news that Lord Wellington is in Possession of Paris & that Buonaparte is no more. He was shot in making a retreat...We are informed by way of Liverpool that the Northern States of America has raised 10,000 Men arm(e)d...Joseph Frith, when his Vessel was here, furnished me with a Puncheon Rum and Barrel Sugar & told me his Vessel, after going to Bermuda, would go on to Antigua, there would receive Money...." Discussing bills to be paid - with salt. (Apr. 9, 1814:) From David Darrell, Turks Island: " is your wish for me to authorize some other person to take charge of my sister's Negroes, Peter and Billy, that is now under your direction. As you say, it is too troublesome for you to attend to them...I am sorry that you'll not hold them longer." (Apr. 10, 1814:) Astwood writes Ann Conyers on Turks Island, "...You say that the Negro Ammorett looked Shocking Poor, which I am astonished as she appeared tolerable well when she left here. I am perfectly satisfied with your disposal of her time...My unalterable thanks for your Attention and Trouble to her...." Much, much more, too much to quote, with a wealth of Bermuda and Caribbean content, reflecting the island's already outsized geopolitical and commercial importance. Covers poor, mousechew and some worming of about first 15 leaves at top and right margins, respectively, with minor loss of text; internally with varying waterstaining, some ink faded but legible, some edge fraying, but fair to good.

• About 140 manuscript documents, accounts, and related items, both personal and commercial, 1790-1848, sizes varying from scraps to legal; some multi-page, few in pencil. Including two bills for Astwood teaching Prince and Will (almost certainly black), and a "Coffin for Negro."

Consolidated bill of Astwood to Benj. Hanson, 1804-14, including "1 years Hire of Negro William...£18," and again seven years later. • Invoice of Wadson to Solomon Hutchings, 1821: "Hire of man Prince...Coffin for Mrs. Wadson...Balance due for teaching Prince...Cash paid him for his 1/4 part of Wages...." • Lengthy invoice to Hutchings, 1814-20, including "89 days of Jim & Will...Coffin for Negro ...Balance due me for teaching Will...2 plain Irons...for Will...," the amount totalling £203 before deductions, a huge sum. • Oversize ledger of business done between Wadson & Astwood and Wainwright Darrell & Co. of Tobago, 1804-05, opening to 16 x 20. Including "Rum for Adventure," "expenses of Negro Tony...," travels of the ships Betsey, Emmaline, and Industry, traveling as far as Quebec and N.Y. Splendid for display. • Lengthy attorney's statement on a 1778 receipt of Capt. Livingston's £1,000 Continental Currency, to be reimbursed "all costs & charged incurred in the recovery...," Baltimore, 1792. (American money was virtually worthless; it is doubted that much, if anything, was recovered.)

• Manuscript letterbook of Wadson & Astwood, May 3, 1809-June 13, 1811, 8 x 12, (102) pp., penned on sea-green double-laid leaves, deckled three sides, bound in plain brown wrappers. (Aug. 15, 1810:) From Astwood to Sally Lightbourn, "...I shall endeavor to purchase for you a Negro Girl, and send her out to you by Mr. Adams. In case I should have a chance of purchasing one sooner I shall do so, and send her on to you, under the care of some good person...." Covers much worn with ink spots, about second half of leaves with old curl at upper right portions from shifting in long storage, softenable under weight; else internally about fine.

Other items with varied wear and defects, some with waterstaining, but generally fair to about fine, with no mold, mildew, or mustiness; see prospectus for further condition report.

The above represents only a review of the collection; its sheer volume of unpublished material surely holds promise for new finds - and certainly sufficient material for a postgraduate thesis (or two) on Bermuda history. The size of the archive also offers ample material for years of fresh displays. Evidently once in the possession of colorful antiquarian and rare book dealer Symon Gould, a Director of American Library Service in New York, two-time Presidential candidate - of the Vegetarian Party, and proprietor of Aeronautical Library Service. (According to retained carbon copies of his correspondence accompanying archive, by 1943 Gould had assembled a major archive of pioneer aviation history acclaimed by the Smithsonian as "superb.") A splendid resource for researchers, which came perilously close to remaining hidden for another century. Bermuda material of this calibre is rare on the market. Request prospectus. $9000-14,000 (archive, about 33 lbs.)

7-2. Wilson terms Bermuda "the most ideal play-ground in the world...."

Attractive T.L.S. of Woodrow Wilson, "President's Room," Princeton University, Dec. 14, 1909, 6 x 8, 1 full p. To Glenn Robert Guernsey (a physician). "I am sorry to say that my engagements render it impossible that I should give myself the pleasure of writing an article for the Bermuda Magazine, but I can assure you that it would be very agreeable to me to express my great admiration for Bermuda in any way that I might have opportunity to express it. Bermuda seems to me not only the most ideal play-ground in the world, but also a place of so many of the simpler, more natural and enjoyable social opportunities, that one's mind is stimulated there while one's body is refreshed. It is a place of delightful people as well as of delightful atmosphere and surroundings." Tiny break at blank end of horizontal fold, few dots of spattered ink, probably from Wilson's quill, else uniform cream patina and fine. Choice Bermuda content, perhaps the most perfect such letter of a President to reach the market. $1400-1900

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8. Philatelic & Postal History

8-1. A Pane of 100 Confederate Stamps - from the Deats Collection.

Pane of 100 Confederate #11, 10¢ greenish blue, lower left position. Imprint at bottom, "Archer & Daly, Bank Note Engravers, Richmond, Va. / No. 2." 9 x 103/4. Full original gum, with characteristic natural cockling. Tiny "HED(?)" (almost certainly Hiram E. Deats) monogram rubber stamp lightly applied on verso of uppermost left stamp. "Beginning as a youngster, he built the best collections of U.S. and Confederate States stamps of his time. He sold these and most of his other collections early in the 20th century when he withdrew from organized philately. Deats was member no. 36 of the American Philatelic Association (now the A.P.S.), joining in 1886 at age 16...He served the Association in various capacities, including president (1904-05)...In 1952 Deats dispersed his library and a deluge of mostly 19th century literature unprecedented in philatelic history..." .html. His massive collections not only included stamps, but some 14,135 proofs, essays, and trial colors, 3,500 pieces of Confederate, colonial, and fractional currency, a nearly complete set of silver dollars, rocks and minerals, 1,500 archaeological specimens, and a paramount philatelic library. Five old hinge fragments and traces of glaze of four others; colorless waterstain affecting two adjoining stamps in bottom row, 3rd and 4th from right, palest cream toning of three margins, else about very fine. 2018 Scott CV $20 for single; high multiples such as this have become elusive. Acquired by consignor in 1960s, possibly from Mendoza Book Co. in lower Manhattan, who acquired a sizeable portion of Deats' treasures. Off the market for about half a century. $650-900

8-2. From Kingmaker of the Gold Rush.

Cover with extremely fine c.d.s. "Placerville Cal. / June 4" (1857) in deepest brown-black, to namesake of the Colorado city "Hon. J.W. Denver, Washington City, D.C. / Private." Scott #U182 entire (10¢ 1855 pale green on buff). In hand of Daniel W. Gelwicks, an early Forty-Niner, publishing Placerville's newspaper for years, and State Printer after the Civil War. In pencil, "D.W. Gelwicks," in Denver's hand. Placerville was a central hub for the Mother Lode's gold mining operations. "...El Dorado...was at the head of the great yielding mining counties, and had the largest population of any county in the state. Hangtown, as Placerville was then invariably called, was the center of the richest gold region in California. It was by far the most flourishing town in the mountains. It had hotels, churches and newspapers, and The Democrat, established by D.W. Gelwicks... the ablest and most influential journal, outside of Sacramento and San Francisco...It was edited with trenchant ability by Mr. Gelwicks, and was really the leading organ of the Democratic party in California ...Gelwicks personally was one of the most affable and companionable of gentlemen; but as a partisan he was extreme, uncompromising and aggressive. Whilst his paper bristled with partisan invective, and he poured vials of wrath upon the heads of political enemies, he was most suave and gentle to all kinds of people when he descended from the tripod and laid aside his partisan thunderbolts. Even the men who quivered with rage when reading his political philippics greeted him with cordial and effusive warmth when they fell under the soft and conciliatory spell of his personal magnetism. Poor Dan. He was, indeed, the kindest enemy that ever excoriated a foe with pen dipped in partisan gall..."--Gold and Sunshine: Reminiscences of Early California, Ayers. Tattered along top edge, loss of blank fragment at upper left corner, insect spots, dust-toning, but still very satisfactory, with a superior strike (interestingly, the Placerville Postmaster was consistent: the verso bears an impression of the cover postmarked behind this one). Autographic material of Gelwicks is excessively rare. $160-220

8-3. First President of the Pennsylvania Railroad - and Ephemeral Philadelphia Local Delivery Marking.

Folded robin's-egg blue lettersheet with extremely fine red oval "U.S.P.O. / Pre Paid One Cent / Despatch" handstamp. Old collector's notation, "Unlisted type with serifs." To "James E. Mitchell, 8 Old York Rd." Docketed on verso, "[from] Saml. V. Merrick, Oct. 23/(18)52." Partly printed text: "At a Meeting of the Committee to obtain subscriptions to the Stock of the ‘Philadelphia, Easton and Water Gap Railroad Co.' were appointed on a Committee to aid in the object aforesaid...extending from Vine to Green & from 4th to 6th St...." Merrick was here "Chairman of General Committee"; he had already become first Pres. of the Pennsylvania Railroad, upon its founding in 1847. At the age of 23, he had co-founded The Franklin Institute. The recipient became a prominent Philadelphia-area railroad, banking, and business magnate, appearing in Moody's Manual of Railroads and Corporation Securities as late as 1918 (thusly as a Dir. of Bell Telephone Co. of Penna.!). This Philadelphia local delivery postmark was used c. 1852-53. Old pencil note on verso, "Applebaum [sic: Apfelbaum], Jan. 1932." In another hand c. mid-1960s, "[American Stampless Cover Catalog] Cat. $60++ / Very rare / John Fox sale." Original, neat folds, else very fine. Fascinating association; the Pennsylvania Railroad became a symbol of American might. $150-180

8-4. Salem to Boston Private Express.

Cream envelope with pumpkin-orange postage-stamp-size label, "Savory & Co.'s / Salem / Express. / Leave 32 Court Square / at 11:30 a.m., 2 & 5 p.m." Addressed to stock broker "Charles L. Hayward, Esq., Rm. No. 9 - 13 Exchange St., Boston, Mass. / Paid / Please deliver by 101/2 o'clock." Contemporary pencil notation, "Rec. at 10 A.M., 29 June 1873." In pencil on verso, "Express Company Label, Stamp Specialist, Vol. 18, p. 36," written before about 1965. Neatly opened at top with scissor along right edge of label; two other margins ample, and one wide. Light postal soiling, else V.G., the label vivid and attractive. • With enclosed letter from Robert Stone, "Purchase 10 shares Metropolitan Railroad at $58 on ac(count) of Joseph W. Stone...." Interesting winged Mercury blind-embossed stationer's crest. V.F. "The Savory & Co. very rare..."--the only Savory cover found in Robert A. Siegel's database, 1930 to present. $225-300 (2 pcs.)

8-5. Canney & Co.'s Express to their own agent in New Hampshire.

Highly interesting combined Post Office and internal usage by this local post, from one Canney agent to another: Eggshell-white envelope with their purple masthead, trimmed from lettersheet to 13/4 x 41/2 and pasted by agent across back flap, "Canney & Co's Express / Office, 32 Court Sq. [Boston] / M.B. Canney, L.W. Perkins." Circular black cancellation "Milton Mills / N.H. / Mar. 23" (1868). On front, Scott #65, judged very pale brown red, large indistinct postmark but probably "...M(as)s." To "Canney & Co.'s Express, Milton Mills, N.H." Contemporary pencil notations at bottom, "Notified Express Co...See inside." Ink light but legible, sun-toned sliver at lower horizontal portion, handling evidence, else good plus. • With enclosed letter of Canney Agent E.W. Fox, the manuscript ascender at salutation precisely completing his letterstrokes on the masthead, which he trimmed off and mounted on envelope. "Do your books of about Oct. 11, (18)67 show a box received from Ross' Stage at Great Falls marked ‘T.Y. Kelley & Co., No. 30 Vesey St., N.Y.'? If so, when and to whom was it delivered. The party sending it, Mr. Powers, says Kelley & Co. never received it...." Uniform toning, handling wrinkles, else good. Canney material is uncommon, certainly in this usage. Splendid for an exhibit. $120-160 (2 pcs.)

8-6. Mexican War U.S. Naval Cover.

Scarce envelope, black circular "New Orleans, La. / Sep 5," probably 1846 or 1847, and "Ship / 12" handstamps, the latter numerals 3/4" high. With two different U.S. Navy ship endorsements, both in sender's hand: Manuscript franking "U.S. Sch(oone)r Petrel, Anton de Lizardo, Mexico." To "Miss Elizabeth K. Macon, Hazlewood, Chester District, S.C... / P(e)r U.S. Steamer Lagan." Mexican War-era mail sent by a U.S. Navy sailor on a vessel that was not a steamer is highly uncommon. Additionally, most military mail used the "10" rate; the "12" here is unusual. Exquisite miniature 26-star paper flag affixed at top center, blind-embossed, probably trimmed - possibly by recipient - from a lettersheet, then stars and stripes carefully hand-watercolored in blue and red, respectively. (Florida, the 27th state, had just joined the Union in Mar. 1845.) Bottom portion of blank flap torn when opened, two old cellophane hinges, uniform cinnamon toning, light edge wear, else very good. Characterized in a report to Commander Matthew Perry as a "gun-boat," the Petrel was one of seven ships comprising the Gulf Squadron. Dubbed the "Mosquito Fleet," the seven played a vital - and dangerous - role in the assault on Vera Cruz, exchanging salvos with the Mexican Castle on land. Delightful for display, and seldom-seen military and postal history. 1960s dealer's price in pencil on verso 150.00. $300-375

8-7. Unlisted Express Label.

Pleasing cover, Scott #26, judged dull red with hint of orange, tied by "Schenectady, N.Y. / Dec. 9(?)" black c.d.s. On verso, black on burnt-orange label, "Forwarded by the American Express Co. / Schenectady. / Wells, Butterfield & Co.," with charming woodcut of train. Not in Mosher; similar to AWBX-L90. To "Alex Holland, Esq., Am. Express Office, New York / Valuable." Flap torn where opened, but label undamaged; label with patination and leathery grain from glue, two blind dimples on front, some handling evidence, else stamp sound, and very good. $250-350

8-8. First Year of Cole's City Despatch.

Folded lettersheet with red "Cole's City Despatch P.O. / July 10" (1848) handstamp, New York City to "Jacob Elseffer, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Lower Red Hook, Du(t)chess Co(unty), N.Y. / On his absence to Mr. John Elseffer." Overlapping "(New) York / 10 Jul / 5 cts." c.d.s.; manuscript "Post paid," pencilled "Paid 7 c(ents)," and two different straight-line "Paid" handstamps, one pinkish-red, the other orange-brown. Address and letter penned in rich cobalt blue on robin's-egg. From attorney G(ottleb) Bollett. "It is the intention of Mrs. Wood and my wife to pay you a Visit in the course of next week. You will therefore, if your business will admit of, be kind enough to call for them at the landing. They intend to come by the Barge Du(t)chess County. My daughter Mary will probably accompany them. Ann has been very sick for the last three Months, and I flatter myself that a short stay in the Country will enable her to recruit herself...." Pencil notations on flap verso of at least two old-time stamp dealers (handwriting may be recognized by philatelic veterans): "Fox 10-12-(19)59...2¢ to Cole, 5¢ for N.Y. P.O...." Acquired by consignor in first half of 1960s. Six old glassine hinge strips on two blank flaps, original hard folds, else good plus. Cole's is a scarce local post; priced "A" in 1978 American Stampless Cover Catalog (p. 240): "This catalog applies the term ‘scarce' to any postmark on a stampless cover priced at 100.00 or more. Such covers are known in very small numbers, and their appearance on the market often produces intensive interest and high selling prices...." See photographs of Lots 8-2 through 8-8. $250-350

8-9. Manuscript Date within Stamped Postmark.

Yellow-orange cover with "Old Point Comfort, Va." c.d.s., the date in "Nov. 5" overwritten in pencil by postal clerk. Four-slice fancy on very pale brown red 3¢. To "Mrs. Alfred Case, In care of E.E. Hale, Esq., Madison, Wis." Postal soiling along lower horizontal, else very good, the stamp undamaged. $40-60

8-10. Jade Norfolk Cancels.

Citrine yellow cover, very good large Norfolk, Va. c.d.s. in rich jade green-blue, July 31, (18)63, with matching shade four-ring concentric. Fragment of next stamp present above perf. To "Mrs. Alfred Case, Care of E.E. Hale, Esq., Madison, Wis." Mousechew at blank lower right portion, dampstain discoloration at lower left verso, else good plus, the postal markings and stamp attractive and pleasing. $50-70

8-11. Variant Memphis Postmark.

Yellow-orange cover with variant Memphis postmark, Oct. 26, four-ring concentric. To "Mrs. Nancy Bird, Lewistown, Fulton Co., Ill." Right perfs trimmed where opened, light soiling, else V.G. Hinged to beveled exhibition mount. Of numerous Birds in Union Army, only one, Henry, of 103rd Ill. Infantry, was from Lewistown. Modern copy of service record accompanies. $45-65

8-12. Postally Used Patriotics.

Late-war George Washington leaning on flag-draped pedestal chiseled "The Constitution and Laws," with "Union," both in blue. Scott #65 tied with black circular "Cairo [Ill.] / Sep 21." To "Rev. David Y. Austin, Clarksville (Clinton County), Ohio." On verso in pencil, "John W. Austin," a Pvt. in the 191st Ohio Infantry who according to one source did not enlist til Feb. 1865! Torn where opened at blank right, but no loss, and strip of flap lacking on verso; perfs torn at top, probably when hastily separated from sheet by sender; stain at lower right tip, uniform toning, postal edge wear, else good plus, and quite presentable. • With, patriotic showing sailor with flag and shield draped atop ship's cannon, an eagle perched, rigging behind. Sound 3¢ affixed over upper left quadrant of design, lightly cancelled with parallel grid. To "M.E. Sparks, Hollonsburg, Darke County, Ohio." Indistinct but decipherable black c.d.s. at lower right. Jagged tears where opened at right, four old red and white labels at corners of verso, probably once matted, some soiling, but satisfactory. Postally used naval themes are somewhat uncommon. $65-90 (2 pcs.)

8-13. George Bernard Shaw buys Postage Stamps.

Charming A.N.S. of G(eorge) Bernard Shaw, on stiff steel-engraved card bearing his London and country addresses, 31/2 x 51/2. Oct. 1, 1919, "To the Postmaster. Will you be so good as to send me 20 ninepenny stamps (15/-) and 20 threepennies (5/-) in exchange for the enclosed Bradbury. I enclose also three telegrams with cash for the charges - 2 of 16 words = 1s/10d & 1 of 17 words 111/2d: total 2/91/2. Faithfully...," signed with flourish. Shaw's printed rural address notes, "...[Railroad] Station: Wheathampstead, G.N.R. 21/4 Miles / Telegrams: Bernard Shaw, Codicote." Top edge curiously trimmed, just grazing month and day, perhaps by Shaw to fit into an envelope on hand, as card remains blank on verso. Graduated toning to cinnamon, tap at upper left tip, old album mounting evidence on verso, else good plus. Not gaining his first popular success til the age of 48, Shaw went on to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925. Just a few of his plays included 1903's Man and Superman, Pygmalion, and The Apple Cart in 1929. Delightful for display. Autograph material with philatelic content of prominent personages is uncommon. $450-625

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9. Civil War

9-1. An Excessively Rare Form of Civil War Imprint.

Slender broadside, evidently printed on crude press of noted Union military hospital: "Farewell to Hammond Hospital, Beaufort, N.C.," 31/4 x 133/4, n.d. but perhaps late Summer 1862, in the aftermath of Burnside's coastal Expedition. "An adieu to you old Hammond, For to-morrow I depart...How through your dear old halls, We used to cut up capers, Can't do it any more, for I've got my walking papers. I'm going North to-morrow, To never more return, For don't you see this document, ‘To whom it may concern'...In the Ward room every evening, The boys would congregate, And discuss in noisy meeting, The doings of the States...Johnson sailed the green boat, Uncle Joe brought milk and eggs, While Green and Clough bossed N-----s, And made them stir their pegs ...I'm going to leave my girl behind, in Beaufort town so sandy, But pashaw, there's plenty of them North, And they'll come just as handy...Now Old Hammond General, fare you well, For I'm going to New York...." On groundwood, foxing, some roughness along right vertical edge, old folds, but satisfactory. Entering Pamlico Sound with an armada of 65 ships, within a day Burnside had taken 2,500 Confederate prisoners. Not long before he besieged Beaufort in April, 1862, Hammond Hospital "had been the Atlantic Hotel, a swank, new summer resort catering to the families of rich Southern planters...Debris from what had been a grand piano, bits of shattered chandeliers, pieces of broken furniture and shards of what had been the hotel's elegant dinnerware lay underneath the dock, rolling lazily back and forth in the surf. It had been one helluva party. A few weeks previously, the hotel was sacked in a midnight raid by the Union Army. A few days after the wine cellar had been drunk and the furniture had been thrown from the rooms and the tiers of porches that hung over the sea, the boats began to arrive with their sad cargo. Two hundred men in blood-caked uniforms - Union casualties from multiple battles raging on the nearby Virginia peninsula - were carried in to mark the final stage of the transformation from a pleasure palace to a ruin filled with pain..."--Sisters: Catholic Nuns and the Making of America, Fialka. Suitable for display, and highly unusual. Unrecorded by WorldCat. No Abebooks or google results. Perhaps a unique survivor. $275-350

9-2. A Clergyman attached to Infantry at Gettysburg.

Letter of (Rev.) W(m.) A. McGinley, a Congrega-tional clergyman attached to a Union unit, and in charge of a hospital in the aftermath of the Battle of Gettysburg. From Gettysburg, July 19, (18)63, 2 pp., 5 x 8, in pencil. To Charles O. Green, a Shrewsbury, Mass. banker and selectman. "I arrived here day before yesterday having camped down with the 13th (Mass. Infantry) Regt...until Lee got over the river. There are none of the Shrewsbury [Mass.] boys with the Regt. except Wilson & Appleton Sawyer. You of course have heard news of the fate of them all. Since you left, Sprague of the 13th has died. He took to bleeding in the night, died in the morning. I was happy to know you got safely there. I have charge of the 1st Corps Hospital, with two young men with me. We have plenty to do - although the best of care is given...I suppose my wife is at Dudley...I have received no word from home...." Lee had withdrawn across the Potomac on the night of July 13-14. "At Gettysburg, July 1, as a part of Paul's Brigade, Robinson's Div., Reynolds' (1st) Corps, the 13th was posted on the right of the corps line near Oak Hill and lost heavily, especially in prisoners"--Regimental history, Official Records.... Pvt. George Sprague, mentioned in the letter, was wounded at Gettysburg on July 1, expiring at McGinley's Hospital. Appleton Sawyer was principal musician of the 13th, surviving the war. McGinley is unrecorded in both and the rolls of the 13th Mass.; a Rev. of the very same name was active in Shrewsbury, opening with prayer the town's "first meeting to consider questions relating to the war"--A History of Mass. in the Civil War, 1871, Vol. 2, p. 671. Few passages lighter as his pencil wore down, but legible, and generally moderately dark; rusty outline at blank top from very old round clip (present), old folds, else very good. Letters from Gettysburg mentioning casualties - and from clergy attached to a fighting unit and running a local military hospital - are very rare indeed. Modern research accompanies. $500-700

9-3. "I don't find any little girl to welcome me home now...."

Lengthy letter of lovelorn Union soldier "Andrew," Fort Scott, Va., Mar. 30, 1864, 5 x 8, 4 pp., to his wife in Conn. "Here i am again once more doomed to solitary confinement. I am sorry now that you went home. I find it is awful lonesome. I had no idea that I would feel so bad. I really do not know what to do with myself. I miss you so much...I went on duty as officer of the day...Yesterday I had to take the company over to Fort Ward to work on the fort...This with all our usual duties with deserters and artillery practice...But the worst of all, I don't find any little girl to welcome me home now...My bed don't look as it used to, so nice and smooth. My chimney looks black, my floor don't keep clean...I have to increase the number of my smokes... Although many changes have been made with the troops in these quarters, the 2nd, 4th and 15th N.Y. Regts...have already gone to the front...I hardly think our regt. will be moved...still it is possible...It is now 11 P.M...I expect you are sound asleep and perhaps dreaming of nobody...If you cannot read it come back and I will try to read it for you...." Soiling along horizontal fold on p. 4, mottled tan toning on pp. 3-4, less so on pp. 1-2, else very good, in a near-Spencerian hand. $55-75

9-4. "We have not been disturbed by the Confederacy...."

Letter of Union soldier S(amuel) B. Fisher of Camden, N.J., in 4th N.J. Infantry. "Camp near Berry Ville," Va., Sept. 10-12, 1864, 5 x 8, 71/2 pp. "Here I am once more seated like a toad on a stump for the purpose of writing a few lines...We have not been disturbed by the Confederacy since [I last wrote], and I hardly think that Mr. Erly [sic: Jubal Early] will disturb us here, if he should think we can amuse him for a short time...Cousin Abbie Bell is writing a letter to her heart's idol who is in the hundred days. I hope the patriotic young man has saved the country and returned home safe and sound...There has been some cannonade off on our right this morning. I expect was our Cavalry...I feel like eating a few apples and taking a Nap, so good afternoon, girls...You may talk about your May bugs and June bees but they are nothing to that shower. Our shelter tents was just as much protection to us as a woman's bonnet...There was no help for it, so we laid still and let it come through...You could hear the men singing all through the camp. I have not heard of anyone being drown(ed) but several made a very narrow escape...The boys...have not seen anything of the Confederacy. I would like to be in Camden. I had an invitation yesterday to re-enlist again to go in the Regular service for 5 years...$1000 Bounty and 40 days furlough...This is the first Sunday I have seen since I left home...." Some eggshell toning from handling by recipient, else very good. $70-100

9-5. "May you always be happy and loved as well as you are now by your soldier boy."

Letter of Union soldier A. Knox, "Battery No. 20, Before Petersburg, Va.," Jan. 20, 1865, 73/4 x 123/4, 2 pp. A delightfully florid, romantic letter to his wife. "...How much I am indebted to you for all these kind endeavors to make my lonesomeness pass more pleasantly. You certainly have succeeded...These are the fruits of your dear letters...far away from friends, amidst dangers unusual. They have always proved a relief in the darkest hours...Shall I ever be able to repay properly such constancy and love. I hope so, but I fear that I shall fail...My heart has always been with you. There I trust it will be forever. That you prize it and acknowledge its power is untold happiness...You speak about your growing much taller. I hope you won't grow so much that I shant know you...I want you always to be my dear little Sissy...My past recollections are too clear and too full of happiness to be jeopardized... May you always be happy and loved as well as you are now by your soldier boy." Refers to his brother who has taken up permanent residence at N.Y.'s Fifth Avenue Hotel, and aunt in Newburgh. Amber discoloration at lower tip, light dust-toning at blank top edge, else very good. A vital Confederate communications hub, Petersburg became focus of a twelve-month campaign. Pitting Lee against Grant, the Petersburg assault comprised numerous actions and battles; about two weeks after this letter was penned, the clash at Dabney's Mills took place, seeing the death of beloved Confederate Gen. John Pegram. $140-180

9-6. "I am going to War...."

Letter of freshly minted Union soldier (his signature requiring experimentation to decipher), Newburyport (Mass.), Nov. 28, 1861, 43/4 x 8, 2 pp., in unusual raspberry ink. "I am going to War in the McClellian Guard [sic]. We (will) leave here for 2 or 3 weeks. William is a goin' in the same Camp to Boston to stop two or three weeks. My health is good...Tell George to come here next Sat. and stay over Sun...Coming to see you as soon as we can get the money...." Period doodling on last page. Old folds, light wear at top edge, else about very good. Fighting at Petersburg and other campaigns, the McClellan Guard's 22nd Mass. Infantry saw over 200 casualties during the war. $45-60

9-7. "The three insane soldiers...."

Manuscript Union Special Order, H.Q., Dept. of the Gulf, New Orleans, Dec. 11, 1863, 73/4 x 101/4, retained copy of Capt. R.S. Davis. Sgt. A.H. Vanhorstrand, Surgeon, 4th Wisconsin Regt., "will take complete & entire military charge of all discharged soldiers on board the transport Fenelon and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. The three insane soldiers that he has under his charge will proceed to Washington and deliver them to Supt. of the Insane Asylum for soldiers...By Command of Maj. Gen. Banks...." Irregular edges at upper left and bottom, probably where removed from a larger sheet to conserve paper, else fine. Wisconsin-related regimental material is uncommon. $60-80

9-8. 62 Cavalrymen - Every One Signing with an "X."

Large partly printed Clothing Allowance form for Privates of "6th Regt. Penna. Cavalry, ‘70th in line'" - a storied unit whose history embraced Gettysburg and Custer. Feb. 23-28, 1865, opening to 18 x 221/4. "Received of Lt. Geo. Kimball, 3rd Pa. Artillery & A.A.Q(uarter) M(aster) the several articles of Clothing set opposite our respective names." Listing over 60 cavalrymen, every single one illiterate - signing with an "X." Printed heading of some 32 different articles of clothing, the quantity given each man in ink. A few received a forage cap; some flannel sack coats, trousers, flannel shirts, drawers, cavalry boots, blankets, haversacks, and canteens; and all but one received a new private's uniform jacket. Other items available included hats, feathers, hair plumes, musicians' coats, Great coats, stable frocks, and more. In Apr. 1863, the 6th Pa. Cavalry had been reviewed by Lincoln, "drawing attention and praise on account of its novel arms and equipments." At Beverly Ford, they lost nearly half their effective strength. At Gettysburg, the 6th was posted on "the extreme left of the lines, near Round Top. In the pursuit which followed it was heavily engaged on the heights overlooking Williamsport and again at Boonsboro and Funkstown. On July 2...a detachment of 100 men under Capt. Treichel was sent on special duty in the rear of Lee's army, rejoining the regiment...having captured a large number of prisoners and destroyed several of the enemy's wagons, with a loss of 40 men...In Feb., a detachment shared in Custer's raid upon the Virginia Central Railroad..."--The Union Army, Vol. I. Lacking irregular 2 x 3" upper left corner, with loss of only the word "The"; minor tears at several fold junctions, some creases at top and bottommost folded panels, else very good, clean, and suitable for display. Fascinating social history. • With, (unrelated) partly printed discharge of Ely Tuttle, 38th Mass. Infantry, a Roxbury shoemaker, for disability, certified by Surgeon. New Orleans, July 17, 1863, 8 x 101/4. Tape stains from fold repair on verso, toning, else satisfactory. $110-140 (2 pcs.)

9-9. Oversize Civil War View by a Celebrated Lithographer.

Highly attractive 1862 bird's-eye-view chromolithograph of "Fort Federal Hill, Baltimore, Md." By E(dward) Sachse & Co., 104 S. Charles St., "one of the leading lithographic firms in the nation...particularly renowned for its color lithography" --Maryland Historical Society Library and Baltimore Sun. This a rare example with seller's name blind-embossed in lower margin, "W(illiam) T. Minifie / Books / [Station]ery." Image 14 x 20, in period rich brown wood frame, simple dentille edges, 22 x 271/2. Detailing barracks, fortification, and observatory, the city sprawling toward the horizon. The native-German Sachse brothers were one of Baltimore's most prominent Civil War-era lithographers and publishers. English-born bookseller Minifie was located at 114 W. Baltimore St. His 1878 autobiography and diary of his 1830s travels across the Eastern U.S. were published in Maryland Historical Magazine, Winter 1993. Warm, satisfying colors: Fort Federal Hill was a popular theme on patriotic covers; to see this familiar subject about 500% larger is startling, attenuating the richly complex color saturation characteristic of chromolithography of the period. The Sachse brothers were among the first to employ multiple-stone lithography, a new breakthrough in the printing arts. Sachse was noted for personally drawing many of the prints that would roll off his press. After the war, the firm produced the "largest panoramic view of an American city ever published...unprecedented in detail and scope...." Minor foxing, broad old marginal waterstains and toning, loss of triangular 2" section at mid-right margin just affecting small area of water, neatly restored, else about good, the frame with slight gaps at miters, else very good. An uncommon printing of this significant litho. Later reproductions occasionally emerge, which sell for modest decorator value. No examples located on WorldCat. Views and Viewmakers of Urban America..., John William Reps no. 1299. High resolution color photograph available. $600-850

9-10. "Never! Never! Never Before!"

Highly attractive, hard-hitting tabloid-size publisher's circular, seeking agents to sell Frank Leslie's Illustrated History of the Civil War to both Union and former Confederate households. "A Grand Panorama of the Exciting Events of 1861 to 1865...." 103/4 x 151/2, opening to shockingly dramatic, double-page spread of Battle of Bull Run, "the first really important action of the Civil War," as it will appear in the new book. "Authorized Edition, published by Mrs. Frank Leslie," Desmond Publishing Co., Boston, c. 1894. "Never! Never! Never Before! Has the public had an opportunity to secure such a rare historic relic at so small a cost. Nothing recalls the past so forcibly as pictures...on the very spot. A picture, too, is impartial. It cannot represent the success of the victors without representing the heroism of their opponents. It does justice to all sides, like Decoration Day, which North and South alike keep holy, and strengthens the bonds of sympathy between all true citizens...The only authentic pictorial history of the Civil War in one volume...Pictures that bring the sound of martial music to the ear...Bound in English silk cloth, 6.50; in half Morocco, 8.00...Best and Most Reliable Book of the Civil War Ever Published." On front panel, woodcut of "Heroic Charge of Lt. Col. Morrison, 79th N.Y. Highlanders, James Island, S.C." Light edge wear and tears, handling evidence, else very good. Very scarce - far more so than the book itself it announces - and superb for display. $90-120

9-11. The Civil War Bookshelf.

Group of interesting and influential books on Union personages: Sketches of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Secession; with a Narrative of Personal Adventures among the Rebels, by W.G. Brownlow. Philadelphia and Cincinnati, 1862. 43/4 x 71/4, 458 pp. + 8 pp. publisher's advertisements, including pre-resumption notice of Brownlow's incendiary Knoxville Whig; his Tennessee press and type had been destroyed by the Confederates. Banished to the North by Judah P. Benjamin, this book became a wartime best-seller, moving a reported 100,000 copies. Full-page woodcuts, embossed brown cloth. Lacking narrow band at head of spine, much wear, shaken, but a satisfactory reading copy. Sabin 8703. • The Life, Campaigns, and Public Services of General McClellan - The Hero of Western Virginia! South Mountain! and Antietam!, Philadelphia, 1864, uncredited authorship, certainly intended to embellish his Presidential campaign. 5 x 71/4, 194 pp., attractively blind-tooled black-cherry cloth. Minor cover wear, one depression along bottom horizontal edge of front cover, light waterstain at upper right margins, occasional foxing, but very good plus, and judged a better copy than the five on abebooks at this writing. • Rare salesman's sample of The Life of General William T. Sherman, by James P. Boyd, Publishers' Union, 1891, 51/4 x 71/2, eccentrically paginated, full-page woodcuts. Elaborate pictorial front cover, black on burgundy, with full width of the decorative spine imprinted on back cover of this slender sample. Blank leaves at rear, with three customers' names pencilled, paying 1.50 each. Covers soiled, understandable wear and handling, somewhat shaken; break along inside hinge, lacking front endleaf, perhaps removed by salesman, else satisfactory, and a fascinating curiosity. • Reminiscences of Winfield Scott Hancock, by his wife [Ada R. Hancock], N.Y., 1887, 51/2 x 9, 340 pp., steel-engraved frontispiece portrait, tissue guard-leaf, pink and palest green marbled fore-edges, original plain calf boards. Ex-lib., with interesting old bookplate. Lacking entirety of spine, covers detached, moderate shelf wear, but internally V.F., and a very scarce work. • Around the World with General Grant, J. Russell Young, Vol. II only. Including "Certain Conversations with Gen. Grant on Questions connected with American Politics and History." 7 x 10, 631 pp., profusely illus., black and gilt on pebbled maroon cloth. Fascinating sights and sounds captured by eagle-eyed journalist (and future Librarian of Congress) traveling with Grant in India, Singapore, Macao, China, and Japan. Many of his observations are exotic - but blunt: in India, seeing a collection of man-eating tigers, eunuchs guarding ten wives of a Maharajah, and a "meaningless" dance performance by "Hindoo" girls, judged "of no value." Front board detached, two letters of author's name on spine affected, internally with corner tears at frontispiece woodcut and preceding leaf of text, uniform ivory toning, very light marginal waterstains, else fine. $190-250 (5 books)

9-12. New Jersey and a Turning Point of the War.

New Jersey Troops in the Gettysburg Campaign from June 5 to July 31, 1863, by Samuel Toombs. Orange, N.J., 1888, 51/2 x 73/4, 406 pp., about 60 illustrations, blind-tooled cobalt-blue cloth, gilt spine title. Skillfully written by this veteran of the 13th N.J., a postwar newspaperman, and publisher of the Orange Journal and Newark Evening Mail. One crease at top of front board, spine darkened, some discoloring stains on outside covers, bold blind-embossed "Public School Library / N.J." on back cover; wrinkles at foldout portion of map showing N.J. monuments at Gettysburg; text with pleasing uniform toning to warm cream, and internally about fine. Requisite for any Gettysburg collection. $55-75

9-13. The Battle above the Clouds.

Pennsylvania at Chickamauga and Chattanooga - "Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Monuments erected by the Commonwealth of Penna. to Mark the Positions of the Penna. Commands engaged in the Battles," edited by Capt. George W. Skinner, 1900. 6 x 91/4, 500 pp., full-page plates, index, rich 3/4 burgundy-brown polished calf with salmon, cream, and gold marbled boards, all edges gilt. Frontispiece portrait of Gen. Rosecrans. An exhaustive compendium of Keystone State troops in Tennessee, defeated by Confederate Gen. Bragg at Chickamauga, but rebounding in the lengthy campaign at Chattanooga - the "Battle above the Clouds." For a time, Confederate cavalry forced Rosecrans' men, horses, and mules on starvation rations. "The loss of Chattanooga was a severe blow to the dying Confederate cause...The stage was set for Sherman's move to split the Confederacy further by his Atlanta campaign and march to the sea..."--Boatner. Rubbing of covers, average shelf wear, front inner hinge weak, frontispiece detached, title page nearly so, else internally fine and clean. Notwithstanding the National Park at Chickamauga and Chattanooga memorializing the dramatic and pivotal campaign, its battles are somewhat understudied today. $45-65

9-14. Three Days before Hunter's Vanquish of Confederate Gen. "Grumble" Jones.

Lengthy manuscript Union Special Orders, Head Quarters, Martinsburg, W.V., June 2, 1864 - prelude to Gen. David Hunter's scorched-earth campaign. Clerical field draft in name of Col. Comdg. Wm. P. Maulsby, 73/4 x 121/2, 21/4 pp. "...The 2nd Md. Regt...152nd Regt. Ohio N(ational) G(uard)...and Five Companies of the 161st Ohio N.G. to be designated by Col. Taylor, Comdg., under command of a Field Officer of the Regt. will constitute a Guard for a Wagon Train from Martinsburg for the Front, which will leave Martinsburg at [blank; not yet scheduled] o'clock P.M. tomorrow...The senior Officer present will take Command of the Train and Guard & will report to Maj. Gen. his Head Quarters in the field. Each man will be provided with 60 rounds of ammunition which will be carried on the person...The men will be provided with underclothing and shoes necessary for a 14 days march. Five days rations...will be carried by the men on their persons and Five days additional rations will be carried in Wagons. Forage for the animals will also be carried in wagons...Five ambulances will accompany...The 2nd Md...will march from its Camp near Smithfield through Brucetown to the nearest point on the Martinsburg & Winchester Turnpike... and await arrival of the train...." Some handling evidence, minor fold wear, light soiling on mostly blank last page, else about fine. Gen. David Hunter had taken over West Virginia less than two weeks earlier, ordered by Grant to use scorched-earth tactics in the Shenandoah, a prelude to Sherman's March to the Sea later that year. On June 5, Hunter prevailed at the Battle of Piedmont, Gen. "Grumble" Jones killed in action. Pushing through the Valley, Hunter destroyed blacksmiths' shops, stables, and property which could be used by the Confederacy. Six days later, in Lexington, his men burned down V.M.I., and damaged the future Washington & Lee University. (Fitzhugh Lee's biography of his uncle recorded that Hunter "had no respect for colleges, or the peaceful pursuits of professors and students...and during his three days occupancy in Lexington in June 1864, the college buildings were dismantled, apparatus destroyed, and the books mutilated." Sanctioning the first black regiment, Hunter also had the unusual distinction of accompanying Lincoln to Washington in 1860 - and escorting the slain Emancipator's body to Springfield five years later. $170-220

9-15. To an Army Chaplain, "Hope you may be through in Rebeldom soon...."

Homefront letter on blue and red "United We Stand - Divided We Fall" patriotic lettersheet, with matching envelope. From family member "J.W.L.," to Rev. E.Y. Warner, "Chap(lain) 3rd O(hio) V(ol.) C(avalry), 6 Div., Gen. Wood('s) Army of the 5th Via Tennessee River," 43/4 x 71/2, 3 pp. Wooster, Ohio black c.d.s., June 12, 1863. Rich pink 3¢ Washington. "Dear Love, Your advice to put up a stove for Mother Lee was anticipated & the stove up before it came. We try to make her comfortable & contented...Make yourself perfectly cozy about your folks living on us. We hold them as a part & parcel of us & they are entirely welcome here ...Hope you may be through in Rebeldom soon...We love no more to ring the Clarion of war. The Lord speed the day when (we) shall overtake all that now attempted to overthrow our government...Clara don't seem quite so interest(ed) in Bill as she was. Mr. Snyder perhaps will buy her yet...She will hope for the best...." Penned in a fine, delicate hand, somewhat hard to read; one wide fold, else fine and clean. Cover lacking sliver of blank verso where neatly opened, minor postal wear, else perfs intact and very good. Records show Warner resigned in Aug. 1862, however the present letter indicates he reenlisted. $120-160 (2 pcs.)

9-16. Pension for a Civil War Gold Star Mother.

Ornately engraved Bureau of Pensions document, Mar. 13, 1891, 8 x 101/2, integral filing panel. Awarding $12 monthly stipend to Arvilla White, Williamstown, Mass., mother of Pvt. Wilber [sic] White, 22nd Mass. Infantry, "unless she shall again marry." An 18-year-old laborer upon enlistment on New Year's Day 1864, it was his last: he was killed in action at Orange Pike at The Wilderness that May. Purple stamped sig. of Sec. of Interior John W. Noble. Some edge wrinkles, else about fine. With postally used envelope, oversize flag cancel over official franking, from Pension Agent in Boston. Some toning and postal wear, else good plus. $45-65 (2) pcs.

9-17. The Civil War Park that Never Was.

Very scarce pamphlet, "The Proposed Atlanta National Military Park...Issued by the Atlanta Business Men's League...," c. 1900, 61/2 x 93/4, 62 pp., black on pine green wrappers, cream text, numerous photographs. Facsimile of letter to the League from former Pres. Benjamin Harrison, endorsing the proposed park to memorialize Battle of Peachtree Creek, July 20, 1864 - the initial engagement of the Atlanta campaign. "Hotly contested by the opposing armies of Sherman and Hood...It would be quite impracticable to establish a park incorporating the battlefields east or west of the city. That territory is thickly populated and the property would be difficult to obtain...The military park and other battlefields around Atlanta shall be connected by a system of driveways." Photographs including Shoal Creek and Howell's Mill Road; highly detailed map of Atlanta campaign. Proposing that land be purchased for an average $122 per acre. Letters of support for park from noted generals, both Union and Confederate. Many views of turn-of-century Atlanta, with lengthy text commending it as the "New York of the South." Glue at inside rear hinge dry, some handling, wear at corners, else good, the park evidently of much interest to a reader long ago. $80-110

9-18. "How many turkies have you got by this time?"

Letter of Union soldier John H. Snouffer (133rd Ohio Infantry), n.p. but possibly Ft. Powhattan, Va., "Thirsday [sic] the 6th, (18)64," believed Summer, 43/4 x 8, 2 full pp. To Mother. "We are agoing to be mustered in for our pay this morning...The old Commissary wants some of it...I have a little money yet...I would like to have some (stamps) sent from home & would like to have been home to help you eat berries. I have some very nice cherries to eat down here. They are as large as three...that grow in Ohio and as black as a coal...How many turkies have you got by this time? It will seem quite odd to hear a chicken crow. I have almost forgot how one looks. I would like to know who they have to go to their picnics. It must be women and babies for it looks down here like we have everybody in the shape of men...." Some creases at bottom, cream toning, else about very good. Snouffer served just under four months; his 133rd repaired telegraph lines. $45-60

9-19. " growing into fashion...."

Unusual printed Union "General Orders," combining those of George Washington of July 9, 1776, and Gen. George McClellan of Sept. 6, 1861, 41/2 x 71/2, likely produced as a commercial patriotic broadsheet by a civilian printer. Both Orders - composed some 85 years apart - implore observance of the Sabbath among the troops. Washington had declared, just five days after declaration of independence, that he is "sorry to be informed, that the foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing, a vice hitherto little known in an American army, is growing into fashion...We can have little hope of the blessing of Heaven on our arms, if we insult it...." McClellan requests that "there may be more perfect respect for the Sabbath...We are fighting in a holy cause, and should endeavor to deserve the benign favor of the Creator...All work shall be suspended on the Sabbath...The observance of the holy day of the God of mercy and of battles is our sacred duty." Some marginal handling stains, old parallel folds, wrinkling, three old glassine hinges on verso, but good, and suitable for display. Scarce. $55-75

9-20. A Trio of Patriotic Song Sheets.

Three by noted printer Charles Magnus, N.Y., 5 x 8, hand-colored in red, flag blue, sky blue, golden yellow, and pale pink, variously: "The Flag With the Thirty-Four Stars," showing troops drilling with bayoneted rifles, a Fort Sumter-esque seascape behind them. • "The Banner of the Free," with Gen. Winfield Scott seated at writing desk, within wreath, flanked by two flags. A sad tribute to a wounded soldier "upon the battle field, Near the Chickomony's [sic] tide...." •"My sweet Wife, my Sallie," to the tune of "The Girl I left behind me." "The night is dark - the bitter wind, Across the plain is sweeping, And I am marching to and fro, My anxious watches keeping...." Two with minor edge dust-toning, else very good. Suitable for display. $90-120 (3 pcs.)

9-21. Armed Slaves will learn "the lessons of liberty."

Two items relating to black troops: Printed "Remarks of Mr. Hutchins, of Ohio, & Mr. Kelley, of Pa...House of Reps., Jan. 29, 1863, on the Bill to Organize Regiments of Persons of African Descent." 6 x 93/4, 8 pp. "...Native-born colored persons are citizens...If we can take as soldiers minor apprentices and minor sons, we have the same right to take slaves...Gen. Hunter told me...that his attempt to arm negro regiments in South Carolina was a complete success; that their aptitude for drill and learning military movements was equal to that of any white soldiers he ever saw in his life...It is perfectly consistent to make use of these men. They will relieve the exposures of our white sons and brothers in the field...It will tend to put an end to the institution of slavery itself, because once arms put into the hands of the slaves, they are going to be taught the lessons of liberty which will be contagious in this country. Slaveholders and their apologists know this full well, and that is the reason we hear such a howling opposition to arming these men...." Old folds, contemporary pencil at top, "I wish this document preserved," browning last page, some edge and handling wear, but very satisfactory. Very scarce. • Printed Union General Orders, Washington, Feb. 11, 1863, 43/4 x 71/4, 7 pp., signed in ink by A.A. Gen. Scofield, later Bvt. Brig. Gen., 47th Colored Infantry. Court martial of two officers involved in fraud, sentenced to be dismissed from Army; Lincoln lightened both sentences. Two binding holes, toning, good plus. $70-100 (2 pcs.)

9-22. "We still live in hopes that we may get to see you once more...."

Letter to Union soldier John Blentlinger, 158th Penna. Infantry, "In Care of Col. D.B. McKibbins," Newbern, N.C., "Via New York," from his wife. Face of envelope with origin postmaster's ink cancel and manuscript endorsement "Shady Grove, Pa., Apr. 23/(18)63." Apr. 22, 1863, 8 x 91/2, 4 full pp., apparently lacking closing. "...All my wish is for you to return. I still live in hope that before another month shall pass that you may be with me and mother and your Daughter. We still live in hopes that we may get to see you once more here...I had a great deal of company on Sunday...I would write to you every day if I could, for I do love to...give you all the satisfaction that I can from home...If we put our trust in him [the Lord] he will protect us and bring you safe to me...." Fine. Upside-down, four-margin stamp neatly cancelled with two short strokes; envelope attractive and about fine. • Letter from her husband, John Blentlinger, Newbern, N.C., June 22, 1863 based on postmark of accompanying envelope, 51/2 x 9, 2 pp. "...You would like to know when we are agoing to come home...We will leave here about the 1st of July. Everything is quiet here...I remain your true husband until deth [sic] is no more...I hope to see you all before long." Postal folds, else about fine. With orange cover, Newbern c.d.s. Stamp nearly an error, so off-center that one bottom perf actually bites into "n" of "Cents"; worn, but very satisfactory. Blentlinger curiously unrecorded at civilwardata. $90-120 (4 pcs.)

9-23. Pay for "Colored" Private Servants of a Future Noted General.

Large partly printed Union voucher for wages of two black "private servants, not soldiers," Thomas and William, and forage for four horses, signed by Col. W.B. Hazen, 41st O(hio) V(ols)., Dec. 31, 1861, 101/4 x 16. To U.S. Army Paymaster John Corn, seeking Hazen's own pay of $95 per month, $13 each for his "colored" servants, $5 for their clothing, and $8 for each horse. Commanding in a long procession of battles, including Shiloh, Chickamauga, Kennesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, March to the Sea, and more; postwar head of Weather Bureau, then run by Signal Corps. Old folds, else fine, on pleasing cream. $160-220

9-24. From West Point to Medicine Lodge.

Presentation signature on card of C(hristopher) C(olon) Augur, with "Maj. Genl. U.S.A. / Com(mandin)g Dept. Wash(ington)," dateable between Oct. 1863-Aug. 1866. Commandant of Cadets at West Point at outbreak of war, Augur led the force capturing Fredericksburg. Severely wounded at Cedar Mountain, he later commanded District of Baton Rouge, and at Port Hudson. With a highly interesting postwar career, Augur headed Depts. of the Platte, Texas, Gulf, and of the South, and instrumental in negotiating Treaties of Medicine Lodge and Fort Laramie. Diced corners (angle-cut for stylized appearance), two small stains, smudge by his own hand at "Wash.," old mat evidence at right edge, still fine and attractive. $70-100

9-25. Impeached!

Superb signature "Wm. W. Belknap / Secy. of War," from close of letter, in darkest brown ink on eggshell, with aqua rules. Laid on tobacco-brown mat with original woodcut portrait, probably from Harper's, with printed typo: "Maj. Gen. William M. Belknap, the new Sec. of War. (Photographed by Brady.)" Fought at Shiloh, Corinth, and Vicksburg, commanded in Atlanta campaign, later Grant's Sec. of War, impeached for accepting bribes but resigned before trial. Choice, and a handsome ensemble. $65-90 (2 pcs. on mat)

9-26. Wounded Warrior - and Wartime Governor.

Presentation signature on card, "Your Obt. Servant / May A.D. 1888 / Richard J. Oglesby / Springfield, Ills.," 21/4 x 33/4. On complementary shade tan mat, with old letterpress portrait, possibly from postwar Leslie's-style history of Civil War. Seeking his fortune in the Gold Rush, Oglesby commanded at Fort Donelson, wounded at Corinth, resigning 1864 to become wartime Gov. of Ill. "...An admirer of Lincoln and his policies, but denounced Johnson and demanded his impeachment"--Boatner. Two original blind scores in left portion of portrait, judged present at time of printing; paper remnant at blank lower right tip of card, probably from gummed envelope flap, else very fine. $55-80 (2 pcs. on mat)

9-27. An Elusive Union General.

Signature from close of letter, "I am Sir, Most Respectfully / Your Obt. Servt. / A.J. Slemmer / Brig. Genl. U.S.V." Antebellum Indian fighter. In a prequel to Fort Sumter, in Jan. 1861 Slemmer was commanding at Fort Barrancas in Pensacola Bay. Upon surrender of the Pensacola Navy Yard to the Confederacy, he moved his men to Fort Pickens in the same harbor, defending it from demands of Florida Militia. Later wounded and taken prisoner at Stones River; postwar at Fort Laramie. Old vertical fold passing through "S," else fine plus, and quite scarce. Slemmer died at just age 40. Unlisted in Sanders, unpriced in Seagrave. $160-220

9-28. Rare Civil War Uniform Catalogue.

Charles Stokes' Illustrated Continental Almanac, for 1862 - actually a catalogue of uniforms. "Containing an extract from regulations on the uniform and dress of the U.S. Army. Illustrated with 18 figures in Full Costume...Printed in oil colors...." Philadelphia, 1862, 53/4 x 9, (24) pp. Strikingly attractive color renditions of soldiers modeling attire of a Maj. Gen., Col. Baxter's Fire Zouaves, Duryea's N.Y. Zouaves (wearing their signature red pantaloons), Phila. Zouaves, Infantry, Artillery, Cavalry and Rifle, Marine Corps, plus shoulder straps and measurement information. Some ornamental typography. Central signature loose, else V.G. Unrecorded at WorldCat. $180-220

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10. Carte Photographs

10-1. Confederate Imprint.

Carte of controversial Gen. Braxton Bragg. Imprint of "Tanner & Van Ness... 124 Main St., Lynchburg, Va...." Double gold-leaf ruled border. Gen. A.S. Johnston's Chief of Staff, his "ineptitude for high command" led to his return to Richmond as Davis' advisor. "A strange and unfortunate mixture..."--Horn, in Boatner. Superficial contact marks, interesting silver glitter from photographic chemistry when viewed at angle, uniform light mocha toning, else about V.G. $150-175

10-2. Gen. A.E. Burnside.

A superlative example, showing the bewhiskered Burnside in full-standing pose, dress uniform, his white-gloved hand on his sword. Bold silver-grey imprint, "Published by E. Anthony, 501 Broadway, N.Y...from Brady's National Portrait Gallery." In old pencil on verso, "As Brig. Genl." Antebellum inventor of breech-loading rifle, Burnside quickly enjoyed military notice, twice declining the offer to command Army of the Potomac. "His undistinguished leadership of McClellan's left wing at Antietam was (the) main reason for Lee's escaping annihilation"--Boatner. Finally accepting command of Army of the Potomac, he was soon relieved - for failure at Fredericksburg, and yet again after Petersburg. Very minor wear at upper left tip, light marginal toning, else a crisp, handsomely contrasted example of this desirable pose - with an uncommon Anthony variant imprint. $130-160

10-3. From Gold Rush to Southern Glory.

Carte of Confederate Gen. Benjamin Franklin Cheatham. 1862 Anthony imprint in gold leaf on lower mount; ornate Anthony imprint on verso. Heading to California for the Gold Rush, Cheatham commanded throughout the war. Superficial semicircular halo not touching portrait, else fine plus. The gold-leaf Anthony imprint on a Confederate subject is uncommon. $110-140

10-4. Southern Imprint.

Carte of Confederate Gen. Richard S. Ewell, by "Tanner & Van Ness...124 Main St., Lynchburg, Va...." Double gold-leaf ruled border. Played a key role in the first major Confederate victory, 1st Bull Run; lost leg at Groveton, but strapped into his saddle at Gettysburg, where he lost "the power of decision"--Lee's Lieutenants. Two creases at lower left tip, else pleasing warm ivory patina, and fine. $140-180

10-5. Gen. Joseph Hooker.

Early, almost-candid pose, seated and looking left, unfamiliarly handsome. Anthony-Brady imprint, with 1862 Brady copyright in gold on lower mount. Actually snubbed repeatedly when volunteering in 1861, he went on to serve widely. Dubbed "Fighting Joe" to his displeasure by newspapermen, he made media history, ordering that all news dispatches no longer be filed anonymously or with initials only. Becoming Commander of Army of the Potomac, he was relieved six months later after his defeat at Chancellorsville. Tap and minute edge tear at lower right tip, some superficial table-toning at left half, old green smudge at upper right, two mounting traces on verso, else still an infrequently-seen pose with a desirable imprint, and good plus. $70-90

10-6. Jeff Davis' Number-One Soldier.

Carte of Confederate Gen. A. Sidney Johnston, with variant, simple black imprint on verso, "Published by E. Anthony, 501 Broadway, N.Y." Shown in plain collar, without general officer's stars. A fascinating character, while in the Texas army, Johnston was wounded in a duel; Sec. of War in Republic of Texas. Offered a Union commission in April 1861 as second only to Winfield Scott, Johnston joined the Confederacy, killed at Shiloh the following year. "If there was any one thing on which everybody seemed agreed in 1861 it was that Johnston was the Number One soldier of the continent. There are many Southerners today who agree with [Jeff Davis] that Johnston was ‘the greatest soldier, the ablest man...Confederate of Federal, then living'..."--Horn, in Boatner. Bump at blank upper left tip, short stray ink(?) marks at topmost edge of emulsion, else pleasing mellowed ivory tones, and about fine. $120-150

10-7. "The Fiery Little Redhead."

Carte photo of Union Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, "the North's first military hero" (Boatner). An unusual full-standing pose, in Anthony's Broadway studio, the baseboard and wall paneling visible behind him. Holding cap and sword. Exceptionally deep brown-black tones. Lyon was killed early in the War, at Wilson's Creek, in Aug. 1861, becoming a martyr; the absence of a printed identification or obsequies indicate this was made during his lifetime. Ink number on verso by noted collector, else very fine. $140-180

10-8. Gen. John Aaron Rawlins.

Rare photograph of Grant's principal staff officer and most intimate and influential advisor - with an uncanny resemblance to a young Al Pacino. "As Grant rose in rank and responsibility, Rawlins was promoted accordingly..."--D.A.B. in Boatner. Explored proposed Union Pacific route; one of camp sites named for him - Rawlins, Wyo.; Grant's postwar Sec. of War. Anthony-Brady. Misidentified in contemporary ink on lower mount as "Gen. Carter, Tenn." Heart-shaped flake of emulsion lacking at upper right, not affecting portrait, corners diced, label residue on blank verso at top, else dark, very good, and the only Rawlins photograph we have handled in many years. $150-180

10-9. Commanded Black Troops in Florida.

Carte of Union Maj. Gen. Hiram Scofield (his name almost always misspelled Schofield). Anthony-Brady. Double gold-leaf ruled border. Commanded at Vicksburg, and the 1st U.S. Colored Troops in West Florida. Poignant pose at an unusual offset angle, seated in Gothic Revival chair, looking into distance. Name and reference number in 20th-century ink on verso by noted collector, some fine mottling, but lending considerable character; pleasing saddle-brown tones, and about fine. Uncommon by any photographer. $90-120

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11. Ephemera

11-1. Silver Bells, Fancy Sleighs, Ice Cream Freezers, and More.

Highly attractive group of 10 invoices, 1874-77, ornate typography, most illustrated, 51/4 x 81/2 to 7 x 81/4. All to Fuller & Parish, hardware dealers in Norwich, Conn.: East Hampton Bell Co., "Manufacturers of Hand, House, Sleigh, Cow & Sheep Bells - Sleigh Bells strapped to order...Patent Leather Straps, mounted with Gold or Silver Plated Bells...," East Hampton, Conn. Red and black. Charming woodcut of their Patent Sleigh Bells. • William Cole & Son, Ringsville, Mass., "Manufacturers of Children's Fancy Frame & Clipper Sleds & Wheelbarrows." A large order on two sheets: "Extra fraim [sic] Sleighs, $24 per doz...We are short of $9 Sleds so we send you rather more of the $10 Sleds at 9.50....Extra Fancy Sleighs...No. 1 Boys & Girls...." • Meriden (Conn.) Britannia Co., white metal and nickel silver electroplates. • Charles M. Clapp & Co., trading as Aetna Rubber Mills and Goodyear Rubber Co. store, Boston. Rubber goods, carriage ducks, piano covers, car, coach and locomotive steps, chair tips, belting, and more. Printed entirely in strawberry pink. • Fairbanks, Brown & Co., Boston, "railroad, hay, coal and store scales." Composition woodcut of four types of scales, plus their Money Drawers. • Sargent & Co., New Haven. Sprawling scene of their lock factories, variety of sloops and a tugboat in foreground. • Charles Gooch, "Inventor, Proprietor and Sole Mfr. of I-XL, Pet, and Giant Ice Cream Freezers - Machines...for making 100 to 1,000 Gallons of Ice Cream per day," Philadelphia. Manuscript addition, "In ordering, arrange it so that we get our order before that is the day the boat sails for Conn...." • M.D. Jones & Co., Bronzed Brackets, Hardware, Ornamental Iron Goods and Copper Weather Vanes, Boston. • Congdon, Carpenter & Co., Iron & Steel, Providence (R.I.). Occasional trivial wear, else V.F. $90-130 (10 pcs.)

11-2. Football at Antebellum Yale.

Delightful handbill, "Sophomores' Song of Victory, Oct. 13, 1852," describing an early game of a precursor of football, cleverly incorporating the names of Yale player-students in the rhyming account. 8 x 93/4, black on palest blue, with decorative border. "...Their Walker ran, And sped the ball in air, And as it bounded o'er the green, It reached the ‘Tigers' lair'...Then out stepped a little Mann, The pride of [18]56, Who claimed that he had caught the ball, And therefore had the kicks. They gave it to him - he did kick, The ball hit Bingham's head...The Sophomores then caught it up, And rushed it o'er the ground...And now, raise high your voices, Soph's, Three cheers for [18]53!... And nine for victory!!" Old quarter-folds, handling creases, else very good. This item is discussed in Memorials of Eminent Yale Men..., by Anson Phelps Stokes. Hawaiian-born Hiram Bingham - mentioned in the verse - was "one of the leaders in creating an interest in world evangelization...," focusing on his native Sandwich Islands and Micronesia. Interestingly, Yale later played a key role in the evolution of the game: the "Father of American Football," Walter Camp, was also a graduate. $90-120

11-3. Remembering Arlington Cemetery.

Poignant leaf with four pressed flowers, laid on sheet headed in a contemporary hand, "Arlington Cemetery, D.C., May 26, 1885 / Mrs. DeEdelen, Mary F. Herrick, Miss Eva McCarthy." 7 x 9. Decoration (or Memorial) Day had been first observed in 1868. Ivory toning of sheet, right vertical edge of tree leaf with some old dry chipping, one small fragment of leaf separated but present under modern shrink wrap on foamcore board, else about very good, and an evocative remembrance, wounds of the Civil War still a part of American life. Dramatic. $45-70

11-4. The George Washington of Italy.

Finely lithographed invitation to "...the unveiling of the Monument erected by the Italian residents of North America to their fellow citizen, Giuseppe Garibaldi. East Washington Square [N.Y.], June 4, 1888...." 43/4 x 63/4. Engraved by A.W. Schmidt. Large rendering of the statue, with shields of the U.S. and his short-lived Roman Republic below. (The statue survives, but was moved in 2010.) Sent to J.H. Robb, banker, cotton broker, and N.Y. politician; his home - the only true Stanford White mansion on New York's Park Avenue - still stands. Some dust soiling, else about very good. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Italians in the U.S. numbered only 12,000. Rare. $50-70

11-5. The "pope of Rome" ruling over Congress.

Two sidewalk flyers, quoting the savagely anti-Catholic newspaper The Menace, (Aurora, Mo.), June 7, 1913 and July 18, 1914. On newsprint, 3 x 71/2 and 63/4 x 71/2, respectively. "Free Press, Free Speech, Free Schools, Free State," with flag: "While we go to press, the Nation is covering the graves of the patriotic dead - a beautiful and grateful sentiment. But to institutions...requires a high order of faith...The Menace defies the attempt of organized political Rome to destroy it...The men are traitors, who, cloaked with a religious garb, with false lips praise the flag and stab the color guard in the back...." • "Two Creeds - Take Your Choice," comparing "The Patriot's Creed" with "The Papist's Creed." The former quoting the Declaration of Independence, the latter twisting its words: "...Congress should adopt the Roman Catholic faith as the established religion of the U.S.; that Congress should in all things obey the pope of Rome and prohibit the exercise of all other religions...." Latter with symmetrical pocket wrinkles, both browned, else about very good. In 1916, Federal prosecutors indicted The Menace's editors for its vile depictions of Catholic clergy, but lost the case. Notwithstanding the paper's circulation of some 11/2 million, its imprints are rare. $70-100 (2 pcs.)

11-6. "The most powerful secret organization in existence."

Varied ensemble of printed materials of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, probably one-each stationery samples from file of a K.K.K. promoter in Pennsylvania's Coal Region, some dated 1921-23: Small blue card imprinted "Women of the K.K.K. are now enlisting 100% American Women...," with Pittsburgh address. • Card advertising lecture, "Knights of the K.K.K. and its Mission, by Realm Lecturer, under auspices of National Organization - Admit One...." • Two matching ticket-sized cards, "...Wanted 100 percent Americans - No others need apply...The old State of Penna. is not what it used to be since the K.K.K. came to town." Black on light grey. Metal cuts of Klansman in full regalia on rearing horse, facing left and right. • Card with invitation to join "the most powerful secret, non-political organization in existence, one that has the ‘Most Sublime Lineage in History'...Discuss this with no one...." 31/4 x 51/2. • Variant card, also listing tenets of K.K.K.: "White Supremacy - Protection of pure womanhood - Preventing the causes of mob violence and lynchings - Prevention of lawless elements - The limitation of foreign immigration...." • Blank printed receipt for donation, red surprint of Klansman on horseback. • Pink variant, without surprint. • Order form for K.K.K. robe, to be sent to Atlanta, 31/2 x 91/4, outline of garment with instructions to measure sleeve, collar, and length. Mousechew at blank top. • Printed "Application for Citizenship in the Invisible Empire...," 7 x 81/4. Two cuts of Klansman on horse. Lines on verso for "references." •Handbill, 41/4 x 8, flag in bright red and blue at top. "Ku Klux Kreed" of Order of the Women of K.K.K. "We shall devote ourselves to the practice of an honorable clannishness...." •Blank letterhead of Imperial Palace, Dept. of Propagation, Atlanta, full-width "Kenilworth" watermark, illustrations of "Honor" tableau and triangular banner. • Blue certificate elevating to "degree of Knights Kamelia or K-Duo...." Printed signature of national Imperial Wizard H.W. Evans. • Detailed membership solicitation, "Printed by the Ku Klux Press," two illustrations, with 20 questions to be answered: "Is the motive prompting your inquiry serious?...Are you a gentile or jew?...What is your politics?..." Wrinkle and short tear at one fold. • Charter Petition to form local section, 81/4 x 13. Dampstaining, else unused. Others with occasional minor handling, else generally fine. Perhaps a showing of all of the K.K.K. stationery in use in the early Twenties. $130-180 (15 pcs.)

11-7. Dreams of The Bronx.

Fascinating "School Day Memories" autograph album of nurse Isabella Bendinsky of Danville, Pa., 1930-33, with signed greetings, verse, and sentiments from her patients and fellow nursing students (some Canadian), many datelined Fordham Hospital (Bronx). 41/4 x 6, 1/4" thick, handsomely blind-tooled and -patterned black cloth, alternating cream and mint green leaves. Many messages are heartwarming: From Constantino Pelaez, "I remember you in all my life. Fordham Hospital was my second school in my life...I will never forget who did something for me." Nested is a piece of beautiful wrapping paper, with abstract gold, red, sapphire, and black polygons, evidently from a gift presented to Isabella. On another leaf, an ink drawing of her, with inscription from "Dr. Joseph Larvira, Fordham Hospital - I hope your smile will always be as patient and as sweet as it was on [Ward] 3A." Four-leaf clover in crayon, with verse in a florid hand from friend Stanislava: "What we call Luck is simply Pluck, And the doing things over and over, Courage and will, perseverance and skill, Are the four leaves of Luck's clover." The reality of Fordham - The Bronx's first municipal hospital - is reflected in several, including, "...wishing you courage and hope while in Fordham - especially doing dressings on [Ward] 5A - ha ha." "The W(ar)d 7 orchestra is now playing...but cheer up, it will soon cease, and peace shall reign. Wd. 7 night duty will hold pleasant memories for me...." From a Fordham patient, a long poem: "I have what many can never buy, The clasp of your hand and the light of your eye...." With some inscriptions from friends at Danville State Hospital and others. Modest wear, else very good. Isabella's training was undoubtedly a memorable one: As late as the 1960s, after 42nd Street, many New Yorkers boastfully considered nearby Fordham Road the "center of the universe." $70-100

11-8. World's Columbian Exposition.

Pleasing group of nine (of twelve) unused "Official Souvenir Postal (Cards)" of World's Columbian Exposition, Series No. 1, copyright Charles W. Goldsmith, Chicago, 1893. Printed by American Lithographic Co., N.Y. Delicate chromolitho renderings, employing glossy inks on matte eggshell enamel cards, showing Battle Ship Illinois, Architectural, Electrical, Fisheries (with inset portrait of Columbus), Government (with inset of Pres. Cleveland), Horticultural, Manufacturers and Liberal Arts, Mines, and Woman's Buildings. Latter with vertical fold, Government with color misregistration, versos with characteristic uniform browning, some storage wear at corners, else about very good. $125-175 (9 pcs.)

11-9. Cigar Box Labels and Bands - a Commercial Art Showcase.

Group of 10 colorful cigar box labels, 6 x 9 to 7 x 81/2, some with genuine gold leaf embossing. Superior condition of both labels and bands in lot suggests probably file samples of printer Consolidated Lithographing Corp., Brooklyn: "Kohler's Hand Made / Big Value / 5¢." • "A-U-C...Havana Blend," Tampa. • "La Boda," beautifully beaded formal script on cloud-blue oval. •"Dan'l. P. Cook / Otto Berndt & Son, Successors," unusual black-and-white pictorial, with partial map of Cook County, Ill. and view of large lakefront building. • Irvin S. Cobb, Yorkana Cigar Co., York, Pa., full color portrait. •Joe Cannon, portrait in gold wreath, tipped with holly berries. • "Manila Stubs / Made in U.S.A. / Very Mild / 2 for 5¢...," Filipino with gold-tipped spear, another with bolo (knife). • "The Round-Up," steer charging through wrapper, lasso border. •"Abe Martin by Ginger," folk-art-style views of his farm in Summer and Winter, the namesake a popular cartoonish figure with reindeer-like nose. • Scalloped ovals, woman with roses in hair (three different labels plus one duplicate). • Smooth oval, man with porkpie hat, wrinkles. • "Spirit of St. Louis," yellow lettering on green ocean, N.Y.'s Singer Building at left, "Paris" at right. Certainly an artist's variant, curiously without Lindy's plane. • "Airliner," Bay City, Mich., late 1940s, streamlined twin-engined prop. One with minor corner waterstain, several with minor creases, else generally fresh and exc. • Plus 46 cigar bands and cigar end papers. Including Cuban Gold, El Moriso, Estabrook & Eaton Rockefellers, Extra Superfine, Garcia De Luxe (with four subminiature embossed medallions), Glen-Hall, Gold Band, Lyra, Patrick Henry, and Pennsy. Multiples of most. Nearly all mint. $80-120 (16 labels + 46 bands)

11-10. Cigarette Silk Premiums.

Lovely group of 14 colorful cigarette premiums printed on lustrous ivory silk, c. 1905-15: 4 different butterflies, 41/2 x 61/2, imprinted "Factory No. 649, First Dist., N.Y." • 10 flags, 3 x 4 to 61/2 x 83/4 (German flag), but most smaller. Nebo and Zira cigarettes, "Factory No. 7, 5th Dist." and "...No. 21, 5th Dist." imprints on some. Including smaller flags of Germany, Ireland, Mexico, and Sweden, each with first few bars of their national anthems; Zion, with additional Star of David in light blue below flag; France, Spain, and 46-star U.S. (therefore 1908-11), these three 41/2 x 61/4. Japan on darker cream, two edges frayed; large and small Germanys with some soiling and fraying; minor handling and light fraying of others; France, Spain, and U.S. exc. Suitable for display. $50-75 (14 pcs.)

11-11. Cigarette Felts.

Pleasing group of 26 promotional tobacco felts (also called flannels), c. 1910-15. Comprising: 9 miniature Persian rugs, 21/4 x 33/4, luxuriant fringe sewn at one end of each. Ornate and richly colorful, the vivid printing dyes saturating the felt. • 5 medium-size flags, 4 x 61/2, France, Italy, Mexico, Panama, and Portugal. • 9 large flags, 51/4 x 81/4, Argentina, Austria, Belgium (two different), Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, Russia, and 48-star U.S (1912-up). • 1 large butterfly, magnificent royal purple on cerise background. • 2 extra-large flags, 71/2 x 103/4, Cuba (red offset from another felt, some glue(?) stains and remnants of original paper band) and "Netherland" (small portion of red lightened to pink). One rug with single fold, Panama flag trimmed off-square as made, extra-large condition as noted, else others fine to excellent. Smaller felts were originally inserted into packages of cigarettes and cigars; larger sizes were wrapped around the package, with a paper band. These were primarily intended for women to make and decorate quilts, blankets, and coverlets. $100-125 (26 pcs.)

11-12. Cigarette Cards.

Varied group: 11 Military Uniforms of the British Empire, John Player. Including six of India, four South Africa. • 5 Air Raid Precautions, Wills. Including "Equipping your Refuge" with "...wireless set, gramophone." • 2 silent motion picture stars, Mable Clark and Nora Lambert, Sweet Caporal, on double-thick card. Clark with one center crease. • 1 each: "Famous Pictures," R. & J. Hill's "Fine Art Cigarettes." • "Garden Life," red spider, Wills. •British Beauty Spots, Bolton Woods, Cymax, sepia photo. •Seashore, seashells, Wills. •Lucky Charms, the Cross, Wills. • Medals of the World, O.B.E., Glengettie Tea. •Lord Suffield, manor house, Player. •Wonders of the Sea, sea-squirt, Wills. •Less common unillustrated title card, Richmond Straight Cut No. 1, "To Cigarette Smokers - Beware of Imitations...," Virginia, listing packagings. Uniforms and Air Raid excellent; others with some minor wear, and generally very good and better. A fun lot. $35-45 (27 pcs.)

11-13. Tobacco Letterheads and Billheads.

Specialized group of 12 letterheads and billheads of tobacconists and related, mostly N.Y. State, 1884-1914. Including: Thomas M. Benham, "Wholesale Dealer in Tobacco, Snuff & Cigars," Utica, for 6 lbs. Coca, 3.00. •R.W. Tansill & Co., Chicago, woodcut of signboard, "Smoke Tansill's Punch - America's Finest 5¢ Cigar - Annual sales over 12,000,000...." • D.M. Rowe & Co., Laconia, N.H., "...Sporting and Blasting Powder...Fine Line of Tobacco and Cigars," selling "meal for pigs." • Union Hotel, Woodsboro, Md., to Court Clerk. "I wish to make application for license to sell Cigarettes in the town...." • Lighton & Co., Syracuse, Wholesale Tobacco and Cigars, 1897. Large detailed blue woodcut of three different fancy pipes. "Manufacturers of the celebrated Crystal River Cigars." • H.A. Stoothoff Co., "Dealers in Tobacco Stems and Dust," 116-118 West St., N.Y., this address almost certainly on site of first World Trade Center. Two bills, for "bags, fumigating kind," sold to F.C. Stevenson, the Panama Canal powerbroker and banker. • Frank Thomas, Rochester, "Quality Cigar Man - Cigars & Tobacco of the Better Sort." •Rome (N.Y.) Tobacco Co., 1914, 81/2 x 14, lengthy invoice listing candies, cigars by brand, and blanched peanuts, with brief descriptions and prices. • Lawrence Finster, "Manufacturer of Cigars - Fine Havana & Domestic," Rome, N.Y., 1914. Deep purple. Some handling soiling, but generally very good. $75-100 (12 pcs.)

11-14. Rare Animal Cards of the 19th Century.

Fascinating, incomplete group of 54 different educational animal cards (representing about 27 animals), used in the classroom, one pencilled "Mar. 3, 1882," their text evidently based on Mrs. Loudon's Entertaining Naturalist..., London, 1867. Playing-card style, 25/8 x 37/8, rounded corners, black woodcut and text on palest water-green glazed bristol, complex Gothic Revival motif on versos in bronze ink. Animals represented on two cards, one with illustration, the second with extensive text, sometimes poetic, sometimes alarming, but consistently well written; two animals lacking their twin cards. Categories include "Felidae, or Cat Tribe," "Dog Tribe," "Four-Handed Animals," "Gnawing Animals - Rodents," "Pouch-Bearing Animals," "Ruminating Animals," "Thick-Skinned Animals," and "Weasel Tribe." "...Few animals minister more largely to the wants and even comforts of man than the American Bison; valuable not only to the aboriginal red man, but to the white hunter as well...." Considerable wear and handling patina, occasional water stains, but generally satisfactory to good. Any cards from this series are now very rare. No records found on Google or WorldCat. $130-180 (54 pcs.)

Cigarette Cards - in the same English family since issued
As a youngster growing up in the coal country of Newcastle upon Tyne,
our consignor would save the cards accompanying cigarettes purchased by relatives.
He recalls that prizes in childrens' contests then included packs of cigarettes - for 10-year-olds!
A more sophisticated version of American gum cards of the prewar era, these English cards
combine colorful purpose-drawn artwork with interesting captions, making them appealing to all ages.

11-15. "Radio Celebrities."

Complete set of 50, neatly mounted in original album, detailed captions printed beneath each red and black frame. Wills, 1934. Including Paul Robeson. Cover soiling, else good; one card worn, one with delamination at forehead from original adhesive of cigarette packaging, else cards generally very good to fine. All cards this section are fresh to the market. Letter of provenance to accompany any lot on request. $45-65

11-16. "Radio Celebrities - Second Series."

Complete set of 50, neatly mounted in original album, detailed captions printed beneath each golden yellow frame. Wills, 1935. Including "Mr. Flotsam and Mr. Jetsam," Hermione Gingold, and the error card of no. 27, John Tilley. Cover soiling, tea(?) stains on back cover, else good, cards very good. $50-70

11-17. "Association Footballers."

1935-36. Complete set of 50, neatly mounted in original album, detailed captions printed beneath each red frame. Wills, 1935-36. Period purple handstamp on back cover of Hebburn, England insurance agent, near consignor's home in Newcastle upon Tyne. Moderate cover soiling, upper right corners of pages (only) curled, else good, cards very fine. $55-70

11-18. "Wild Flowers."

Complete set of 50, neatly mounted in original album, detailed captions printed beneath each forest-green frame. Wills, 1936. Including colorful depictions of favorite and obscure wild flowers, from the violet and forget-me-not, to the "great hairy willow-herb." Covers considerably soiled, some toning inside, else cards about fine. $30-45

11-19. "Silver Jubilee - The Reign of King George V, 1910-1935."

Complete set of 50, neatly mounted in original album, detailed captions printed beneath each brassy-yellow frame. Wills, 1935. Many richly detailed scenes, including the Royal carriage, Royal yacht, launch of the Queen Mary, coronation, marriage, and more. Moderate cover soiling, else good, one card with peeling at top from adhesion to original package, cards very fine. $50-70

11-20. "The Kings and Queens of England, 1066-1935."

Complete set of 50, neatly mounted in original album, detailed captions printed beneath each brown and blue frame. John Player & Sons, 1935. Interesting linen embossing of cards. Some cover soiling, cover corners creased, else cards generally very fine. $80-110

11-21. "Life in the Royal Navy."

Nearly complete set of 49, lacking no. 30, plus duplicates of nos. 18 and 19. 1939. Inserted without glue, in rounded-corner diecut openings, in all-purpose "Wills' Cigarette Picture-Card Album," brown covers. Many interesting cards, including "Torpedo Firing Practice," "Catapulting a Supermarine ‘Walrus' Amphibian" (seaplane), "Ship's Bakery," "Rum Issue," and more. Covers toned, worn, three peeled areas from old tape; few cards with peeling from adhesion to original package, else cards very good to fine. $35-55

11-22. Prewar Motor Vehicles: "Safety First."

Nearly complete set of 49, lacking no. 41, neatly mounted in original album, detailed captions printed beneath each green frame. Wills, c. 1930. Delightful array of autos, buses, trucks, streetcars, motorcycles, and a few bicycles, in wide range of motoring situations, with lengthy, quaint text for each: "Drive carefully past animals...," "Do not attempt free riding..." (two small boys hanging on to back of stake-bed truck), and more. Cover tear at spine, soiling, else cards brightly colorful and very good. Scarce. $50-70

11-23. "An Album of Railway Engines."

Complete set of 50, neatly mounted in original album, detailed captions printed beneath each orange-red frame. Wills, 1936. Purple handstamp on cover of Hebburn-on-Tyne insurance agent. Including both traditional and the startlingly streamlined engines "Silver Link," Belgian National Railways Express, an unusual Austrian Express, Royal Siamese double-ended passenger locomotive, and perhaps the most radical of all - the N.Y. Central's "Commodore Vanderbilt." Some cover soiling, else cards very good to fine. $55-75

11-24. "An Album of Dogs."

Group of 47 (of 50), neatly mounted in original album, detailed captions printed beneath each orange frame. Wills, probably 1937. Delightful showings of dogs of many breeds and sub-types, from Alsatian (German Shepherd) to English Setter, Irish Setter, and the mop-topped Dandie Dinmont Terrier (mentioned in one of Sir Walter Scott's books). Modest cover soiling, else cards about very good. $35-55

11-25. "Household Hints."

Group of 40 (of 50), neatly mounted in original album. Inserted without glue, in rounded-corner diecut openings, in all-purpose "Wills' Cigarette Picture-Card Album," brown covers. Evidently the scarce landscape-style 1927 series. Many interesting cards, including "Mending Electric Wires," "Keeping Plants Watered while away on Holiday," "Making a Wireless Aerial," and more. Some cover soiling, cover and first leaf with blank fragment chipped at upper right, else cards fine and better. $30-50

11-26. "Household Hints."

Same series as above: Complete set of 50, unmounted. Wills. First card with edge and corner creases, others about very good and better. $40-50

11-27. "Strange Craft" - Unusual Ships.

Group of 36 (of 50), unmounted. Wills, 1931. Including The Vulkan, an early James Bondian German Navy ship to float a submarine inside it; world's largest diesel trawler, a steam submarine, a rotor ship, cattle-carrying "motorship," oil separator barge to purify 200 gallons of contaminated oil per hour, the "Mystery Tower - perhaps the strangest ‘craft' ever made to float...," and many more. Very light tip wear and handling evidence, else fine. Fascinating maritime history. $30-40 (36 pcs.)

11-28. "Wonderful Railway Travel."

Group of 31 (of 50), unmounted. Churchman, 1937. Picturesque railroading vistas from around the world, including the longest straight run in the world - 300 miles in Australia, Sensation Corner in Ceylon, Northwest Frontier in India, one of the 10,000 bridges and culverts in a single Brazilian line, Key West (Fla.) viaduct, and more. Very light handling evidence, else fine. $25-35 (31 pcs.)

11-29. "Aeroplanes (Civil)."

Group of 31 (of 50), plus 20 multiples, unmounted. John Player, 1935. Including Ford Airliner, Douglas DC-2, Gee-Bee Super Sportster, the enormous Junkers G-38 - with passageways in wings for engineers to service engines in flight, Savoia-Marchetti S-66 seaplane, and more. Some with wear, but good to fine. $40-50 (51 pcs.)

11-30. "Air Raid Precautions."

Group of 47 (of 50), unmounted. Wills, 1938. Including "Choosing your Refuge Room," "Window Protection against Blast," "Equipping your Refuge Room" - urging paper to seal cracks against gas, "A Garden Dug-Out," and more. The measures depicted here soon became necessary. Light handling wear, else about very fine. $40-50 (47 pcs.)

11-31. "Garden Flowers."

Complete set of 50, unmounted. Wills, 1939. From Imperial dwarf blue Ageratum to Dahlia, Sweet Sultan, and Zinnia, and many more, in a blaze of colorful flora. Minor handling evidence, else fine. $25-35

11-32. "Railway Equipment."

Complete set of 50, unmounted. Wills, 1939. Fascinating panorama of rolling stock of every description, from "Picking up water at speed" and "120-ton ‘Crocodile' Wagon," to "All-electric kitchen car, ‘Flying Scotsman,'" and many more. Some tip wear, else very good. $30-40

11-33. "Railway Equipment."

Same series as above: Group of 29 different (of 50), plus 34 multiples, unmounted. Wills. Some handling evidence, else very good. $35-45 (63 pcs.)

11-34. "Treasure Trove".

Group of 43 cards (of 50), unmounted. Churchman, 1937. Fascinating series, including "The Corbridge Hoard" of Roman gold coins, "Searching for Treasure in Westminster Abbey," "The Egypt's Gold," "The Crystal of Lothair," "Antique silver table service found at Pompeii," "The Rosetta Stone," and more. Very minor wear, else fine. $30-40 (43 pcs.)

11-35. "The Seashore."

Group of 40 cards (of 50), unmounted. Wills, 1938. Wide variety of sea shells, plus oyster, jelly-fish, goose barnacles, crab, more. Some minor handling. About fine. $25-35 (40 pcs.)

11-36. "National Flags and Arms."

Group of 37 cards (of 50), unmounted. John Player, 1936. From Albania to Wales, including China, Germany (with swastika in both flag and arms of eagle clutching wreath), Iraq, Japan, Siam, and more. Some light soiling of pebbled embossing, else about very good. $25-35 (37 pcs.)

11-37. "Animalloys - An Un-Natural History Series."

Group of 45 (of 48), unmounted. Wills, 1934. One of relatively few cigarette card series intended as a game, here assembling sixteen animals from three cards for each (with the complete set), or mix sections to "produce a large number of strange creatures with amusing names." "Pre-enjoyed," one card much worn, others with varied handling but about very good. $25-30 (45 pcs.)

11-38. "Motor Cars."

Group of 31 (of 50), unmounted. John Player. Including A.C., Alfa-Romeo, Aston Martin, Bugatti, Lagonda, Riley racer, Rolls-Royce Phantom III, Triumph Gloria Southern Cross, and more. Some with slight to moderate loss of image from adhesion at one corner, handling evidence, else generally good plus and better. • With 17 multiples. No adhesion noted. • Plus 9 multiples from the different Second Series, including spectacular Deco Delahaye, Sunbeam 30 Sedanca de Ville, Pontiac DeLuxe 8 Sports Coupe, M.G. Midget, Lincoln Zephyr, and Lammas Graham. No adhesion noted. $45-65 (57 pcs.)

11-39. The British Royals.

Group of books and publications about British royalty: Cigarette card album, "Kings and Queens of England, 1066-1935," John Player & Sons, 5 x 71/4. 49 choice cards neatly mounted above biographies, lacking only Henry I. Some cover soiling, cards and text excellent. • "Official Programme of the Jubilee Procession - Special Edition," 25th year of King George V, May 6, 1935. 81/2 x 11, 32 pp., ivory card cover, Royal arms embossed in gold, red, blue, and black; red silk cord. Centerfold map and timetable of procession: "The coach will move at a walking pace." Transcript of King's Speech from Buckingham Palace. Schedule of Jubilee celebrations lasting from May to July. Photos of Royal family. "Our constitutional monarchy is the most inspiring conception of democratic government that is to be found in political history...." Cover foxing, some corner wear, internally clean and very good. •The Illustrated London News - Coronation Record Number, 1937, 101/4 x 141/4, 72 pp., 24 color plates with characteristic rich tones of letterpress, some with genuine gold ink, two highlighting bejeweled crowns. Tissue guard leaves. Hundreds of rotogravure photos. Original "Glacine" (wax paper-based) protective cover coating. "Articles dealing with our Gracious King and Queen, and every aspect of their coronation, with many illustrations and portraits." Fascinating page on "His Majesty's State Coach," essentially in its original condition since completed in 1762! Pictorial essays on every aspect of the Royal family, from their wardrobes to the family dogs. Minor wear at inside hinges from size and heft of book, some corner wear, else about very good, internally clean, the plates especially striking. • Destiny Called to Them, Beverley Baxter, 1939, pictorial boards in red, blue, and gold leaf, (59) pp., many photos. Dampstains, else good plus. Rare. • Elizabeth and Philip - Our Heiress and her Consort, Louis Wulff, London, (1947), gilt crest on blue cloth, 64 pp. Many photos of the courtship, engagement, and wedding. Some cover wear, else very good. •The Royal Family in Africa, Dermot Morrah, 1947, Royal arms in gilt on ivory linen, in full color on title page. No d.j. Map endpapers showing tour itinerary. Profusely illustrated, some color, following the new Queen and her entourage through the now-vanished British outposts of Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Orange Free State, Rhodesia, Swaziland (with double-page photo of "The dance of Impenetrable Mystery"), and Transvaal Province. Some inner hinges cracked, else about fine. •Kings & Queens I Have Known, Helène Vacaresco, Harper & Brothers, 1904, maroon cloth, 320 pp. Her personal friendships with the Queen of Romania, King Edward VII, Queen Alexandra, Emperors of Austria and Germany, Czar and Czarina, Dowager Queen of Italy, Queen Christina and King Alfonso, Queen Wilhelmina I, Sovereigns of "Servia," Pope Leo XIII, Queen Victoria, et al. Minor shelf wear, internally fine. Scarce. •Special issue of The Graphic, "Funeral of King Edward VII - A Panorama of the Solemn Ceremonies," May 17-20, 1910, 12 x 16, 44 pp., black on cream enamel. Profusely illustrated, including double-page montage of heads of state, "the largest and most illustrious gathering of Monarchs and Royals ever recorded in history...," from Theodore Roosevelt to the Sultan of Zanzibar. Spine chipping, lacking pp. 7-8, some waterstains, else very satisfactory and still highly interesting. • Supplement to The Times (of London), "Princess Mary's Wedding," Feb. 28, 1922, 12 x 18, 40 pp., color wrappers, brown roto text and photos. Ads for Rolls-Royce, Daimler, and Hupmobile. Some edge wear and tears, else good. • Illustrated, June 13, 1953, 10 x 131/2, 64 pp., much color. Superb view of H.M.S. Vanguard dressed for Royal Review, with flags from stem to stern. Exhaustive pictorial coverage of one of the century's happiest events, still talked about today. Tears at right vertical of cover with older tape repairs, understandable handling wear, but good. • Katherine, Anya Seton, 1954, red cloth (no d.j.), genealogical endpapers, 588 pp. Biography of fourteenth-century Katherine Swynford and Duke of Lancaster. Inscribed by author on half-title in green, 1973. Modest shelf wear, internally very fine. $220-270 (11 pcs.)

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12. Transportation

12-1. Tolls for Sheep and Swine, 1

¢ Each. Charming partly printed "Daily Account of Tolls received...," Chelsea Bridge (connecting Charlestown, Mass.), Jan. 28, 1804, 73/4 x 12 oblong. With toll rates for "Foot Passenger, 2¢; Person and Horse, 5¢; Chaise, Chair, Sulkey or Sleigh, 121/2¢; Horse and Cart, 9¢; Team, drawn by more than one beast...121/2¢; Coach, Chariot, Waggon, Phaeton, 25¢; ...Sheep and Swine, each, 1¢." Total "Delivered to Mr. Cross, 83.02." Marginal toning, light chipping at blank right edge, else very good. $55-80

12-2. "America's First Front Drive (Car)."

Pair of folders for the revolutionary Cord L-29: Probably their first sales literature, late 1929 or early 1930, 4 x 91/2, opening to 91/2 x 16, red, coral pink, and black, on eggshell enamel. Four models, each posed in front of stylish Spanish Revival homes in Southern California, plus a handsome horse greeting a Cord Open Cabriolet. Eight smaller photos of mechanical components. Inside, 17 pen-and-ink sketches illustrating why Cord's front drive "make it easier and safer to drive." Some fold and handling wear, short tear at one fold, few small stains on one photo, else about very good. • Summer 1931 large folder - probably their last, 63/4 x 8, opening to 16 x 201/4, pale yellow, olive green, and black, on linen. "Few Motor Cars in its price class have met with the reception...accorded the Cord Front Drive since its introduction to the public over a year and a half ago...." Five full-panel beauty shots of cars, most elegantly posed with Tudor and Colonial Revival homes. Eight smaller photos of mechanical features; pen-and-ink drawings. Handstamp of Reading, Pa. Auburn-Cord dealer. Some soiling outside panels, else very good. On New Years Eve of that year, production ceased; the nameplate would briefly return five years later, with their still-iconic coffin-nosed car. $90-130 (2 pcs.)

12-3. The New Stutz Bearcat and "Super Bearcat."

Promotional house organ, introducing 1932 Stutz DV-32, and reviving one of the great nameplates in automotive history, the Bearcat. "The Safety Stutz," Sept. 8, 1931, 101/4 x 131/2, 12 pp., black on enamel. Profusely illustrated, 31 crisp photos in all. "With the advent of new financial interests Stutz introduces an additional line of cars...The modern 8 cylinder car with 16 cylinder power and smoothness without the complications of the added cylinders...The first stock car under $10,000 employing the dual-valve, double overhead-camshaft principle... Guaranteed 100 m.p.h...." Crisp photos of coachbuilt cars, including Brunn, Derham, Fleetwood, LeBaron, Rollston, and aluminum-paneled Monte Carlo and others by Weymann, together with stylish factory bodies. Full page of prices, the most costly the Fleetwood Town Car with 145" wheelbase, at $8,995. A revered marque, Stutz' fifty-six styles alluded to here weren't enough; as the Depression deepened, sales would drop from 2,320 in 1929 ... to just 6 in 1934. Wear at horizontal fold, first and last leaves nearly separated at spine fold, else good. $70-100

12-4. One of America's Most Expensive Cars.

Matched pair of early LaFayette sales prospecti, Indianapolis, judged Summer 1920, still in prototype, mentioning only a single model, the Touring Car. Each 5 x 7, 16 pp., pastel blue deckled and black covers, blind-embossed cameo of the Marquis. "LaFayette Manufacturing Precision - A short treatise on some unusual methods of motor car building." Frontispiece wash drawing of the car head-on. Airbrushed halftones of their testing equipment for engine parts. "No connecting rods have ever been made more accurately...." • "LaFayette Design and Construction," wash drawing of Cadillac-inspired V-8 engine, "with its overlapping power impulses." Full-page views of cutaway motor, gearless water pump, driveshaft, and differential gear. "A service lamp illuminates the engine and is a great convenience for reading the oil quantity gauge...." Each booklet with three Dutch museum handstamps, some file wear of overhung covers, else very fine. In original LaFayette envelope, unmailed. Headed by Charles Nash, the "King of Kenosha," the LaFayette's quality - their Limousine stickered $7,500 - was such that they nearly merged with Pierce-Arrow. Booklets likely the early work of Leo Burnett, who went on to found one of the great ad agencies. Very scarce. $110-140 (3 pcs.)

12-5. Premiere of the Cadillac V-8.

Attractive folder debuting their 1916 V-8, "Cadillac Day at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Aug. 20, 1915," 61/4 x 9, cream and black on ivory enamel. Opening to 9 x 25, panoramic photo of the occasion, capturing unveiling of the new Type 53, with handsome touring car displayed at center stage, within the architectural dreamland of the Fair. "A signal honor, the first time ever conferred upon a motor car...Cadillac held as an exponent of the highest American manufacturing ideals...The presentation...accepted for the Cadillac Co. by Don Lee, the Company's representative in California. The tribute paid is unique in the annals of the industry." Cadillac coat of arms on outside panel. Purple handstamp of "Jacob Roth, General Sales Agent, Salesroom & Garage...Erie, Pa." Dust-toning at blank right edge, some edge wear, else good plus. Visually fascinating tableau, combining American exceptionalism in automobiles and architectural spectacle. Rare. $45-70

12-6. The First Car on the Bricks at Indianapolis.

Sales folder for 1916 Empire Models 45 and 60, Indianapolis, 31/4 x 61/4, opening to 61/4 x 13, black on buff. "Massive in appearance, beautiful in design... nothing to be desired...Full stream-line design of aluminoid steel...Autumn brown body...." The price, lower than shown in the Standard Catalog of American Cars, suggests an end-of-model-year closeout. By then, the firm was in turmoil. • Letter on moderately ornate factory letterhead, Aug. 10, 1916, to Michigan prospect. Some postal wrinkles, else very good. • Envelope, oversize "Empire" logo cornercard. Much postal wear, dust-spotting at edge, but still satisfactory and very scarce. Backed by the builders of the Indianapolis track, it was the very first Empire off the line that tried out Indy upon laying of its bricks seven years before. $75-100 (3 pcs.)

12-7. Magazines for Motorists - 1925.

Four consecutive issues of The Hoosier Motorist, "The Magazine for Car Owners of Indiana," Jan.-Apr. 1925, each 63/4 x 10, 32 pp., pictorial covers, one with attractive blue and orange artwork for Indianapolis Motor Show. Lengthy article, "Standard License Plates Needed": "When it becomes easier to get the number...many a chance-taker will drive more sanely...The pedestrian can make a surer mental note of the reckless driver who ‘almost got me that time'...With 49 different systems of marking, what chance has the man in the street...." "Eye Test for All Motorists - Do You Favor Such a Law?": "If a person's vision was under 70%...have them see an optical man...." "Dodge Coupe Accelerates": Photo of a "Business Man's Coupe" with "ethyl-gas pistons," tested on Indianapolis Speedway. Starting at 10 m.p.h., "the coupe promptly slapped the two passengers smartly on the shoulder blades...," reaching 40 m.p.h. in "just" 16 seconds. "Motor Taxes - Nothing in Return," complaining that $5 million in gas taxes give no benefit. "Threatened with Amateur Police Officers." "Big Foreign Invasion..." at 1925 Indy 500, European contestants to include captain of Bugatti team. Each with fascinating ad of Waverley Co.'s "Auto Renewal Division - Automobile Hospital," offering rebuilding of wrecked cars, painting, upholstery, and specialty work; makers of "The Silent Waverley," they had made the noted line of electric cars from 1898-1916. Amusing auto-themed cartoons. Moderate handling, small ex-lib stamps, else very good. $80-110 (4 pcs.)

12-8. A Rolls-Royce Rival.

Lovely deluxe catalogue, 1922 Isotta Fraschini, issued by Morton W. Smith Co., Sole U.S. Agents, N.Y.C., 41/2 x 8, 8 pp., logo embossed in blue and gold on eggshell double-folded cover, blue and black on enamel. "Automobiles, Aeroplane Engines, Marine Engines," here exclusively featuring their Type 8 automobile chassis, "the first serial-produced car in the world to be equipped with a straight-8 engine" With a 146" wheelbase, "the length of the chassis provides for any type of body, whether the comfortable limousine with enclosed driver, handsome coupe or the more convenient torpedo or sport bodies." Photos of rolling chassis, both sides of motor, and their innovative, patented four-wheel brakes. Lengthy text on mechanical features and equipment of this exalted marque, its owners including Rudolf Valentino. Listing exhaustive parts kit accompanying each new car, a bewildering assortment of lead, leather, copper, asbestos, fiber, and cork gaskets, plus screws and nuts, an oil pump, oil can, oil squirt gun, hand tools, and even "2 yards of wire for spark plugs." Trivial handling wear, else very fine. Very scarce. $75-100

12-9. "Gives the famous ‘Speedway Roar.'"

Rare late variant catalogue for (1931) Fronty complete racing cars, cylinder heads, and other racing parts, for Ford, Chevrolet, and seldom seen speed equipment for Whippet, 51/4 x 71/2, (16) pp., black on eggshell. Profusely illustrated, including Models R, S-R, and D-O "Fronty" heads "for Racing Cars Only," plus their special overhead camshaft, crankcase, complete Ford racing motor, complete single-seater racing car - further customizeable to order, special pistons, rings, carburetors, racing exhaust manifold ("gives the famous ‘Speedway Roar'"), "loud speaker 2-in-1 cutout and muffler," manganese bronze brackets, spring steel steering wheel ("same as used on all Speedway cars"), racing wire wheels, one-man racing body, and more. Vertical half-fold for mailing, curiously hand-trimmed at bottom, almost certainly by factory, ink "X" next to many items, perhaps noting which were no longer available; some handling wear, else about very good. • Typewritten carbon copy description of their new Fronty dual exhaust head for Model A Ford, and another for Junior Dirt Track, not yet in their printed literature. 4 pp., on two leaves factory letterhead. Claiming speed for the former as high as 140 m.p.h. on the Indy straightaway. • Factory letter, signed by new co-owner Thomas J. Mulligan, Detroit, who had evidently bought the business from the two surviving Chevrolet brothers. To a Bloomsburg, Pa. prospect, Dec. 16, 1931, enclosing preceding literature. Offering complete Model A race car, painted orange, "which you possibly (saw) running at Bloomsburg...We set a new World's Record for this car, turning the mile in 36.4 seconds. It cost us about $3,000 to build this car and we will take $2,250 for it...." Also offering a year-old race car, whose owner was presented with a choice by his new bride: her or the car. • Booklet for Visco-Meter, a unique dash gauge monitoring changes in viscosity of engine oil while a car is being driven. Buffalo, 1932, with detailed typewritten reply to same prospect. Some postal creases, else all good plus. A superior gathering of early speed literature. $180-240 (5 pcs.)

12-10. "Made Like a Gun."

Group of early-in-U.S. Royal Enfield motorcycle items: Sales folder, "Made Like a Gun," showing 125cc Lightweight Model RE, 350cc Sports Model G, and 500 cc J. Opening to 91/4 x 221/2, red and black, apple-green borders. World War II artillery scenes, highlighting their war production of gun sights, armor-piercing shot for anti-tank guns, and other specialized materiel. Rubber-stamped "Made in England." "With the end of hostilities, it is possible again to devote our energies to the production of motor cycles for the civilian market. It is not produce a wide range of machines...." Split at one fold, perpendicular tear, else very good. •Two (identical) glossy sales sheets of U.S. distributor, Bronx, 81/2 x 111/4. Showing same three models, plus artillery scene. •Distributor's price sheet, mimeographed, 1947. With envelope (stamp torn). • Distributor's printed letter, 1947, offering sales franchise to Berwick, Pa. bicycle and motorcycle dealer. "Now for the first time Royal Enfield Motorcycles and...Bicycles will be sold in the U.S. on a national basis...." • Follow-up letter, enclosing application to become dealer (retained carbon copy present, with interesting responses by dealer: "Race: White"), plus envelope. Envelopes much worn, balance very good. $200-250 (9 pcs.)

12-11. "Pleasure Cars, Commercial Cars, and Motorcycles...."

One of the standard encyclopaedias for the early auto engineer, mechanic, and motorist, Automobile Engineering, American Technical Society, Chicago, 1920 ed., 6 volumes, flexible black leatherette, 51/4 x 8, eccentrically paginated but well over 4,000 pp. in all; indices. "A General Reference Work for Repair Men, Chauffeurs, and Owners; covering the construction, care, and repair of pleasure cars, commercial cars, and motorcycles...." Over 1,500 photographs and line drawings. "Authorities consulted" included Charles E. Duryea, Gardner Hiscox, Horseless Age editor P.M. Heldt, Motor Age editor Charles P. Root, Hiram Maxim, Self-Propelled Vehicles author James E. Homan, and many other automotive pioneers. Very light waterstain at blank bottom margins, uniform edge toning, very light wear, else usually not found this nice, and fine and better. Complete sets in attractive condition are uncommon. $75-100 (6 vols.)

12-12. Final Catalogue of the Solid-Tired Reliable-Dayton.

Catalogue of 1909 Reliable-Dayton Types E, F, and J (Delivery Wagon), actually made in Chicago, 51/2 x 8, (24) pp., mocha-embossed title on deckled cocoa cover, mocha and black on cream text. "Largest exclusive carriage motor car factory in the world," their logo a horse, claiming their car a thoroughbred and the "first real successor..." to the noble steed. Fascinating, lengthy, illustrated text, rationalizing their solid-rubber tires and sliding gear drive. Large crisp photos in centerfold of the buggy-like car, available only in Brewster green with carmine striping. Exhaustive specifications in 5-point type. Maroon rubber stamp on title page, "FAL Motor Co., Successors...," which would initially debut as "A Car Without a Name," before adopting its officers initials. Large purple handstamp, "Reliable Dayton Auto Agency...Oakland, Cal." A file copy in N.O.S. condition. Ex-Henry Mathis, once the third largest private collection of American auto literature; in his envelope bearing 1976 purchase notes. Rare: the only literature of this marque he had. • With 4-pp. auto advertising signature from McClure's, 1908, including Reliable-Dayton plus others. Very good. $130-170 (2 pcs.)

12-13. Including Palm Beach Special.

1927 Diana sales folder, 7 x 10, opening to 10 x 21 oblong, cinnamon and black on ivory. Figure of goddess Diana on each panel, with handsome large line drawings of the Two-Door Brougham, Palm Beach Special, Four-Door Sedan, and Roadster. Exhaustive specifications of this then-sensationally-received car. An extremely scarce item but in fair condition only: mousechew at two edges, heavily wrinkled, internal tears, some water discoloration, but miraculously complete and acceptable. Only the third piece of Diana literature we have handled, one of which was acquired by an internationally-known automotive historian who had been searching for one without success for some ten years. $90-120

12-14. 1927 Essex Super-Six.

Trio of items: Sales folder, 71/2 x 10, opening to 10 x 221/2. Three models in blue, one in green; four views of interior in green duotone; front panel in lovely full color, with floral cartouche surrounding "The New Essex Super-Six," and three cars. Some fold wear, else very good. Attractive for display. • Instruction Book, 6 x 9, 24 pp., black on pale green leatherette cover, black and white text, index, photographs and illustrations. With factory mimeographed slip nested: "This package contained when packed, the following tools...." Grease soiling on 2 pp. with original owner's pencil remarks on diagnosing trouble with camshaft chain, very light handling evidence elsewhere, and generally good. The insert is seldom seen. $75-100 (3 pcs.)

12-15. First Year Literature of Hupp-Yeats Electric.

Two items: Sales folder, n.d. but apparently 1911, Detroit, 6 x 9, 4 pp., black and white. Large photo of complete car on front cover, "A car of French design of the very latest fashion." On p. 4, specifications and photo of plush interior and driving controls. Folds weak but not broken, else good. Both items with mousechew blank lower left corner, and one soft vertical fold. • 1911 Hupp-Yeats folder, 7 x 101/4, 4 pp., black and white, five photographs and lengthy text originally appearing in Cycle & Automobile Trade Journal, reissued by Hupp-Yeats factory. Mousechew blank lower left corner, foxing, but satisfactory. Ex-Mathis: he sought literature for every year and every make. Such is Hupp-Yeats' rarity that these were the only Hupp-Yeats items of any description in his collection. $180-230 (2 pcs.)

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13. Lincolniana

13-1. Rare Pair of Lincoln Portraits - in Script.

Fascinating variant pair of novelty lithographs, (1865), "Proclamation of Emancipation - Abraham Lincoln," each comprising a portrait of Lincoln cleverly created by the thin, thick, and outlined strokes of the handwritten text of the Proclamation! One in English, and one entirely in German, "Emancipations Proklamation." Both designed and engrossed by W(illiam H(enry) Pratt, and litho. by A(ugust) Hageboeck, Davenport, Iowa. Each 12 x 141/2. English litho with amber mat toning at all margins, some moderate foxing, 1/2" short tear at right edge, some wear, else a strong impression, and quite satisfactory. • German litho with narrow band of light mat toning at top, lighter still at right and bottom, 21/4" tear at blank top right, else a delicately detailed, fresh example, and about fine. At least four sheet sizes identified, of which both offered here are the unrecorded, largest size (the smallest is 9 x 121/4); some years ago, we handled another, in English, of this large size - but that lacked the imprints of artist and lithographer, and had a different border design. WorldCat reports only two examples of the English version (at Harvard and University of Michigan), but both are the smaller 11 x 14. (Several additional examples separately found, including in University of Chicago's Lincoln Portraits Collection.) A slightly smaller, framed example in Swann's African Americana Sale, Mar. 2011, realized 960.00. The German version is excessively rare; WorldCat locates just one institutional example. (The single copy on Abebooks - at 2,500.00 - is browned, dampstained, and trimmed to oval shape.) Wonderful conversation pieces. From an old collection, off the market for decades. $1400-1800 (2 pcs.)

13-2. "The Great National Calamity" - April 16, 1865.

The New York Herald, Apr. 16, 1865, 153/4 x 213/4, 8 pp. All pages with thick black rules between columns. Dramatic stacking of type in column 1, "Our Loss - The Great National Calamity - Death of the President - Sad Details of the Terrible Event - The Last Moments...Identification of the Murderer - John Wilkes Booth the Assassin...The Metropolis in Mourning - The Excitement - Meeting in Wall Street...All Theatres Closed - Grief of the Nation - Business Suspended Throughout the Country...Inauguration of Andrew Johnson...." With dispatches, in closely set type, datelined Apr. 15, 4:40 P.M., exhaustively describing the events from Lincoln's arrival at Ford's Theatre, through his demise. A much-read issue, with defects, including some loss of text at three triangular internal tears on p. 1, one of the tears penetrating all four leaves; 4" break at left horizontal fold of first leaf, and chipping along fold with some loss of text; lacking upper right corner of first leaf, about 1 x 31/2, affecting part of top 11 lines; first and last two leaves unopened at top; edge tattering and tears, foxing, and much wear, but still entirely collectible, and suitable for display as is, and improveable with some sympathetic reinforcement by a conservator. Estimate reduced accordingly; perhaps the least expensive example of a near-date Lincoln assassination newspaper to be had. $275-350

13-3. Lincoln's Cortege - and the Manhunt of the Century.

The New York Herald, Apr. 20, 1865, 151/4 x 223/4, 8 pp. All pages with thick black rules between columns. Dramatic stacking of type in column 1, "The Rites - Obsequies to the Lamented Dead...Solemn Scenes at the White House - The Prayers...The Funeral Cortege...Ceremonies in N.Y...Outpouring of the People - Remains of the Late Pres. to Pass Through N.Y. - Mr. Seward and Son Improving - Booth Discovered - He is Seen on a Train Near Reading, but Escapes - Important Letter from the Assassin...." Interesting descriptions of church and numerous synagogue services at New York City and Brooklyn (then a separate city). Editorial, "The Situation": "...In every city, town and village, the streets were draped in mourning...and minute guns were fired from noon til one o'clock...A letter from John Wilkes Booth...written in Nov., appears in our columns. It consists principally of a rigamarole of stale platitudes, expressed in a mock heroic style...the righteousness of the rebel cause, but there is one point in it of some consequence. It discloses a plot which Booth had then formed to make a prisoner of Pres. Lincoln...." In European reaction to the assassination, "It was reported in England that Sec. Seward had officially demanded from Earl Russell a withdrawal of the ‘belligerent rights' concession afforded to the Jeff Davis rebels at commencement of the war...." Rites in other cities, including Williamsburg (a separate town within Brooklyn) and the "British Provinces" (Canada). Extensive coverage of "The Assassins...Reasons for the Assassination...," with text of letter of "the wretched assassin...." Brief item, "Capt. Bealls no Relation of the Booth Family...without a shadow of foundation...." Bealls was the Confederate pirate and spy who made a specialty of relieving passengers of their valuables on the Great Lakes. Finally captured, he was sentenced to be hung. Despite nationwide pleas from clergy and citizens to spare him, the usually compassionate Lincoln refused, saying his offenses were too egregious. The noose was placed around his neck at Governor's Island by Provost Marshal Lt. Andrew Tallman - proprietor of the Cohasco Building; working with Lafayette Baker et al, Tallman's missions included guarding and escorting Confederate officers, treated as civil prisoners as a courtesy, and said by local lore to have been housed here. With interesting printing error from a corner of the enormous flat sheet folding on press, leaving irregular patch of text, about 13/4 x 23/4, printing at a 45° angle on p. 3, its blank footprint on p. 4. Varied foxing, considerable at left and right vertical bands and along half of horizontal fold, lesser elsewhere; wear and few small tears at horizontal fold, 21/2" vertical tear at top of first leaf; edge tattering and tears, including a foldover corner at pp. 5-8, but no loss of text; first and last two leaves unopened at top; much handling wear, but still entirely collectible, and satisfactory. $225-275

13-4. Lincoln in New York: "Solemn Stillness...."

The New York Herald, Apr. 25, 1865, 16 x 23, 8 pp. All pages with thick black rules between columns. Dramatic stacking of type in column 1, "Honors to the Martyr President...Arrival of the Cortege...Procession to City Hall - Solemn Stillness of the Uncovered Multitude Along the Route...Overwhelming Crowds to View the Body - Chatham St. and the Bowery Impassable with Mourners...80 Visitors a Minute...." A New York City-intensive chronicle of the day, with details of the scene around Canal St., Broadway, and the Lower East Side, and a large contingent of Congressmen from as far as California. Comprehensive list of order of procession, with "Funeral Car" in box composed of typographic elements. Piece torn from lower right edge first leaf, with loss of ends (and beginnings on verso) of about 17 lines; tattering of horizontal fold, affecting some individual letters in col. 6; printer's misfold along spine, with part of right col. on p. 8 wrapping onto front, with heavy wear, tattering, and some loss of text in advertisements; very light foxing p. 1 only, balance surprisingly fresh and clean, though with some edge tears; first and last two leaves unopened at top. In all, in collectible condition, estimate reduced accordingly. $250-300

13-5. A Magnificent Tribute to Lincoln, Engraved in 1864, Amended upon his Assassination.

Uncommonly lifelike folio steel engraving "Abraham Lincoln...Assassinated Apr. 14th, 1865," engraved and published by J.C. Buttre, 48 Franklin St., N.Y., 1864. 12 x 16. Based on photograph by Brady; border designed by W. Momberger, with montage of rustic covered-wagon scene with Union family, parchment bearing "Proclamation of Freedom," blacks walking as freedmen and women; at lower portion, sword-brandishing Centurion poised on the serpent of "Rebellion," Miss Columbia presenting a view of peaceful industry at sunrise, and clasped hands of North and South, "The Union Forever." Known for his creative artistry and superior presswork, Buttre began work on this engraving during Lincoln's lifetime; upon his death, another line was added to the plate, and it served as a memorial. Lacking slender fragment at blank upper left, crease at upper right corner, short edge tear, marginal toning, else very good, and a superb, crisp impression. Hart's Catalogue of a Collection of Engraved and Other Portraits of Lincoln, 29. Worldcat locates only four examples. Very scarce. $375-450

13-6. Lincoln Cabinet as Printer's Sample.

Unusual printed cabinet-style photograph of Lincoln, promotional imprint on verso of G.P. Brown & Co., Beverly, Mass., "Sample Photographic Reproduction of Famous Men and Women. Price, like this Sample, size 41/2 x 65/8, 30¢ per Doz...We have the following Pictures...Washington, Franklin, Lincoln, Columbus, McKinley, Grant, Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, Holmes, Miss Alcott, Hawthorne." Very high quality letterpress, black on eggshell white card, rounded corners. Showing Lincoln late in the war, his face reflecting the tumultuous times. Excellent and rare. The Brooklyn Museum holds a catalogue of G.P. Brown's "Famous Pictures" - but not this actual photograph. $140-170

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13-7. The Tragedy of Mary Lincoln.

One N.Y. Weekly Herald and five N.Y. Herald newspapers with accounts of Mrs. Lincoln's sad state, mostly 8 pp., all but first 1875: Oct. 8, 1867: Mrs. Lincoln's wardrobe for sale, including dress worn at time of assassination. Also, the "National Game" (baseball), "Terrible Gale at Galveston," trial of Jeff. Davis, and much more. • May 21, 1875: "Mrs. Lincoln Insane... The family physician, Dr. Isham...examined Mrs. Lincoln...Several witnesses testified to eccentricities... which commenced at the time of the assassination of Pres. Lincoln...voices in the wall, strange beings beset her in the entries of her hotel...Her closets are full of unopened packages...which she had ordered to be sent to her room...." Small hole affecting three lines at conclusion. • May 25: Half column on "Pres. Lincoln's Widow." "...It would have been a brain of extraordinary force which could have withstood that night of horrors. Her husband...was shot down at her side...Everything she did or said in that delirium of despair was wickedly and shamefully used against her afterward. It was the duty of the provide for her future. This Congress refused to do [anything]. Not a cent was public subscription...." Facing, news of Black Hills Expedition and "Gen. Custer's Arrangements," ironically leaving Fort Lincoln. "No fighting is anticipated...." • Aug. 24: "Mrs. Lincoln's Recovery - Restored sufficiently to leave the asylum...A leading lady lawyer of Chicago has been with her much of late...(to) assist in Mrs. Lincoln's restoration to the world...." Also, "Convention of Colored Virginians" in Richmond, "Dissatisfaction among the Sioux" in the Black Hills, and much more. •Aug. 28: Mrs. Lincoln's release. Also, Escape of "Desperate Negroes" from Manhattan's House of Detention, KKK shootings, and an English Channel swimmer. • Aug. 31: "Mrs. Lincoln Still Under Medical Care...more perturbed in mind...." Also, "Government Aiding Banks with Gold," "Panic in California - A Day of Disaster and Excitement," upon failure of San Francisco's National Gold Bank, and suicide of Pres. of Bank of Calif.; trial of Georgia Negroes; history of Nevada gold mines (p. 3). Wear along horizontal fold, with some loss of text. Some issues uncut at top, some fold wear and with mousechew variously at 12 o'clock and upper right corners, moderate edge tears, but no loss of text except as described, and generally about very good and clean. $170-240 (6 pcs.)

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14. Presidential

14-1. Signature of Lincoln - on the Day of Jeb Stuart's "Wild Ride."

Pleasingly large full signature, "Abraham Lincoln," 3" long, from partly printed warrant, Washington, June 13, 1862. 21/4 x 51/2. In coffee-and-cream ink, on uniform citrine-ivory. One quarter-size thin spot on verso at upper left corner, and about four pea-sized thins, likely where removed from a mat, none encroaching on the signature, and only the larger thin suggested when viewed from the front; on verso, evidence of three wide pieces of old-fashioned gummed glassine, as once used by philatelists to mount items; removed decades ago.

On the day Lincoln signed this, much of his attention was captured by Confederate Gen. Jeb Stuart's "Wild Ride," as it became known: While on a mission to obtain information for Robert E. Lee, Stuart ran into Union cavalry. After shots were fired, the Union retreated. "Stuart orders their camp burnt, and pauses to consider: he has already obtained the information Gen. Lee wanted - that is, that McClellan's right flank is ‘in the air' and might be vulnerable to attack. Stuart ponders whether to go back the way he came, and risk being trapped by Union forces that certainly must be giving chase by now - or, to continue on and ride entirely around the Union Army - a bold stroke that would pay off in great morale dividends. He decides on the latter. His men ride on, picking up their pace. Along the way, they pass close enough to the Union army that they are within eyeshot of McClellan's headquarter tents, but they ride quietly by. The Rebels also capture and burn a large supply wagon train, as well as a few schooners on the river. Meanwhile, the Yankee pickets are back in camp giving wildly exaggerated reports on Stuart's force. A hastily-assembled Union cavalry force is assembled by the commander of the Reserve Cavalry (whose responsibility is the security of the behind-the-liines regions), who is Brig. Gen. Philip St. George Cooke...a Virginian who refused to support the Rebel cause - and who also happened to be Stuart's father-in-law. Cooke and his troopers give chase...Pres. Lincoln, now recognizing that his commanders in the Shenandoah Valley are retreating from the imagined threat of what Jackson might do to them, writes a rather testy telegram to Gen. Fremont, detailing the situation (which Fremont and Banks surely already knew), and offering with restraint some rather elementary military trap Jackson and bring him to battle..."

In all, a highly satisfactory example of the least expensive form of Lincoln's autograph to be had. $3100-3600

14-2. The "Rising Empire" Sails Again - into the Twilight of Piracy.

Ship's paper signed by both Pres. James Madison and Secretary of State Jas. Monroe, for the Rising Empire of Boston, late date of June 9, 1815. Within weeks of this document, a treaty was signed with Algiers, ending American payment of ransom and tribute to Muslim marauders, and gaining shipping rights in the Mediterranean. Such "ship's passports" had originally stemmed from a 1795 concession paying Barbary pirates, to permit safe passage of American ships. Without a document such as this, a ship, its cargo, and crew were subject to seizure - and worse. Indeed, captured sailors were known to have languished the rest of their lives in slavery under the Ottomans. (A more complete resolution occurred in 1816, culminating in release of over 1,000 Christian slaves, and recovery of American ransom money. One-fifth of the U.S. budget had gone to pay pirates.)

Handsomely steel-engraved, with dual scenes at top. Closely trimmed long ago to 91/4 x 133/4. Allowing the ship, helmed by Master Wm. Weld, "to Pass with her Company, Passengers, Goods and Merchandize without any hindrance, seizure or molestation...belong(ing) to one or more of the Citizens of the United States...." This Rising Empire carried on the name of one of the five vessels built in 1776 for the Massachusetts Navy. The first Rising Empire logged only two months as a warship. On July 5, 1776, the vessel was stated "equipt in a warlike manner...." By August, her Captain reported her unfit to be a man o' war, becoming a prison ship in Boston Harbor. Following payment to her officers in 1780, the first Rising Empire then vanishes from the historical record. The present ship, represented in this document, was built in Amesbury in 1810, scion of a proud participant in the birth of America. Old notation, vertically penned, "The Property of Ferdinand Evans." Scalloped header. Single hole cancel at clerical countersignature; two tiny remnants of red wax seal, having been removed with dull knife, probably as further form of cancellation; considerably worn, holes at four fold junctions, pocket toning and patina, "Madison" somewhat lighter than "James," his quill running unequally, else both signatures about V.G., and overall satisfactory. The ship's ascendant name, and document's patination lend considerable character and evocation of its ride on the tempestuous seas. The Barbary Wars - and the events later in the month of this document - encompassed "the first American victory outside the Western hemisphere, and the first conflict in which the U.S. Navy worked in concert with U.S. land forces to demonstrate that American forces could fight as a cohesive unit in the execution of a war far from home, to sustain national honor and respect...From this early international victory in the Barbary Wars, the U.S. embarked on its journey to become one of the world's greatest military and economic superpowers..."--"The Forgotten War that Changed American History," Janet Levy,, June 2017. From an old collection, last on the market c. 1980. Splendid conversation piece. $1700-2200

Theodore Roosevelt gives his opinion on Obamacare - a century early
"I do not believe that the Federal Government should...dictate therapeutic methods..."

14-3. In his Final Run for the White House, Theodore Roosevelt on the Federal Government's Role in Health Care.

Two significant - and timely - T.Ls.S. of Theodore Roosevelt, both on his letterhead The Outlook, N.Y., July 25 and Oct. 5, 1912, 73/4 x 91/2. Both to the noted and controversial Christian Scientist and healer Wentworth Byron Winslow, Madison Ave., N.Y. A fascinating person, about a year before, Winslow had been charged with practicing medicine without a license. One can imagine the motive behind his desire to have Roosevelt - potentially the next President at the time of their correspondence - commit to writing his views on freedom to choose medical care.

Roosevelt's first letter: "I do not desire to make any public statement about any matters which I do not discuss in my own public speeches, as such a course would lead to endless correspondence. I will therefore ask you to treat this statement as not for publication. I do not believe that the Federal Government should in any shape or way attempt to dictate therap(e)utic methods, but of course it is imperative that the Government should dictate sanitary methods in such a case as the national quarantine and the like." Signed T. Roosevelt. Two italicized words underlined in Roosevelt's hand, together with a deletion and two corrections, changing his addressee's title from "Dr." to "C(hristian) S(cientist)." Lacking lower left and upper right corners, one long and one short edge tear at right, waterstained and soiled, wrinkling, but still satisfactory, with dark, bold signature. • In his follow-up letter, "You are welcome to publish my letter of July 25th. Really I do not see how anything could be more explicit than the statement in the platform and the statements in my speeches. You see we explicitly state that the National Government shall not discriminate for or against any one set of therapeutic medicine, school of medicine, or school of healing. There could be no clearer statement than this, and the Progressive Party will live up to this and every other promise it has made in both letter and spirit." Signed in full, with simple paraph. Creases at two corners, one medium and one short edge tear at right, soiled, wrinkling, but about good, with dark, bold signature.

It is significant that Roosevelt felt the neutrality of government with respect to "any one set of therapeutic medicine, school of medicine, or school of healing" was sufficiently important that he speak to the issue in his campaign platform and speeches. In the first letter, his redaction of the phrase "under Federal control" is intriguing. And indeed, the second letter was written just a month before the 1912 Presidential election. Roosevelt (and Taft) both lost to Woodrow Wilson, but Roosevelt's closing sentiment here was admirable and a dramatic finale to his political career.

"...Closely allied with the Christian Science prosecutions [including Winslow's] were those of the High Priestess of the cult of Advanced New Thought, who mixed clairvoyancy with dissertation..."--Medical Record, Vol. 80, Dec. 23, 1911, p. 1301 (modern copy accompanies). Winslow summarized his own books as "the out-croppings of parables, stories, and interpretations written or related by the author in his daily efforts for over a third of a century, to bring joy to the sorrowful, surcease to the suffering, healing to the sick, food to the hungry, and life to the dead..."--Mary Baker Eddy Science Institute. Winslow's writings are published and offered gratis, on their website, He continued to practice Christian Science til 1938. The present pair of letters effectively constitutes Roosevelt's correspondence with Winslow: The Library of Congress' Theodore Roosevelt Papers contain another letter from Roosevelt to Winslow, dated July 30, 1912, just one sentence in length, and appearing to be an unsigned, retained carbon copy only, giving permission to read but not publish his first letter, of July 25. A more pertinent expression of original "progressive" policy on freedom to practice - and choose - health care cannot be imagined. New to the market. $3250-4500 (2 pcs.)

14-4. Land in Antebellum Mississippi.

Partly printed land grant bearing secretarial signature of Pres. Martin Van Buren, by his son M(artin) Van Buren, Jr., Feb. 1, 1841 - a very late date in his administration, having lost the election of 1840. 93/4 x 16, wafer seal. For 39 acres in Lowndes County, Miss., "subject to sale at Columbus, Miss." Natural vertical crease in parchment at upper portion, else fresh and excellent; such land grants are often found in heavily worn condition; Southern locations are unusual. A somewhat jinxed era: Van Buren's successor, William Henry Harrison, took office a month later, only lasting one month - and Van Buren, Jr. died in Paris at age 42. Suitable for display. $65-85

14-5. The Very Day that Andrew Johnson's Impeachment Vote was Scheduled.

Ticket, "U.S. Senate / Impeachment of the President / Admit the Bearer / May 12th, 1868 / Gallery" - the very day the first vote on Johnson's impeachment was to take place. The tension in the chamber in which this ticket-holder sat must have been absolutely electric. At the last moment, the vote was postponed for four days, because of illness of one of the Senators. 23/4 x 31/2. Uniformly lightened, perhaps from long display years ago, to mocha (from deep orange) on pale salmon (probably from orange), but entirely legible. Pastel blue-grey toning all four margins, else corners square (one with tiny remnant of stub), and good plus. The color glazing used for bristol cards was sometimes not light-fast; this is an interesting "variant" for the completist, with an alluring date, perhaps the only one we have handled of the original voting day - and the closest to the acquittal. When the postponed vote on May 16 failed to convict, a ten day recess was called, that second vote also falling short, and a final third attempt on May 26. Interestingly, not one of the Republican Senators who voted for acquittal ever served in elective office again. $220-270

14-6. "...The masses of men and women who crowd to see the first impeachment of an American President."

Eight issues New-York Tribune reporting on the Andrew Johnson Impeachment, Sept. 6, 1867-Mar. 24, 1868. Absorbing prose, detailing in depth both the novelty and gravitas of the first impeachment proceedings of a President. Sept. 6: Growing mistrust of Johnson, beginning with p. 1 news of a "quarrel of some character" between Johnson and Gen. Grant...Grant will be removed in a few days...." Lengthy Presidential Proclamation declaring "the supremacy of the Constitution, the laws, and decisions of civil courts. He warns all persons against obstructing them...." • Nov. 26: Three closely-set columns on p. 1, continuing inside, "Impeachment - Judiciary Committee's Report in favor...The Charges against Pres. Johnson...guilty of acts which were designed or calculated to overthrow or corrupt the Government...usurpation of power and violation...He pardoned large numbers of public and notorious traitors...well knowing that they had been engaged in open, persistent, and formidable efforts for the overthrow of the Government...Directed the transfer and surrender of railway property to the value of many millions of dollars...."

• Feb. 25, 1868: "The Pres. Impeached - It is 10 o'clock on Monday morning; the galleries of the House are filled, the corridors are filled, barriers are placed across them to hold back the masses of men and women who crowd to see the first impeachment of an American President. The multitude of colored people who pour into the exceedingly suggestive. The occasion had the interest of almost life or death to all of their race...and parades in review the multiform official wickedness of the Pres., which he will crown with a bloody revolution unless flung from office... Almost on the minute of 5 o'clock, the resolution of impeachment was read, and the House was called upon by Mr. Colfax to vote." Emotionally wrought remarks on Johnson's corruption of the Navy, Treasury, Interior, Post Office, and State Depts. • Feb. 28: Extensive front-page news, "The National Crisis...The Impeachment Committee...held their first meeting to-day...The War Dept. remains untouched. Mr. Stanton still is master of the situation...Four judges, about two score lawyers, two dozen newspaper men, 50 white and 100 colored citizens composed the actors and spectators...." Fascinating transcript of impeachment proceedings in Congress, with votes in favor of impeachment. • Mar. 3: Front-page, "Progress of Impeachment...Mr. Johnson's trial is the momentous event in the future about which everybody is talking in this city...The proceedings will begin next week...Scarcely a word is heard anywhere in his favor...Opinion is almost unanimous that the Senate will eject Andrew Johnson from the White House...." Text of "The Democratic Protest...representing more than one-half of the whole people of the U.S...." Inside, creation of new railroads, with map. • Mar. 10: "The Impeachment Trial - A Crush in the Capitol...Notice to the President - His Excellency to appear in person...." Further reports, "The President Summoned" and "Proceedings in Congress - The High Court of Impeachment...." • Mar. 17: "The Impeachment Trial - Dazzling Spectacle...Admirable Police Arrangements - Decorum in the Galleries - Imposing Initial Ceremonies - Business in the White House...Another day's excitement in Washington, equal to any that has been witnessed here since the Impeachment began in earnest...Ladies of wealth and fashion made personal applications [for tickets]," one even appearing at a sleeping Senator's home late the previous evening, not leaving til a ticket was promised. "Chief Justice: The Sergeant-at-Arms will call the accused...Andrew Johnson, Pres. of the United States, to appear and answer to the Articles of Impeachment exhibited against you...."

•Mar. 24: "Preparations for the Great Event - The President's Answer...Trial on Wednesday...His Excellency's Spies...." With lengthy text of Johnson's answer. In all, a fascinating blend of raw political warfare, with combat between some of that century's shrewdest and most skillful legal minds, making riveting reading. All with stencilled name of subscriber, "H. Albright." Most with broad waterstain arcs, some with dust-toning, edge tears, and other defects, one with some marginal foxing, but generally satisfactory to very good. $150-200 (8 pcs.)

14-7. Grant Pardons a Felon.

D.S. of U.S. Grant, Washington, May 11, 1875, 73/4 x 10. Authorizing Seal of U.S. to be affixed to "a Warrant for the pardon of Allen P. Hulett...." In an unusual case in 1869, Hulett, of Fulton County, N.Y., had declared bankruptcy; he had earlier been involved in a loss of "buckskin goods" destroyed in an overnight fire in a Poughkeepsie hotel. Document expertly backed with sheer archival nylon by noted conservator Arbee Co., early 1970s, to repair two long tears, both well away from bold signature; uniform ivory patination, else fine plus. $700-900

14-8. Grover Cleveland loses to Harrison, "and all us Democrats mourned...Is the country safe?...The boys sneer at me for my interest in the election, being only a woman."

Engaging manuscript diary of a young, personable, first-time schoolteacher on Long Island, N.Y., living with her parents near a beach, around Jamesport or Southampton, with mention of A.P. Squire's General Store (in Good Ground, now Hampton Bays), Mrs. Hallock, frequent shopping trips to Riverhead, and Quogue. Oct. 22, 1888-Mar. 25, 1889, with good political commentary on the 1888 Presidential election. Clearly written in a slender ledger, mostly in ink, 33/4 x 93/4, polished kraft covers, brown linen spine, cerise fore-edges, pages ruled in light blue and pink. Near-daily consecutivity. Beginning with her very first day in the classroom - as the 1888 Presidential election was bearing down: "Began the day feeling quite well and got through nicely, & distributed the new Geographies to the pupils...I find it easier to teach than I expected, but am very tired when school is out. I spend my evenings home, sewing and studying. With the rest of the choir, met at Grace Squire's to rehearse for tomorrow evening's political lecture. No campaign books were on hand so I did not sing. Saw in the store - men talking politics. [Next day:] Attended the lecture at Phillips Hall...given by a Mr. Jamison of Maryland, and the subject was the Tariff...Tried to get my room settled this evening but failed...[Oct. 26:] Warner Miller is announced to speak at Riverhead this afternoon. A number of Republicans in white caps have gone over. There is also to be a Democratic parade and torchlight procession this evening. [Oct. 30:] Attended the Republican meeting in the Hall. Speaker [School] Com(missioner) C.H. Howell, Subject Protection vs. Free Trade... [Oct. 31:] Hope he was satisfied with my school. I like him as a Commissioner...[Nov. 1:] Went up to the Prohibition meeting at the Hall. Mr. B.F. Reeve lectured...[Nov. 2:] Received my certificate today...[Nov. 3:] Called over to L.R.'s in the afternoon for milk. I made a cocoanut cake as we expect Miss C. Terry...[Nov. 5:] Mr. Dart in to see me during the morning. He photographed my school in two views. It took some time and I had no recess...[Nov. 6:] Election Day. A public holiday...Pa and the boys went to election. I feel anxious to know the result, although probably it won't make much difference to me...Spent my evening writing, correcting lessons &c...[Nov. 7:] Heard that Cleveland had carried New York State and hoped later tidings might prove his election sure, but alas for my hopes. At noon the papers gave Harrison the victory and all us Democrats mourned. Of course all the blame was thrown on Cleveland's Tariff Reform message...Later a carriage stopped and Fred invited me to go up to Avis Brewster's to a party... Went home and read the election returns. The Democratic defeat is worse than was at first apparent. Even Pa is quite provoked over it...Lay awake for hours it seemed...[Nov. 9:] The Republicans seem to have made a clean sweep and now have a majority in both Houses of Congress. Is the country safe?...I can't bear to think the Republicans should carry Virginia and West Va. However ‘tis said to be true. The boys sneer at me for my interest in the election, being only a woman. [Nov. 10:] Lillie Foster walked up to church with me...Attended a ‘prairie meeting'...Walked home in the beautiful moonlight alone...[Nov. 13:] Went to see F[razer's?] about making me a blackboard. He could not do it...The boys have come home from the beach...[Nov. 16:] The Republican parade passed through the place today...The children were disappointed at not being able to see it...I felt personally indignant at them for parading...[Nov. 24:] Family jars never hold anything appetizing...I meant to go over in the stage to Riverhead...[Nov. 25:] A severe storm, a blizzard of wind...Glad to huddle round the stove...[Nov. 26:] Got wet this morning walking. The storm still raged and the tides are very full...[Nov. 29:] Thanksgiving Day...Made a show cake for the turkey...Mother made mince pie...[Dec. 4:] The grinding of forty pairs of boots and shoes on a sandy floor is not conducive to quiet nerves...[Dec. 10:] Poor Asbury Hawkins ended his life on the gallows in the storm of this morning...I am so grieved that it all should have happened, the cruel murder and the terrible punishment...After going to bed I get nervous over the thoughts of it...[Dec. 25:] The loveliest Christmas Day in my memory...[Dec. 26:] Lily F. called to see me today. Also B. Cohn with his peddler cart...[Mar. 5, 1889:] Read the papers today giving an account of the Inaugural Ceremonies. Very interesting...." Much more. (The Hawkins murder, in Islip, was a sensational crime.) As of 1898, C.H. Howell was Commissioner of Schools in Jamesport. Ink smudge on blank cover, uniform toning, else gently handled by its writer, and about very fine. A palpable tapestry of life on the East End of Long Island. $160-220

14-9. An Uncommon Campaign Item: A Cabinet Photo.

Handsome cabinet photograph, gold-stamped on lower margin "Benjamin Harrison," his penetrating visage looking left, greying beard brushing his collar. Rich black-cherry glazed mount; image with complementary milk chocolate toning. No imprint, but plausibly a better 1888 campaign piece, more costly than the usual button or trinket. Very minor marginal wear and storage marks on mount, light dulling of gold, else about very fine, and pleasing for display. $45-70

14-10. Preparing for Washington.

T.N.S. of T(heodore) Roosevelt, Oyster Bay, L.I., Feb. 27, 1901, 51/2 x 81/4. To Charles Waters, National Soldiers' Home, Grant County, Ind. "I thank you very much for your letter. I never received your first note. I wish you well." In purple typewriting on ivory, signed in watery grey. Fold and handling wear, short old cello tape reinforcements on verso, two paper hinge remnants, light toning, else good. Interesting date in the narrow band of time, days before taking office as Vice Pres. - and seven months from the Oval Office, upon McKinley's assassination. $725-950

14-11. Women for Teddy.

Pair of amateur photographs of suffragettes conducting a Presidential campaign rally for Theodore Roosevelt, possibly Keene, N.H. area, each 43/4 x 63/4, sepia. Showing gathering of women outdoors, perhaps at night, holding aloft signs on wooden poles, one with portrait of Teddy Roosevelt, another "Teddy...Trusts." • Perhaps a hundred women, spanning the entire width of a massive Gothic complex with central clock tower, almost all in white floor-length skirts. On verso, in old pencil, "Send money, 15¢ to R. Hawes at once please." Silvered fingerprints at margins, imperfect focus suggesting an inexpensive camera, but with rich coffee tones, and very good. Original, unpublished photographs of suffragette rallies are very scarce. $90-120 (2 pcs.)

14-12. Pair of F.D.R. Checks.

An interesting duo, with genuine and secretarial signatures, respectively: Check boldly signed as Gov. of N.Y., Albany, Apr. 2, 1931, for $2.50 "pay refund, Spanish War." On celery-green, 31/2 x 9. Large State Seal vignette at left. Bank's name crossed out with typewriter, replaced with another. Light green handstamp "Cashed." Signature essentially unaffected by hole-cancel numerals, dancing between all but one or two punches. Old tissue reinforcement strips on verso at three folds, the rightmost section of check apparently once separately cleanly at fold from pocket wear (or a bank processing machine!). Some edge tears, rather worn, but still very satisfactory. • With, check to "Franklin Delano Roosevelt," of Nanette Joseph, 200 W. 54 St., N.Y., July 20, 1936, with moderately competent endorsement "Franklin D. Roosevelt" in a secretarial hand. The Clearng House stamping on verso suggests that the check never left New York. Old tape repair on verso, staining to front, modest wear, else good. Secretarial signatures on F.D.R. checks, though of course of association and conversation piece value only, are very scarce. $475-675 (2 pcs.)

14-13. Truman's Check No. 2 as "President" - of Jackson County.

An attractive curiosity: Check boldly signed by Harry S Truman above title "President" - but on account of "Treasurer of Jackson County, Mo.," Jan. 19, 1934. Large serial number "2." 31/2 x 8, black on mocha, orange-red "1934" security overprint. Purple handstamp, "Cancelled / Jan. 20, 1934 / Truston W. Kirby, County Treasurer." For $1,000 to "Jackson County Postage Account." Small dot cancels, but unusually only six actually penetrated check, and only one approaches Truman's signature, just grazing ascender of "y." Small triangular fragment lacking at blank top edge, handling creases at two corners, else about fine. A splendid conversation piece, and perhaps the most unusual of his Jackson County checks we recall handling. $600-900

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15. Political

15-1. Woodrow Wilson and "Remember the Maine."

1912 pinback, "Win with Wilson," 13/16". Bastian Brothers paper insert loose and curled but complete and clean. Genteel portrait, powder-blue background and tie. Essentially unblemished front and back, and an excellent example, with uniform luster. •"Remember the Maine" cello pinback, the ill-fated battleship steaming right, four flags flying. 13/16". Maker's insert lacking, but Whitehead & Hoag. Superficial corrosion on blank verso, some light contact marks on image under magnification, else fine plus. Pleasing for display. $45-65 (2 pcs.)

15-2. Prohibition Buttons.

Group of 5 pinbacks: "It's a long time between drinks," letters intentionally distressed. • "No Beer / No Work." • "Bring me Back," with pitcher of beer. • "A Dry County." • "How dry I am." Red, white, blue, and black, variously. Light wear, else fine and better. $65-80 (5 pcs.)

15-3. 1920 Presidential Campaign Buttons - including Cox-Roosevelt.

Group of 4: James M. Cox large circular button-hole stud, screwback, enclosing die-cast rooster "Cox / I Will Crow in November." 13/16". Deepest brown "oiled bronze" tone. Very fine. Hake 52. • "Coxsure," white on dark blue, 9/16". • "Cox" in white on red, "Roosevelt" white on blue through center, F.D.R.'s first run for the Presidency. 9/16". Red faded to dark pink, else about very good; others this lot with satin gloss, and fine. (Seen as a sure loser to fellow-Ohioan Harding, Cox buttons were produced in fewer numbers. A Cox-Roosevelt jugate sold for 16,500.00 at Heritage in 2015!) • "Harding and Coolidge," white on blue band, red semicircles above and below, 3/4". On Harding's mysterious death in 1923, Coolidge acceded to the Presidency. $110-140 (4 pcs.)

15-4. 1924-28 Presidential Campaign Buttons.

Group of 6: 1924 "Coolidge and Dawes," red, white, and blue. 3/4". Soft satin gloss, and fine. Hake 54. • Balance 1928: "Smith for President," photo in center, red, white, and blue. • "Smith and Robinson," red, white, and blue. One diagonal scrape affecting three letters, else very good. • "Hoover," red, white, and blue. • "Hoover and Curtis," blue on white. • Lapel pin, "Hoover" stamped on running elephant. 15/16". Probably lead. Some white tarnish on legs, else very good. Others with minor wear, and about fine. $70-85 (6 pcs.)

15-5. 1932 Presidential Campaign Buttons.

Group of 5, all red, white, and blue: "Speed Recovery / Re-elect Hoover." • "Hoover and Curtis." • 3 different "Roosevelt," one with solid red over blue semi-circles; one with three stars above, five vertical bars below; one with blue quadrants, a star in each. Last with few tiny flakes lifted from "sev" of "Roosevelt," else all with light wear, and very good or better. $40-60 (5 pcs.)

15-6. 1936 Presidential Campaign Buttons.

Group of 5: "I Want / Roosevelt / Again." • "I Want FDR Again," script. • "Roosevelt / Four More Lucky Years," horseshoe. • "Landon / Knox," "GOP" on elephant, yellow on brown. Button pinned through diecut yellow felt sunflower. Uncommon in sound condition. • Metal lapel tab, "Landon and Knox," never folded, sunflower, deep yellow and brown. Greenduck Co., Chicago on end. • Plus, diecut paper campaign novelty, shape of covered wagon, "Landon and Knox," Union bug, 4 x 53/8. Some wrinkles, but very good and displays nicely. $50-70 (6 pcs.)

15-7. Washington's Warning of Foreign Entanglements.

Very scarce pamphlet, "Washington's Farewell Address, to the People of the United States." Published for Washington Benevolent Society, New-York: "J. Seymour, at Washington's Head, No. 118 Pearl-street," 1808. 41/4 x 7, original marbled boards, red leather spine, 45 + 2 pp. Frontispiece portrait of Washington after Stuart, by Leney. Bound certificate signed by Society Pres. Isaac Sebring, and Sec. G.C. Verplanck, inscribing this copy to William McNeal, admitted to the Society in Nov. of that year. One of the seminal addresses in Federal period America, in this 1796 address Washington implored, "...Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote, relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies...It must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties...Belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation...." This first of the Washington Benevolent Societies was a political club established in 1808 by the Federalist Party, to cultivate voters. McNeal was Sec. of National Marine Insurance; Sebring was a Federalist State Assemblyman from N.Y.C. Boards and spine rubbed, portrait offset onto title page, very minor foxing on early leaves, pleasing uniform toning, else internally fine. Sabin 101605. $250-325

15-8. Twice Defeated by McKinley.

Printed mourning card, "Mrs. William Jennings Bryan and Family deeply appreciate and gratefully acknowledge your kind expression of sympathy." 3 x 43/4, black-bordered, blind sunken panel, on eggshell. In interesting Old English outline, with shading within letters (visible under magnification). Two depressions of pinhead and one hole at blank top, where once affixed, else fine and attractive. Rare association item. Bryan died suddenly just a few days after his clash with Clarence Darrow in one of the most historic courtroom epics of the century - the Scopes trial. $45-65

15-9. The Rise and Fall of Pres. McKinley, Harding, and Coolidge - and America's coming "Violent Revolution."

Dramatic group of six defective newspaper sections, pairing headlines of White House ascension and deaths of Presidents McKinley, Harding, and Coolidge: Boston Daily Globe, Mar. 5, 1897. Incomplete, but half-folded to display "New Chieftain - America Once More in the Hands of Republicans - McKinley Inaugurated...," with artist's pen-and-ink drawing of swearing-in. • Boston Post, "Extra Extra," Sept. 14, 1901. Massive black-bordered type, "M'Kinley is Dead...." • Boston Herald, Sept. 14, 1901. "The President is Dead...Medical skill is unavailing...." • New Haven Journal-Courier, Nov. 3, 1920. "Harding Elected - Republicans Make a Clean Sweep of City - Cox's Own Paper Admits that he is Beaten...." • Bay City (Mich.) Times Tribune, Extra, Aug. 4, 1923. "Harding Expires Suddenly...Collapsed Without Warning from Apoplexy...Calvin Coolidge Sworn in...." • Boston Sunday Post, Extra, Jan. 8, 1933. "Coolidge Laid to Rest as Simply as he Lived...Rain and hail pelt down but sun breaks through clouds as obsequies end." Also on p. 1, "Pres. Hoover's ‘Commission on Social Trends' very solemnly warns the country of the possibility of a ‘violent revolution' in the near future. Col. E.M. House, now one of Gov. Roosevelt's advisers, is convinced that conditions are ripe for the rise of a dictator, who, after seizing power, will be acclaimed by a grateful people as their savior...." • Plus, N.Y. Herald, July 26, 1885, complete. Page-6 coverage of Grant's funeral: "In Livery of Woe - N.Y. Preparing for Funeral...Buildings Draped in Black - Where Shall the Hero Sleep?..." Very dry, separated along center horizontal fold, edge chipping. Bay City section with light wear, else remarkably sound; other five items browned, heavily chipped, much loss of text at center horizontal fold and some edges, but still displayable survivors. Suitable for classroom use; their appearance will probably mesmerize youngsters. Not examined out of older wrappers; supplied with new Ultrafilm. Photograph available. Much discounted, $65-90 (7 pcs.)

15-10. Longest-Serving House Speaker in History seeks a Tax Cut for "the Little Man."

Poignant T.L.S. of Sam Rayburn, on his blue letterhead, "Office of Democratic Leader, House of Representatives, U.S., Washington," Mar. 22, 1954, 1 p., 7 x 91/2. To Arthur Clarendon Smith, Pres., Democratic Club of D.C. Sending thanks for writing on "the remarks I made on radio and television on Mar. 16. I thought the people should have the side of it that we think is right and proper and in the interest of all the people, and not in the interest of just a few. My theory has always been that taxes should be written not to punish somebody, but to bring about justice, fair play, and equal opportunity -- that the little man has as much, in truth more, right to have a tax cut and as deeply as a sound economy will justify...." Official watermark. Crimps at two opposing tips from old mounting corners, some postal handling, else good plus, and suitable for display. Rayburn's refusal to accept fees and gifts from special interests was unheard of then. Serving in the House continuously from the Wilson to Kennedy years, he was instrumental in fellow-Texan L.B.J.'s rise to power; Rayburn had been a friend of his father. $100-130

15-11. Peace, Protest, and Radical Movements.

Colorful collection of 21 protest pinbacks c. 1967-71, about six in Day-Glo fluorescent. Including "Power to the People / Panther Power to the Panthers." • "Women's Liberation / Vote Socialist Workers in ‘70." • "Suppose they gave a war / and Nobody came," large rectangular yellow. • "Nov. 14-15 / Vietnam Moratorium." • "I'll stay in school till ‘82 / So I don't go to Dien Bien Phu." • "Vote Jerry Rubin, Mayor / A New Community / Withdraw from Vietnam, Rent Control, End Police Harrassment, Eliminate Poverty." Berkeley, Calif, 1967. • "Vote Immediate With-drawal / Yes on J." • "Yippie!" • "Viva la Revolucion." • "Black Power." • "Boycott Lettuce." • "Boycott Grapes." • "Work for Peace / Nov. 13-14." • "Build not Burn / Students for a Democratic Society." • "Attica Lives / Harriet Tubman Prison Movement." • "Remember the Kent State 4," (1970). • "No More Napalm!" Some very light plating tarnish on blank versos of shells, else all mint, superior examples, with few contact marks. Some varieties now scarce. In Riker case, ready for display. $80-110 (21 pcs.)

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16. World Wars I & II

16-1. The Teenager who Set the Stage for World War I - in 1889.

Sultry cabinet photograph of teenage Baroness Marie Vetsera, who died at age 17 with Austria's Crown Prince Rudolf in a murder-suicide. Title in gilt - but misspelled "Vecsera" by Csathy studio, Budapest, almost certainly 1889, in the aftermath of the shocking scandal. A mistress of the royal next in line to become Emperor of Austria-Hungary, their affair was torrid, but doomed; apparently the troubled Prince had proposed a suicide pact with his other mistress, which she rejected, thinking it a joke. The incident has continued to be studied and reconstructed over the past century; in 2015, the truth seemed to finally emerge. The Austrian National Library released letters from Vetsera, thought to have been lost but discovered in a safe deposit box where they had lain since 1926. They reportedly state that she indeed planned to commit suicide with the Prince out of "love." Had Rudolf never set eyes on her and he lived, Franz Ferdinand would probably not have occupied the throne in 1914 - and would not have been target of the assassin spotting him from that cafe. Two water spots, chipping at lower left tip, dust toning, else about very good, and a fascinating image. Very scarce. $110-140

16-2. The First Shot of the War to End All Wars.

Cabinet photograph identified on verso in older hand, "Grand Duke - Assassinated & caused the World War." Showing a young, waxed-moustached Franz Ferdinand of Austria, in dress uniform, with three large octagonal oak-leaf-style decorations, and a chest full of ribboned medals. (He was a Lt. at age fourteen.) Ornate imprint of J. Löwy, Vienna, on verso, 1888. A course of tragedies began the following year (including the murder-suicide of cousin Rudolf and his mistress; see preceding lot), leading to his grooming for the monarchy. On that fateful day in Sarajevo, June 1914, a grenade had been thrown at Franz Ferdinand's car - but detonated behind them. That afternoon, en route to the hospital to visit the injured, his entourage was given a new itinerary. Backing up through a side street, the line of cars stalled. By chance, watching this from a cafe was the assassin. A month later, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, altering the course of modern history. Diagonal edge of dust-toning at blank left field, else about fine. Very scarce. $90-120

16-3. The War to End All Wars.

Suite of three exquisitely copperplate-engraved World War I-themed Red Cross bookplates, "Friends of Humanity," their logo flanked by two reflective allegorical females. 1918, 31/4 x 41/2. By the young pioneering woman artist Loren Roberta Barton, known for her picturesque views of Los Angeles' Mexican quarter and San Francisco's Chinatown. Signed by: W(illiam) G. McAdoo, Secretary of Treasury during World War I. Son-in-law of Pres. Wilson; Pres., Hudson & Manhattan Railroad, whose office building, said to be the largest in the world, would be eminent-domained for another - the World Trade Center. Considered as Democratic Presidential candidate, 1920 and 1924. • Newton D. Baker, Sec. of War, whose eloquent pro-League of Nations speech at the 1924 Democratic National Convention - marked for its 103 ballots - caused "men and women everywhere (to) burst into tears." A candidate for Pres. in 1932, Baker yielded to F.D.R. • And, (Adm.) Wm. S. Sims, in charge of Naval Operations during World War I; possibly the only career Naval officer to win a Pulitzer Prize, this for his co-authored The Victory at Sea. Twice Pres., Naval War College. First Capt. of U.S.S. Nevada, then the Navy's largest and most powerful ship - and the only vessel in Battleship Row to get underway from Pearl Harbor twenty-five years later, though torpedoed and then beached. Light creamy toning, trivial stains on versos, else excellent. Superb for display. $90-120 (3 pcs.)

16-4. Oversize Map of the War to End all Wars.

Folding "Rand McNally War Map of the French Front, Southern Section - A Strategic Map of the Battle Ground in France, from St. Mihiel to the Swiss Border, showing the Farthest Advance of the Germans in 1914 and the Battle Line in 1918...." In printed khaki card wrapper, 33/4 x 51/2. Opening to about 211/2 x 33. Black, red, pink, orange, and pale yellow. Fold junctions neatly reinforced on verso with tape, else good plus. Four tips of wrapper lacking, some creases, else satisfactory. $40-60

16-5. The Changing Face of the World - 1919.

Jumbo folding "New Standard Map of the World," 1919, with "New Standard Map of the U.S.," 1920, on verso. Opening to 42 x 61, National Map Co., Indianapolis. Held loosely in original plain black cloth boards, publisher's ad mounted inside. Colorful and fascinating, the world map with purple surprint showing "New Boundaries, Countries and Mandatories," in aftermath of World War I. Extensive list of British and American Consulates throughout the world, the former's Empire still vast; including Hanoi and Saigon, in "French Possessions," Jerusalem under "Turkey," and hundreds more, reflecting a rapidly changing geopolitical landscape. Fascinating text, in 29 sections, describing the victors and vanquished, and lands gained and lost: "Peace Treaty Decisions, Aspirations and Claims: ...Syria, including Palestine, has declared a Kingdom under Arab ruler...Mesopotamia independent under Arab ruler; perhaps Britain will assume a Mandate...German Samoan Islands under Mandate held by New Zealand...." Boards with some chalking and light wear, map exceptionally fresh and very fine, little-handled. Graphic depiction of world trouble-spots nearly a century ago, many still in turmoil. Rare, and a superb, engaging teaching tool. No examples of this first post-Armistice printing located by WorldCat. $180-240

16-6. Sheet Music of World Wars I and II.

Group: "When Alexander Takes his Ragtime Band to France," "Successfully introduced by Belle Baker," 1918. Dramatic acid-yellow and black cover art of ragtime band marching, led by brass, with ghosted drawings above of Huns being vanquished by Doughboys brandishing bayonets. • "So Long, Mother - Al Jolson's Mother Song," searing scene of soldier embracing his mother in hallway of their home, his suitcase and duffel bag awaiting. Inset of Jolson. Blue, orange, and brown tones. • "Any Bonds Today?," by Irving Berlin, 1941. "Theme Song of National Defense Savings Program, copyright Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Sec. of Treasury...Souvenir Copy - Not to be Sold." Somewhat modernized Uncle Sam theatrically tipping his starred tophat, holding a savings bond. Red, white, and blue. • "In My Arms - To be featured in M-G-M's ‘See Here Private Hargrove,'" Frank Loesser, 1943. Printed at top, "Paper shortage getting worse - Here is where we start the verse," with arrow pointing to bar of music. To save paper, extra choruses printed on p. 4, with text only - and to save ink, in black only. Interesting adversity use, more commonly seen in the Confederacy! •"Vict'ry Polka," words by Samuel Cahn, music by Jule Styne, 1943. Strikingly attractive red, white and blue artwork of couple dancing in front of oversize "V," wearing starred tops, and red and white striped gown and slacks, respectively. Usual handling evidence, some minor edge tears, breaks but no separation at spine folds of several, but all satisfactory or better. $45-60 (5 pcs.)

16-7. Patton's Men - 1922.

Two wide panoramic photographs, both taken at Ft. Myer, Va., home of the storied 3rd Cavalry, recently under then-Maj. George Patton's overall command: "Troop ‘E,' 3rd Cavalry..., Capt. Williamson Comdg." Apr. 28 (else 29), 1922. 8 x 451/2. By "S. MacDonald & Son, Army Photographers, Wash(ington), D.C." Showing men abreast, rifles at rest, in front of brick quarters and trees. An evocative view, the troops dappled by spring sunlight, three other soldiers on the porch behind them looking on. Several short tears at left, one 3" at right, less conspicuous if matted. • Impressive view of "Troop ‘I,' 3rd Cavalry...," here the entire contingent on horseback, the men and their steeds facing the camera. Many of the horses are especially beautiful. 8 x 333/4. Rubber stamp and imprint within emulsion of "Post Photo Service...Wash., D.C." In old pencil on verso, "Bowman." The expressions are poignant: certainly most of the soldiers shown here had served in the War to End All Wars, its echoes still reverberating. Both long rolled but flattenable with time, some soiling of blank versos, else pleasing olive-sepia tones, good focus, contrast, and detail, and overall about very good and fine, respectively.

A celebrated unit, the 3rd Cavalry began as the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen in 1846, their mission so avant garde that they were considered a separate branch of the military. Initially protecting travelers on the Oregon Trail, the 3rd Cavalry quickly expanded their scope. Fighting fiercely in the largest battle between the Army and Indians in the history of the West, at Rosebud Creek, the 3rd pursued Custer's killers. On their notoriously named Horsemeat March, the cavalrymen were obliged to eat their shoes - and their horses. Following America's entry into World War I, the entire 3rd became one of the first regiments to arrive in France, though most of its men were occupied with the purchase, care, and training of some 345,000 horses and mules for the A.E.F. On their return - in the period of these photos - because of the 3rd's proximity to Washington and Arlington National Cemetery, troopers were frequently called upon to serve as honor guards and escorts for V.I.P.s, becoming known as the "President's Own."

Just a few months before the 1922 photo above, the 3rd provided the cavalry escort for interment of the Unknown Soldier, and dedication of Tomb of the Unknown in Arlington. Their regimental bugler sounded Taps at the ceremony; the 3rd provided the Tomb's honor guard til 1941. During this period, the regiment became famous among the general public for its horse shows and stunt-riding teams. In 1932, Patton again returned to the 3rd, this time as executive officer. The regiment's nearly century-long heritage of horses ended abruptly in 1942, becoming mechanized. In World War II, the 3rd became the first military unit to cross the Alps since Hannibal in 215 B.C. In recent years, they have retaken their original name, the 3rd Cavalry now evolved into a Stryker regiment ready to take decisive action anywhere in the world. Dozens of its men have received the Medal of Honor. $190-250 (2 pcs.)

16-8. "Are there any spies around here?"

Fascinating World War II American aviators' Pointie Talkie language translator pocket book for use if downed in China or southeast Asia, "Compiled and printed by A.G.A.S.-O.W.I., China" [Air Ground Aid Services-Office of War Information], 4th printing, presumably printed in China, n.d. but c. 1943, 4 x 43/4, 196 pp., intentionally unmarked flexible black cloth, crudely printed text. Title page with crossed color flags of U.S. and China. About half of book devoted to Chinese-English, including food and drink, comfort and lodging, servicing the plane, communications, in enemy territory, and more; shorter sections of Burmese, French, Annamese (Vietnamese), Thai, Shan, Lolo, and Lao words and phrases. Glossary includes transliteration and characters for "Communist party," "Friend," "Japanese," and "Puppets." Translations for a multitude of words and phrases, including, "How many Japanese are in the forts? How many puppets?," "Please lead me across the blockade lines to a safe region," "Please ask these people staring at me to go away...(Don't expect this to work like magic)," "The American Army will pay for this; if you wish confirmation...telegraph the Military Affairs Commission, Chungking," "Please tell them my plane no. is...," "I am an American airman helping China in its war of resistance and have been forced down here," and more. On last page, "Remember these hand signs when in North China...[thumb and index fingers] 8th Route Army, [four fingers] New 4th Army." Cover curled at corners, some cracks at interior hinges, else only moderate wear, sound, and good. Many today do not know that China was a strong American ally during the war. WorldCat locates just four copies. $150-200

16-9. American Caesar.

Group of six original glossy wire service photos of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, 7 x 91/4. Three with pulp caption leaves: "MacArthur Takes Command...of Philippine Army troops in induction ceremonies of Philippine Army Air Corps before outbreak of war in the Pacific." • "Leaving the entrance of Malinta Tunnel on this heavily fortified island of Corregidor in Manila Bay...," Mar. 1942, when he escaped the besieged Philippines in a PT boat to Australia; upon his arrival, he famously promised, "I shall return." • Striking portrait of the American Caesar, the brim of his cap casting part of his face in dramatic shadow. "...Only recently MacArthur announced the victory of U.S. sea forces in the battle against the Japs in the Coral Seal." Dated May 13, 1942, the month that Bataan fell, his Filipino and American troops subject to one of the most horrific episodes of Japanese cruelty. • With, candid of MacArthur looking into the distance, a hint of a smile. N.Y. newspaper's date stamp on verso, Apr. 3, 1944. • A much younger candid, but printed in World War II period, hands in pockets, bathed in sunlight, intently watching, perhaps on a drill field. From 1919-22, MacArthur was Supt. of West Point. • Against a curtained backdrop, two Generals beside him, MacArthur sizing up a civilian seemingly about to salute. The expression on his face is priceless. White delamination at top from a label or tape in newspaper use, just touching top of curtain above head. All with usual darkroom handling, minor wear, but very satisfactory to very good. $90-120 (6 pcs.)

16-10. Doolittle Signed Cover.

Low-production World War II patriotic envelope, with slate-blue pen-and-ink-style four-engined plane in flight, orange-red stylized type "Wings Over America." Hand-cancelled Progress, Miss., Feb. 16, 1944, but unaddressed. 3¢ violet stamp, "Win the War." Signed postwar "J.H. Doolittle" in bright blue, beneath cachet. Printed letterpress, but fairly primitive, perhaps on a hobby press or by a small-town print shop. A post office only operated in Progress - named for the "progressive education" offered at the local schoolhouse - from 1937-55. Soft lip along lower horizontal edge from long box storage, bend at lower right tip, minor handling evidence, else pleasing buttery toning, and V.F. Presumed a very scarce design, and rare postmark. $120-150

16-11. From a Schofield Barracks Private to "Miss Rachel Rosenberg, Beauty Shop...."

Highly varied, unexplored lot of over 55 soldiers' envelopes from World War II era, 1942-45 (just several post-VJ Day), about 31 with letters, some multi-page. Wide variety of origins, units, censor markings, postal stationery, frankings, postal markings, and APOs, variously, including Algeria, Cherbourg, Cold Bay (Alaska), Duncan Field (San Antonio), Luneville (France), New Caledonia, New Guinea (4), Paris, Philippines, Presidio of Monterey (Calif.), Schofield Barracks (Hawaii) (2), Thatcham (England), Thionville, and more. Senders include "88th Depot Repair Squadron," "U.S.A.D. #1," "Band - 142 Infantry," "713th Tank Battalion," 13 letters from same sailor, "U.S. Naval Repair Base, San Diego," "571st Amb(ulance) Co.," TAG Sch(ool), Ft. Sam Houston, Texas," "745th Bomb Sqdn., 456th Bomb Grp.," "A.P.O. 7185 Algeria," "Anti-Tank Co., 147th Infantry...," and more. The Pfc. at A.P.O. 957 (Schofield Barracks), 1943, addresses "Miss Rachel Rosenberg...Harrisburg, Pa."; in contemporary pencil has been added, "Beauty Shop."

Extracts of just two letters at random: One of the thirteen sailor's letters to his wife in Chicago, so longing in passages that while it passed the military censor, some passages (redacted below) undoubtedly garnered his full attention: "...In your said you were willing to go through with the divorce and then take a trip. I was all overjoyed but the next day you said forget what you said because you were blue & lonesome...I know exactly how you feel...You say that you are really going to make up for this ‘No Nooky' when I get home...I really only want one thing for Xmas beside you and that is the negatives of the pictures of you...All my love forever." • Camp Shelby, Miss.: "Hi Honey...It's Sunday, the club is open and also the bar, but what do they sell? Beer, beer an' more beer. We went into town last evening and bought 3 quarts of ‘Quick Silver.' Needless to say the M.P.s tried to stop us at the gate. That was a mistake. There was only two of them and three of us. They had guns, we had bottles. Their pistols were not loaded, our bottles were. Today an investigation is under way to find out who smashed the gates. I don't know, do you?..." • With 2 World War I envelopes, one with multipage letter, other a curiosity: The 34th Div. arrived in France in late 1918. Assigned A.P.O. 912, it was then found to be in use; this cover with A.P.O. 829 shows a second number was used by them. Occasional wear or defects, but generally cleaner than usually found, and very good to very fine. Suitable group for study or display; the letters will certainly prove interesting reading. $160-220 (over 57 covers + about 32 letters)

16-12. Casualty of the 8th Army-Air Force's Most Costly Mission Ever - Big Week, 1944.

Rare and dramatic airmail cover, from Springfield, Mass., Mar. 21, 1944, purple handstamp "Missing in Action / 566 B(omb) Sq(ua)d(ron) / 389 B(omb) G(rou)p...," signed and dated Apr. 6 by a Commanding Officer of 8th Army-Air Force. Mailed to Lt. Raymond H. Moulton, A.P.O. 634. Black bar stamp, "Return to Sender / Verified / 1st Base P.O." On verso, large "Control Section" handstamp, plus three additional postmarks, the envelope returning to Grand Central Annex on May 4. Orange 6¢ airmail entire. A B-24 Liberator heavy bombardment squadron, the 566th "engaged in very long range strategic bombardment operations over Occupied Europe and Nazi Germany...(and) participated in the intensive air campaign against the German aircraft industry during Big Week, Feb. 20-25, 1944..." Addressee Lt. Moulton's memory is preserved in the American Air Museum in Britain: "Shot down by flak on the return from a mission to Erkner, Berlin on 8 Mar. 1944 in B-24J...Prisoner of War. Flew 5 missions including Berlin and Gotha on 2/24/44. This was the most costly mission ever flown by the 8th Air Force in lost planes and airmen."--modern photograph and text accompany. Miraculously, Moulton survived. Surprisingly light postal wear, else fine and clean. $65-90

16-13. Air Support for Merrill's Marauders.

Stirring group of original photographs of World War II airmen and their targets. Including: photograph, 8 x 10, pilots of 528th Century Club, seated in the tropics, all identified on verso in ink. Flying over one hundred missions in Burma, the 528th also supplied air support for Merrill's Marauders, May 15-Aug. 31, 1944. • Photo of decorated soldier - probably the one who saved this lot, 31/4 x 5, with caption, "Shillsong, India, on rest from Burma." •6 snapshots of men at ease, one a candid of Paulette Goddard visiting the group, two photos of men with Jeep, printed poem "Assam" (locale of Shillsong), clipped from a soldier's newspaper, all on scrapbook leaf. Much edge chipping, but photos very good. • Four dramatic action shots by aerial photographer, 91/2 x 91/2 and 8 x 10: Bombardment of "Shipping (in) Humboldt Bay, 12-4-44...," Indonesia, the Mustang-type plane flying off the photo; Astonishing shot of American plane strafing stern of a Japanese(?) ship, the water alive with machine-gun fire, as the plane flies just feet above the deck; Distant but low shot of American bombing of a large warship, the second of its three drops seemingly hitting its mark; B-25 landing on an airfield, its nose art soft-focus but perhaps recognizable. • Two small aerial snapshots of Humboldt Bay and bombing of several ships, presumed in the same region as above. • Three original prints from large-format aerial camera, dated July and Aug. 1944, with fascinating detail of buildings, roads, and coastal features. 7 x 10 and 10 x 10. Markings may identify with research. Smaller photo lacking 1 x 21/2" corner. • Dramatic carbon copy of typewritten General Orders, H.Q., 49th Bombardment Wing, Aug. 1, 1944, 8 x 13, 1 full p. Profusely commending the performance of 484th Bombardment Group, "worthy of the highest praise. Second youngest Bombardment Group of this Air Force...Day after day this organization has airborne two fully attack units whose formation flying has been so well integrated that (on) all but three occasions enemy fighters have been loath to encounter its fire power and superior flying. This is the group that in its third month of operations led the Air Force in excellence of bombing, a feat rarely achieved by so youthful a combat team...." Describing the Group's destruction of aircraft factories in Austria and Germany. "During the night of preparation for this raid more than 50% of their aircraft required engine changes...Due to the almost impenetrable cloud cover over the Alps the groups became separated, leaving the 484th alone. As they came near the bombing approach they saw the entire Air Force and its escort on the route home. Because they had been briefed to expect upwards of 200 enemy aircraft... they knew was virtual suicide for any lone group to attempt to bomb Munich, a target which is unusually dangerous...Worthy of the praise of...a grateful nation." • Wonderful crew portrait, three rows of aviators posed in front of head-on bomber, probably a B-25, its Plexiglas nosecone and perfectly aligned propellers a dramatic backdrop. Signed on verso by 31 of its 40 men, with their home towns. Probably 484th Bombardment Group; further identifiable with research. Group with much handling, some edge wear and other defects, but still very satisfactory and better, and an uplifting story. Ironically, the B-25 bomber remained in the air til 1979 - in Indonesia - which had felt its wrath in the war. $300-450 (18 pcs.)

16-14. Closing in on the Land of the Rising Sun: "Special Sub Chaser 99 Report X."

Large, highly interesting papers of World War II sailor Robert Griggs of Williamsport, Pa., 1943-46, seeing action as an anti-aircraft gunner on the destroyer minelayer U.S.S. Tolman, clearing the approaches to the beaches of Okinawa, then a radioman on U.S.S. Mervine, and occupying Japan. From his draft notice, to dramatic cables received aboard ship - keyboarded by him, to his return to the coffee business. Including: Selective Service order to report for induction, in dreaded oversize envelope, May 1944. • Printed Navy letter to his family upon his arrival at Naval Training Station, with menus on verso, assuring recipients of his nourishment: "...For the next several weeks your bluejacket will spend every waking hour learning how to be a sailor...Don't send more food to him. Such gifts have no place in the Navy's scientifically balanced diet...." • Eight retained copies (one a duplicate) of Navy radio messages, typewritten (certainly by Griggs) on green, yellow, goldenrod, buff, or blue, very late war date to Mar. 1946. Message received: "I did not signal your ship but I want to go alongside mine dock to fit sweep gear and to fuel immediately...." Comment typed below, "He didn't do too bad for being a Jap. We were watching them through the long glass and it didn't appear there were any Americans on board of her, at least...near the bridge where he was signaling from." Others include: "Special Sub Chaser 99 Report X. On 23 Feb. destroyed on mine east beach of Kushijima...Action to Capt. Rorschach." "From Govt. Hydro Honolulu, To all ships and stations...mines have been swept by Japanese forces. Area opened to Japanese traffic. Area not check swept by U.S. forces...Not considered safe for us...." "...Expect to sail your unit in company with CM 5 Terror...." Another from "Port Director at Eniwetok," at end of Marshall Islands, which became proving ground for atomic weapons; to "Shipping Control Officer, Marianas Area." • War-date order of worship service, printed on Tolman, Mar. 18, 1945, 8 x 13. Annotated and initialed by Griggs. Chipping at one blank edge. • Worship services, printed aboard repair ship Vestal (its Commander awarded Medal of Honor for bravery at Pearl Harbor, the Vestal adjoining the Arizona), May 6, 1945. Their prayers worked: Germany surrendered the following morning. • Philadelphia Inquirer, May 21, 1945, 4 pp. section, containing full-p. map, "The Rise and Decline of Japan's Empire of Conquest...." • Griggs' manuscript "Notes from Chemical Warfare Classes at Naval Research Lab, Anacosta, D.C., July 1945," 4 sheets, folded, in pencil. •Partly printed form, "Commander Task Group 523," with uncirculated 1 and 10 Sen coins taped (a second 1 Sen coin missing). Griggs has penned their U.S. equivalents: "1 Sen = .000667¢" (1,500 to the cent!), such was the rampant inflation. • Original pencil portrait by Griggs of a named fellow shipboard radio operator at work, "Pappy Copying," dated Sept. 9, 1945. •Printed "Souvenir Program - San Pedro Yard of Bethlehem Steel Co. - Commissioning the U.S.S. Harwood, Last Vessel of War Built by the San Pedro Yard, Sept. 28, 1945," 6 x 91/4, 4 pp. Bluetone printed photo of ship laid in, with Griggs' postwar address label on verso.

• Crudely printed booklet, "A Manual of English Conversation," by Y. Kogure, printed in Kumamoto, Occupied Japan, Nov. 25, 1945, 31/2 x 5, 32 pp. "To meet the sudden and almost unthinkable enormous demand, I compiled this very small book...." Japanese-English for useful words and phrases: "A Chinese dinner please...." Excessively rare. No copies located by WorldCat. • Ship-printed Christmas Day dinner and "Wardroom Mess" menus, 1945, Tolman, at the once-impenetrable Sasebo, with amateur art of a sailor shaking hands with Santa, captioned "Japan." Both initialed by Griggs. • Ship-printed "Plan of the Day," Dec. 25, 1945 - the first Christmas at peace, 8 x 13, initialed by Griggs. "0530 - Call ship's cook of the watch...1230 - Christmas Dinner. 1300 - Liberty and recreation parties leave the ship...Note: The drains in the heads have been repeatedly clogged...Use the G.I. cans for trash disposal...No beards, guns, or knives will be permitted ashore. Dysentery is prevalent in this area. Wash your hands frequently. Despite the strange surroundings, a new country, and different hostile people, no snow, and not too much spirit, and much longing for home, the Capt. and I extend the Season's Greetings to all hands...." • 1946 monthly calendar book, 31/2 x 43/4, stylized Mount Fuji on cover, blue and red on newsprint, Japanese-English text. Interestingly presented in Western, not Imperial form. • Ship-printed worship services aboard the advanced communications command post Panamint (later floating headquarters for observers at Bikini A-bomb test), Jan. 6, 1946. • Dramatic typewritten carbon copy of an incoming cable from Secretary of the Navy, red-stamped Jan. 18, 1946, 2 sheets, 8 x 13, presumed typed by Griggs. "Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz...reported to joint meeting of both Houses of serious difficulties are being experienced anywhere in the demobilization program...summarized here for the information of all hands. The original demobilization schedule which would have released 836,000 men between VJ Day and Jan. 1 was more than 30%...By New Years Eve the Navy had released to civilian life 1,233,005 people...We can foresee nothing that will interfere with the continued speed...The job of having millions of men in all services back from war theaters...has been met by 917 ships having simultaneous berthing capacity for 1,400,000 officers and men...including battleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers, hospital ships, attack cargo vessels, attack transports. Already more than 51/4 million Americans have been returned to their homeland...." Original 2-hole punch at blank top, handling wrinkles, else good. • Four "Imperial Japanese Telegraph" telegram forms, peacock blue on newsprint, stamped "Tokyo," one with his message, Mar. 10, 1946: "In Tokyo now. Leaving for stateside tomorrow." • Large period envelope to Griggs from Navy, 11/2¢ postage, containing 5 official photostats (positive and negative prints) of his discharge and service record, and illustrated newsletter, The Injector, from his 1944 residence at Naval Training School, Richmond. • Application for World War II Compensation, 2 pp. plus large envelope. • Letter from a shipmate, June 1946, a lawyer in Iowa: "...With all the young boys back, trouble is being stirred up again from all sides...."

• Postwar photographic Christmas cards, specially printed by Griggs, showing the Mervine (5 identical), and Tolman (1). Scalloped edges. • Several additional items from Occupied Japan. Varied wear, but generally good to very good. Stirring encapsulation of the service and adventures of a member of the Greatest Generation. $550-800 (About 70 pcs. + modern research)

16-15. Home of the Infantry - Fort Benning, Georgia.

Unlikely group of postcards of Ft. Benning, all postally unused. Real-photo cards, c. 1944: "Medium Tank, Ft. Benning"; "Officer's Club..."; "River Crossing...," two different, showing caissons; Chapel; Infantry School, with three identifiable cars in foreground; School, different facade; General's Quarters; "Para-Trooper...," with dramatic skyward view of soldier descending, his chute billowing above. Last card with right-angle paper adhesion and offset of one word in ink, perhaps from envelope and its enclosure; balance fine plus. • Four color linen postcards, early postwar: Hospital; (white) Paratroopers just landed, taking positions for firing; Main Theatre; Armored Division in Review. (Ft. Benning was also home of the elite, all-black 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion, deployed to the Pacific Northwest, concerned that forest fires would be set by Japanese incendiary balloons.) Very fine. $70-90 (13 pcs.)

16-16. The Ends of World Wars I and II.

Historic newspaper sections, defects as described at conclusion: Boston Evening Record, Extra, Nov. 11, 1918. "Peace Terms Made Public - All Draft Calls Off...." • Boston Evening Globe, Nov. 11, 1918, Evening Edition - 7:30 Latest. "Armistice Terms - Germany Completely Stripped of Power - All Draft Calls are Cancelled...." Nov. 11, 1918 papers are surprisingly elusive. • Boston Sunday Post, Nov. 17, 1918. "American Army Off for the Rhine at 12:30 this Morning - Germany's Pleas are Resented...." •Front-back page wrap only, of Chicago Daily Tribune, Aug. 15, 1945. "Great War Ends! Japs Will Surrender to Gen. M'Arthur...U.S.S. Indianapolis Sunk; All Aboard Casualties ...Army to Free Millions...Ships to Turn Back...Words that Ended War...." Red and blue flag at top, "An American paper for Americans." Some edge tears, else very satisfactory. • Also, same of Baltimore News-Post, May 14, 1940. "Nazis 10 Miles inside France - 2,000 Tanks in 2nd Day of Battle in Belgium... History's Greatest Tank Battle...." Three World War I papers heavily chipped, much loss of text at center horizontal folds and some edges, tears and other defects, but still displayable survivors. Suitable for classroom use; their appearance will probably mesmerize youngsters. Not examined out of older wrappers; supplied with new Ultrafilm. Photo available. Much discounted, $45-65 (5 pcs.)

16-17. "Signed Sealed and Delivered" - Marine Corps Photos of Japan's Surrender.

Dramatic collection of ten original glossy press photographs of the surrender aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, Sept. 2, 1945, 8 x 10, all but two by Marine Corps photographer Lt. David Duncan, all but one with detailed captions stencilled on verso in purple. "Jap Signers Arrive...," an incredible view from an upper deck, as the scene was beheld by sailors, guns of the Missouri scanning the sky, other photographers perched atop an anti-aircraft gun. • Japanese delegates waiting, the tuba of the American band behind them, as MacArthur and Nimitz step from their upper-deck quarters to commence the signing. White area at upper left where hung to dry by photographer; USMC logo at bottom. • View from above of Adm. Nimitz at "the momentous signing of the surrender document ending history's greatest war." Behind him, MacArthur, Halsey, and group of "high-ranking military and naval representatives from all the Allied powers. This official U.S. Navy Photograph was flown directly from Japan to Washington, arriving Sept. 3, 1945." • "Marine Leaders at War's End...." Closeup of tophat held by a Japanese, as he stands before the table containing surrender documents. Cropped at bottom, by newspaper. • "Slight Error - After the signing...the Japanese delegation waits for a correction to be made on their copy. Canada was entered on the wrong line. Here as Lt. Gen. Walter Sutherland, chief of staff to Gen. MacArthur, makes the correction, the envoys of Nippon look on..." (with frowns and scowls). • Marine Lt. Gen. Roy Geiger and Adm. William Halsey "shoot the breeze on deck of the Missouri while attending formal signing of the Japanese surrender terms in Tokyo Bay." • "Signed Sealed and Delivered - After the formal signing...the Japanese party leaves the battleship...," an American escort leading the vanquished past the band. •Seconds later, from the same vantage point on deck, but with salutes: "Mission Accomplished - Members of Japanese surrender mission doff their civilian hats in answer to salutes of deck officer, as the Nipponese surrender party leaves the U.S.S. Missouri...." • "Surrender Guards - Members of the Marine detachment of U.S.S. Missouri...come to attention as Japanese emissaries prepare to go ashore after formal signing of surrender terms...." Some expected but moderate handling evidence, few with minor edge defects, but generally very good. A remarkable assemblage, capturing one of the most impactful days in modern history. $325-475 (10 pcs.)

16-18. In the Desolate Land of the Rising Sun.

Group of six candid silverprint photographs depicting life in Japan shortly after American arrival, nearly all with the Arbus-like poignancy seen in the work of top lensmen and women. Probably taken with medium-format camera, 8 x 10 and 81/2 x 103/4, and enlarged and developed under makeshift field conditions, on double-thick paper. Including: Four different views of small shanty under construction, bare-chested Japanese hammering scraps of paper onto wooden framework, amidst profuse rubble. In two photos, a woman with baby on her back and two older children look on, then step into the skeletal house. The few shacks remaining in back-ground suggest a city that was firebombed, such as Nagoya. • Japanese man glaring at camera, seated on wooden bench, in front of curious peaked structure with cupola, sans window glass, an overhang fashioned from corrugated metal. •Fascinating study of Japanese boy, perhaps ten, facing the camera, as a Westerner in civilian jacket walks down alleyway with dollhouse-size shacks. A circular cage structure at end of road, perhaps containing coiled wire, is met by a utility pole, with ladder. • Also, glossy wire service photo of a lean-to in midst of a flattened city, garbage, splintered wood, and debris forming a carpet as far as the eye can see. A small child sits inside on the floor, and laundered rags hang on a clothesline. Exposures somewhat dark, minor handling, very fine marginal foxing, one with two edge tears not reaching image, else very good. Almost certainly unpublished, and well suited for exhibition. From this, Japan grew into one of the world's leading economies. $170-220 (7 pcs.)

16-19. Rare V-E Day Cancels.

Set of three envelopes, colorful cachet, "Germany Surrenders to the Allies," by artist E.W. Staehle, postmarked May 8, 1945, Berlin, Conn., Berlin, Ohio, and Germania, Pa. Depicting U.S., British, and Russian flags in swastika, Nazi serpent slain. Choice. $120-160 (3 pcs.)

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17. Judaica & Nazi

17-1. Savior of Jews and Slaves - Signed at Age 100.

Bold poignant signature of (Sir) Moses Montefiore, trimmed from letter, and mounted on mocha album leaf, with his steel-engraved, mourning-bordered visiting card, and cutting of his famous "Think and Thank" coat-of-arms, with "Jerusalem" in Hebrew. In another hand at bottom of leaf, "Written by Sir Moses when he was one hundred years old [c. 1885]," this judged penned c. 1920. 51/4 x 63/4 overall. Losing his clients' money to a fraudster at age twenty, the Italian-born Montefiore soon became Nathan Rothschild's stockbroker. Making a fresh fortune by 36, he retired, becoming a philanthropist, knighted by Queen Victoria for his charity to fellow Jews. His 1841-42 correspondence with the British consul in Damascus sped development of Proto-Zionism. Montefiore's personal missions rescuing Jews and other minorities abroad "made him a folk hero of near mythological proportions among the oppressed Jews of Eastern Europe, North Africa, and the Levant...A government loan raised by the Rothschilds and Montefiore in 1835 enabled the British government to compensate plantation owners and thus abolish slavery in the Empire... Montefiore's 100th birthday [his last] was celebrated as a national event in Britain and by Jews around the world."--wikipedia. Minor handling evidence, else about fine, and striking for display. Pencil notations on verso of renowned dealer Mary A. Benjamin; with her typewritten draft description supplied to catalogue printer. Rare thus. $150-180

17-2. "In the hope of the New Zion...."

Significant, lengthy T.L.S. of Henrietta Szold, founder of Hadassah, believing that programs in Palestine open to both Jews and Arabs were needed for Jewish survival; saved countless children from the Holocaust. On letterhead of Zionist Organization of America, Dept. of Education, 55 Fifth Ave., N.Y., "Louis D. Brandeis, Honorary Pres.," June 12, 1919, 81/2 x 11, 11/2 pp. Large Star of David watermark on first sheet. To Dr. Joseph Feldman, Bellevue Hospital, supplying information for applicants in their American Zionist Medical Unit. Writing as they anxiously awaited the Treaty of Peace ending World War I, and the British Mandate on Palestine: "Since you were here the other day, I have been placed in the position of giving you a much more definite reply ...about the plans of the American Zionist Medical Unit...We shall not need any more American general practitioners in the immediate future. [Dr. Friedenwald in Palestine] does not think that the condition of the country is sufficiently definite to enable anyone to state what specialists will be needed...because men are coming from Europe at their own initiative, and they are better able to accommodate themselves to the simpler life and the small incomes than American physicians. Therefore no physician ought to come from America unless there is a special need for him and a request has been sent from Palestine to America. He believes that the chances for a general practitioner's making a living in Palestine are very poor. He underscores ‘very poor,' and he does not advise the physician who is writing to him to come... We also received a definitive report from Dr. Rubinow, Director of the Unit, who asks for a few nurses, a couple of dentists, a dermatologist, and a nose and throat specialist...I know how ardent your desire is to give service in Palestine. You see that it would be wrong for me to encourage your hope that you will be attached to the Medical Unit in the near future. Nobody knows what this near future may bring, however. After the Peace Conference announces its decision regarding Palestine, and after the situation is such that the administrative regulations of the Mandatory can be quickly developed and applied, and the doors are opened to immigration, the whole aspect of affairs will be changed. In the hope of the New Zion...." Evidently carried for some time in a pocket, folded in twelfths, much handling and wear, some edge tears, else very satisfactory, and dramatic for display. In 1917, Palestine was conquered by the British. The Balfour Declaration of that same year set forth British support for establishment of a national home for Jews in Palestine. The Mandate of 1920 took effect three years thence, opening the door to immigration, and ultimately - on the day the Mandate was abolished in 1948 - birth of the State of Israel. In Israel today, Mother's Day is celebrated on the day Szold died. Her grave there, paved over with a road by Jordan, was restored following the Six-Day War. With collector's invoice from Kenneth W. Rendell, 1976. A superb item. $675-875 (2 pcs.)

17-3. Happy New Year from Creator of "The Melting Pot."

A.L.S. of I(srael) Zangwill, important member of early Zionist movement, friend of Herzl, English Jewish dramatist and playwright, recognized for his tales of Jewish life (Children of the Ghetto, Dreams of the Ghetto, and others) - and author of the smash 1909 play, "The Melting Pot," which popularized the phrase. His impassioned writings also helped set the world mood for emergence of modern-day Israel. Cincinnati, Dec. 21, (1898), 43/4 x 8, 1 full p. To his manager, Major Pond. Discussing fees, expenses, lecture bookings, and visits to five American cities. In less than a year, the arrangement would dissolve, owing to Pond's exuberance in scheduling more lectures than Zangwill could physically deliver. "It will be all right about Louisville, though I did imagine it was to-day, & I shall lecture on ‘Fiction.' The sum handed to me as my share in Cincinnati is $320.70. I am glad Miss Manheimer made a little profit. In Chicago, Neumann deducted $4.90 for your telegrams, expresses &c. to him, so please see they are not repeated on my bill. The ‘250 lithographs' distinctly appears on the Cleveland contract. I shall spend Xmas at Philadelphia & migrate to New York for the New Year, which I wish full of happiness & prosperity...." Light creamy marginal toning, few minor creases, else fine. Zangwill's legacy lives on: "His greatest effect may have been as a writer who popularized the idea of the continuation of ethnicities into a single, American nation" --wikipedia. And his Big Bow Mystery, the first "locked room" mystery novel, has been in print almost continuously since 1891. $130-160

17-4. The Election that Changed History.

Excessively rare Leipzig printing of the notorious and important Nazi-issued, anti-Semitic election broadside for the 1932 contest which would change the world, Hitler vs. Hindenburg. 91/4 x 121/4, black on pulp. With photographs of ten Jews supporting the Hindenburg ticket, and ten backing Hitler's, the latter including Göring, Alfred Rosenberg, Röhm, Strasser, "Dr. Goebbels," and other monsters. Issued by Heinz Franke [Hans Frank, then head of Nazi Party's legal department], Munich; printed by R. Scheffler, Leipzig. "Wir Wählen Hindenburg" ("We Choose Hindenburg") in mock Hebrew lettering above his ten backers, claiming they variously brought shame on Germany with the Versailles Treaty, years of social unrest, hyperinflation - and moral perversity. Most of their noses have been retouched - to make them larger. In bold Fraktür above and below Hitler's supporters, "Wir wählen Hitler! Schau Dir diese Köpfe an, und Du weisst, wohin Du gehörst!" (Roughly, "We Choose Hitler! Look at these heads, and you know who You support!") In this, the last direct German presidential election, "Hindenburg won 49% of the March vote to Hitler's 30%, short of the needed absolute majority. In the April runoff, Hitler gained 2 million votes, for a 36% share, but Hindenburg won the presidency with 53%. The Nazi Party continued its massive surge in popularity in the July Reichstag elections, winning over 37% of the vote, making it the largest political party in Germany. Fearing political chaos or a Communist victory, Hindenburg and his advisors turned to the Nazi Party for support. In Jan. 1933, Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor. By summer, the Nazi dictatorship was in control of the country..."--Text credit: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Only two examples of this printing located, in the latter, and Imperial War Museum; the other nine worldwide in WorldCat all appear to be Berlin imprints. The pre-war center of German publishing, Leipzig entered the Cold War era as part of East Germany. Old eighth folds, soiling on blank verso, browntoning, else very good, and a seminal artifact of the Twentieth Century. $375-525

17-5. As the Holocaust Advances, Einstein Ponders an Immigration Dilemma.

Significant T.L.S. of A(lbert) Einstein, reflecting his personal leadership in aiding victims of Hitler's persecution. On sheet blind-embossed by his own hand, Princeton, Oct. 7, 1940, 81/2 x 111/4, to Frau (Alice) Kohn-Orlan. In German. Einstein, perhaps his correspondent's highest and last resort, offers his regrets for the predicament of a trapped European scholar. "I am terribly sorry that you have suffered this misfortune. In my opinion Herr Lunau is not eligible for the non-quota immigration visa; for once because it will be impossible to find a teaching position for him in his absence and secondly because he has not been employed as a university instructor during the last several years. The Emergency Rescue Committee is reported to be functioning only rather sluggishly at the moment, without doubt this has to do with the state of political insecurity created by the impending presidential elections. I am sorry, but I see no way in which I could effectively support this aid program at this time. Please tell this (to) Mr. Schrag. With best wishes for a speedy recovery." Signed in turquoise.

Einstein had been a prime impetus behind what would evolve - over the next eight decades - into today's International Rescue Committee. In 1934, recognizing the danger posed by Hitler, Einstein founded the International Relief Association. When Paris fell to the Nazis in 1940, a separate group was formed - the Emergency Rescue Committee - cited by Einstein in this letter. Shortly, the two groups merged, running clandestine missions in a race against time to rescue some of Europe's most famous artists, writers, and intellectuals - many on the Nazis' most-wanted list. "Over the next 13 months, Fry [the group's agent] and a small team of Americans and French helped at least 1,500 refugees escape from France to Spain, and provided aid to more than 2,000 others. Among those spirited out of France were the painters Marc Chagall and Max Ernst, philosopher Hannah Arendt, and Nobel Prize-winning medical researcher Otto Meyerhof. Within a year, the collaborationist Vichy French government learned of Fry's efforts. In Aug. 1941, he was expelled ‘for helping Jews and anti-Nazis.' In 1942, the E.R.C. office was raided and closed. Back in New York, Fry loudly, but in the end futilely, tried to alert the world to what would come to be known as the Holocaust. ‘There are things so horrible that decent men and women find them impossible to believe,' Fry wrote in The New Republic in Dec. 1942. He continued, ‘their ends are the enslavement and annihilation of the Jews...(and) after them, of all the non-German peoples of Europe, and if possible, the entire world.' It was many years before Fry's exploits won the recognition they deserved. Five months before his death in 1967, France awarded him the French Legion of Honor. In 1996, Israel honored him posthumously, when he became the first American to receive its ‘Righteous Among Nations' medal..." Fry was honored at Smithsonian colloquia celebrating Einstein's 100th birthday in 1980. Some soft creases at top and bottom blank margins, evidently from postal handling, one tiny down-fold at top edge, uniform eggshell toning, else about fine, and suitable for display. • With T.L.S. of Otto Nathan, Princeton economist and close friend of Einstein, as Trustee, Estate of Albert Einstein, 24 Fifth Ave., N.Y., Dec. 5, 1972. "To Whom It May Concern," requesting a photostat of this letter for their files, from its buyer in the recent Charles Hamilton auction. "We try to make our archives as complete as possible...We should be grateful indeed." Very fine, with timely association. Einstein's life-saving legacy lives on: the current Refugee Scholars Project, a research venture of Northeastern University and New York Public Library, seeks to rediscover the stories of some 6,000 scholars who sought refuge here during World War II. It appears that Heinz Lunau, a "non-grantee" in the archives, was not one of the fortunate ones, though he did survive the war. $3400-4200 (2 pcs.)

17-6. Anti-Semitic Propaganda.

Two issues of anti-Semitic, anti-American (and anti-Chinese) Nazi cartoon and "humor" magazine Lustige Blätter, Berlin, May 28 and June 25, 1943, 83/4 x 113/4, 12 pp. ea., color and tints simulating watercolor, on pulp. • Large-format propaganda magazine, laced with cartoons, Die Brennessel, Berlin, Mar. 22, 1938, 11 x 143/4, (12) pp., on pulp. With anti-Semitic cover art, red and black, showing an arm bearing swastika grabbing a Jew, a Star of David passport(?) falling from his hand: "Sie spielten falsch, Herr Schuschnigg!" Vicious anti-Semitic cartoon occupying entire back page, showing a table of Jewish diners - all with enormous noses - in a restaurant, their table strewn with a pig's head and liquor. Inside, verse "Alldeutschland, Reich der Deutschen." Four corners chipped and defective, lesser edge tears, uniform toning, somewhat fragile, but satisfactory. $80-110 (3 pcs.)

17-7. Escape from Hitler - to Uganda.

Fascinating file of seven transit documents and four photographs of a Viennese Jewish woman fortuitously fleeing the impending holocaust - to Africa. The first material we recall handling involving the African interior as a refuge for Jews. Olga Pick Awin, born in Czechoslovakia 1883, divorced as a young woman with two sons, left for Uganda in 1939, and later in the war, according to her family, traveling to Shanghai and England, eventually arriving in America. Comprising: Police document, "Zeugnis" (Certificate), Vienna, July 4, 1938, 8 x 12. Purple Nazi handstamp. Strip of three brown and green Austrian tax stamps, tied with two additional Nazi handstamps. •"Der Polizeipräsident" form, typewritten, Vienna, Feb. 4, 1939. Listing her presence in Palästina (modern-day Israel) between 1929-34. Strip of five tax stamps, tied with three Nazi handstamps. Separated at center fold, some tattering at left, but still satisfactory. • The vital police certificate, Vienna, Feb. 6, 1939, granting passage from Austria to Uganda. Five tax stamps, tied with three Nazi handstamps. • Interesting "British Passport Control" document, entirely typewritten - in German - with green handstamp, Feb. 8, 1939. Lacking 11/2 x 2 mostly blank portion at upper right, blank triangular fragment at lower right, separated at center fold, tape repair on verso, chipping at left affecting part of handstamp, but speaking volumes. Uganda was a British Protectorate; once she secured Nazi permission to leave, British permission was required to enter Uganda. • Typewritten Nazi transcript, Vienna, Mar. 11, 1939, stating her personal details. Nazi handstamp, tax stamp, and signature of "official notary." • 1946 British "Certificate of Identity," functioning as a passport with photo, opening to 8 x 13, royal arms, purple "Chief Inspector / Immigration Branch / Home Office / 10, Old Bailey, London" oval handstamps. Inside, fascinating series of oval and triangular transit and Foreign Office handstamps, as she made her way, in the aftermath of the war, through France, "Kenya Colony," Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, and the renamed "Colony & Protectorate of Kenya." Four postage stamps (three surprinted "Passport") affixed and tied with official endorsements. An interesting and uncommon passport variant. • Earlier transit document, 1924, Austrian Interior Ministry, with handstamp and signature. • Small snapshot of her in stylish dress, standing in room with bold tropical wallpaper. •Photos, 21/2 x 33/4 and 31/4 x 51/2, showing her with adult son, holding badminton rackets, dog at their feet, Nairobi imprint, dated in pencil Dec. 3, 1941. • Son Walter, May 1940, in stylish white jacket, probably in hotel lobby, "Kampala, Uganda, Brit. East Africa." • Walter as a teenager, prewar studio pose, in suit. The war took a heavy toll: between her 1940 and 1946 photos, she seemingly aged several decades. Understandably with wear and some defects, photos fine. A fascinating story, showing survival through the greatest cataclysm of modern times, and excessively rare artifacts of an escape from the Third Reich to Africa. Jewish links to Uganda continued: the Israeli raid on Entebbe was successful in large part because they had built the airport! $325-450 (7 documents, 4 photos)

17-8. Israel's First Prime Minister on World Peace.

Typewritten extract from David Ben-Gurion's Israel: Years of Challenge (published 1963), signed below in rich blue. 5 x 7, on bright yellow leatherette duplex card stock. "Israel's future will be determined first of all by our own success in developing our own resources, but we have never lost sight of the importance of maintaining and strengthening our position in the family of nations. The aims of our foreign policy are: the welfare of world Jewry and the liberty of all Jews to join us in the Homeland; cooperation with new nations as far as lies within our power; and support for world peace. Something more should be said of the last two points: Israel's contribution to the advancement of the nations and to the strengthening of peace and brotherhood among men." Smudge of descender of "G," probably by his hand, else very fine, and highly attractive. A prime mover in the long and difficult journey to establish Israel, in 1946 Ben-Gurion turned down an unusual offer which could have changed the course of modern history: Staying at the same Paris hotel as Ho-Chi Minh, the two became friendly. The North Vietnamese Politburo chairman offered a Jewish home-in-exile - in Vietnam. $225-325

17-9. "I feel myself so lonely and secluded now...."

Sad A.L.S. of David Ben-Gurion, first Prime Minister of Israel, who had shaped the country in its formative years. In Hebrew, penned from the desert at age 84, lamenting passing of his close associate and dear friend, Arie Bahir. Sept. 12, (19)70, 1 p., 41/2 x 73/4, Sdeh-Boqer (Negev), to Bahir's widow. "...We suffer a huge loss, both of us, the State of Israel, the national revival deed, the agricultural movement and the entire nation...I have lost a dear close friend, one of very few; furthermore I feel myself so lonely and secluded now. His memory will stay with me as long as I live, and will never be forgotten from the annals of our state and people. D. Ben-Gurion." Bahir had been a loyal Zionist, and the political link between Ben-Gurion and his party after his demurral to the remote Negev. Mounted to tan album leaf on verso, corner portion of album leaf (only) lacking where removed, not detectable from front; quarter folds, postal wrinkles at right margin, else darkly penned and very good. • With 1978 Israeli banknote picturing Ben-Gurion. $650-900 (2 pcs.)

17-10. The Great Brandeis pronounces his name for Funk & Wagnalls.

T.L.S. of Frank H. Vizetelly, leading lexicographer, on letterhead as ed. of Funk & Wagnalls' New Standard Dictionary, N.Y., Sept. 8, 1933, 81/2 x 11. To "Mr. [corrected in his hand to The Hon.] Louis Dembitz Brandeis," Washington. "As you may have noticed, The Literary Digest is publishing each week the correct pronounciation of prominent names that are liable to be mispronounced. Before such publication, my aim is to have the authority of the bearer of that name. To that end, will you indicate as exactly as possible your own pronounciation of your name, also the syllable that is stressed." Below, Brandeis pens, "The second syllable is pronounced ‘dice.' The first syllable is stressed. L.D.B., 9/14/33." At end of sheet is precisely pencilled - presumed in Vizetelly's hand - the final entry for publication. Vizetelly also edited the 25-volume New Standard Encyclopedia of Universal Knowledge and numerous other works. Brandeis was first Jewish Justice on the Supreme Court. Two staple slits at upper left, dust toning at top, some handling wear, but about very good. A splendid Brandeis item and conversation piece. $275-350

17-11. Pictorial Tour of Social Club of Gotham's Wealthy Jewish Citizens.

Oversize volume, Progress Club of New York City, compiled upon completion of their new "Club House," Fifth Ave. and 63rd St., by noted Jewish architect Alfred Zucker. Photographed and pub. by George M. Allen & Co., 1890, ornate title gold-stamped on brown cloth, milk white moire endpapers, 133/4 x 17 oblong, unpaginated but substantial suite of full-page plates, possibly collotype, rich tourmaline greentone with wide cream frames on thick eggshell bristol, descriptive printed guardleaves. All edges gilt. Zucker's name in each plate's caption. Magnificent photographic studies, from glass plates, of his exquisitely blended Flemish, French, Italian Renaissance, and Ten Pin-style palace facing Central Park. Interesting social history: the Club was Jewish, in an era when anti-Semitism was prominent; even the money of Rothschild, Baruch, Bloomingdale, Thalman, et al, could not buy acceptance. First founded as the No Name Club, The New York Times wrote, "In Hebrew society, the Progress Club has the same standing as the Metropolitan in other circles...." A trade publication breathlessly described the new building: "‘The wealth of highly carved wood, wrought iron and brass, the great stained glass windows, one of which is 22 x 30 feet (depicting Progress ascending among clouds), the lavish use of onyx, serpentine and other semi-precious stones, the large picture ceilings, ivory enameled walls, superb hangings in coral plush and Etruscan gold...pedestals of malachite...silver chandeliers....' Everything, without exception...custom built to the designs of Zucker.The furniture, the draperies, carpets, even the candelabra, were manufactured according to the architect's drawings..."--Real Estate Record & Builders' Guide, at Cover with much water spotting and not attractive though may be somewhat improvable with gentle cleaning, some bubbling of cloth, some shelf fraying at top and bottom of spine, inner hinge cracked but holding, occasional light toned areas on plates from contact with groundwood guardleaves, the latter uniformly toned to rich cream, else internally sound and very good. Unrecorded by WorldCat. Possibly the only surviving photographic record of this architectural triumph: Incredibly, ten years later, the Progress Club began plans on even bigger quarters uptown. In all, the building only stood for 25 years. Architect Alfred Zucker's own copy, then ex-architect James Riely Gordon. $250-325

17-12. A Jewish Student at University of Michigan notes the San Francisco Fire.

Pocket-size Students' Hand-Book of the University of Michigan, 1904-05, presented by Students' Christian Assn., University Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. 21/2 x 51/2, 108 pp. + folding map, flexible grained oxblood leather, gilt seal of University, dark pink fore-edges. Pencil sig. of Jewish student David Landau, 611 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor - by way of Scranton, Pa., his meticulous Einsteinian manuscript entries - including the San Francisco earthquake - on calendar pages. His address book portion lists family and friends from The Bronx to Germany. Exhaustive compendium of information for students, including baseball and football records, Debating League, "Clubs and Orgrnizations" (note their typo), Cross Country Club, literary societies, band, and much more. Charming ads, some illus., including oil lamps for students. Two-dollar season tickets for lecture and performance schedule, including Sousa's Band, Edward Bok, Champ Clark, et al. In Landau's hand in pencil, extensive trivia on Scranton, including, "One of the 1st electric cars in world run here, Nov. 29, 1886." On a calendar page, "San Francisco Fire - 30,000 buildings burned, 3 to 4,000 acres, $300,000,000 loss, Whole business, shopping & theatrical quarters & most residences...." By the time of this entry, Landau was a stenographer in University of Michigan's Dept. of Law. He would become a Penna. attorney, active in Scranton silk, coal and steel, and prominent in Jewish affairs. Pres. by 1912 of the recently formed Y.M.H.A. of Scranton; mentioned in the modern book, From Ghetto to Emancipation.... Light wear, map fragile but sound, and generally about fine. $90-120

17-13. Founder of Ethical Culture Movement.

T.L.S. of Felix Adler, on letterhead of "The Society for Ethical Culture...," printed address 33 Central Park W. crossed out, with "123 E. 60 St." in another hand, June 15, 1905, 4 x 81/2. Sending thanks for "book of poems. I am about to leave town, but shall take it with me, and hope to enjoy it during my summer vacation." Debuting his shocking ideas for "The Judaism of the Future" at age 23, Adler proposed a global religion "that united all of Mankind in moral social action"--wikipedia. Blank bottom half of sheet removed, apparently for tipping into letter-book by recipient "Mr. Davenport," some wrinkled, else very good. Uncommon. Unlisted in Sanders. $100-140

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18. Medical

18-1. Quarantine! - Public Health Perils in the New Century.

Fascinating and unique collection of 10 dramatic printer's proofs of signs, each warning of a different disease, Penna. Board of Health, evidently 1909, each about 63/4 x 10. • With their printed circular of Apr. 9, 1907, "Instructions for the Regulation of Quarantine, Isolation and Disinfection in the several Communicable Diseases," 81/2 x 11, 3 pp. All signed in type by State Commissioner of Health Dr. Samuel Dixon. Detailed definitions of levels of quarantine and isolation. "Absolute Isolation includes...hanging a sheet, kept constantly moist...over the doorway of the patient's room...." Listing 29 diseases requiring same, including number of days excluded from school: Anthrax, Bubonic Plague, Cholera, Erysipelas, German Measles, Scarlet Fever, Small-pox, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough, Yellow Fever, and others. • With proofs of signs for various diseases, black on thin gummed yellow-orange, intended to be affixed to doors and walls of afflicted premises. Each rubber-stamped "Specimen," with corrections in thick green crayon, to be made before printing. Comprising: "Whooping Cough! All persons are notified of the presence of this communicable disease and are warned of the danger of visiting...No person other than those authorized by Board of Health shall remove this placard...." • "Yellow Fever! These premises under State quarantine...No person shall be permitted to enter, leave or take any article from this house...excepting physicians, nurses in charge of the sick, or the clergyman...." • "Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis! (Spotted Fever)...." • "Malarial Fever!..." • "Anthrax!..." • "German Measles!..." • "Mumps!..." • "Chicken-Pox!..." • "Glanders!..." • "Scarlet Fever!..." Circular with old third folds, some wrinkles; signs with occasional marginal loss or tears, coiled in long storage, now in inexpensive, individual, modern black or brown frames, under glass, most ready to hang. Very satisfactory, and impactful: fascinating display with a collection of medical or social history. The Penna. Dept. (corrected to "Board" for the printer) of Health was only operational for about four years. Many of these diseases were vanquished, but once epidemic. In 1906, Journal of the A.M.A. announced Dixon's plan to placard houses harboring contagious diseases, specifically quoting the then-new whooping cough sign (the signs offered here add the fines and jail sentences imposed by law in 1909). A noted bacteriologist, Dixon's sanitary reforms - seen here as Penna. Commissioner - set new standards for public health; he is credited with saving thousands of lives. Excessively rare. No Dixon signs found on WorldCat. $400-550 (1 circular + 10 signs)

18-2. Summer School for Doctors - 1868.

Attractive group of three unused printed admission cards, "Bellevue Hospital Medical College, City of N.Y., Summer Session, 1868," each 3 x 41/4, black on ecru, surprinted in red, "...not to be counted in making up the two sources of Lectures required for Graduation." Lectures on Diseases of the Eye, Animal Chemistry, and Microscopical Anatomy, each with printed signature of Prof. (Dr. R. Ogden Doremus was prominent; a building at C.C.N.Y. is named for him.) Uniform light toning, else choice. $55-75 (3 pcs.)

18-3. Medical Remedies of Yesteryear.

Delightful group of items relating to patent and quack medicine: One of the prettiest almanacs we have seen, Rush's Almanac and Guide to Health, 1875, published by Dr. A.H. Flanders, Stuyvesant Sq., N.Y., 51/2 x 81/2, 48 pp. With splendid chromolithographed cover, showing grapes, peach, strawberries, a golden pear, and bluebells and other flowers, amidst ornate typography. On outside back, a colorful bird aloft over eggs in nest, orange squash, and flora. Poem "Iron is King!," promoting Rush's Sarsaparilla & Iron pills. Detailed imprint of Binghamton, N.Y. druggist. Decorative border all pages, closely set with combination of practical information and relentless sales patter for Rush's bitters and medicines. Minor wear, else V.G., and lovely for display. • Oversize envelope with cornercard, "Recent Literature on Diphtheria Anti-Toxin, from H.K. Mulford Co., Chemists, Phila...," judged c. 1900. 51/2 x 81/4. Two sound 1¢ blue Franklins. Browning, some edge tears, but about V.G. • Pair of oversize chromolithographed trade cards, Bugbee & Brownell, Providence, R.I., 33/4 x 51/2. One showing vanilla plant, other a spray of thyme, sage, and marjoram. On versos, text describing their "fine flavoring extracts" and "herb and herb dressing," respectively. •Oversize advertising postcard, "Effervescing Piperazine-Midy," Midy Laboratories, 366-368 W. 11 St., N.Y., flag-cancelled 1912. Red and blue. For treatment of gout, lumbago, sciatica, neuritis, gravel, and other ailments. Margins toned, two soft corner creases, else very good. • Envelope with cornercard, "Bayer Co., Inc., 908 Chestnut St., Philadelphia...," 1916. Interesting pencil arithmetic on verso figuring weight of yards of yarn and jute. Toning, good plus. • Trade card for "Horsfords Acid Phosphate for mental & physical exhaustion...A Delicious Drink...," Providence, R.I., 3 x 5. Young girl and text chromolithographed in near-fluorescent hot pink - a striking effect, seldom-seen thusly. Sales text on verso in black. One tip flaked to white paper core, else very good. •Advertising reply card, "Are your kidneys sick?," c. 1898, for sample of Smith's Buchu Lithia Pills. $75-100 (8 pcs.)

18-4. "Leland's Magic Cure" - and "Syrup of Poppies."

Group relating to patent, quack, and bona fide medicine: Superb manuscript invoice for very large number of drugs and products for medical practice, purchased by Dr. P.W. Little, Minersburg, Pa., from V.B. Whitaker, Baltimore, Nov. 20, 1832, 8 x 10, comprising 11/2 pp. list with quantities and prices, 1 p. letter, and integral stampless address-leaf. Advising against selling such merchandise on commission, as they are "subject to be soiled and damaged, and the profit that could be made on them would not make the two ends meet...." Including "1 doz. Tooth Brushes, 4 Row...Pearl Tapioca...Croton Oil...Syrup of Poppies [an opiate?]...1 gross Anderson's Pills...Lancet Phlegms...12 2-qt. Tincture Bottles...." Two fragments lacking where opened, no loss of text, some soiling of address panel, folds, else very good. • Trade card with bold typography, "Asthma Cured by Dr. R. Schiffmann's German Asthma Cure - instantly relieves the most violent attack...." St. Paul, Minn. Lovely color winter scene of barn with water wheel straddling a stream, with large beauty rose. Vivid and very fine. •Partly printed invoice of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia, 1886, 7 x 83/4. Printed list of 11 products, with quantities purchased in ink. Including hair tonic, liquid hair dye, carminative balsam, sanative pills, and more. Jayne even had their own tax stamps, listed in Scott. Original folds, else about fine. • Manuscript receipt for $1.60 royalties on "25 doz. Leland's Magic Cure during the year 1886," Boston, 51/2 x 81/2. Signed by Mrs. J.L. Leland. Oversize stork watermark. Some stains, else V.G. Nice conversation piece of this obscure enterprise. (Research shows their Magic Cure promised relief of "...All Pains, internal or external.") • Oversize reply postcard, c. 1930s, offering gratis tube of Bengue's Balsam, for neuralgia, rheumatism, and migraine. Made in Paris; imprint of German distributor, Frankfurt. Green entire. Still sold today. • Pricelist for Warner & Co.'s Phosphorus and Sugar-Coated Pills, Philadelphia, (1874), 6 x 93/4, 4 pp., black on lemon yellow. For "lapse of memory, softening of the brain, loss of nerve power...." Listing ingredients and prices for 14 preparations; some of the items are homeopathic, still widely used. Some wear and edge tattering, else very satisfactory. Moderately early American medical content. $130-170 (6 pcs.)

18-5. Optometry, Spectacles, and the Eyes.

Delightful collection of 10 items and photographs relating to optometry and eyes: Postcard, 1894, with lilac oval handstamp of "A(lfred) Ward - Optician... Denver, Colo.," to customer in Parkers, Colo. "I have sent today by Pacific Express your specs as directed, .25 and .50...Hoping you will find one of them right for your Eyes...." • Postcard from H.H. Kayton, 82 Nassau St., N.Y., with illustration of "Kayton's White Crystals" spectacles. To an Asheville, N.C. trade customer: "Only 1 Job left and that has given me lots of trouble. Will send it soon." • Attractive statement of James W. Queen & Co., Opticians, N.Y. and Phila., 1875, 41/2 x 51/2, ruled in pink. To Trinity College, Hartford, listing four invoices. • Queen, different layout, 1875, to Trinity. Imprinted "Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments, Microscopes...Magic Lanterns, Spectacles...Engineer's Drawing Paper...." For "1 Savarts Bell & Resonator, 35.00; Box, .25." • Window-front envelope, cornercard "Harvey & Lewis Co., Opticians...Springfield, Mass." Blue rubber stamping, "Have your eyes examined once a year!" Good 2¢ red Washington coil. • Envelope, cornercard "...New England Council of Optometrists / Dr. Carl F.A. Schroeder / Everett, Mass." 11/2¢ Martha Washington. Cancelled, but no year. • Charming carte of a highly photogenic girl, perhaps 11 years of age, proudly adjusting her glasses. Imprint of Joseph Ward, Boston. • Carte of girl, about 4 years old, cross-eyed (sans glasses). In lace apron, hair curled for the occasion. No imprint. Judged c. 1880s. Beveled gilt edges. Excellent. • Velvet-matte silverprint photograph, c. 1915, of a couple on their wedding day - both wearing the same style of old-fashioned spectacles. 5 x 63/4. Posed beside leaded glass window, her long white train arranged on the floor, as she holds flowers. Album mounting remnant at right edge, else very fine. • Large kraft envelope, postmarked Dresden, with pictorial cancel showing an eye with flamboyant eyelashes, and indicia "Internationale Hygiene Ausstellung...1930...." Good. $120-160 (10 pcs.)

18-6. Antebellum Medical Lecture Broadside.

Broadside, c. 1856, advertising "Drs. Cutter & Cutcheon, Will give a course of lectures / To the citizens of _ on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene...," 73/4 x 231/4. Three large, detailed woodcuts of the body's muscles, skeletal structure, and organs of torso. With contemporary manuscript corrections, likely in Dr. Cutcheon's hand, revising the text for a lecture tour sans Dr. Cutter, and omitting caption for the female woodcut. (It is surmised that the corresponding manikin, used in their lectures, wore out, or was retired.) The doctors toured with three manikins, "showing, with the greatest accuracy, the appearance, in a state of health, of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, Heart, Arteries...&c. These organs with each of the 450 Muscles, are removed separately, before the audience...Disease can be to a great degree prevented...These Lectures are designed for...popular and promiscuous audiences, Ladies (to whom this subject is most important), as well as Gentlemen...." Name of town, address, time, and ticket price to be added upon promotion in each locale. Past testimonials from Detroit, Louisville, Ohio, Racine, St. Louis, and other appearances. Trimmed but ample margins, lacking upper right tip affecting part of last letter of "Cutcheon," old folds probably from Dr. Cutcheon's mailing to printer for revision, some edge tattering at lower left edge, but text complete; handling wear, else very satisfactory. "Drs. Cutter & Cutcheon" appear in an 1826-27 faculty list of New York City's College of Physicians & Surgeons. WorldCat locates nothing relating to the duo. Splendid for display and probably a unique survivor. $275-375

18-7. Order Forms for ... Opium.

Three bound manifests, kraft covers imprinted in red, "U.S. Internal Revenue - Office of the Commissioner - Order Forms for Opium, etc. - Issued by...District of Pa...." Series of 1923 and 1936, written 1929, 1944-45, and 1946, respectively. In all, containing 22 retained copies of order forms for "Opium or Coca Leaves...," 9 x 11, vignette of opium flowers, ornate security border, serially numbered, red or orange text with carbon and rubber stamps. Narcotics ordered include codeine sulf., cocaine, opium, and morphine sulf., each with quantities. Ordering firms include Smith Kline & French, Philadelphia. One lacking blank outside back cover, covers soiled, some handling wear and creases, but internally satisfactory and better. $65-90 (3 manifests)

18-8. Anti-Vaccination - 1879.

Victorian envelope bearing blind-embossed flap "National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League," postmarked Leicester (England). Addressed to "Y.J. Abel, The persecuted of the 19th Century / Splendid Anti-vaccinator / A stumbling block in the way of Despots / Farringdon, Berks." The line "A stumbling block..." in blood-red ink. Margins worn with two edge fragments lacking from postal handling, but perfs just clear, and good. Dramatic for display. $60-85

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19. Ancient & Mediaeval Manuscripts

19-1. Manuscript Fragments of the Time of Jesus to the Dark Ages.

A trio of items: c. 50 B.C. to 50 A.D., beginning of the Christian Era, in Aramaic - the language group spoken by Jesus and his disciples. Spindle-shaped center of an ancient lead scroll, 1/8 x 1. Not fully unrolled but clearly with Aramaic script, continuing on visible, outer portion. V.F. • C. 3rd to 5th century, in Coptic. Mocha ink on wheat papyrus. Untranslated. Several characters on one side. About 3/4 x 11/4 maximum. Some extended fibers, as typical, else good. • C. 6th to 7th century, in an elegant Greek script, from a commercial document. Fine brown on sandstone papyrus. Two lines on each side. About 11/4 x 21/8 maximum. An example of the earliest collectible European manuscript (fragment). Good plus. These are actually generously sized specimens; many such ancient fragments are little more than crumbs. For the collector who has (almost) everything, a fascinating ensemble for teaching or display. Request photos. $475-650 (3 pcs.)

19-2. The Ninth Century: As Charlemagne's Empire gave way to Feudalism.

Pair of strips from the same very early manuscript, Italy, late 9th century, 5/8 x 63/4 and 5/8 x 71/2. In latin, from a service book, "Post Comm(union)" at end of text. Each penned on both sides in pleasing coffee brown, 2 lines per side (8 lines in all), in an early Carolingian miniscule. Nearly contiguous portions of text, with a horizontal sliver missing between the two strips where recovered from a binding, but a large initial "T" recognizable on one side, and about three-quarters of an encircled Maltese-cross-style "F" on verso. Handsomely displayed in a double-window double-beveled ivory mat, easily removed if desired. Some darkening of a blank edge of each strip, else fine.

Under Charlemagne, there had been a revival of learning. At his court "were gathered scholars and literary men of almost every nationality...Great care was given to the copying of texts, and the refined Carolingian miniscule was evolved..."--An Encyclopedia of World History, Langer, p. 157. By the time this manuscript was penned, however, Charlemagne's empire was disintegrating, beset by "anarchy and interregnum." Culminating in the "Ninth Century Invasions," "Moslem domination...made the Mediterranean virtually a Moslem lake. Raids were almost continuous, Rome was attacked, and later Monte Cassino...Under the combined influences of the disruption of the Carolingian Empire and the pressure of the 9th-century invasions...feudalism may be said to have struck root...." Thus, the world witnessed by these manuscript artifacts. Western European fragments prior to the 9th century are of paramount rarity, seldom emerging on the market - and fetching forbidding prices. A cornerstone for a collection of the history of civilization. $7000-9500

19-3. The Tenth Century.

A leaf with essentially complete text, c. 10th century, from a mediaeval Italian manuscript, in Latin, possibly from an Epistolary or lectionary. On unusual speckled vellum, about 73/4 x 111/4. In mocha brown, 29 letters flecked in rose, 4 numerals in same, and two-line initial in rare midnight blue (made from ground lapis lazuli). Penned in an early, delightfully rounded Carolingian miniscule. Once the cover of a small book, with rules in blue denoting area on which the book to be laid, then the leaf turned over boards; lacking three blank corners, and several irregular sections at sides, but miraculously the only text lost comprises three small internal holes; all margins expertly extended and squared with vellum, in an expert and undoubtedly costly conservation. One side moderately soiled having faced outward when bound, parallel folds corresponding to spine, the verso brighter, with charming ivory patina. In all, very satisfactory, and nicely floating in a two-sided modern mat, easily removable. Tenth century material, certainly a leaf such as this, has become somewhat elusive on the market. Certainly the tenth century is the earliest for which a full leaf can be acquired for an affordable sum. Ex-celebrated collection of mediaevalist and bibliophile Mark Lansburgh. Request photographs. $4800-7000

19-4. The Fourteenth Century.

Document, 1311, from France, 81/4 x 121/4, in Latin. Grant of four fields or tracts of land. Floral embellishment, in style of a decorated stem, at beginning, 13/4" high; four-petaled rosette signum at conclusion. Two small holes, mousechew along horizontal fold at right affecting few words, mousechew at right vertical but with no loss of text; docketing on verso, judged first half of the 19th century, very light; some spotting, perhaps scorching from storage for centuries in a castle, else satisfactory, its character assuring it will be a conversation piece when displayed. From the reign of Philip IV, who brought the papacy under his control, destroyed the powerful Order of the Temple, and laid foundation for the national monarchy of France. $350-475

19-5. An Attorney at Work in the Fifteenth Century.

Document, 1408, from France, 6 x 131/2, on unusual vellum, both very thick and opaline. A grant by Durandus Stephani, attorney for Gabriel de Moscardone, to Matheus de la Molina of Caylus, of a meadow on bank of the river Bonnette, and piece of land in the territory of Samans. Stylized Maltese Cross-with-spear signum. Penned in a neat, spidery olive brown, on rich cream. Docketing on verso. Two old very well set perpendicular folds, requiring careful weighting over time to slowly flatten for display; few natural creases, usual toning of verso to delicate caramel, else clean and fine. From the reign of King Charles VI, "The Well-Beloved," who served for 42 years; his epic defeat at Agincourt in 1415 changed military history, showing the effectiveness of England's archers against Charles' heavily armed feudal array. Caylus is located in the Midi-Pyrenees, in southern France; it lent its name to a modern, award-winning board game, whose goal is to construct buildings and the castle in Caylus. $240-300

19-6. Mediaeval "Sheet Music" including Liquescent Neumes.

Oversize manuscript antiphonal bifolia, comprising a 4 pp. signature, 141/4 x 21, opening to 21 x 281/2, each side with ten four-line staves of music, square neumes, text in rich walnut brown, 22 initials rubricated in fluorescent orange-red. Judged c. 1325-1400. Large "J" initial commencing "Judea" in orange-red, lapis-blue tracery, in all over 4" high. Several interesting usages of liquescent neumes, or literally, "little notes," these used for notation of more complicated syllables. "By the 13th century a four-line staff ruled entirely in black or red had become established...For polyphonic music a five-line staff became standard by the 14th century...In 16th-century manuscripts, the diamond-headed notes became rounded..."--britannica. Outer pages toned to golden sand, highlighting supple texture of vellum; inside spread a bone white with natural glaze, here the rubrics a true red. Understandably with considerable handling evidence, some creases, small hole just right of large "J" and old nickel-size brown stain at its descender, one upper right margin folded back in blank area, else quite satisfactory. Notwithstanding its considerable dimensions, antiphonals are not frequently found as conjoining leaves. Uncommon thus. Text likely identifiable with research. $220-280

19-7. Pair of Monumental Antiphonal Leaves.

The enormous text intended to remain legible in a darkened church, each about 153/4 x 22, on particularly thick vellum, judged c. 1300-1400. Each side with five four-line staves ruled in red, text penned very much oversize in brown-black. One leaf with large red initial "O" on one side, and twin uncial "M"s - one in orange-red and one cobalt blue - on verso, each infilled with finely drawn red vertical lines. Leaf with three initials with mousechew at blank upper corner; each leaf with characteristic pale golden toning on one side, whiter glaze on other; varied wrinkles and creases, one with curious neatly excised semicircle at bottom, perhaps a thumb-cut for chanters to find their place, else very satisfactory. Found together, though the hands are slightly different, one broader than the other. Splendid atmospheric display. Text likely identifiable with research. $250-300 (2 leaves)

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20. Maps & Atlases

20-1. First Edition of the First American Atlas.

A cornerstone of cartography - and of Americana: Carey's American Atlas: Containing Twenty Maps and One Chart, "engraved for, and published by, Mathew Carey, No. 118, Market St., Philadelphia, 1795." 91/4 x 143/4. Original marbled boards and hubbed calf spine. Eleven folding maps, ten double-page; the first map, "The British Possessions in North America...," 1794, and subsequent "Map of South America" both with original watercolor. A fascinating, transitional binding: the contents list "...Map of the Tennassee Government" - the first state of that map, but is bound with its second issue, "The Tennassee State, formerly part of North Carolina" - the first separate American map of Tennessee. Also including the very first map printed in America of Virginia as a state. Maps of Mass., N.Y., N.J., Va., N.C., S.C., Ky., and Tenn. on variant palest green paper. Traces of old bookplate inside. Contemporary marking at corner of front endleaf, "40/," evidently the price (though stated on title page as $5 for plain, and $6 for "coloured" versions). Covers with considerable wear, front board creased at lower right; internally with varied waterstaining and foxing, the greenish-paper maps much less affected; title page with the first numeral of "11. Map of Delaware" obscured where tipped to original selvedge (the title page is groundwood, the selvedge heavier laid); some short tears on folding maps, other lesser faults, else generally very satisfactory. From an old collection, acquired between about 1968-74, and off the market since. Evans 28390, HBS 64765, Howes US-iana C135, NMM 480, Phillips 1362, Rumsey 2931, Sabin 10855, Schwartz & Ehrenberg 215, Wheat & Brun (numerous mentions). This first edition lacking in the Streeter Collection. American Book Prices Current notes only seven complete copies of this first edition at auction in the last 35 years. Highly important. $27,000-36,000

20-2. With 11-Foot-Long Folding Map.

An exceptional travel guide, Chisholm's All Round Route and Panoramic Guide of the St. Lawrence..., published in Montreal, 1875. Including: "The Hudson River, Saratoga, Trenton Falls, Niagara, Toronto, Thousand Islands, and the River St. Lawrence, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, the lower St. Lawrence and the Saguenay Rivers, the White Mountains, Portland, Boston, New York." 51/4 x 73/4, 296 pp., highly attractive extra-gilt- and blind-decorated pictorial red cloth, with American and Canadian motifs. Numerous fine wood engravings, some full-page, plus six folding maps, and tipped at front, a charming 11 foot long (132") x 61/2" high detailed map of the St. Lawrence River, with forty panels, showing both sides of the river from Quebec to Cape Vincent. All pages with red frames; many advertisements in blue, some with ornamental typography. Some separation at folds of first two sections of large map; depression across vertical overhang of front and back covers, perhaps once tied with string; 2" cloth split along rear outer hinge, wear at inner hinges, some ink or tea spattering on fore-edge; internally with pleasing light mocha uniform toning all leaves, else very good. Remarkable conversation piece. $100-140

20-3. Pocket Atlas and Geography Schoolbook - 1800.

Very rare edition of Rev. R(ichard) Turner's A New and Easy Introduction to Universal Geography; In a Series of Letters to a Youth at School: .... Ninth Ed., London, 1800. 61/2 x 4, 235 pp., supple original full sheep, gilt titled spine. Illustrated with 25 finely steel-engraved full-page maps (missing folding world map) plus 19 plates (missing Great Britain and Ireland). Including: the Earth with sailing ships, lines and circles on the Globe, the Seasons, Geographical Clock with rotating volvelle (which is frequently missing) showing hour in other parts of the world, small map of World, Europe, France, Italy, Germany, United Provinces, Austrian United Provinces (p. 47, a printing error), Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Poland and Prussia, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, Russia in Europe, Hungary, Turkey in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Terrestrial Globe. Each chapter headed by engraved map, followed by a plate identifying principle cities listed on map. Including "Problems" for the student, such as, "To find all those Countries to which an Eclipse of the Sun or Moon will be visible...To find all those Inhabitants to whom the Sun is this Moment rising or setting, in their Meridian at Midnight...." Signature of contemporary student "C. Hobbs / His Book" on inside front board; marginal notes in two sections and occasional light pencil markings are presumed his, as he mastered the material. Covers detached, corners with considerable wear, title leaf with handling and chipping at blank corners, else complete; internally some toning, but good, and the maps and plates generally fine and clean. Notwithstanding the two omissions, a relatively complete example of this atlas, and an excessively rare example of this edition. WorldCat locates only one copy, at the Bibliothèque National de France. $220-280

20-4. Early Railroad Map of U.S. and British Canada.

Fascinating "Map of the European and North American Railway, showing its connection with the Railways of the United States & Canada," the latter pre-Dominion and still "European." About 26 x 29. Indicating railroads completed, in progress, and proposed. "Made by Direction of His Excellency John Hubbard, Gov. of Maine under Resolve of Aug. 20th, 1850. A.C. Morton, Engineer." The idea of the European and North American Railway was born that year, for the specific purpose of linking Portland, Maine, with Halifax, Nova Scotia, to connect with incoming European ships.Showing New England, eastern N.Y., and Maritime Provinces, including drainage, state boundaries, and larger cities. The following year, a slightly different version, engraved by B.W. Thayer & Co. of Boston and printed in Portland, accompanied Morton's Report on the Survey of the European and North American Railway...Co. Some minor foxing, original folds, several fold breaks repaired by collector with archival tape, else very good plus. A very scarce survivor. An institutional example illustrated at WorldCat locates about four other copies. Modelski, Railroad Maps of the United States..., 105. $80-120

20-5. With Unsurpassable Detail of New York Harbor.

A splendid two-sheet map of the area from today's Bronx and Manhattan, south to Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook: "Bay and Harbor of New York...," 1874, by D. Bache and Ben. Pierce, U.S. Coast [and Geodetic] Survey Office, Washington, D.C., 1874. First edition. Comprising "North Sheet" #22 and "South Sheet" #23 of New York area, each map 281/4 x 41. Uncolored as issued. Superbly detailed throughout coastal and interior areas, including all five future boroughs, Newark, western Long Island, and more, with some street information - and even individual buildings. "This important and desirable fine working nautical chart covers the entirety of New York Bay from Manhattan Island and Jersey Palisades to Jamaica Bay, including the Hudson or North River, coast of N.J. from Staten Island and Perth Amboy, to Jersey City and Fort Lee, Governor's Island, Ellis and Bedloe's Islands, and finely detailed street block plans, showing both commercial and public buildings, wharves and ferries, and Central Park...(and) river depth, tide, ocean depths, sailing directions, road names, towns, travelers stops, streams, necks, island and farm names."--Credit: Frey Fine Books. Original folds, light uniform toning, occasional splits, conserved at several fold intersections, else very good. A triumph of microminiature cartography for the New York-New Jersey connoisseur. $850-1150

20-6. "Atlas of the Borough of Manhattan."

"Desk & Library Edition," G.W. Bromley & Co., 34 Pine St., N.Y., 1916, pine-green cloth, 111/2 x 161/2 oblong, 191 plates hand-colored in pink, yellow, green, water-blue, and pale tan, essentially detailing every street, from Broadway to Republican Alley - a surviving remnant of Five Points, one of the most crime-infested neighborhoods on Earth - plus Manhattan's magical waterfront, ancient streets from the days of Peter Stuyvesant, parks, elevated and subway lines, rabbit warrens of the old Lower East and West Sides before urban renewal and the World Trade Center in later decades, and much, much more. "X" drawn on few building sites, presumably by noted architects Alfred Zucker and/or James Riely Gordon. Margins of covers lightened by old waterstaining, miraculously not affecting contents; internal 1" bowtie tear in spine cloth, tip wear, inner hinges somewhat shaken because of heft of volume, tear at blank bottoms of first four leaves, very light uniform cream toning of maps, else internally very good plus, the colors fresh. Rare in any condition; over the years, city atlases were sometimes broken for individual plates. Complete examples are now the exception. WorldCat locates just one institutional copy of this edition, at University of Michigan. For Old New York buffs, days and days of fascination. $900-1200

20-7. See the U.S.A....

Auto Trails and Commercial Survey of the United States, published by George F. Cram, Chicago, 113/4 x 143/4, gold-stamped flexible burgundy leatherette, 136 pp. Curiously undated, probably to extend its saleability, but judged c. 1919-22 based on population; listing 49 Transcontinental routes. Full-page maps in both pleasing "county colors" and blue with roads in red. Extensive index of cities and towns with their populations, from Calf Creek, Ky. (50) to New York City (5,620,048). Much cover wear, about half separated at front hinge, title page with some grease stains and lacking two marginal fragments, internally with corners dogeared from use, but colors highly appealing, maps generally clean, and overall very satisfactory. A very high quality production. • Rand McNally "Official Auto Trails Map," N.Y. and N.J., 1924, comprising 4 x 71/2 booklet, 120 pp., with large folding map in navy blue, garages and motor clubs denoted in red. Fascinating discussion of history, motoring amenities, and traffic customs in numerous cities and towns. In New York City, "15 m.p.h. is a prohibitive rate of speed...." Photos of rotating automatic signals and "Talking Lamps" (p. 78). Period pencil in margin, "Central Valley to Harriman, #58 pole mark; Harriman to Goshen, #17 pole mark...." Map separated from inside back cover mount with no loss of text, 1 x 11/2" (mouse?) hole at two places, modest wear at fold junctions, else good plus. • Unused pad of about 22 membership applications for National Motor Club, Rockford, Ill., c. late 1920s. 31/2 x 6, red and black on turquoise. Excellent. $100-130 (3 pcs.)

20-8. A Significant Landmark in American Cartography.

Clason's Touring Atlas of the U.S., "Best Roads of All States - Across the Continent Motor Atlas - Paved Roads - Road Distances," plus Ontario and Quebec. Clason Map Co., Chicago, c. 1926. Opening to 12 x 161/4 oblong, 48 pp., pictorial cover showing mocha and orange touring car on an idyllic country road winding into the horizon, with green, sky blue, and deep purple. Contemporary ink lettering at bottom, in space intended for imprint of vendor, "For Sale - Price 50¢ - By William Harshbarger...Altoona, Pa." Opening to sepia montage of thirteen photos of natural "Wonders of America." Maps in royal blue. Some cover soiling, internal handling, but good plus. Unlike predecessors who had simply surprinted motoring routes on existing railroad maps, Clason arguably pioneered automobile cartography in America, presenting all-new, purpose-drawn maps. WorldCat locates only one of this printing; this variant with manuscript vendor's titling probably unique. $140-180

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21. Photography

21-1. Daguerreotype of a Horse and Sleigh in Winter.

Superb outdoor 1/6 plate dag of horse and sleigh, pausing amidst snow-covered rolling hills, c. 1850-52, probably in a New England village, noting the five rows of stone walls. Winter scene showing two-horse sleigh with driver and three stylishly dressed passengers, a house behind, barn in background, and village scattered over the powdered hills in the distance. The two passengers sitting on far side wear wheel caps, the military cap widely used during the Mexican War, and adopted for popular civilian use. The double-truck runners on the sleigh are interesting. Expertly conserved; about eight mostly parallel, very fine horizontal striations in right quarter of image, but only notable if tilted; else rich, warm milk-chocolate tones, good sharpness, fine contrast, and a superior item. Case with light wear, else fine plus. Outdoor scenes from this period are quite scarce, snow scenes especially so. The assemblage here - of four people and two horses - is rare. A significant item: a dag of a sleigh, with fewer people and a lesser view, sold at Sotheby's, N.Y., in Oct. 2017 for 9000.00. $5000-8000

21-2. Indians of the Andes - A Landmark Photographic Project.

Fascinating and important collection of 53 carte photographs of Southern American Indians and indigenous people on the "roof" of the world, by pioneer Bolivian photographer Ricardo Villaalba (sometimes spelled Villalba in modern literature), working in Oruru and La Paz, Bolivia - the latter the highest capital in the world, at 12,001 feet! C. 1870. Orange-red printed border and imprint at bottom of each. Noted for his superb composition and sociological subtext of his subjects, his photographs helped pioneer the then-new field of anthropological photography. Photos here include a veritable gallery of Andean Indians (one playing a wooden flute), muleteers, weavers, shepherds (one with an endearing black sheep on his lap), servants, water carriers, messengers, soldiers, field hands, and peasants - men, women, and children, including a few photos with two or more people. Array of hats, shawls, baskets, and clothing, some photographed barefoot. Seeking to showcase and protect the downtrodden Indians of the Andes, Villaalba undertook this project for sale to curiosity-seekers, collectors, and scholars in Latin America and abroad.

"Villalba is an interesting and certainly the least studied photographer active in the Andean region in the nineteenth century..."--"Photographers in Andean Visual Culture," by Natalia Majluf, in History of Photography, 24:2, 2000. Such Villaalba photos "cannot be studied in isolation from the albums that contain them or the projects that gave rise to their production...Peruvian statesmen and intellectuals of the nineteenth century saw the Indian as an impediment to progress, and characterized indigenous communities as one of the major reasons for Peru's failed industrialization and development ...Creole discourse demonstrated a sense of unease with respect to Indian communities...These photographs spoke for the capacity of modern Peru to overpower the Andes. During the 1860s and 1870s Peruvian elites held an otherwise uncontested belief in their ability to impose progress and ‘civilization' on the Andean landscape and Indian communities. These views are also revealing because it is here that Indian figures are testimonies...of the possibility of future expansion. Their trajectory thus seemed to materialize the aspirations of coastal elites of ‘civilizing' the highlands...." Villaalba's work posed opposing themes of tradition and modernity. Hence, his photojournalism was not only an artistic accomplishment, but one of social and anthropological importance, even some controversy. "Unlike the ‘magisterial gaze' that gave shape to North American photography and painting of the nineteenth century, in Peruvian photography of the nineteenth century Indians are generally portrayed as ethnographic. (Villaalba's) carte de visite portraits of Indians in traditional dress form one of the most impressive achievements of Andean studio photography...." Uniform toning of mounts to dark cream, images with rich caramel toning, very light handling evidence, few with minor faults, else about fine to very fine.

The collections of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú show only five examples of his work, all of prosperous individual clients. In this Indian project, about 200 photos are believed to have been originally taken. The group here is perhaps the largest extant, with possible exception of a gathering of unknown size donated long ago to the Peabody Museum by naturalist Elizabeth Agassiz. WorldCat locates only a group of eight, of which "several" are by Villaalba, at University of California-Santa Barbara. Excessively rare on the market. $2400-3000 (53 pcs.)

21-3. Indians of Chile.

Group of seven carte photographs of Chilean Indians by other photographers: Labeled "Chile Indians" in period manuscript, pink imprint on verso of Juan de la C. Palomino, "Artista Fotografico," showing one woman and eight men, some in indigenous attire, two men standing in suits - but no two hats alike. Somewhat light but still very good. • "Chile Indians," no imprint, showing young girl with baby in papoose, facing another woman. Some speckling, but evidently in emulsion. • Three labeled "Arraucanian Indians" in period manuscript, one with imprint "J. de la C. Palomino, Concepción" (Chile). Showing two, two, and three Indians, respectively. • Pensive pose of an elder indigenous statesman, dramatically silhouetted. Yellow mount, no imprint. • Three women, one with elaborate necklace and massive earrings. Yellow mount, no imprint. During the period these photos were taken in Chile, Araucania was enduring decades of government attacks, and ultimately conquer by the Chilean army. It was not til 1883 that the Pres. of Chile declared, "The country has with satisfaction seen the problem of the reduction of the whole Araucania solved. This event, so important to our social and political life, and so significant for the future of the republic, has ended, happily and with costly and painful sacrifices. Today the whole Araucania is subjugated, more than to the material forces, to the moral and civilizing force of the republic...." (The Indians depicted here may have thought differently. Suffering erosion when their agricultural practices were discarded, and becoming a lawless region, as late as 1929 Indian land was still being given to settlers in Araucania.) One with corner folded back, one with stain at two upper corners, else all about very good and better. $375-475 (7 pcs.)

21-4. Photo of "a desperate assas(s)in, gambler and thief."

Two cartes of Chilean criminal cohorts, judged c. 1875, period manuscript notations on versos, in English: "Carillano - a desperate assas(s)in, gambler and thief. Chileno by birth - Arequipa, Peru." • With, "Maxamillano, Chilino by birth - a noted desperado and assas(s)in, and companion of Carillano." Disarming but still menacing studio pose, wearing head scarf, hat in hand. Some soiling, just a hair light, else good plus. Unusual. $150-225 (2 pcs.)

21-5. Valentine's Day Railroad Accident - in aftermath of the Blizzard of 1899.

Pair of crisp, original sepia photographs of runaway locomotive #87 and open boxcar, smashed through brick wall of an engine house, ink notation on verso of one, "In Memoriam, Feb. 14, 1899," perhaps noting the demise of this ancient Tom Thumb-style iron horse. Each 43/4 x 61/2, on original rigid cream boards 8 x 10. Views from left and right. "N.Y. & N.H. R.R." livery on side of car, filled with rubble. It appears that the locomotive - even then a museum candidate - engaged reverse, punching through a wall and grazing an ornamental round rosette window. Its coupled boxcar then rammed a small shed, knocking it askew. Snow covers the ground and window sills of the building; an icicle hangs from its roof. One mount with tip lacking and slender waterstain along blank edge, both with graduated edge toning, else images excellent, with fascinating detail. With research, it might be possible to find an account of this accident. The "Great Arctic Outbreak," finally dissipating on the day of this mishap, saw below-zero temperatures as far south as Florida; some of the East Coast's record lows of those few days in Feb. 1899 still stand to this day. $90-120 (2 pcs.)

21-6. Queen Victoria.

Resplendant cabinet photograph with printed caption, "Her Majesty the Queen," by Alex Bassano, 25 Old Bond St. W., London. Showing the woman who ruled over more men than any other woman in history, on Gothic Revival throne, wearing small crown, with endless shimmering dark satin train. Exquisitely ornate filigree lace headscarf and apron; on the wall, portrait of her consort (and first cousin), Prince Albert. A mourning pose: following his death in 1861, at just 42, Victoria wore black for the rest of her life. She ordered that hot water, towels, and linen continue to be brought to his room every morning. Albert is credited with introducing the principle that the Royal family remain above politics. Pleasing warm coffee-and-cream tones, very minor superficial marks, only seen at certain angles, else about fine. $50-70

21-7. From Glory to Ruin.

Charismatic cabinet photograph of dashing - and tragic - French Gen. Georges Boulanger, called the "Man on Horseback" for his frequent appearances astride his black steed, thrilling Paris crowds. Powerful enough to have declared himself dictator - he once received 100,000 votes without even declaring his candidacy - he had been recalled, arrested, and stripped of command. Founding the eponymous political movement Boulangism, he led the "party of revenge upon Germany" (Webster's), to avenge France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. Instrumental in adding Tonkin - French Indo-China - to their colonial empire, Boulanger was declared dangerous by the French government in 1889. Accused of conspiracy, he fled before trial, committing suicide. By Benque & Co., Paris, probably from the peak of his popularity c. 1889. Pale olive and milk chocolate. Nick at blank bottom edge, very light toning, else about fine. Rare. $45-65

21-8. King of a Lost World.

Striking cabinet portrait of King Humbert I (Umberto) of Italy, black mount, likely made upon his 1900 assassination by an anarchist. Magnificent imprint on verso in gold leaf, Montabone of Firenze, with three elaborate emblems, two coats-of-arms, photographer's logo in oversize formal script, and vinery embellishing "Firenze." The second King of modern Italy, Umberto fought in the extended wars for reunification; as monarch, he approved the Triple Alliance between Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. Minor edge wear, several dark spots at left half of image, judged darkroom imperfections, else very good, and splendid for display. $45-65

21-9. King and Queen of Portugal.

Matching pair of cabinet photos: Queen of Portugal, the French-born wife of King Carlos I, c. 1900. By A. Fillon, Lisbon. Daughter of the Count of Paris, she became the last Queen of Portugal, here wearing some serious jewelry, including tiara and necklace with exceptional colored stones. Dust-toning along right vertical margin, buttery patination, else about very good. • Her dictatorial husband, King Carlos I, House of Branganza, in military uniform, bands of satin crossing his chest. Light dust-toning, else very good. Controversial, he and his eldest son were assassinated as the family rode in a carriage through Lisbon in 1908. $70-90 (2 pcs.)

21-10. Cabinet Photo of a Nurse.

Unusual standing pose of identified nurse "Mary E. Mitchell, Aunt of Grace Schad," in uniform, with cap, holding fan, c. 1900. Ornate mocha typographic imprint occupying full height of verso, "L.C. Perkinson...," listing four Manhattan studios, this image taken at 841 Broadway, together with "Printing Works, 53 E. 125 St.," and a Newark location. The Schad family resided in Utica. Three corners tapped, one flaked, and one reduced, else image very good. A seldom-seen occupational photograph. $80-110

21-11. The Flower Girl in the Park.

Charming cabinet photo captioned "Costumes Suisses," showing a young Swiss woman reclining on a park bench, holding a flower, her two flower baskets beside her. By celebrated photographer T(raugott) Richard, Maenedorf (Zurich), known for his beautifully hand-tinted and -painted work in his realistic style. Judged c. 1880. Background and her dress a pale robin's-egg blue, one basket with delicate pink flowers, the other lapis lazuli blue and fluorescent cerise. Matching pink flowers adorn her sun hat. Egg-shaped coats-of-arms of Berne and Brienz on mount, these also hand-painted in red, silver-grey, yellow, and black. "(Richard's) subjects were ethnographic, usually a young Swiss woman wearing a regional costume. What set Traugott Richard apart from other photographers of this era was the extreme depth of detail in the photographs and the very fine, exquisite hand coloring that was applied to his albumen prints..." Light foxing on ivory margins of mount, else very good. $60-90

21-12. Outdoor Photo of Astrological Clock.

Fascinating oblong cabinet photo of one of Switzerland's famed outdoor clocks, here its massive bezel comprising two 12-hour cycles, overlaid with a wheel emblazoned with the astrological signs. At right, a highly ornate rococo alcove featuring a full-bodied seated gargoyle figure, holding a candle; it is possible that this figure is mechanically integrated with the clock, and moves. By P. Does, Bern, judged c. 1885. This image matches one in the Getty Museum by the same photographer titled "Lower Clock on Clock Tower, Bern." Light uniform toning, else rich sepias, and very good. $45-65

21-13. Outdoor View in France.

Oversize cabinet photo of an ancient stone wall in France, its battlements bracketing a cross with figure of Christ. Under magnification, a peaked door bears inscription, "Entree...Chapelle." Red border. Titled in red, "Boulogne s[ur] Mer," by A. Lormier. On the English Channel, Boulogne has an ancient history, including Roman ruins, and castles and cathedrals of various epochs. Much of the city was demolished by King Charles V in 1553; perhaps this explains the incomplete structure depicted here, evidently of sufficient historical importance to merit this commercial photograph. Light wear at two upper corners, moderate loss at two lower, dust-toning of mount, else image fresh, crisp, and fine. $40-60

21-14. Outdoor Photo of a Dog Cart.

Intriguing, hand-painted Belgian oblong cabinet photograph of a cart loaded with large earthenware jug-handled (milk?) pitchers painted golden yellow, with four dogs waiting while two women converse. One may be the potter (or milk seller), the other her customer. The dogs are an interesting mix, each believed a different breed: one may be a Belgian Shepherd, another has a face not unlike a whippet. Hand-colored in emerald green, sky blue, yellow, crimson, and shades of brown. Purple rubber stamp on verso, "Photographies et Tableaux / H. Delathouwer / Marche aux Souliers 23 Anvers" (Antwerp, Belgium). Soft diagonal crack at lower left, but the image not broken; some crumbling of tips, else good plus. $55-80

21-15. An Unusual Cabinet Format.

Strikingly attractive oddball-size, tall cabinet photograph, 4 x 8, of a serious girl about 11 years of age, long tresses of curled brown hair, a locket on chain resting on striped blouse. Lustrous gold imprint "Stevens / McVicker's Theatre Building / Chicago." Duplex mahogany brown mat, all edges gilt. Personifying the expression "a picture is worth a thousand words." Excellent. $35-50

21-16. Outdoor Views of Venice.

Two red-bordered cabinet photographs of the City of Canals, both with ornate imprint of P. Salviati, Piazza S. Marco, Venezia. One with two-man gondola passing before the immortal cityscape. Some water spots, soiling on imprint at left, two short emulsion tears at sky at top, else about good. •A different view, with a small sloop moored, buildings on the opposing shore. Right half darkened from dust-toning, else good. $45-65 (2 pcs.)

21-17. Princess of Denmark - and Wales.

Flattering cabinet photograph of Queen Alexandra, Princess of both Denmark and Wales, and Queen of Edward VII. Shown with tiara and elaborate choker necklace resplendant with pearls. All edges gilt, finely lithographed crown on lower mount, "Walery, Photographer to the Queen / 164 Regent St., London." Pink glazed verso with large emblem repeating photographer's Royal credential - but the mount curiously lithographed in Paris! "Permanent Photographs on Enamel - A Special Studio for Sittings by Electric Light." Leading a fascinating life, as a youngster Alexandra lived in a drafty bedroom in the Danish palace attic with her sister, who became Czarina of Russia; Hans Christian Andersen would visit and tell stories at bedtime. Chosen at age 16 to marry Victoria's son Albert, Alexandra became Princess of Wales for nearly forty years, the longest run in history. Reflecting the intermarriage among the royal houses of Europe, her father was King of Denmark, her brother King of Greece, her great-uncle by marriage King Leopold of Belgium, her sister married to Czar Nicholas of Russia - and her cousin, the German Emperor Wilhelm II, whom she deeply distrusted. Traveling to Turkey, she became the first woman to dine with the Sultan. Light waterstain at lower left, blending with floral fabric of a chair, characteristic peripheral lightening of pink on verso, else about fine. $65-90

21-18. The Piano in Turn-of-Century America.

Two mounted photographs featuring pianos: Three young men, perhaps 13 years of age, in suits and straw hats, two of them coolly smoking cigarettes, as they sit beside an upright piano. Judged c. 1910. Image 31/2 x 41/2, on cream mat with wide border blind-embossed with stars. Faded to coffee-and-cream, border foxing, but still displayable. • Two women, elaborately dressed, in a parlor, poring over a photo album, beside an upright piano. C. 1895. Image 33/4 x 41/2, on saddle-tan mount. Fancy canopy lamp, interesting carvings on upper piano case, and other room details. Two pinholes at top of mount, one at bottom, where once displayed; upper right corner lacking, some wear and toning, else very satisfactory. $45-65 (2 pcs.)

21-19. 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Photograph.

Dramatic period photograph by a recorded but obscure commercial lensman, showing ornate skyscraper aflame during the San Francisco earthquake and fire, 41/2 x 71/4. Purple handstamp front and verso, "Copyright 1906, by A. Blumberg, 1216 Paru St., Alameda, Cal." Velvet-matte print, with mocha-olive mid-tones, showing a building of about 19 stories, crowned with an elaborate multi-windowed dome, its third through eleventh floors aflame, black smoke billowing outward. In foreground, a building nearly as tall, with rectangular, arched, and round windows, this not yet afflicted. Understandably somewhat hazy, two foxing spots on sky, several on verso, trivial tip wear, else V.G. University of Calif.-Berkeley's collection of "Miscellaneous Photo-graphs of San Francisco shortly after the Earthquake and Fire of 1906" includes a sole Blumberg image, probably different. No other holdings of his work are found. Perhaps a lone survivor. $110-140

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22. Entertainment

22-1. Benzino Napaloni, ruler of Bacteria.

T.L.S. of consummate comedic actor Jack Oakie, with flamboyant signature, on his unusual blue on cream engraved letterhead, deckled four sides. No place but while at Paramount in Calif., Oct. 12, 1933, 81/2 x 11. To "Paul." "...I am sure glad that you won the contest. Just from looking at the photograph I can see that you are a real bycicle [sic] rider! I'm glad you liked ‘College Humor,' and here's hoping that ‘Close Harmony' suits your fancy, too. Well, so long." Watermarked "J. Whatman / England / 1930." Some minor soft creases, probably from postal handling, else fine and highly attractive. Nominated for an Academy Award for his portrayal of Napaloni, ruler of Bacteria, in Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator," Oakie successfully transitioned from silent movies to talkies. Appearing in 87 films, he refused to wear makeup on screen. He once remarked of his Paramount days that his pictures "cost nothing and made millions, and supported the prestige productions that cost millions and made nothing." "College Humor," mentioned here by Oakie, also starred George Burns and Gracie Allen, and introduced Bing Crosby, singing the song "I Surrender Dear." Genuine steel engraving on a deckled-all-sides sheet is an oddity. $110-140

22-2. Movie Star Real-Photos - and the Real-Life Drama of their Jewish Publisher.

Group of 67 movie and movie star postcards, c. 1925-35, sepia real-photo-style, printed by Ross Verlag, Berlin, his work among the finest ever produced of screen stars. From stills provided by MGM, United Artists, and others. Almost all postally unused. Some multiple cards of a star or movie, but all are different views. Including Jackie Coogan (2 diff.), Marlene Dietrich, Willy Fritsch (4), Werner Fuetterer (4), Greta Garbo (8), Lillian Gish, the versatile Lillian Harvey (11), Brigitte Helm (star of Metropolis), Ramon Navarro (6 + 4 stills from Ben-Hur), Anita Page, Iwan Petrovich (6), Rudolf Valentino, Conrad Veidt, Anna May Wong, Königin Luise (10), and 5 others. A Jewish emigre from Austria-Hungary, Heinrich Ross' highly successful postcard business was seized by the Nazis. By 1937, their Aryanization program - prohibiting Jews from owning businesses - forced him out, though such was his reputation that they retained his name on the business. Fleeing Germany on the ill-fated S.S. St. Louis on its Voyage of the Damned, he was admitted to England as a refugee. Later reaching America, having lost his fortune to the Nazis, at age 74 he found a job - in a Chicago machine shop, where he continued working for ten years. • With, 3 movie star cards by Raphael Tuck: Lena Ashwell, Lilian Braithwaite, and Constance Collier in dressing room. Some with soft reflective traces where once held by glueless mounting corners, few with edge defects, else generally fine and better. • 4 other British real-photo postcards: J. Neilson, Henny Porten, Marie Tempest (with one of the most unusual hats imaginable), and Ellaline Terriss & Daughter. V.F. The combination of photography, fashion, and printing is superb. $275-400 (74 pcs.)

22-3. Chaplin and Garbo.

Delightful group of four Charlie Chaplin and one Greta Garbo association items: Letter on ornate, deeply steel-engraved stationery of "Charlie Chaplin Music Publishing Co...Opposite City Hall, Los Angeles, U.S.A.," with Chaplin's portrait, elevation of his attractive emporium, and emerald-green three-leaf clover. 81/2 x 11. Secretarial signature. To a fan in Albany, N.Y. "I...deeply appreciate your kind remarks about my plays...I am enclosing herewith one of my pictures [not present]...." Excellent and highly attractive. • Three rare issues of Reel Life, "The Mutual Film Magazine," Aug. 26, 1916, and Mar. 24 and 31, 1917. 83/4 x 113/4; 24, 16, and 16 pp. respectively, orange and black covers. Profusely illustrated, with snappily-written black-and-white text and condensed synopses of many films (called "picture plays" and "photo novels") and newsreels for exhibitors and show business promoters. Articles include "Charles Chaplin in ‘The Count'...featuring ‘King of Laughmakers,' proves a continuous gale of laughs and fun," the story line evoking the imagination. •"Canadian Soldier Boys Flock to See a Chaplin Comedy," with double-page photo of "Canada's Largest Picture House," a barn-like wooden structure near Winnipeg. Soldiers awaiting arrival of The Vagabond, "featuring the Mutual's million dollar comedian." • Ornate centerfold (and front cover) treatment of the beautiful silent star Mary Miles Minter. • Full-page ad, "Your One Best Bet for Big Business - Charlie Chaplin...Proof positive that this clever comedian is making more money for theatre owners than any star in the history of the stage...." • Preview of Chaplin's The Cure, his misadventures in a "hospital resort...Of course pretty one of the patients, taking a cure for ‘nerves'...Charlie has his eye on the young woman before he is out of the bus...." Double-page ad showing Chaplin in ten roles: "These Mutual-Chaplin Specials are making millions laugh. Have you booked them?" Illustrating printers' cuts of film stars for use in programs and newspapers, 25¢ ea. • Hollywood, "The Screen's Only Pictorial Magazine," Dec. 1932, 81/2 x 11, 58 pp., Barbara Stanwyck in color on cover. Inside, "Garbo's First Interview!," plus photos of parties, including Garbo with Oliver Hardy - an interesting couple. Ordinary light wear, one with moderate waterstaining, else magazines very good and better. $130-170 (5 pcs.)

22-4. Hand-Brushed with the Magic of Movies.

Highly unusual promotional mailing of silent film star Harold Lloyd, comprising his photo (with printed signature) hand-tinted in brown, pink, and green, his tie and background brushed in fine aluminum dust, lending a magical, ethereal impression. Set into diecut orange cardstock set-up easel self-mailer, pictorial label of Harold Lloyd Corp., Hollywood. Sound 11/2¢ postage stamp, with excellent Los Angeles double-oval handstamp. Printed message facing photo, transmitting picture. "...If there is anything you are interested in knowing about us or our pictures, I am sure you will find this the motion picture magazines...." Folder produced by "The Exploitation Co., Hollywood." Some postal wear, else good plus, the photo excellent. Undoubtedly, arrival of this exceptionally striking package in his fan's mailbox made for an exciting day. Rare. $70-100

22-5. Star of "42nd Street" and "The Maltese Falcon."

Highly attractive soft-focus photograph of a young Bebe Daniels, in broad hat and gingham dress, inscribed on lower light portion, "For Lillian Lindemilch, With my best wishes, Cordially...." 8 x 10, milk-chocolate sepia silver print on finely embossed cream linen. Her first leading role at age 7, Daniels appeared in 230 films. Moving easily from silents to talkies, she and husband Ben Lyon also became the most popular radio team on British radio. Staying on the air during the height of the Blitz, she was awarded the Medal of Freedom by Pres. Truman for war service. 2" light waterstained oval at upper left, some soft creases, else fine. $65-90

22-6. "MGM Presents...Elizabeth Taylor."

Striking full-sheet movie poster for "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - in Metrocolor," starring Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, and Burl ("Big Daddy") Ives. 1958, copyright Loew's, 301/4 x 391/2. "All the sultry drama of Tennessee Williams' Pulitzer Prize Play is now on the screen!" Taylor clinging to an ornate gilded post, against blazing-sun-orange background; inset of a young Paul Newman at lower left. Old folds to eighths, lacking 11/2 x 2 bottom fragment near union bug, possibly with no loss of text; numerous wrinkles, several short edge tears, watery black smudges on Taylor's nose, right cheek, and chin, else about satisfactory. A combination of one of America's most enduringly influential plays, immortal movies, and glamorous stars. If perfect, up to three times our estimate. $450-700

22-7. Rachmaninoff, Rubinstein, and Serkin - Live in Concert.

Group of six concert programs from a golden era of classical music in America, Jordan and Symphony Halls, Boston, c. 1940-46, 53/4 x 91/4, 2-16 pp., variously. Comprising: Soprano Kirsten Flagstad. Inside, announcements of Eugene Ormandy conducting Philadelphia Orchestra, Rudolph Serkin, Alexandre Tcherepnine, et al. • Lotte Lehmann, "First Lady of Song - Leading Soprano, Metropolitan Opera." Single sheet, dark blue. • Nathan Milstein, bold graphic design in yellow and black on enamel. • Sergei Rachmaninoff on cover. Announcements of Lawrence Tibbett, Serkin, Trapp Family Singers (with photograph of the ten), Don Cossacks, Mischa Elman, and more. • Artur Rubinstein, with announcements of Lehmann, Goldovsky, Heifetz, Patrice Munsel, and the "sensational new American Negro soprano Ellabelle Davis...." • Rudolf Serkin, at the keyboard, with striking graphics in coffee brown and bold blue. Press quotes of 1939-40. All with usual concertgoers' handling evidence, else very good. $130-170 (6 pcs.)

22-8. Eddie and Ida Cantor in Stateroom 116.

Partly printed "Baggage Declaration" form for Eddie and Ida Cantor, traveling on S.S. Manolo, June 21, 1936, 7 x 8, Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Quarantine. Filled out by Eddie, signed within text once as "Eddie Cantor," plus twice as "Ida Cantor," but all in his hand, with Beverly Hills address. Under "Hawaiian Grown Material," he has penned, "See Eddie Cantor's declaration." "All fruits, nuts, bananas, pineapples, coconuts...must be entirely consumed before it reaches the territorial waters of any state...." Toning, else fine. $225-275

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23. Air & Flight

23-1. Lindbergh Flies through the Rain.

U.S. Post Office air field receipt, signed twice "Lindbergh" in black ink. Contract Air Mail Service, Springfield, Ill., May 18, 1926. Partly printed, 7 x 81/4, for air mail valued at $6.20, at 10¢ per oz., flown by Lindy from Chicago to St. Louis, piloting "Airship No. 111" in the rain. Clearly postmarked at upper right. The majority of Lindbergh receipts were signed in pencil. Pleasing uniform light cream toning, and very fine. Ex-King V. Hostick, noted Springfield autograph dealer c. 1967, and off the market since. $850-1150

23-2. Deluxe Tribute to Lucky Lindy.

Magnificent volume commemorating the reception for Lindbergh upon completion of his Transatlantic feat, prepared by the Municipal Council of Paris: Les Premières Traversees Aeriennes de l'Atlantique / Reception à l'Hôtel de Ville de Charles Lindbergh, du Commandant Richard E. Byrd, et de ses Compagnons de Voyage de Clarence D. Chamberlin et Charles Albert Levine, Paris, (Nov.) 1927. 10 x 12, 64 pp. A triumph of French art-printing, including heliogravure plates in cream and sepia, watermarked translucent guardleaves, flamboyant French hand-marbled paper over boards, 3/4 goatskin, rules in gilt, artistic winged motif stepped-and-repeated down spine, and tasteful typography. Red, white, and blue glazed fishscale endpapers. Interestingly with two identical title pages, one on cream vellum, another on ivory enamel. Numerous plates and photographs of Lindbergh, his plane, parade, festivities, and the Aero-Club of France document certifying his journey - with printed signatures of Lindbergh and witnesses. Text entirely in French (except for English translations of remarks of Lindy and Byrd), including recounting of the history of manned flight, mentioning Wright Brothers, Bleriot, Farman, Santos-Dumont, et al. Matte white bristol plate with facsimile signature of "Le Capitaine Charles Lindbergh" on Parisian proclamation - amongst many other dignitaries; American eagle, shield, and first word rubricated in gold leaf, red, and blue; another similar plate, reproducing signatures of Byrd, Chamberlin, Levine, Acosta, Noville, and Balchen. (Levine was the first passenger to fly the Atlantic, and the first recorded Jewish passenger in an aircraft. A millionaire scrap dealer, he was Chamberlin's sponsor, vying for the same first-flight prize as Lindbergh. In a little-known twist, Levine's legal dispute with another pilot resulted in temporary grounding of Miss Columbia, allowed Lindbergh to take off for Paris first. Indeed, Lindbergh used Chamberlin's weather charts, given him the day before! Chamberlin did gain some historical satisfaction: On the way back to America, he delivered the first ship-to-shore mail - and Miss Columbia would become the first plane to make the Transatlantic crossing twice.) Lovely golden-orange, red, and green silk placemark ribbon. Average shelf wear at spine and boards, rubs on vertical edges of marbled boards, 1/2 x 11/2" delamination of marbling, old colorless waterstain on upper portion of marbling, not readily discernable; internally with some warm, uniform cream toning, one guardleaf loose, else very good. Perhaps the most lavish contemporary production relating to Lindbergh we've seen. Uncommon, especially in the U.S. $150-180

23-3. From Lindbergh's Ticker Tape Parade in New York.

Original cloth banner, "Welcome Lindbergh," white on blue, from one of the spectacles of the century, Manhattan's ticker tape parade for Lindy on June 13, 1927. Triangular, 101/4 x 141/4. In one New York Times breathless description of the event, "...The paper blizzard that greeted Lindbergh from the Battery to City Hall was the most spectacular Manhattan has ever let loose upon the great of the earth...Every conceivable kind of paper (was) shaken out of skyscraper windows in such abundance that several times the hero of the reception was obscured to the spectators...Cars following Lindbergh's were hardly able to penetrate the thickness of the snowstorm when they tried to catch glimpses of the pilot...." Places at windows overlooking the parade route fetched up to $1,000. Very light old waterstains, else fine. Found in a Manhattan warehouse in the 1960s, and unconditionally guaranteed authentic. (Modern copies of six period articles accompany.) $60-90

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23-4. "Lindbergh...Thrills World."

Four historic newspapers, with Lindy, Hindenburg, and Amelia Earhart content, browning and chipping as described: N.Y. Herald Tribune, May 22, 1927 - the first day of U.S. newspaper reporting of Lindy's success: "Lindbergh Lands Safely in Paris at 5:21 P.M.; 3,800-Mile Flight in 331/2 Hours Thrills World - New York Millions Hail his Triumph - Throngs Crowding Streets Cheer...Women, Gripped in Dramatic Tension, Weep...Paris Goes Wild...20,000 Break Police Lines to Seize Triumphant American Airman in Joyous Welcome...$1,000,000 Awaits Lindbergh as Reward for his Great Feat...." Large photo of Lindy. • Hartford Courant, Dec. 18, 1927. Front page photo of 21 "Lindbergh Decorations and Trophies." "Lindbergh Gifts Run into Thousands - Trophies received from all over the world, too many for St. Louis bank vault. Placed in museum where 500,000 have viewed them...." •Fort Dodge Messenger and Chronicle, Iowa, May 8, 1937. "Naval Board Probes Crash - Seeking Cause of Blast that Wrecked Airship Hindenburg - Says he saw motor backfire before crash...." Two photos of survivors of the Zeppelin, including passengers who "escaped death by leaping from the burning crash. They are shown as rescue workers rushed to their aid." Rare date in any title or condition. • Fort Dodge Messenger..., July 6, 1937. "Search for Amelia Continues - Early Report Flares Seen Fizzles Out...." All four browned; all but Hartford Courant heavily chipped, much loss of text at center horizontal folds and some edges, but still displayable survivors. Suitable for classroom use; their appearance will probably mesmerize youngsters. Not examined out of older wrappers; supplied with new Ultrafilm. Lindbergh landing newspapers are surprisingly scarce. Photograph available. Much discounted, $170-220 (4 pcs.)

23-5. The First Decade of Air Stewardesses.

Appealing group of 21 vintage postcards issued by airlines, 1939-63, sepia and full color, glossy. Postally unused. Keepsakes of a Penna.-based air traveler, some with dated and neatly penned itineraries on versos. Including 1 TWA, black gravure on ivory blind-paneled card, "Airliners ready to start." Judged mid-1930s. • 5 different United Main Line Airway, 1939-40, laminated olivetone. Promoting San Francisco World's Fair, "Overnight from N.Y. to Calif...," pictorial route map, passengers in cabin, and seven stewardesses. "United originated the air stewardess idea in 1930." • 1 TWA Constellation in flight, showing the magnificent three-finned bare-aluminum plane against cottony clouds, 1951. • 1 Pan American, new Super-6 Clipper, 1953. • 2 American, DC-7 flagship and cabin, "inaugurated first nonstop service from coast to coast," 1954 notes, Phoenix-N.Y. • 1 United, DC-7, "365's fastest airliner...." • 3 (one duplicate) Eastern Airlines' new DC-7B Silver and Golden Falcon, "the newest, fastest, quietest, most luxurious airliner in the world!" 1955 notation on verso of one with traveler's itinerary, Winston-Salem to Washington, D.C. - with three stops! • 2 TWA Jetstream, specially-commissioned paintings of Hollywood and Paris in aircraft's "Mural Lounge," judged mid-1950s. •1 TWA Star-Stream, "a new standard in speed and air travel luxury...." • 1 Northeast Sunliner, "radar guided...the grand new way to Florida," 1960 notes. • 2 (duplicates) Lake Central Airlines, black and white, traveler's varying Erie-Pittsburgh notes on verso, 1963. • 1 Allegheny, "Airline of the Executives." One with wrinkles where stamp removed; occasional light wear, else fine to very fine. Fascinating for display. $80-110 (21 pcs.)

23-6. Historic Balloon Bookmark.

Fascinating curiosity: Bookmark made from fabric of the world altitude record-setting balloon, sponsored by National Geographic Society, Nov. 11, 1935. 21/4 x 7, on very finely box-woven fabric, imprinted both sides in black with text and photo of the balloon aloft. "...Part of the balloon Explorer II which in the service of science attained a world's altitude record of 72,395 feet above sea level...." Taking off from the Stratobowl near Rapid City, S.D., the craft - with the largest capacity bag ever built, some 3.7 million cubic feet - landed eight hours later. Commander, pilot, and other details on verso. Its altitude record stood for twenty years. Toast-toned, from sun baking Goodyear's airship rubber coating, else very fine. $60-90

23-7. "That's One Small Step for a Man...."

An iconic issue of the century: The New York Times, July 21, 1969, 2 sections. "Men Walk on Moon - Astronauts Land on Plain; Collect Rocks, Plant Flag - Voice from Moon: ‘Eagle Has Landed' - A Powdery Surface is Closely Explored...." Three page-1 photos, showing Armstrong after his first step, Aldrin climbing down ladder, and both astronauts raising the American flag. Very light toning, else fine plus, and apparently never opened. Now very scarce. The excitement then was palpable; the Moon landing was arguably the biggest exploration sensation since Lindbergh's flight, just 42 years before. $80-110

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24. Rare Books & Prints

Celebrated Books of Hand-Colored Plates of American Indians

24-1. Termed "A Landmark in American Culture."

Volumes 2 and 3 (of 3) of History of the Indian Tribes of North America, "with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs...," by Thomas L. McKenney and James Hall, Philadelphia, 1854. Second octavo edition, 63/4 x 101/4, original ruby-red stipple-grained leather, richly decorated with gilt frame, vinery, and Gothic ornamentation; gilt inner dentelles. All edges gilt. Chromolithographed frontispieces. The two volumes complete with 78 (47 + 31, respectively) of the celebrated plates of portraits of Indian Chiefs, princesses (including the beautiful Pocahontas), braves, medicine men, and translators, with original hand-watercoloring. Among the most conspicuous color plates in the iconography of antebellum American books, these portraits were based on those "from the Indian Gallery in the Dept. of War, at Washington"; co-author McKenney had been "late of the Indian Dept."

Lithographed and colored by J.T. Bowen, the colors have a depth, elegance, and complexity seldom seen elsewhere in the period, the skin tones startlingly realistic, the clothing especially velvety, and accoutrements, paint, and feathers with gem-like hues of topaz, garnet, peridot, lapis, and other semi-precious stones. Some of the reds, pinks, and yellows are fluorescent; each plate is indeed a work of art. The original oil paintings on which these plates were based were largely destroyed in the Smithsonian fire of 1865. Even before then, the authors saw their book "as a way of preserving an accurate visual record of a rapidly disappearing culture." The McKenney-Hall tomes are the only record of the appearance of many of the most important - and fabled - Indians of the nineteenth century. Including Chiefs of Ioway, Musquakee, Pottawatimie, Pawnee, Sioux, Chippeway, Creek, Kansas, Seminole, Otoe, Menomine, Fox, Cherokee, and other tribes.

"After six years as superintendent of Indian Trade, Thomas McKenney had become concerned for the survival of the western of a very few government officials to defend American Indian interests. He had observed unscrupulous individuals taking advantage of the American Indians for profit, and his vocal warnings about their future prompted his appointment by Pres. Monroe to the Office of Indian Affairs. As first director, McKenney was to improve the administration of Indian programs in various government offices...When a large delegation of Indians came to see Monroe in 1821, McKenney commissioned the fashionable portraitist Charles Bird King to paint the principal delegates, dressed in costumes of their choice. Many of the most prominent Indian leaders of the nineteenth century were among King's sitters...(McKenney's) journeys provided an unparalleled opportunity to become acquainted with American Indian tribes. When Pres. Jackson dismissed 1830, McKenney was able to turn more of his attention to his publishing project...He was joined by James Hall, a lawyer who had written extensively about the West. Both authors...saw their book as a way of preserving an accurate visual record of a rapidly disappearing culture. McKenney provided the biographies, many based on personal interviews, and Hall wrote the general history of the North American Indian..."--Indian Tribes of North America..., Thomas Loraine McKenney, Vol. I, 1872.

Known for their dramatic and vivid color, the plates are usually seen in their unbound form. (The larger-size folio printing was issued in twenty installments over eight years; single folio plates are expensive, recent offers from about 650.00 to 3,850.00 each, depending on the Indian depicted. Single octavo plates, the size offered here, are very thin on the market; only one bookseller's offerings found, at 175.00 each.) Signature of Theodore Jones on yellow endleaves, judged c. 1910-30. Some intermittent foxing, usually very minor; edge tears at bound edge of frontispieces. Vol. 2: clean 51/2" crack along front outer hinge, two short tears at top of spine, all easily repaired. Vol. 3: inside hinge cracked but stable, title leaf separated at top and bottom thirds (only). Else, both internally fine, the plates fine to very fine, with tissue guard leaves. In all, an immensely rewarding pair of volumes, presenting these prized plates in the most affordable form available. "A landmark in American culture"--Horan. "One of the most costly and important [works] ever published on the American Indians"--Field. Bennett 79. Field 992. Lipperheide Mc 4. McGrath, p. 206. Reese American Color Plate Books 24. Sabin 43410. US-iana M-129. (Citations apply to various printings.) $6500-9500 (2 of 3 vols.)

24-2. A Venerable Carey Bible, in Variant Deluxe Crimson Leather.

Appealing example of one of the cornerstone American Bibles, 1815-16, here with early Connecticut family provenance: The Holy Bible: containing the Old and New Testaments: "together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by the special command of His Majesty James I of England. With marginal notes and references, to which are added An Index, an alphabetical table of all the names in the Old and New Testaments, with their significations, and tables of Scripture weights, measures, and coins, John Brown's Concordance, &c &c."Philadelphia: Printed and published by M. Carey, 121 Chestnut St. Old Testament title page dated 1816, New Testament title dated 1815. Fortuitously complete with all 70 stated engravings and foldout maps, some with title variations, plus an additional, 71st engraving preceding p. 77, entitled, "The Golden Altar of perfumes, and the Golden Candlestick." Contemporary full crimson leather, strikingly mottled and grosgrained, decorative gilt frame, with gilt-stamped red leather spine label and bands; raised hubs, marbled endpapers. This binding evidently a deluxe variant; Carey Bibles are customarily encountered with plain(er) brown calf. 9 x 11 x 33/4 thick. Paginated as three books in one, Old Testament 834 + 6 pp., New Testament (215) pp., and Concordance 72 pp.

An extensive record of Meech, Johnson, and Tyler family births, marriages, and deaths, is penned on pp. 677-680 (the eighteenth-century events obviously recorded in the following century), beginning with the 1749 birth of Thomas Meech in Preston/Stonington, who served in the 5th Conn. during the Revolution; his house survives. Adjoining entry of Thomas M. Meech's 1813 marriage to Ruth F. Tyler (in Preston, New London County, Conn.--research accompanies), is the 1825 remarriage of Ruth to Nathan Johnson; with successive entries as late as 1924. From their core in Conn., some family members later resided in Hoboken, New Orleans, and Providence, R.I. Among those recorded, naval architect and inventor William Dunderdale Forbes, and Rev. Seth B. Paddock, prominent in Norwich, Conn., who Baptized numerous family members. Printer Mathew Carey was a renowned printer, his press also producing the first Catholic Bible in America and numerous maps; friends, acquaintances, and subscribers to his works included Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, Lafayette (who gave him the money to start his printing business), Madison, Washington, and numerous Signers of the Declaration. Folding plate facing title page misfolded; one plate loose with edge fraying, else satisfactory, another with tear at upper right margin. Lighter than average table wear, mainly at corners and edges of covers, ordinary wear at spine; some cover rubbing, lower portion front inner hinge starting. Inside, variable foxing, some moderately heavy but characteristic of this noted Bible; some waterstains and toning, else sound, binding attractive, and generally good plus. Request complete list of engravings. $225-300

24-3. Perhaps the First Major Work during Architecture's Establishment as a Profession in America.

Important two-volume set, Sloan's Model Architect, "A Series of Original Designs for Cottages, Villas, Suburban Residences, etc. Accompanied by Explanations, Specifications, Estimates, and Elaborate Details - Prepared expressly for the use of Projectors and Artisans throughout the United States," by Samuel Sloan. Philadelphia: E.S. Jones, 1860, "A New Edition, with New Drawings and Large Additions," 101/2 x 131/2, 104 + 102 pp., plus 113 + 93 lithographed and mezzotint plates, respectively, some with pleasing single-color pastel background (206 plates in all). Lovely chromolithographed frontispiece, "Design for a Norman Villa," with tissue guard leaf. Variant binding, with 3/4 textured milk-chocolate cloth, brown leather spine (one perished), gilt titles. At this time, American architecture was just finding its footing. Although many architects were trained in fine arts, they were still called carpenters, or at best, builders. It was not until one of Sloan's contemporaries, Yonkers resident John Davis Hatch III established architecture as a profession in America, that the field gained respect. (The Cohasco Building is believed one of just three or four of Hatch's surviving creations; it was completed one month before Hatch was invited to become one of the original sixteen members of the A.I.A.'s antecedent, in 1857.) Indeed, Sloan hints at this newfound respectability here, in his "Concluding Remarks": "A difficulty encountered during the entire progress of the work, has been the fact that the author was without precedents to guide him. American works on architecture are few in number, and no works on American architecture have yet been written [emphasis ours]...All these causes conspire to create a demand for the services of professional architects...Yet, strange to say, it is only within a few years that such a profession has been recognized in our large cities...It was to supply...this deficiency in our national literature...that the author has ventured to turn aside from the daily routine of his profession...." Sloan's book, first printed 1852, assumed its own landmark status, offering a major resource of designs, ornamental ideas, and material lists, in Gothic, Italianate, Norman, and precursor Victorian styles. The plates, by P.S. Duval's steam press, are considered among the finest exemplars of antebellum American lithography. Their influence on nascent American architectural styles, in both North and South, was inestimable. Endpapers in both volumes with period inscription, "No. 343 / Dep(osited?) Dec. 15, 1859 / E.S. Jones, Proper." Vol. I spine perished, boards and blank endleaves detached, cleanly cracked at spine and text in three blocks. Vol. II boards and blank endleaves detached, but binding essentially sound. Both Vols.: covers rubbed and toned; some typical offset of plates onto facing text pages, uniform toning, else internally very good, and the plates highly attractive. • Laid in, an original pencil drawing of tombstone for James Bennett, 1850-1908, signed "Edw. A. Carroll Co.," these volumes probably once theirs. On amber tracing vellum, 111/2 x 151/2, tattered at lower edge, toned. Cutting from an old auction catalogue, judged c. 1920s-40s pasted on endpaper. This 1860 edition is excessively rare on the market. WorldCat appears to record just one example of this edition, at Indiana State Library. None on abebooks. Hitchcock 1192. Wainwright 69, 73. $1100-1400 (2 vols. + drawing)

24-4. The Zeniths of Artistry of late Renaissance Holland, Sicily, and Austria.

Trio of highly ornate title leaves from early books, superb for display: Copper-engraved title page, 81/4 x 113/4, by Gerard De Lairesse from Signorum veterum Icones, printmaker Jan de Bisschop, Holland, c. 1670. Dramatic scene, showing a winged Zeus-like figure who has come to life amidst statues of antiquity. The underlying (and exceedingly valuable) book contained 100 prints by de Bisschop, presenting some of the most important ancient sculptures, for artists to study their anatomy, drapery, and poses. Imprint of publisher Nicolaes Visscher trimmed at bottom, else fine. • Deeply steel-engraved title page, 9 x 123/4, blind-paneled, from Sicilia et Magna Graecia siue Historiae urbium et populorum..., by Hubert Goltz, Antwerp, 1618. Elevation of an ancient Sicilian temple, showing Greek influence, with Mount Etna and other Sicilian themes within and above; at top center, the triskelion of Sicily. By the 13th century, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - the largest island in the Mediterranean - "eclipsed other European states in cultural brilliance and administration"--Webster's Geographical Dictionary. Light marginal dust-toning, else fine. • Richly symbolic engraved title page, trimmed to 73/4 x 121/4, from third volume of Theologiae Scholasticae..., Ingolstadt, 1626-27, by Adami Tanner of the Society of Jesus, an Austrian Jesuit professor of mathematics and philosophy. Depicting interactions of an angel, a crowned theological student, a figure tormented by a book, another behind the mask of comedy and tragedy, with cityscape of Ingolstadt below. Circular amber stain at lower left, closely trimmed, else very good. Fascinating. $90-120 (3 pcs.)

24-5. Hand-Tinted Prints of a Real Shangri-La.

Lovely trio of three oversize, hand-watercolored plates from Recollections of India, "drawn on stone by J.D. Harding, from the original drawings by Hon. Charles Stewart Harding," London, 1847. Variant publisher's mounting on board, as issued, overall 15 x 191/2; these could have been samples for display. Comprising: two plates from Part I, "British India and the Punjab": "Barackpore" and "Return from Hog-Hunting," the latter showing five elephants, and a large hog borne by two men in loincloths. • One plate from Part II, "Kashmir and the Alpine Punjab": "Wulur Lake." Original manuscript captions on mount, in light pencil. Harding's father was Governor-Gen. of India. Soon after his arrival, the First Anglo-Sikh War broke out in the Punjab, in 1845. The Preface of the underlying book (not present) relates: "...The ever-memorable events of the winter campaign of 1845 and 1846 naturally suggested to several of his friends the idea...that he would send home any efforts of his pencil which might add to the knowledge we already have either of the ground upon which the battles had been fought, or of the chieftains and people to whom we had been opposed...Mr. Harding...separated (himself) from the suite of the Gov.-Gen., for the purpose of enjoying a brief but delightful interval of repose in the far-famed region of romance and poetry - the Valley of Kashmir...." The area remains a hotspot in today's geopolitics. Mats with uniform toning, one tip lacking, one mat corner cracked but still attached, and other wear, but the colors pleasing, the scenes steeped in the mystique of the Indian subcontinent, and generally very good. A complete set is rare and costly: Christies realized $21,510 in N.Y., 2004; the only current offering on abebooks is priced at $30,000, by a Paris bookseller. A single loose print, with defects and repairs, was recently offered by a noted English print dealer at £420. Abbey Travel II, 472. Tooley 244. Rare on the market, especially on original board. $1100-1600 (3 plates)

24-6. From Mediaeval Town to Royalist Stronghold.

Perhaps unique, richly-struck panoramic copper engraving of "The South West Prospect of the University and City of Oxford," by S. & N. Buck, London, c. 1753.12 x 301/2. In lower margin, lengthy history of Oxford, plus 54 numbered callouts, identifying the plethora of buildings within the scene. Stark contrast between the densely built town, and empty fields in foreground, cattle grazing, as a sloop meanders on the Thames.Uncolored as issued. Home to the eponymous university, Oxford was also meeting place for several parliaments in the 13th century. Trimmed within neat line, six soft old parallel vertical folds, very light wear, else very fine and clean, and a highly attractive conversation piece.WorldCat locates only a single 1731 printing, in the British Library; no survivors of this 1753 printing are found. $325-475

24-7. As found in the Royal Collection.

Excessively rare folio copper engraving of University of Oxford, 1806, "To the Right Reverend John Randolph, D.D. Lord Bishop of Oxford: This View of the University of Oxford, is by Permission most humbly dedicated by His Lordship's obliged and devoted servant Frederick Christ(ia)n Lewis." Drawn and engraved by F.C. Lewis, 88 Queen Ann St., East London. 161/2 x 241/2 overall. Interesting contrast with view in preceding lot: here the city is densely wooded, only its buildings' towers, spires, and domes emerging above the treeline, giving a skyscraper-above-the-clouds aspect. Stitch holes at blank left where removed, one original vertical fold, some ivory patination, surprisingly little handling evidence, and about very good. No sale records found. No examples recorded by WorldCat. One example in Royal Collection Trust, RCIN 701891. $475-700

24-8. Oxford from the Isis River.

Charming group of nine different, early copper- and steel-plate engravings of the city of Oxford: "An East Prospect of the City of Oxford / Veue de la Ville d'Oxford du Côte de L'Orient," by "Jno. Boydell, Engraver at the Unicorn, the Corner of Queen St., Cheapside, London," 1751. 101/2 x 17. Yet another perspective, here with magnificently manicured hedges and linear plantings showcasing the city.• "Oxford from the Isis, taken before the building of the Gas Works," drawn by T.S. Boys, 1837. 101/2 x 14. Engraved by G. Hollis. Chine applique backing on heavy paper. • "Oxford," by J. Walker. Engraved by Wm. and Jno. Walker, 1792, from original drawing by Dayes. 6 x 8. • "Southwest View of Oxford from Ferry Hinksey Hill," drawn by J. Whessell, pub. by Whessell & Bartlett, Oxford, 1831. 63/4 x 81/4. From Oxford Delineated. • "Oxford." Unsigned. "N(o.) 42" in lower right margin. C. 1725-50. 43/4 x 61/4. Trimmed to image edge, rust hole at upper left edge, perhaps from a pin, else very fine. • "Prospect of Oxford." Unsigned. From London Magazine, 1753.43/4 x 8.On verso, a manuscript key to 33 buildings, in old pencil. Light fraying at upper right margin, minor toning. • "Oxford." Unsigned. 33/4 x 43/4. • "Oxford, by W. Turner. Engraved by T. Tagg. Pub. by Harrison & Co., 1795. 31/2 x 51/4. • "Oxford." Unsigned. "4" in lower right margin. 5 x 7. Occasional very light wear, else fine and better. Fascinating for comparison, and a wonderful timeline of views of one of the world's most famous cities. $375-550 (9 pcs.)

24-9. The Last First Edition of Voltaire to be Published in his Lifetime.

A blue-chip showpiece of classic literature, Roman et Contes, by Voltaire. Bouillon, Societe Typographique, first edition, 1778. Four parts in 3 volumes, 51/4 x 83/4, 304, 320, 236, and 102 pp. Exquisitely beautiful decorated period burled and glazed full morocco, gilt shell frame, all edges gilt. Complete with all 57 numbered plates, by Marillier, Martini, Monnet, and Moreau. Plus engraved frontispiece portrait of Voltaire by King Louis XV's portraitist, La Tour, and engraved by Cathelin. Plate facing p. 122 (dated 1777) in Vol. II depicting flight from the monkeys in Candide in the decouverte state, showing the two young women au naturel. Floral and pictorial tailpieces by Charles Monnet. With several interesting binding errors, including p. 288 appearing after p. 294 in Vol. II, p. 199 after p. 175, P. 189 after p. 218, and p. 223 after p. 226 in Vol. III. Some tip wear, fragment lacking at top of two spines, some dry-cracking of spines but about very good, and boards lovely; Vol. I cover reinforced, else all internally fresh and clean. In all, about fine and better. Small ownership labels of Herbert Eberhard Herring on blank flyleaves, judged c. 1950s. Covers worthy of display, in this, the last first edition published in Voltaire's lifetime, his first production exactly sixty years earlier. Brunet V, 17235. Cohen-de Ricci pp. 1038-1039. Ray, Art of the French Illustrated Book, 35. Sander 2024. Sets on abebooks priced at 5000.00 and 8400.00. $1700-2400

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24-10. A Masterpiece of Printing, Illustration, and Binding.

An antiquarian delicacy: Desirable and complete large-paper edition of collected works of the French poet Nicolas Boileau Despreaux, Oeuvres...avec eclaircissements historiques, donnez per lui-meme. Nouvelle edition, David Mortier, Amsterdam, 1718. 2 vols., 93/4 x 143/4, 450 + 370 pp. Large paper set, elaborately decorated red full morocco binding, stunning mint-green endpapers hand-stencilled in shimmering rich gold leaf, with unicorn, herald trumpeter, peacock, armadillo, and other animals and figures. All edges gilt, spines gilt in compartments. Each page printed within ornamental border. Woodcut initials. Adorned with engraved head- and tail-pieces by Bernard Picart. Folding engraved portrait of Princess of Wales Wilhelmina Charlotte. Small ownership labels of Jewish-Brazilian bibliophile Herbert Eberhard Herring on blank flyleaves, judged c. 1950s. Pencil notation upon purchase from German bookseller "G. Rosen, 12 July 1955, DM 130." Reportedly resold at Sotheby's, 1963. Average tip wear, tail of one spine worn to height of text block, spine of other with some dry chipping on face and at outer hinges, but evidently expertly conserved; gilt on spine somewhat dulled but still impressive, very minor cover rubs; in all, bindings about very good. Internally with light marginal toning and occasional incidental foxing, else crisp and excellent. Only five large paper copies located, of which four recorded by Cohen-de Ricci, pp. 165-166. Sander 194. A copy sold at Sothebys in 1978, with torn cover, for 5800.00; in 2014, a set at Christies realized the equivalent of about 3300.00. $1300-1600 (2 vols.)

24-11. From Fashion Capital of the World - A Triumph of Hand-Colored Plates.

Complete set of all 10 portfolios of lavishly hand-watercolored portfolios of women's clothing around the world through history, L'Histoire du Costume Feminin Mondial, by Paul Louis de Giafferri, published by Editions Nilsson, Paris, c. 1922-23, 113/4 x 15. Each portfolio typically 8 text pages + 10 plates each, comprising unbound leaves in folders bearing beautifully hand-watercolored montage of the couture showcased within. Each plate - 80 in all - also hand-colored, in as many as eight colors, of superlative purity, hue, and harmony; the colorists were highly skilled. On thick cold-pressed watercolor paper, costly even then. Portfolios with extravagantly-French Art Deco typography; each plate with extensive descriptive captions in French. The whole enclosed in original pastel-blue boards, matching ribbon, onlaid title also hand-colored. Including "Le Plumage et Pelage des Races Noires... races de couleur" • "Le Costume Europeen - Les Etats Centraux - Allemagne, Russie" • "...Les Latins - Espagne, Italie" • "L'Aurore du Costume Europeen" • " ...Pays du Nord - Scandinavie" • "Le Confortable dans le Costume Gaulois" • "...France" • "La Ligne dans le Costume Romain" • "...Les Britanniques" • and "L'Habillement dans le Trois Ameriques." Believed the first issue of these plates; between about 1925-30, an additional ten portfolios were offered, in separate covers; these used waxed paper folders, more fragile than the sturdy watercolor stock used here. Outer boards lacking spine and possibly flaps, uniform browning and much chipping of onlaid title but still attractive, outer lengths of ribbon mostly perished, nearly as new inside. Portfolios and plates with minor, uniform edge toning, few plates which shifted over the years with chipping of blank edges, else the colors flawless and fresh, and plates little-handled (if at all) and excellent. Even for those with only passing interest in fashion, as decorative art and design these are resplendent, and because the plates are unbound, suitable for rotating exhibition. Interesting provenance: Personal working collection of C.C. Beall, prominent New York commercial artist of the 1920s-60s, his credits including the early Maxwell House Coffee campaigns, innumerable Collier's magazine covers, and some of the iconic World War II patriotic posters. Blank inside board and each portfolio cover inscribed by his son, "Roger C. Beall / Cecil C. Beall's Inheritance / Dec. 9, 1941." $275-350 (10 portfolios containing 100 plates)

24-12. The Man who Named "Gotham" - Signed by the Artist.

Splendid copperplate etching of Washington Irving, America's first internationally-bestselling author, works including Rip Van Winkle and his 5-vol. biography of George Washington; coined New York's nicknames "Gotham" and "Knickerbocker." Boldly signed in pencil by prominent artist T(homas) Johnson at lower portion, c. 1890. About 11 x 15, on cream vellum. "The freedom of the etched plate as compared with the formality of the steel-engraving, made its appeal, and was exemplified by some artists [including Johnson]"--American Graphic Art, F. Weitenkampf, 1912, p. 30. A 1915 New York Public Library annual exhibition included Johnson with such masters as Manet, Millet, and Pissarro. Uniform toning, else excellent. From ancient stock of Mendoza Book Shop, late 1960s, then the oldest bookshop in Manhattan, and said to have been the last gaslight customer of Con Edison. $55-85

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25. Maritime & Naval

25-1. Builder of an American Icon, Old Ironsides.

Excessively rare D.S. of constructor of the original U.S.S. Constitution - "Old Ironsides" - shipwright George Claghorn. Dartmouth (Mass.), Jan. 22, 1776, 6 x 7. Manuscript petition to Court of Sessions, "whereas it Appears Necessary that there should Be another Inn in Bedford Village in Dartmouth...therefore will recommend John Gerrigh to be a Suitable Person for that Business." Signed by fourteen Selectmen, including Claghorn. Mocha discoloration at upper left corner and blank top edge, short break at one fold, else darkly penned, and about fine. Notwithstanding the immortal fame of the Constitution - it is the oldest naval vessel in the world still commissioned, afloat, and seaworthy - its master shipbuilder has been overshadowed by his creation. Claghorn material is essentially unknown to old-time dealers consulted; this is the first example we recall handling in at least forty years, and possibly much longer. The only institutional Claghorn findings include a single letter (modern copy accompanies) in the University of Michigan's Papers of Sec. of War James McHenry, under whose office the ship was built, and the more voluminous Papers of the War Dept. In 1797, the Constitution was launched; six months later, the Navy Dept. was formally created, independent of the War Dept., and in June 1798, the Marine Corps reestablished. A significant rarity. $1200-1600

25-2. Old Ironsides Victorious - and 500 "horribly painted" Indians.

Newspaper, The War, New-York, Sept. 12, 1812, Vol. I, No. 12, 9 x 111/2, 4 pp. Filled with early War of 1812 news, having been just declared in June. On front page, account of the naval clash between the frigates Constitution and Guerriere: "...During the present war the English have had three frigates captured, but none by single vessels...The prisoners taken from the Guerriere have been treated with every kindness and attention becoming the American character. Much better...than would have been experienced by our brave officers if the chance of war had placed them in the command of the enemy. The generosity of our national character is dear to us. It is equalled only by that courage in the battle which gives the opportunity of displaying it...Officers of the Guerriere have about 20,000 dollars of gold and silver in their baggage...It is private property, and for honor's sake let them keep it...." "The alarm that was given of ruin and desolation has blown over with very little damage...Now for the glory - the brilliant victory achieved by the Constitution, under the command of Capt. Hull...It is the basis of our national character, and will generate an active patriotism that must inevitably elevate the United States to a commanding attitude among the nations of the earth." Vivid account of Battle of Brownstown, near Detroit: "Five hundred Indians, almost entirely naked, horribly painted, hideously yelling and whooping, were fighting on almost every side, led on and encouraged by British regular troops. But the American troops did not disgrace themselves nor their country...." Also, surrender of Detroit, loss of Michigan Territory "to the arms of his Britannic Majesty," lengthy list of captured British ships now in American ports, with cargos of sugar, coffee, rum, pimento, iron hoops, and more. Attractive edge toning, few foxing spots, else fine. Rare; WorldCat locates just two examples of this date (both curiously in Chicago). $140-200

25-3. Army Heroes of the Revolution sponsor a young man for the Navy.

A.D.S. of Nath(aniel) Richards (New London Customs inspector), also signed by seven other notables of the then-whaling center of New London, Conn., having recovered from its burning by Benedict Arnold. Jan. 4, 1814, 73/4 x 10. "We the undersigned...recommend to the Notice of the Secretary of the Navy, Joseph Bosage of said New London, as a proper candidate for a Midshipman in the Navy of the United States...the young man having a natural turn for the Navy services...with proper discipline and experience he will do honor to himself and his Country." Signed by Jed(idiah) Huntington, a Son of Liberty, promoted for bravery at Bunker Hill; made Brig. General at Washington's request, his Connecticut Line said to be Washington's favorite unit. Seeing much action in 1776, wintering with Washington at Valley Forge 1777-78. One of the four organizers of Society of the Cincinnati. • Jacob Kingsbury, one of the elite few Army officers who served in both the Revolution and War of 1812. Resuming service in 1787, in the First American Regiment, fought in the ill-fated campaigns against Miami Indians in today's Ohio. In 1791, Kingsbury defended the small outpost of Dunlap's Station - with only 12 soldiers and a few settlers. Commanding Ft. Wilkinson in Ga., 1802, he soon established Ft. Belle Fontaine on the Missouri. • Also signed by Wm. Williams, Jacob(?) Isham, Geo. Hallam (merchant and Richards' son-in-law),C. Griffing, and H. Busbeele. Some toning, light spots (perhaps ink spatter), else about very good, and attractive. $80-110

25-4. Previewing the Unfinished "Titanic."

Color postcard issued by White Star Line promoting "Triple Screw R.M.S. Olympic and Titanic, 45,000 Tons each. The Largest Steamers in the World." Clearly postmarked Stapleton [Staten Island], N.Y., July 28, 1911. The Olympic, sister ship of the ill-fated Titanic still under construction, had just completed its maiden voyage to New York in June; its captain and designer would both perish on the Titanic. 1¢ green Franklin, flag cancel. To Lucy Perdou, 254 W. 98 St., N.Y., evidently from her uncle: "...glad to see you...." Variant artwork, the ship traveling left, and with (partial) sloop in right foreground, instead of tugboat. Upper left tip chipped at angle, and three corners evidently rounded to fit old album, not affecting stamp or live image; offset of postmark on front, else good plus. Though not yet finished, the "unsinkable" Titanic was being ambitiously publicized. This postcard evidently a very scarce type, not among the 122 different Titanic and 36 White Star-related cards at; lacking in the significant auction of Titanic, White Star, and Liner Memorabilia of British specialist Henry Aldridge, 2017. Desirable. $180-250

25-5. Miniature Poster-Postcards of Ocean Travel's Golden Age.

Group of 10 of the celebrated Red Star Line steamship postcards, "Antwerpen-New York," all printed in Brussels, c. 1902-06, most in color with genuine gold leaf borders. Comprising miniature versions of their specially-commissioned maritime artwork: "Series of artistic posters by Mr. H. Cassiers...," offered for 3 Francs. Nos. 1 (in duplicate), 3 (duplicate), 9, 10 (duplicate), and 12. • Also, unnumbered view in storm-blue ink and wash, by same artist. • Unnumbered painting of a Red Star Line ship heading out to sea, as six Dutch men and women, one supporting two milk pails on her shoulders, watch from shore. All postally unused. Some with marginal waterstain or dust-toning, else good to about fine, the colors and gold generally vivid and fresh. Lovely for display. Red Star Line brought some half million Jewish immigrants to America from Eastern Europe. Its passengers included five-year-old Irving Berlin - and Albert Einstein. Einstein's letter resigning from the Prussian Academy of Sciences was penned on Red Star Line stationery, upon learning that the Nazis had seized his possessions. The Line's mystique even extended to motion pictures: In Godfather Part II, Vito Corleone arrives in New York bearing a Red Star identification badge. A Red Star Line Museum opened in Antwerp in 2013. $160-220 (10 pcs.)

25-6. With Dates Printed Aboard Red Star Line Transatlantic Ship.

Group of 15 Red Star Line postcards, nearly all surprinted - probably at sea in ship's print ship - with a specific day in voyages of their S.S. Zeeland, Apr. 12, 1905, and various dates in July 1906. Most in color, with genuine gold leaf border. First item postally used. Comprising: Red Star Line ship heading out to sea, as six Dutch men and women, one supporting two milk pails on her shoulders, watch from shore, surprinted Apr. 12, 1905. Postally used, sound red British postage stamp, to N.Y.C. "...I expect to arrive in two hours at Dover...." • With unsurprinted example. • Color art of white-bearded sailor in brilliant red jacket, smoking pipe, as he watches a handsome Red Star liner pass. Surprinted July 14, 1906. • With unsurprinted example. • Bluetone of the Zeeland in coastal waters, a sloop and buoy in foreground. By poster-artist Cassiers. Surprinted July 17. •Greytone of the ship being pulled by a tug. By Cassiers. Surprinted July 18 (in duplicate). • Color, dramatic painting of ship at dock, smoke billowing from stacks, a hazy sun behind. By Cassiers. Surprinted July 19. • With unsurprinted example, variant olive green type. • Greytone, ship passing a commercial rowboat and masted sailing vessel. July 19. • Variant of July 17 card, with insets of two sailors in sepia instead of buoy. July 21. • Bluetone, Zeeland passing rowboat, the difference in scale startling. July 21. • Bluetone, variety of small sailboats at pier as Zeeland makes her way beneath Turner-esque clouds. July 22. •Strikingly beautiful Art Nouveau card, swirled red floral frame enclosing Red Star Line's "Vaderland - 1900" and "Santa Maria - 1492" in sepia. Mocha background, and borders in gold leaf. July 22. Minor spot at blank left edge, else very fine. • Another example of July 17 card, this surprinted July 23. • Color and gold leaf, ship in glassy, emerald waters against an orange sky. Surprinted but closely trimmed. By Cassiers. Few with minor edge or corner wear, light toning, else very good to very fine. $170-230 (15 pcs.)

25-7. "Think of us as we sail the broad Atlantic!"

Appealing, varied group of 16 ship postcards, all sent to one N.Y. family: R.M.S. Baltic, muted color letterpress, postmarked N.Y., 1904. Stamp affixed at angle, tip folded. •American Line U.S. Mail Steamer New York, color chromolitho view, eagle spanning British and American flags. Interesting postmark, "United States Seaport...," 1906, 2¢ red Washington affixed upside-down, sound but so off-center as to qualify as an error. To an American in Paris. • S.S. Empress Queen, the open decks jammed with passengers. Postmarked N.Y., 1906. Sound 1¢ green Franklin coil, plus 1¢ Postage Due cancelled "Y." • Entry of the sidewheeler Victoria, Boulogne-sur-Mer. • Holland-America Line T.S.S. Rotterdam, in deepest browntone, leaving Manhattan behind. Postmarked Stapleton [S.I.], Jan. 1, 1914, sending New Year's greetings to sister on Riverside Drive. • Color version of preceding. Unused. • Drottningholm, Swedish America Line. "Here we are aboard this great ocean liner!!! We soon put out to sea...Think of us as we sail the broad Atlantic!...." 1923(?). • Another, in pencil, evidently enclosed in a letter (not present), "...Left Germany before you arrived, and you arrived in Paris after we had left...." Both dampstained, stamp lacking, fair. • Holland-America Volendam, Rotterdam-N.Y. Postmarked City Hall Sta., N.Y., 1926. Corner creased. • "Cunard R.M.S. Etruria at Liverpool Landing Stage." Color. Much scuffing. • Cunard R.M.S. Queen Mary, color painting, the sea foam breaking against bow (in duplicate, one with staple holes at top edge). • Queen Elizabeth, color painting (in duplicate, one very fine, one with staple holes). • Nieuw Amsterdam, green-, black- and orange-tone. Postmarked Southampton, bold cancel "Paquebot / Posted at Sea," 1954. "My great adventure off to a fine start. I am enjoying the complete luxury of this trip. The Fed. Civil Defense has made very interesting plans for me in England, Denmark, Sweden...." Very fine 2d brown Queen Elizabeth stamp. • S.S. United States, "World's Fastest Liner." On Kromekote, by Steelograph Co., N.Y. Technical details on verso. Unused and V.F. Defects as noted, else generally good to V.F. $100-140 (16 pcs.)

25-8. Sketches aboard Ship in a Vanishing World.

Delightful and fascinating pocket sketch book of drawings done on a cruise, July 5-14, 1929, aboard the noted Cunard liner Cameronia of Glasgow. 4 x 6 oblong, 14 scenes, deftly rendered in colored pencils on cream, mottled brown covers. Attractive accents in bright orange, red, yellow, and green, variously. With two unfinished skylines, probably of Edinburgh, and the artist's miniature stylized self-portrait on last page. D. Mathey(?), touched in metallic silver pencil. Drawings titled, "Doris writing home on our first morning at sea," "On Deck C," flirtatious "Fire Drill at 10:30 - Tighten your Life-Belt, Hortense, it is slack," "Norah E. Matheson, Tour Hostess," "Other members of Tour 54: Mathilde S. Whittle," "Hortense Bryant" peering through a spyglass, "...Miss Riley giving talk on ‘Gothic Architecture,'" "At the lecture Sun. afternoon, Lu Jakobsen," "B Deck - Vera Sherwood," flattering fashion sketch of a sailor in sky-blue uniform, view of the ship's smokestack and vents, and others. Trivial cover wear, modern dealer's price label, else excellent. Surprisingly, part of the passenger list for this very voyage survives. (Norah Matheson was a Canadian teacher in private girls' schools in Faribault, Minn., Troy, N.Y., and Canada; she was here evidently serving as chaperon.) Containing a large number of students, including some of the names above, the artist may thus be identifiable. The following month saw a dip in the stock market, presaging the epic crash that Fall. The carefree leisure depicted here would, for many, never return. A celebrated ship, the Cameronia would see much high adventure: the first British ship to enter New York Harbor after World War II was declared, she ferried troops to the Suez Canal, South Africa, Bombay, and evacuees from the Battle of Crete. The largest troopship taking part in D-Day's Operation Overlord, the Cameronia continued serving - in Palestine in 1947. The ship was mentioned in an episode of the modern television series "Downton Abbey." $110-140

25-9. Admiral David Porter.

Naval officer, commander in War of 1812, raiding British commerce along Atlantic coast; first U.S. naval vessel in Pacific waters. Manuscript pay order, probably in his hand, with sprawling signature. Washington, 1822, 6 x 73/4. ordering $122.821/2 paid to Thomas Knowles, signing on verso. Dust-toned and chipped at right margin; slit-cancel through one word and two letters of signature, else good. Court-martialed 1825. • Steel engraving, trimmed to 51/2 x 81/2. $160-200 (2 pcs.)

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26. Americana II

26-1. Archive of New Jersey Descendant of a Scottish Warrior.

Substantial, varied archive of papers, over 435 items, heavily legal, of pioneer settler, Commissioner, and Justice of the Peace John (C.) Dalrymple (1797-1862) of Randolph (Township), Morris County, N.J. and his family, largely 1840s, plus some items Civil War and later. Including: About 268 partly printed summonses, 1839-42, all signed by Dalrymple, Morris County, ordering Constable to produce defendants in a procession of lawsuits over debt, the amounts as small as 1.50. About 3 x 6, many with simple paper seal. Interesting docketing, many with narrative of Constable O(liver) Hadden (Jr.) in blue ink, in some cases reading the summons to the defendant's wife. • About 150 manuscript legal documents, principally plaintiff's demand notes, with small number of pleas, warrants, and other items. Some with interesting content; one heading describes Dalrymple's bench as the "trial of small causes" (claims in modern usage). Another itemizes an uncollected debt: "two quarts Cranber(r)ies, 121/2¢."

• Manuscript summons book, 1839-43, 8 x 13, original 3/4 calf and marbled boards, unpaginated but 1" thick and heavy. Including dispositions of cases, heard by Dalrymple et al. Covers worn, but internally surprisingly clean and about very good. Plus many nested documents, some tattered or worn. • Manuscript stories, within wrapper "Written by J.C. Dalrymple when a boy." In a neat hand, purple ink, 4 pp., n.d. One entitled, "Hunting," the other a Poe-esque mystery, ending "...When the police came in and caught them, they found under the floor bones of persons who they had robbed and murdered. They were taken to jail and suffered the penalty of the law." • Manuscript account book of J(ames) B. Dalrymple, Apr. 1, 1847-June 29, 1863, 71/2 x 12, about half of pp. written, unnumbered but 3/4" thick, marbled boards, spine covering perished. "Carting one load of apples, 1.00...25 lbs. of Indian meal, 50¢...half day drawing in oats, 50¢...half day cutting corn, 50¢...12 sheaves of rye straw, 1.00...making one waggon boddy, 2.00...." Auction inventory of estate of Oliver Hadden, Dalrymple his administrator, with hammer prices. Including 1 frying pan, 6¢, looking glass, 25¢, goosefeather bed & bedding, 3.00, 1 hive of bees, 50¢, and much more. Numerous items nested, some interesting. Shaken, worn, but satisfactory. • Newspapers, 9 issues of The Jerseyman, Morristown, one of N.J.'s oldest weeklies: July 1, 1852, endorsing Winfield Scott for Pres., black-bordered all pp., one small ad removed, very defective but still useful and probably unique; Dec. 29, 1860; June 1, Oct. 12, Dec. 28, 1861; Mar. 15, Apr. 19, Oct. 18, 1862; and Oct. 29, 1864. Browned, tattered, fold wear; two poor, three mousechewed with loss of text, but still collectible and probably lone survivors: None of the issues here are located by the Library of Congress' Chronicling America database. • Letter of James R. Dalrymple, Camp of 1st N.Y. Vol. Engineers Regt., 10th Army Corps, Fortress Monroe, May 25, 1864, 5 x 8. To cousin Melissa, in Morris County. "...Hardly time to eat my hard tack and salt beaf wich [sic] you know takes some time. We landed here on the 8th and have been going ever since. Sometimes driving the rebs and falling back...It has kept us Eng(ineer)s going all the time. The fighting ceased yesterday for the first time, but we look for it again at any moment. I tell you Melissa, this haint South Carolina. The Johnny rebs don't care much where they shoot although I have come out with a whole head on my shoulders so far...Send me word how the draft is getting along in Morris Co...." An uncommon unit. • The Morning Journal, Dover, N.J., July 21, 1898. • Five different 1924-25 Dover, N.J. High School prom folding dance cards, Carl Everett Dalrymple. Colorful art of masked girl in fan chair on one, two others deeply steel-engraved in gold. Dance partners in pencil; each retaining original miniature pencil on color braided cord.

Traced back to fourteenth-century Scotland, John Dalrymple's namesake appeared in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Under the headline "The Curse of Scotland," Ripley shows the coat of arms carried by Sir John, responsible for the massacre of nearly the entire clan of MacDonalds, some 300 years ago. N.J. State Archives is home to a 1685 deed to Sir John, probably the same, but certainly of the family. His descendant, this archive's John Dalrymple "held the political faith of the Whig party in early life, and afterward joined the...Republican party, marching under its banner...The Dalrymples together owned at one time more than10,000 acres of land in Morris County"--Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County, N.J. Vol. I, 1899. Understandably varying condition, some of the manuscript legal documents with insect spots on filing panels, fewer with nibbles; other defects, the more significant noted above; some toning, expected handling wear, but on average, satisfactory to very good. A rich repository of local history, providing an intensive and rather intriguing profile of commerce, low-dollar lawsuits - and life - in a small town within a short period. $400-650 (archive, over 435 items)

26-2. Evolution of Big Oil.

Manuscript account book, 1889-92, of a Pennsylvania oil company, probably Continental Oil Shipping Co., Philadelphia. Overall 81/2 x 131/2, 27 pp. written, ruled in pink and black, these cleverly trimmed by bookbinder to 81/2 x 113/4, to reveal master headings on inside front and rear covers, "Refined / Crude...." Decorative red veined paper over boards, 3/4 black calf. Splendid scarlet fancy stationer's label, 230 Dock St., Philadelphia. Much business done with Aetna Oil Co. and Crew Levick Co., Philadelphia, the two firms consolidating c. 1890. Founded in 1862, Crew Levick was "among the first to introduce American petroleum products in Europe" the following decade--Philadelphia and Popular Philadelphians, pub. by The North American, 1891. The firm coyly testified in the rebuttal to the epic antitrust suit against Standard Oil of N.J. Interesting "Marks for barrels," listing white cross, white stripe, yellow head, yellow cross, and other markings to denote grade of oil. Believed mostly in hand of Francois Poulard, a French emigre, with seven printed family items tipped by him at front of book, including wedding invitation mailed to him in Philadelphia, with French postage stamp; and six death notices of family (evidently including his father) and friends, 1891-1905, all in French, wide black mourning borders. Some tears in spine leather, cover and hinge wear, else internally fine. The commercial American oil industry was born in Pennsylvania; detailed oil business records from the nineteenth century are uncommon. $100-140

26-3. Coal Country.

Delightful autograph album, 1892-1903, of Maggie Thornton, Ringtown, Pa., blind-striped red velour, with highly unusual mocha celluloid onlay bearing "Album" in superlatively fanciful letters (blank upper right portion lacking, about 10% of overall surface area). 5 x 73/4 oblong, white satin moire endleaves. Diecut card mounted at front, "J.H. Ransford, Telegraph Operator." Later entries are inscribed to "Mrs. Dixon," perhaps Maggie's married name by that time. Most also penning verse. Including two well-wishers in Centralia, Pa.; others in Freeland, Phoenixville, Ringtown, and Shenandoah. Inner hinges open, mousechew at upper right of first seven leaves, outer front cover with matting of velvet from handling, else internally about very good, exuding much charm and friendship. $50-75

26-4. Frackville and "Virginia Snake Root."

Interesting manuscript journal from Frackville and area, Schuylkill County, 1844-91, in the heart of Pennsylvania's storied Coal Region; many entries datelined Frackville House (hotel). Containing variety of rental, plastering, "pasturing mare," and other entries - plus recipe for bitters: "Virginia Snake Root, Gentian Root, Orange Peel, Good Rye Whiskey...mix...." (It is likely that this brew was served to hotel guests.) 4 x 61/4 oblong, tooled suede, original spine label gilt-stamped "Receipts," unpaginated but 3/8" thick. Antebellum portion kept by Jacob Jones, Thomas M. McKeever, John H. Curtis, John R. Taylor, et al, including one receipt signed by town founder Daniel Frack; postwar portion kept by Adams Haldeman & Co., J.H. Haupt, E.H. Rosenberger, et al; ink and dark pencil, respectively. Fascinating double-page spread, "Latrobe, Apr. 19, 1859, Time of Work on Pennsylvania R.R.," with 13 months and 31 daily columns, and some 400 simple entries (mostly in pencil). One 5¢ "For(eig)n Exchange" and four 2¢ "Bank Check" revenue stamps, Washington orange-brown, affixed to pages, tied to manuscript. Surprisingly moderate cover wear, one grain-of-rice-sized hole at outer hinge, inner hinges cracked but holding, first and one internal leaf removed, about 31 pp. unwritten, varied wear, but generally good plus. • With 8 partly printed tax receipts inserted - including "dog tax," 1890-99, to Isaac Edwards. Pinholes else good. $90-120 (9 pcs.)

26-5. The Number of Troops Manning every Fort of the U.S. Army - and a Treaty with Russia.

Gathering of 15 oversize, official printed Letters, 1814-17, some mentioning James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, et al. 73/4 x 13, mostly 2 leaves ea. (these lacking charts or tables where called for). Printed by Roger Chew Weightman, A. & G. Way, or William A. Davis, Washington City. Reflecting the growing complexity of the American Experiment, still in the throes of the War of 1812. Including: "...from Sec. of the Navy," 8 pp., listing numerous contracts for salt-petre, "stands of arms," coat buttons, 15,000 pair of shoes (1.95 ea.), "duPont & Co., Delaware" furnishing cloth for privates' and sergeants' overalls and coats, and more. • "...from Sec. of War, transmitting...Contracts for Supply of Rations to Army of the U.S." • "...from Sec. of Treasury...prepared in Obedience to the ‘Act Establishing a Mint and Regulating the Coins of the U.S." • "...from Pres. of the U.S. [Madison], transmitting Lists of Ministers and Consuls of the U.S..." and commissions to J.Q. Adams et al to sign "a treaty of commerce with Russia." • Appropriations "for support of the Military Establishment," including $10,000 and $15,000 stipends to "Andrew Jackson, major general," 1816. • "...from Acting Sec. of War ...showing actual number of Army of the U.S. and stations of each Corps," 1817, 8 pp. Listing all bases and forts, with number of troops at each, including Boston's Ft. Independence, N.Y.'s Ft. Columbus, Ft. Wood (future site of the Statue of Liberty), Baltimore's Ft. McHenry, "Green Bay, at the mouth of Fox River," Ft. Moultrie, S.C., Baton Rouge, St. Louis, and many more. The entirety of the U.S. military's forts and bases were staffed by only 9,763 men! • "...from Sec. of Navy," $4,298.75 for "Military stores, Marine corps." All neatly disbound; some browned, some fresh, but all fine or better. Shaw & Shoemaker, various. Appealing study of fine papermaking in America at this time: most leaves have handsomely deckled edges and some exhibit other curious and interesting aspects. $250-375 (15 printed Letters)

26-6. Exploring the Wilds of the Adirondacks - 1903.

Highly interesting group of 38 photographs, all on original blind-embossed mounts, of an Adirondack camping, canoeing, fishing, hiking, and hunting trip, Sept. 1-15, 1903. Mostly 5 x 7, some 41/4 x 6, on putty or eggshell-white, variously. 15 identified on versos: "Rapids below a dam in the Raquette River...on Wm. C. Whitney's preserve," "Just leaving camp on an island in Forked Lake," "Camp near Axton on Raquette River," "Entire party [of six] on topmost point of Bald Mt.," "Rustic bridge across outlet to Raquette Lake on...Whitney's preserve," "Camp Wild-Cat, Raquette River, 1 mile above Axton..." (all shooting), three of group in camp (identified as Ross Scott, Bud Wheeler, and Alf. Isham), "A log cabin on an island in Eighth Lake of the Fulton Chain, where we spent 2 nights," "Hauling the canoes over the rocks in Cold River," "Music in Camp [playing flute] - Follett skewering the deer...on Raquette River," and "Camp Sand Beach on Long Lake." William Whitney, father of the steel- and armored-vessel U.S. Navy, became one of the largest landowners in the Eastern U.S. The area depicted here, now called the Whitney Wilderness Area, remained in the family til 1997. One with mount crack, several with fragments of mount chipped, some with waterstains; several photos light, other tones varying from coffee-and-cream to chocolate browns. Good amateur composition; contrast and sharpness understandably vary, but generally about good to very good. $325-450 (38 pcs.)

26-7. Untold Stories of the Making of the Panama Canal - Syrians, Cement, and Deforestation of the Adirondacks.

Fascinating group of items from files of Frederick C. Stevens, powerbroker involved in Panama Canal jobs and construction, Pres., Commercial National Bank of Washington, personal attorney to Pierre Du Pont, and New York legislator. Comprising: T.L.S. to Stevens, from Albert Overacker, Tompkins County Clerk, Ithaca, N.Y., Feb. 5, 1907, 51/4 x 8. "A Syrian interpreter here suggests that if men are desired and he could be furnished a pass, he would go to Syria and get any number of men up to a thousand. This is for the work on the Panama Canal, he believing on account of the similarity in latitude, they would be in better condition to do the work there...." • T.L.S. of O.P. Stockwell, attorney in Attica, N.Y., Mar. 11, 1907, 51/2 x 81/4. To Stevens. Sending a petition on behalf of a Syracuse gentleman "who is desirous of a position on your Canal in some capacity...One of his friends...tells me that he is a good man for almost any position in the Canal service...."

• Attorney's retained carbon copy, Dec. 1908, of staggering original draft contract between Isthmian Canal Commission and Atlas Portland Cement Co., Northampton, Pa., to supply 4,580,000 wooden barrels and cloth sacks of cement, "suitably lined to exclude moisture...on dock within reach of ship's tackle, at Jersey City...or Hoboken...." 8 x 13, 9 leaves, purple typewriting on ivory. Unsigned. Price to be paid per barrel or sack between 65¢ to $1.60, depending upon delivery location, initially "at the rate of approximately 10,000 barrels per month," with 2¢ penalty for lateness. "If 1/4th of the sample taken from any one lot fail...the entire lot will be rejected...Cement...shall be the brand known as Atlas Portland Cement...The contractor shall not employ persons undergoing sentences of imprisonment at hard labor...." Fascinating technical specifications of Panama Canal cement.

• Legal brief-style typescript, "Requirements for Waterproofing Sacks for Hydraulic Cements...," a progress report, Jan. 1, 1909, on preceding contract between Atlas Portland Cement and Isthmian Canal Commission. 81/2 x 131/2, 12 leaves, bound in original pale blue wrapper with brass rosette staples. "...If shipped in sacks that are not to be re-used in shipment of cement to Panama, will require 18,000,000 sacks...." A detailed discussion of experiments in moisture-proofing shipments to the notoriously severe Canal Zone. "Gelatine or glue compounds are absolute failures." Current barrels, made of chestnut, cost 413/5¢; the cost for 4.5 million of them will be too high, as chestnut prices will escalate further with such demand. Fascinating discussion of massive destruction of forests - up to 60 square miles of standing hardwood timber - that would be used to make these millions of barrels. "Citizens of the states of N.Y., N.J. and Pa., and all others who are interested in the preservation of the forests and in conservation of national resources are directly concerned...The general Government should set the example...." Much of the trees would be supplied by deforestation of the Adirondacks.

• Mind-boggling revision of above, now 23 pp., this on smooth manifold, in green wrapper. With fascinating multi-page Steamship Expense projections, for costs of shipping cement to Panama. "...Moving 72,000 tons to each ship per annum, the time required to transport cement in bbls...will approximate six years...barring acident. If these ships are to carry up to their dead weight capacity and are reconstructed by removal of upper decks, etc., the harbor extrance will have to be dredged and kept open...." List of individual wages of 65-man crew on steamships Shawmut and Tremont, which would embark on this monumental task, including "Coal Passers," "Chief Cook," "Boy," "Mess Man," et al.

• T.L.S., "Personal and Confidential," of W(aldo) P. Adams, The CarboHydride Co., Syracuse, N.Y., Jan. 19, 1909, 81/4 x 101/2, 3 pp. To Stevens, signed by him at conclusion as "Accepted." Extensive detail on Adams' solicitation of Isthmian Canal Commission contract, to supply "dampness-, moisture- and dust-proof sacks, for conveyance of cement to the Isthmus...." For 101/2¢ per sack, or $1,530,000, Adams will apply his proprietary formula to cotton sacks shipped to his Syracuse factory. "Your expressed willingness to join me in endeavoring to secure this contract was with the understanding that you were to participate equally with me in the net profits...." With separate receipt signed by Adams, for $250, "half of my expenses to Panama," beginning their partnership. Old pinhole at top of each sheet, some handling, else very good.

• Significant "Personal" T.L.S. of [U.S. Surgeon-General] Walter Wyman, on steel-engraved letterhead, "Treasury Dept., Public Health and Marine Hospital Service," Washington, Dec. 12, 1904, to Stevens. 8 x 93/4, 2 pp. Concerning Stevens' request to employ Dr. William Preston of Attica, N.Y. in Canal Zone. "...My Bureau is not in charge of the sanitation of the Canal Zone, although I have some four or five officers there in charge of the quarantine. The medical division...of the Canal Zone is now administered by a Board of Health, of which Col. William C. Gorgas, U.S. Army, is Chairman...Really, Col. William C. Gorgas is the one who would have the most influence in the matter. There are three medical officers of the Army, four of the Navy, five of the Public employed in the Canal Zone...The best manner of procedure for Dr. Preston is to write, with as strong letters as he can get, direct to Col. Gorgas...Dr. Preston's having been in the Army and in the Philippines would be a fact in his favor...." Some staining, two-hole binder punch, else good. An important medical innovator, it was during Wyman's charge of Staten Island's Marine Hospital that the forerunner of the National Institute of Health was born. His Marine Hospital Service was responsible for medical inspections of all arriving immigrants, including the largest, Ellis Island. Wyman oversaw quarantine in Cuba, The Philippines, Puerto Rico - and the Panama Canal. • Catalogue, judged c. 1910, "Cassava - The Raw Material for Starch, Glucose and Industrial Alcohol Manufacture," Tropical Products Co. of N.Y., importers. 51/4 x 8, (8) pp. With separate sales sheet. Staple rust, dampstained, else satisfactory. •Title page, folding map, and 15 color plates neatly removed from Panama and the Canal in Pictures and Prose..., by Willis J. Abbot, 1913, 8 x 111/4. • Wire service glossy, Sept. 9, 1939, datelined San Francisco: "Off to Puerto Rico to defend the Panama Canal and American interests in the Caribbean, anti-aircraft troops from Ft. Winfield Scott." • Three covers, May-Aug. 1941, from Rio Hato, postmarked Albrook Field, Canal Zone. 3¢ C.Z. postage stamps. Varied wear, but generally good to fine, and the key documents very good. $950-1250 (14 pcs. + leaves from book)

26-8. How the West was Won.

The Western Military Frontier, 1815-1846, by Henry Putney Beers, Philadelphia, 1935. (Very) short run printing of his University of Pennsylvania doctoral dissertation. 6 x 83/4, 227 pp., two maps, index, hand-bound in brown buckram, proficiently typeset on cream text. Inscribed by author on front endleaf, 1936. Discussing the Northwestern and Southwestern frontiers, Indian campaigns, fortification of the Old West, and the U.S. Army and Texas Republic. "It was not until 1815 that the U.S. Army began a permanent policy of occupation and expansion west of the Mississippi...Settlement of the Oregon controversy with England inaugurated a new phase of the frontier...Chief fixed upon the military frontier...the line of military posts that developed from the Great Lakes to the Red River...." A superb, scholarly treatment of this fascinating subject, in a work understandably lacking on many bookshelves. Minor weakness at lower front inside hinge, minor shelf wear at two tips, else very fine. $60-85

26-9. Adventures from Washington Territory to the Texas Plains.

Cruisings in the Cascades and other Hunting Adventures. "A Narrative of Travel, Exploration, Amateur Photography, Hunting, and Fishing, with special chapters on Hunting the Grizzly Bear, Buffalo, Elk, Antelope, Rocky Mountain Goat, and Deer...Trouting in the Rocky Mountains; on a Montana Round-Up; Life among the Cowboys, etc.," by G.O. Shields. Rand McNally, 1889, 53/4 x 81/4, 339 pp., numerous woodcuts, fascinating illustrated advertisements for Anthony & Co. photographic apparatus, Parker gun, Kaempfer taxidermists' materials, L.N. Mogg fine rifle telescopes, Lefever hammerless guns, "Unequaled Attractions offered by the Union Pacific...," Las Vegas Hot Springs (N.M.), and more. Midnight blue cloth with large, unusually personable elk in bright gold; rifle, fishing pole, and (preserved?) head on spine. "It is sad to think that such a noble creature as the American elk is doomed to early and absolute extinction...Year by year his mountain habitat is being the advancing line of settlements..." (p. 191). The first twenty chapters focused on Washington Territory, before moving on to Montana, buffalo hunting on the Texas plains, and Wisconsin. Shelf wear, wear at tips, some white spots on front cover not affecting extensive gilt coverage, several signatures shaken, else internally clean and very fine. An early conservationist, and organizer of the Camp Fire Club of America, the author visited nearly every State capitol, pursuing legislation for game protection. Interestingly, this book later reprinted by the British Library. Bruns S-142. Heller 620. Phillips, p. 343. Riling 1256. $85-110

26-10. Grizzly Bear more dreaded than the Lion and Tiger.

Thrilling Adventures of Hunters, in the Old World and the New, by Henry C. Watson, Boston, 1855 (first published two years earlier). 51/2 x 83/4, 512 pp., numerous woodcuts, mahogany brown cloth blind-tooled with bold Gothic ornamentation. Spine gold-stamped with hunter holding rifle. Nail-biting accounts of both the Old West and Old World, including fight with a bear, hunting moose, elk, panthers, kangaroos, tigers, wolves, alligators, jaguars, giraffe, bison, elephant, antelope, onyx, koodoo, porcupine, lions, mountain sheep and more - from the Rockies to as far as "Chinese Tartary," Africa, the Pyrenees, and India. Spine and tip wear, lowermost spine perished, inner front hinge cracked, considerable waterstaining of front endleaves through preface, several signatures shaken, else occasional very light foxing, and very good. Scarce. Phillips, p. 395. Hand W217. $250-350

26-11. Heyday of a Small-Town Bottler and Brewery.

Fascinating turn-of-century group of beer route collection, payroll, and other documents from files of Chas. D. Kaier Co., Brewery Dept., Mahanoy City, Pa., 1898-1904, 6 x 91/2 to 81/4 x 14. Including: Ornate letterhead, "Brewers & Wholesale Liquor Dealers / Export Beer / Capacity 100,000 Bbls.," with detailed vignette of their local empire, the buildings labeled "Hotel Kaier," "Bottling Dept.," "Boiler House," "Engine House," "Cold Storage," and "Stables." Pencil and pen, listing "Opera house Money 78.00, Catholic Greek Ball 35.00, Notes 75.00, Silver 38.00, total money in bag 144.50...," and many ladies garments. Soiled but satisfactory. • Bank statement penned on Brewery Dept. form, Mar. 1899, listing balances in company accounts in Girardville, Reading, Pottsville (1.00), Hazleton, and Shamokin. • Another, three weeks later, their balance more than doubled. "Total beer sales for Mar. (18)99, 3,218 bbls.; Mar. (18)98, 2,970 bbls...." • Attractive red statement form, here used internally to tabulate their "Cash Whiskey Sales in Sept. 1898," by day of the week, and by full week. Interesting. • Sales form for Shenandoah & Gilberton route, listing billings to 13 customers. "Saloons 5.55...10 gal. Catawba .85...10 gal. Golden Sheaf 1.50...1 bbl. Mutual Rye 2.00...." • Four legal-size collectors' expense reports, penned on partly printed, red-ruled sheets. Expenses include "Schuylkill Valley: Hotel 5.50, Horse 2.25, C(ertified) check .25, Telephone .25, Handling kegs .50, Saloons 15.61...," and much more. • Legal-size weekly payroll, listing 27 employees, salaries from 4.65 to 16.00. •Business card for proprietor Chas. D. Kaiser, here "V. Pres., Union National Bank," typewritten on verso in green, "Compliments of your sister, Mamie." • Envelope with Kaier's return address, to his wife; hand-delivered. Five legal-size items fine, others with varied wear, but satisfactory to very good. An important part of local Pennsylvania history, the Kaier brewery building, near collapse, was torn down in early 2017. The Kaier Opera House mentioned in this lot was"one of the safest, prettiest and best equipped theatres in Penna...(Kaier's) sole object ...was to supply amusement for his family and the community...(with) the best shows and finest operas that money could possible secure..."--Mahanoy City Record American, May 7, 1937, on Kaier's 75th anniversary. $160-220 (12 pcs.)

26-12. Heartland of America - Population 123.

Unlikely collection of 7 postcards postmarked Liberty, Kansas, 1906-09 (of which one leather, four realphoto, and two printed), plus 4 unused realphoto cards showing scenes in Liberty - modern-day population 123. Comprising: Leather postcard, glazed side in four flat colors, including large light-pink pig; suede side imprinted in brown, postmarked Liberty, Kans. and upon receipt in E. Waterford, Pa. Fluorescent red 2¢ Washington. • Realphoto, "AT & SF Depot, Liberty, Ks.," green 1¢ Franklin. "Wells Fargo Express" and "Western Union Telegraph Office" signs on small building. • Realphoto, "M.E. Church, Liberty," different green 1¢ Franklin. •Two different realphotos, Macks Bridge and Macks Dam, Verdigris River, 1¢ Franklins. • Litho photo, Suspension Bridge at City Park, Mound Valley, Kans. 1¢ Franklin. • Fine mezzotint, "Threshing Wheat in Kansas," red 2¢ lacking corner at time affixed. •Four different realphotos, unused: Main St., Liberty. • Main St. West. • "Birds Eye View," Santa Fe and Southern Railroad boxcars at Main St. W. • "S(an)t(a) Fe track south of Liberty during high water," captioned in purple on verso. All realphotos sharp and very fine, Mound Valley card with two corner creases, others very good and better. Splendid for display. All found together. $180-240 (11 pcs.)

26-13. One of the first formal American Weather Reports?

An early Smithsonian offprint, "Account of a Tornado near New Harmony, Ind., Apr. 30, 1852, with a map of the track, diagrams, and illustrative sketches," by John Chappelsmith. "Accepted for publication, Dec., 1853 - Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge." Washington, 1855. 9 x 12, 12 pp. Spine bound with piece of folded calf. Folding map of tornado's track, opening to 22 x 29, embellished with large vignettes. Mezzotint, "Group of Trees Prostrated by the New Harmony Tornado." Fascinating early U.S. government-sponsored scientific scholarship, here under the banner of the Smithsonian in its first decade. Joseph Henry, the noted physicist and Hall of Famer, served as the first Secretary and Director of the Smithsonian, his name appearing here on page 2. This account is undoubtedly a pioneering product of one of Henry's innovations in science: the first weather reporting system. Tips bent, minor wear of folding map, light waterstains at top margin, else very good, and a significant item. Sabin 12008. $450-700

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27. Personalities

27-1. Member Hall of Fame of Great Americans.

Superior signature of Luther Burbank on card, "Santa Rosa, Calif., Feb. 8, 1922" also in his hand. 3 x 5, boldly penned in tea-brown on sand card. The celebrated botanist developed over 800 varieties of flowers, fruits, vegetables, and plants. Selling the rights to his Burbank potato at age 26 for just 150.00, little did he suspect it would become the world's predominant potato in food processing, compromising a large percentage of McDonald's fries. "Exciting new kinds of fruits and flowers Burbank had developed (but never marketed) included 120 types of plums, 18 peaches, 28 apples, 500 hybrid roses, 30 cherries, 34 pears, and more..."--wikipedia. Two pieces tape c. 1980 on verso; pleasing subtle marginal toning, else very fine. $100-130

27-2. Creator of "Sherlock Holmes."

Closing portion of A.L.S. of Arthur Conan Doyle, "I have done all possible and now the issue lies with them. Yours very sincerely...Jan. 29," 21/2 x 5, in storm-grey ink. Penning over fifty stories of the astute Sherlock Holmes, Doyle paved all-new ground in crime fiction. While awaiting patients in his opthalmology office in London, Doyle wrote his first five Sherlock Holmes tales. Not a single patient ever appeared, giving some urgency to his need to write. Mounted on light grey album leaf with short piece of tape on verso, but no discoloration; vertical fold through "Conan," two other vertical creases in blank areas, some marginal yellowing, else good plus. $275-350

27-3. A Great Thinker likens Man to a Baboon - Playing with Matches.

T.L.S. of Nobel Prize-winning author and controversial philosopher Bertrand Russell, on his red-engraved Welsh stationery ("Tel. Penrhyndeudraeth 242"), July 16, 1962, 8 x 10. To a correspondent on Clay Ave., Bronx. "I cannot remember ever having said ‘I refuse to admit that man is no more than a baboon playing with matches in a petrol dump.' On the contrary, it seems as if man is rather like the baboon in question. This does not mean that I underestimate man's potentiality, but merely that I consider his present preoccupations insane. I hope the signature on this letter will satisfy your request for a sample of my handwriting." Russell's pioneering work as one of the twentieth century's greatest logicians continues to influence computer science, artificial intelligence, metaphysics, and more. Interesting "Papyrus Regia" double watermark. Some postal wrinkles, else fine and attractive. $140-180

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28. Financial

28-1. Panic and Policy: "Every dollar...will be at the mercy of the Congress...."

Much-oversize "Speech by Hon. Carl Schurz, delivered at Cincinnati, Sept. 28, 1878 - Unanswerable Exposition of the Folly of Fiat Money," 113/4 x 141/4, 8 pp. Closely set address on the perils of financial policy, in the aftermath of the Panic of 1873. Citing how he earlier "sketched the disastrous consequences which a policy of currency inflation would bring...The people of Ohio, in their State election, administered a wise and noble rebuke to the inflation movement then attempted by the Democratic party...The inflation mania has broken out afresh...Those who still insist that the crash of 1873 was caused by contraction... need that story for their theory...Not only greenbacks, national bank notes, and fractional currency, but also the State bank circulation, demand notes, the 1 and 2 year notes of 1863...Currency was contracted between 1865 and 1868, and several years of prosperity followed. Currency was expanded from 1869 to 1873, and collapse of business occurred...Illusions and lies will not last always, especially in business matters...Corner-lots in paper towns, where nobody lives, will not bear heavy mortgages...That thing happened to us in 1873. Then we rubbed our eyes and wondered how it all came about...." Schurz continues on themes of "Sound Currency Needed," "Paying the Debt," "Money of Stable Value," "Lack of Security for the Fiat Dollar," "The Ohio Idea," "An Awful Power to give to Congress," and more. "Have you considered, my Democratic friends, what an awful power you propose to perpetuate in Congress?...Congress is to determine what every dollar in the land shall be worth... every piece of property, every article of merchandise, every private fortune...every dollar the laboring man has in the savings-bank...will be at mercy of Congress ...No assembly of human beings...has ever been found wise enough to determine how much money the business of a great country needs...." Lengthy discussion of "The Old Silver Dollar - the dollar of the not the money for the great transactions of modern commerce," because of its weight relative to value, and its "violent fluctuations...To transport a million of dollars in silver requires four railroad freight cars...We shall then have reached the condition in which the Chinese have been for a considerable time...There are in Europe nations groaning under the curse of irredeemable paper money...." Dust-toning on first and last pages, short breaks at horizontal center fold, slight nibble at blank bottom, moderate foxing and wear, but still very satisfactory - and timely. WorldCat locates only four institutional examples. $70-90

28-2. Riches to Rags in New Mexico - the Strawberry Mine at Cow Gulch.

Rare pair of consecutively-numbered stock certificates of New Mexico Gold & Copper Mining Co., Tres Piedras, N.M., July 9, 1901, their properties including Strawberry Mine. 81/2 x 101/2, seven mining vignettes around ornate border, printed lime-green blind-embossed seal, signed by Pres. Edgar L. Fowle. Each 50 shares. Goes. Two revenue stamps. Signed on verso, assigning to member of stockholder's family - in 1935. Edge toning, breaks but no separations at two folds each, but colorful, pleasing, and attractive. • With letter, oversize photographic masthead of their mining camp, but datelined Milwaukee, Wis., signed by Fowle. To stockholder in Berwick, Pa., enclosing these two certificates, in exchange for his $15 check, for shares at 15¢ each. "Our Company made a rule not to issue less than 100 shares to anyone to avoid having to make out a number of small certificates. We have, however, made yours out in two certificates, which is against our rules...P.S. We have just received word from the mines that our machinery is working in fine order and that prospects are very encouraging." Uniform light toning, colorless cockling at top and bottom margins, else about very good. A period reference to the firm - one of rather few - concludes, "...occasionally high values in gold...Company platted a townsite, called Bromide Hill, and endeavored to replenish its depleted exchequer by sale of town lots, in addition bonds being offered shareholders. Apparently company is hopelessly involved."--The Copper Handbook, 1907. Evidently excessively rare. A splendid group. $275-350 (3 pcs.)

28-3. A Union General's "Other" Job.

Ornate stock certificate of Mississippi and Missouri Rail Road Co., N.Y., unissued and unsigned but numbered, c. 1864. Its President, Gen. John A. Dix, concomitantly commanded Dept. of the East, including the numerous New York Harbor forts and islands where Union and Confederate deserters, prisoners - and spies - were held. 61/4 x 101/2. Litho by Henry Seibert & Bros., N.Y. Vignettes of expansive railroad bridge across the Mississippi, and three cows on crest of a hill, a train crossing viaduct in valley below. An unusual instance of a Civil War general heading a business while on active duty. Established in 1852 in Iowa, Dix's railroad was part of a triumvirate building "the first bridge to span the Mississippi River and was the connecting link of a continuous...line of railroad, extending eventually from the Missouri to the Atlantic seaboard..."--Rock Island Employees' Magazine, Jan. 1922. Meeting strenuous opposition and much litigation, by 1866, Dix's venture was foreclosed upon. Tiny foldover at one tip, very light edge toning, else crisp and excellent. $50-80

28-4. Railroad Stock of a Major Art Collector.

Group of four attractive railroad stock certificates, all issued: Oregon and Transcontinental Co., N.Y., 1882, 1,000 shares. American Bank Note. With rich impression of the famous vignette of Indians waving from a bluff to approaching locomotive. • Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Co., ornate Gothic border, entirely letterpress, with primitive woodcut of coal-burning locomotive at speed. Baltimore, 1886. 18 shares, preferred, to German Savings Bank of Baltimore City. Signed by Pres. Printed by Kelly, Piet & Co., Baltimore. 91/4 x 113/4. Blind-embossed seal. Surprinted in red, "First Dividend...Payable...1887." Signatures on verso upon sale in 1898, three tax stamps. • Baltimore and Ohio Rail-Road Co., Baltimore, 1892, 20 shares, $100 each. No imprint. Early locomotive and two allegorical females. Signed by Pres. Ch(as.) F. Mayer. Interesting sig. guarantees on verso. Combination of uncommon anti-counterfeiting devices, including glossy red-dot ribbon to imprint number of shares, and "S" cancellation punches. • Baltimore and Ohio, highly complex orange "Preferred Stock Trust Certificate," 1899, to Henry Oppenheimer, London, one of reorganizers of the once-mighty railroad. 10 shares. International Bank Note. Matching orange British tax stamp. 25¢ brown U.S. tax stamp on verso. Endorsed by Oppenheimer on verso, believed the banker-turned-collector of art, antiquities, Old Masters drawings, and medals. Christie's 1936 auction of his collection still resonates today. Some blind handling creases at right portion, else very good. $90-120 (4 pcs.)

28-5. The Rise, Fall - and Rise of a Kentucky Tycoon.

A.L.S. of H. Victor Newcomb, as V.P. of Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co., Louisville, Mar. 25, 1878, 5 x 8, 2 pp. To Jerome Wells. "...I am pleased to know that the Turner painting has fallen into appreciative hands. To the best of my recollection my father paid about 3.00 gold in 1863 for the picture. Do you ever travel Westward? If you do I should be very glad to have you come to Louisville and pay me a visit. I am just moving into the old homestead...." Light toning of half of page 1, where folded, some edge chips and tears, handling wear, else about very good. A tragic figure, Louisville-born Newcomb was a tycoon of the Gilded Age, his family name affixed to offices both there and in N.Y. Succeeding his father as Pres. of the railroad, he organized the U.S. National Bank in Manhattan, becoming its first Pres., fellow directors including Pres. Grant. His N.Y. Times obituary (modern copy accompanies) recounts how he "took to excessive use of chloral," becoming "enslaved to the habit. While in this nervous state he did many strange things and once threatened to kill H.M. Flagler of Standard Oil, and announced that Henry M. Stanley, the explorer, whom he had met on a transatlantic voyage, had designs on his life." Committed to a sanitarium for two years, he was pronounced sane - after a brutal trial calling some 200 witnesses. Released, and regaining his property, his accusations against his wife threatened to reinstitutionalize him. "In business management, however, he became the same successful man that he had been before his physical breakdown." Asked at trial about the several firearms kept in his Fifth Avenue mansion, he replied that his father had taught him that "every good Kentuckian carried a revolver." Rare. $100-130

28-6. First Comptroller of the Treasury tells a Dog Story.

Lengthy A.L.S. of E(lisha) Whittlesey, a founder of Whig Party, military and private secretary to Gen. William Henry Harrison in War of 1812, appointed first Comptroller of the Treasury by Pres. Zachary Taylor, reappointed by Lincoln; Dir., Washington National Monument Association. Washington, Sept. 2, 1837, 8 x 10, 2 full pp., to fellow Congressman Tristam Burgess. "We rejoice with you in the revolution that has taken place in Rhode Island...If you could pay us a visit, you would be most cordially received by all your old friends. The election of Speaker is doubtful. Mr. Henderson from Tenn. died in a fit the day he left home for Washington...Little Rhode (Island) is the admiration of all true Whigs...." Witty account of a local Whig woman disagreeing with a contrary political speaker in her yard, and releasing Bruin - evidently her large dog - from his chain. "...At last her patience was wholly overcome, and as she turned to go into the house, seeing her servant, she called out, ‘Jim, this is beyond endurance - cut loose the Bear.' Jim instantly obeyed orders, and Bruin made for the crowd, and was so rejoiced to see his friends, that he was resolved to hug all of them...Being fearful that Bruin might be an agent of the Monster...they determined not to be brought within his soft embraces, and took to their heels. Bruin was the only one left with the Orator...." Lighter quill for ten lines on p. 1 til redipped in ink, very light marginal toning, else fine - and charming humor. Letters with dog content are very scarce. $130-170

28-7. Stock Certificate No. 2.

Excessively rare stock certificate of Illiana Coal Co., Scotland, Ill., Mar. 24, 1881, serial no. 2. For one share, issued to and signed by Pres. Wm. R. Sands. Brassy gold wafer seal. Stamped "Cancelled"; affixed to stub. Probably locally printed. The American Railroad Journal reported that year that the new firm's stock had been "all subscribed for by parties interested in the Indianapolis, Denver & Springfield Railway Co." Two old soft vertical folds, edge toning, some handling fingerprints, else about fine. Attractive. An example resides in a small collection of stocks at University of Mass. Appealing combination of rarity and very low serial number. $110-150

28-8. Paper Dreams: A Medley of Stocks.

Attractive group: Taber Mill, New Bedford, Mass., 1925, black on ivory. Signed by Pres. Taber. A.E. Coffin Press, New Bedford. A noted cotton mill, Taber paid dividends of up to 22%. • American Steel Corp., Philadelphia, 1908. An obscure form of certificate, assigning shares to Commonwealth Title Insurance. "No preferred stock, no bonds." Black on currency-green. E.A. Wright Bank Note Co. • Valley Paper Co., Holyoke, Mass., unissued, c. 1900. Vignette of mill within elaborate Gothic logo escutcheon. • Burnham, Stoepel & Co., Mich., two certificates, nos. 116 and 118. 1952. Attractive purple flag-style "Cancelled" rubber stamp. Detroit wholesaler, firm dating to 19th century. Amber tape residue at blank left edges where once mounted. • North Butte Mining Co., 1914. Green with black mining vignette. American Bank Note. • Eastern & Orange County Mausoleum Co., N.Y., 1913, serial no. 14. Black State Seal, pine green border, surprinted "Shares $100 Ea." Albert B. King & Co., N.Y. Several edge tears, wrinkling at lower left quarter, else good. No Google results. Very rare. • Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Co. of St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1960. Pleasing lemon-yellow background and printed seal. Goes. Manual typewriter. Few edge tears. • Hookway Storage & Coal Co., (Syracuse), N.Y., 1913, serial no. 10, one share preferred. Vignettes of Indian on horseback, viewing tepee encampment from above, and an idealized modern city, with ship traffic in a busy canal. Black and tangerine. No imprint. Fold wear, else good. By July of the following year, the firm was in bankruptcy. • Mays Food Products, Maine (though an ad in a period financial journal shows their headquarters in New Orleans), 1921. Oversize, green, lengthy black text in miniscule type. Packers and canners of sweet potatoes, shrimp, and oysters--United States Investor, 1920. American Bank Note, letterpress. Handling evidence, but satisfactory. Others with varying wear but good to very fine. $120-160 (10 pcs.)

28-9. Including a Check in Pencil.

Pleasing group of 23 old checks and 5 ornamental receipts and promissory notes, 1852-1916, but mostly late 19th century: Note, Woodbridge (N.J.?), 1852, ornately engraved, Bank of North America. • One-day note, Winooski Falls (Vt.), 1862, pink. Cortlandt St., N.Y. printer. •First National Bank, Troy, N.Y., 1867. Pretty green. • Ornate receipt, Eastern Express Co., Boston, 1868, splendid large locomotive vignette. For "2 sealed packages said to contain $20,500...." • Tenth National Bank, N.Y., 1871, scarlet with orange underprint. • Phenix National Bank, 45 Wall St., N.Y., 5 black, 5 blue, each with 2¢orange tax stamp, 1872. • Union Trust Co., Broadway cor. Rector St., N.Y., 1874. • Southern Bank, Savannah, 1874. • National Bank of Orange County, Goshen, N.Y., "Certificate of Deposit," 1874. Miss Columbia. • National Union Insurance Co., Washington, D.C., 1904. Ornate building. Sulfur-yellow. • Exchange Bank of Schmidt & Kuester, Marysville, Kansas, 1916. Composite view of town's growth over three decades. Very unusual use of pencil. • Also, Cherryfield, Maine, Elmira, Jersey City, S. Waverly, Pa., and more. Varied wear, good to fine. Nice for display. $75-100 (28 pcs.)

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29. Newspapers

29-1. Edison's "The New Force," Phonograph - and Trophies from the Custer Massacre.

Interesting and portentious group of three newspapers with early Edison content: New-York Semi-Weekly Tribune, Dec. 17, 1875, half-column on "The New Force -- Dr. Beard on Mr. Edison's Discovery" at Cooper Union. Two illustrations of "production of the force," with battery, magnet, iron rod, and a "dark box." "An electro-magnetic apparatus is a reservoir of many forces...We have of electricity three different kinds: magnetic, statical, and current electricity...." Some browning and edge tears, wear at horizontal fold, but Edison article essentially sound, and about good. • New-York Tribune, May 8, 1877. Page 1 account of "Crazy Horse's Surrender...The chiefs who surrendered today and their followers have always formed the nucleus for the worst agency characters...They have been at the point of starvation for weeks, and have eaten all their dogs and many ponies...A white girl, long a prisoner in the band...cannot be found...The worst fighting Indians on the plains...over 3,500 souls. With these nearly 5,000 ponies and numerous trophies from the Custer massacre...." Inside, new "Moto-graph" from Edison "the electrician," his new telephonic device by which "every musical note, from the lowest to highest, is transmitted over several hundred miles of wire with perfect accuracy...." Line drawing of the machine. Edison informs reporter at his demonstration that he is working on a "talking telephone." Unopened at top edge, break but no separation along one blank fold in massive press sheet, else V.G. • New-York Tribune, Mar. 26, 1878, 16 pp. Extensive articles on Edison phonograph, on parts of three pp., woodcuts including the device itself; lengthy text of lecture by a C.C.N.Y. professor "upon Mr. Edison's recent invention, the talking-machine, known as the phonograph...Music compared with noise...Now, if you are perfectly quiet, we will see if it is possible to have this speaking machine of Mr. Edison's recite to you something about Mary and a little lamb...." On p. 9, editorial on "The Talking Machine...which stores away speech and reproduces it when wanted...It is too soon to say what may be the uses of this strange instrument...." Also, hanging of Molly Maguire. Mousechew along 4" of horizontal fold, affecting part of one line of Edison content, else about very good. $90-140 (3 pcs.)

29-2. Edison's "Dazzling Incandescence" - and Pre-Patent Description of the Light Bulb.

The Record, Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1879. Very early newspaper mention of Edison's work on the light bulb filament, a paragraph on "experiments in electric lighting...Striking phenomena connected with heating of metals and by electric current...He has produced a metal in a state hitherto unknown...When wound in form of a spiral it is as springy and elastic when in a condition of dazzling incandescence as when cold...." Large oval waterstain in center, tattered at fold junction with loss of text - but Edison paragraph well above it and complete; edge tears, but still collectible. •Same title, Dec. 29, 1879. Lengthy p. 1 account, "Edison's Light - Exhibition at Menlo Park...Brief history of the great inventor's labors in perfecting his electric lamp...Mr. Edison, for the first time, illustrated the manner in which current of electricity is regulated at the Central Station...No definite time has yet been fixed for a public illumina-tion...Each failure but suggested a new idea, and machine after machine followed into the waste pile...." Candid revelation of his unsuccessful trials before success: "...Air was extracted from the globe and the electricity turned on. A bright light was the result...." Fascinating! Scorched at fold junction with some loss of text - but not affecting Edison article; clean horizontal break along same fold, passing through two lines, but no loss of text, else clean and satisfactory. Edison received his patent for the light bulb the next month, changing the course of history. • Same, May 8, 1880. On p. 7, densely set 7" advertisement for "Edison's Polyform - Good News from Menlo Park!...for relief and cure of Neuralgia and Nervous Pains...Sold at druggists and apothecaries." Uncut, mousechew at blank bottom margin, wear at fold junction, 3/4 x 4 fragments lacking from right column of first two leaves, toning, edge tears, but still acceptable, and uncommon Edison venture into medical remedies. $140-190 (3 pcs.)

29-3. "Prof. A. Graham Bell Explains his Invention."

Three issues of New-York Tribune with significant Alexander Graham Bell content: Apr. 3, 1877: Inside, 21/2-column description of the telephone's debut by Bell and Gray at 1876 Centennial, with three line illustrations, showing "A Telephone Funnel," "A Telephone Circuit," and "Waves in a Current." "Men of Science Talking by Wire - Why and How the Speaking Telegraph Operates - Sending Music through Human Flesh - The Two Telephones, and Distinctions between them...As to construction, Prof. Bell's instrument is simple enough...." Gray's invention used tuning forks, Bell's employed electric current. Uncut at top margin, modest wear at fold junction, tattering of blank right margin and along part of horizontal fold, but none of these defects impairing telephone article; dust-toning p. 1, else satisfactory. • May 15, 1877: Inside, half-column on "The Speaking Telephone...Private Exhibition of the Instrument in this City - Conversation between N.Y. and Brooklyn - Prof. A. Graham Bell Explains his Invention." A cornetist was borrowed from a nearby theatre to play into the newfangled device. Also, news of "The Great Oriental War - Hostilities on Danube - Russians Driven Back..."; "China and Japan," with devastation by famine in China, and siege of a castle in Japan by guerrilla bands; blacks mollified in Mississippi. Over-folded along center horizontal, break at junction, moderate wear, else good plus. • May 22, 1877: On p. 7, nearly full col. on "The Speaking Telephone - First Lecture of Prof. A. Graham Bell's Course - History of Telephone Invention - Sound Communicated from New-Brunswick, N.J., to New-York - Music, Song, and Speech Sent over the Wire...The lectures are illustrated by magic lantern pictures...Mr. Cyrus W. Field, being invited to converse with the operator in New-Brunswick, soon became accustomed to the process...." About six weeks later, Bell Telephone Co. was organized. Some wear along horizontal fold, rubbing three lines of article; break at central junction, other moderate wear, but still good plus. Newspapers with Bell content from this year are scarce. Bell long considered the telephone an intrusion on his scientific work, and refused to install one in his study! For years, his telephone was not profitable; for the next twenty years, most of his income came from lecturing. $250-325 (3 pcs.)

29-4. "It has no precedent in history": Early Plans for the Statue of Liberty.

Three issues of New-York Tribune: Dec. 14, 1875: On p. 8, nearly full column on "The Proposed Centennial Statue: National character of the plan...Report made by Hon. John Jay to Union League whom had been referred the letter of M. Laboulaye of France in regard to the statue of Liberty which is proposed to be erected at the entrance of New-York harbor...The country of Lafayette, on the occasion of our Centennial, intends to offer to the U.S. a work of fine art worthy of the genius of France, and which will testify to her American brothers her participation in their joy...The French-American Union Committee propose that ‘at the entrance to our Continent,' on Bedloe's Island, in view of New-York, Jersey City, and Brooklyn, full of life, and where ships meet from all parts of the world, shall be erected a colossal statue of ‘Liberty Enlightening the World' Aug. Bonthaldi [sic]...At night an aureole projected from its head, will illuminate the surrounding waters...A large part of the statue in execution size will be sent to the exhibition at Philadelphia...The two nations shall lay, together, the first stone of the colossal monument on the 4th of July, 1876...." Tears at uncut blank margin where partially opened, not affecting article. •June 9, 1876: On p. 4, half column on "France's Monumental Gift," "...a design which seemed, at first, almost too imaginative and poetical ever to be realized - is already an assured fact. It has no precedent in history. Never before has one nation undertaken to place a monument upon the soil of another, in congratulation of the latter's power and stability...the greatest colossal statue the world has seen since Chares of Lindos planted his famous Apollo by the harbor of Rhodes...It will give the first welcome and the last farewell to all going or returning vessels. Bedloe's Island has been chosen...." Urging readers to contribute, showing their support for France's gift. • The same newspaper, now a more manageable tabloid size, Feb. 19, 1878: On p. 5, a paragraph on "The French Statue of Liberty - Postmasters through the country to receive subscriptions...toward America's share in this great monument of art and good feeling between the two Republics...." Cigar(?) burn on preceding leaf, not affecting article. Issues with varied handling wear, some minor edge tears, else good and better. $110-140 (3 pcs.)

29-5. "The Surrender" - April 10, 1865.

Dramatic, significant issue of The Sun, N.Y., Apr. 10, 1865, 12 x 191/2, 4 pp. Two large patriotic woodcuts on p. 1, Miss Columbia and flag, with bold type, "Our Nation Redeemed - Surrender of Lee and his Whole Army - The Terms - Officers and Men Paroled and Told to go Home," and flag on staff, "The Country Wild with Joy." Message datelined Apr. 9, 4:30 P.M., from Grant to Stanton: "Gen. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia this afternoon upon the terms proposed by myself...." Bearing the same fateful date, Lee writes Grant, "I received your note of this morning on the picket line, whither I had come to meet you and ascertain definitely what terms were embraced in your proposition...with reference to the surrender of this army. I now request an interview...." In reply, Grant addresses Lee, "...I am at this writing about four miles west of Walter's church, and will push forward to the front for the purpose of meeting you...." With text of Grant's terms of surrender, and Lee's acquiescence: "...They are accepted...." On the previous day there were five letters exchanged between them. News of rejoicing, and dramatic account of Lee and his family history, "with a description of his magnificent ancestral homestead on the Potomac...," filling the reporter with "melancholy in the center of a vast cemetery of those who have fallen in the service of their country...." Early use of the term "Reconstruction," at a meeting of the Virginia Legislature. "Mobile being the last city left to the rebels...." Spirited editorial on p. 2, beneath another large flag: "The surrender of Gen. one of those glorious events which we have so often anticipated that the reality finds us almost unprepared...The public will rejoice that the largest army, and the greatest General of the Confederacy, are now prisoners of war...awaiting the final acts of clemency...through four long years of fratricidal war...As the Angel of Peace extends the olive branch, we may hope that the day is not far distant when our flag shall again wave O'r the land of the free, And the home of the brave!" On p. 4, another flag woodcut, "Local News of N.Y. and vicinity - The Surrender of Lee," account of Fort Sumter celebration, and arrival of now-Gen. Anderson "with his lady and four children." Foxing and some waterstains, handling wear, but complete, very satisfactory, and suitable for display. Prime reporting of one of the most momentous days of the nineteenth century - until that Friday.... $350-425

29-6. Ode to Ben Franklin's Lightning Rod - and a Prayer to Abolish "negro-slavery."

Pennsylvania Evening Herald, and the American Monitor, printed by M(athew) Carey, Philadelphia, Aug. 31, 1785, 111/2 x 18, 4 pp. With superb content on Ben Franklin's lightning rod: Nearly a column long, a lengthy "Latin ode on the electrical rods, invented by our great countryman, Dr. Franklin...," by a "celebrated professor" in Milan, submitted to the newspaper by "Pennsylvanus Americola," with translation by Carey. "...Franklin, you give nature law, While your electric rods arise, You call the lightning from the skies, And from it you snatch its dread and awe...While Franklin's Rods are rais'd in air, Then lay aside your anxious cares, No more let Lightning rouse your fears, Its pow'r's confin'd to narrow sphere...." A separate prayer by Carey: "...May Printing-Presses still abound, May science flourish all around!...Forbear to quarrel with each other, And live as brother should with brother! May Americ' prove ever more, To all distress'd a friendly shore!...May servitude abolish'd be, As well as negro-slavery, Thus make one Land of Liberty!..." From the State legislature, "the laying out a town on the banks of the river Susquehannah, at or near Harris's Ferry...Memorial from the merchants and traders of Philadelphia, setting forth the declining state of the trade and commerce of this country, arising from the restrictions laid thereon by foreign nations; that the inhabitants of the states looked up for redress to Congress, which body was not competent to grant it...that a temporary system should be adopted in this state, until the federal head of the empire was invested with more extensive powers; that the carrying trade was entirely engrossed by foreigners, while the American vessels lay useless and rotting in their harbours...that there were various articles at present imported which could very well be manufactured here...." Petition from Revolutionary War veterans of 8th Pa. Regt., who had "come cheerfully forward, and ventured their lives in their country's defence; on return home, they had the mortification to find their property ruined - their dearest friends and relations cut off by the Indians - and the bones of many of them scattered about the place...." From London, "Silas Deane has been some considerable time in England, having quitted the Netherlands for political reasons. This extraordinary character resides mostly with Lord Sheffield, whom he furnished with the principal materials for his treatise on American affairs." "America has experienced a peculiar advantage over all other countries - Greece, Rome, and Britain...Their aborigines were barbarians, but the first settlers in America were masters of arts and sciences...In our schools...are many American youths of the first rate genius...." From a Richmond paper, "the Shawanese Indians are out upon the frontiers in great force, united with the Six Nations...," killing several American officers at Raccoon Bottom, lured there by the Indians "to hold a treaty with them." Much more, plus fascinating ads, including "Striking Likenesses elegantly painted in Miniature," list of silver dessert spoons, soup ladles, bread baskets, candlesticks, goblets, coffee jugs, fish knives, plus spelling books, "lining jeans," gun-powder, and more. Mostly uniform tanning, numerous tiny thread holes from old binding, minor handling, else very good. American newspapers mentioning Franklin's experiment are very scarce on the market. In shipping cardboard to noted collector, bearing postage stamps c. 1970. $130-170

29-7. Brigham Young's 17th Wife - and Mormonism's "Unparalleled Nonsense."

Highly interesting group of 11 newspapers, all with strong Mormon content, some sensational and inflammatory, 1845-73, mostly 1850s. Six issues N.Y. Herald, and 1 each N.Y. Observer, N.-Y. Weekly Tribune, Daily Evening Bulletin, N.-Y. Weekly Times, and The Independent. (May 3, 1845:) "There are some errors so desperately absurd and evil...all men will detect their gross, fraudulent nature at once...Mormonism, perhaps, deserves the cap and bells for unparalleled nonsense, and the infamous credit of having transcended all precedents in impudence, forgery and blasphemy. Yet its disciples are thousands; knaves many, weak and ignorant people also not a few, ostrich-like...Hope is faint...That lying wonder - Smith's feigned reception of golden plates inscribed with Hebrew-American records is a fundamental doctrine in the scheme...The great mystery is rotten at heart...." Letter from New Yorker Chas. Anthon, approached to translate the golden plates: "...a complete falsehood...[Smith] stated he was about to engage in the affair of the Golden Book...sell his farm...I told the man that at once he was imposed upon and the writing was mere trash...(I) would deserve to be laughed at if I thought that any other language than Gibberish were required...." • (May 21, 1858:) Front page, "The Utah News...The Mormons have laid down their arms and invited Gov. Cumming into Great Salt Lake City...The Mormons will never submit to the federal government; they must be driven out, or they will in time drive the government. They pretend to submit only to obtain a firmer hold...." Also, "First News over the Ocean Cable...Treaty of Peace with China...." • (Aug. 10, 1873:) Length account of proposal, marriage, and subsequent abandonment of Mormonism by "Brigham's 17th Wife...The Prophet as a Lover and Husband - How he Supports so many Affinities...," the reporter interviewing Elizabeth Webb Young, "hair very dark brown and thrown loosely behind, after the fashion of the schoolmiss of 15...The mental suffering that she had endured in her polygamic life had effected her to such a degree that she had become utterly indifferent to life itself...." Living on her father's farm in Little Cottonwood, Brigham Young approached her after a service. "He advised me not to marry a person whom I loved, but to marry some good man whom I could respect and look up to...His brother Joseph...joined us at the dinner table...Brigham remarked how youthful I had grown since I had got out of my former troubles...." By the end of the evening, Young had offered her father $1,000 for her. "The idea of an old man, 67, the husband of about 20 wives living, filled me with the utmost abhorrence...." Varied wear, few with light foxing, one with short tape repair, four with wrinkling and tattering of blank right margin, else clean and very good to fine. Acquired by noted collector from pioneer newspaper dealer Richard W. Spellman c. 1968. $200-300 (11 pcs.)

29-8. Oration on Washington's Death: "The morning sun cheered the American world...."

Historic issue of Connecticut Courant, Hartford, Jan. 20, 1800, 12 x 19, 4 pp. Three columns on p. 1, continuing inside, presenting "Funeral Oration, on the Death of Gen. Washington, Delivered, at request of Congress, by Maj. Gen. Henry Lee...." Paying eloquent tribute to "the most illustrious and most beloved personage this country has ever produced...We can never cease lamenting in our finite view of Omnipotent Wisdom...The founder of our federate republic - our bulwark in war, our guide in peace, is no more...His fame survives, bounded only by the limits of the earth...even when our young and far-spreading empire shall have perished, still will our Washington's glory unfaded shine, and die not, until love of virtue cease on earth...." Recounting Washington's war years, "Dreadful was the night...The storm raged, the Delaware rolling furiously with floating ice...Washington viewed the tremendous scene - his country called...The morning sun cheered the American world...First in war - first in peace - and first in the hearts of his countrymen...." Closely trimmed by printer, affecting bottom of one column on p. 3, and bottoms of two columns on p. 4, neither relating to Washington; about a dozen toning spots each leaf, characteristic of this newspaper's moss-greenish paper, several fragments lacking at blank centerfold where removed from binding, else about very good. Suitable for display, the oration commencing at top of center column on p. 1. Very scarce on the market. $190-240

29-9. Lincoln's New Whiskers - and the "First Installment of Lincolnism."

Hartford Weekly Times, Feb. 23, 1861, 22 x 29, 4 pp. More a screed than newspaper, vituperatively anti-Lincoln, twisting every syllable uttered by him, his mannerisms, and policies into a sign of gross deficiency. On the eve of his first inauguration, among the dozens of attacks within its pages, dry mockery of his new whiskers: the previous year, 11-year-old Grace Bedell wrote to Lincoln, suggesting that he grow a beard to improve his Presidential demeanor. Becoming one of the most enduring - and endearing chapters in American lore, here the newspaper reports his famous personal encounter with her, en route to his inauguration: "Old Abe Kissed by a Pretty Girl - The Effect of Letting his Whiskers Grow": "At ‘North-East' station [near Westfield, N.Y.], Mr. Lincoln took occasion to state that, during the campaign he had received a letter from a young girl of this place, in which he was kindly admonished to do certain things, and among others to let his whiskers grow, and that, as he had acted upon that piece of advice, he would now be glad to welcome his fair correspondent, if she was among the crowd. In response to the call, a lassie made her way through the crowd, was helped on the platform, and kissed by the President." Elsewhere, "A Guard to Protect Lincoln from the Workingman!...These are the men who were deluded into voting for Lincoln under the promise of ‘better times,' ‘free homes,' etc." Sour editorial on p. 4, "The President Elect - Mr. Lincoln moves on, in a zig-zag course, with great pomp and parade...And since he has opened his mouth, the people of all parties and all sections have looked on in astonishment at the specimen of a Pres. that has been thrown upon their hands by a minority vote. No such spectacle has ever occurred in this country...." Much more. Fold wear, affecting letters in about 12 lines along central vertical fold, one old short tape reinforcement on p. 1, light foxing, else very satisfactory. Ex-Charles Hamilton auction, judged c. 1970, with their lot folder bearing Keith Thompson's notations. Pure Lincolniana. $140-180

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30. Interesting Books & Publications

30-1. Protecting the Poor in the Gilded Age.

Three heartrending issues of The Little Wanderers Advocate, published by Baldwin Place Home for Little Wanderers, Boston, Apr. 1873, Nov. 1878, and Jan. 1880. 53/4 x 91/4, (24) pp. ea. Ed. by Rev. R.G. Toles and Mrs. C.H. Minor. "We have taken children from fifteen States...We take every child of any age, unless there is some disease either of body or mind...We do not take babes not born in wedlock...Every child must be given up legally...We bind no child. If the parties receiving it become dissatisfied after a fair trial, they may return the child to us at their own expense...Every effort possible will be made to place brothers and sisters in the same locality...." Local ads, conspicuously of little benefit to small children, including plumbers' materials, "Comfort Corset," and furniture. "...For the immense number of babes whose mothers are trying in every way to get rid of, we cannot solve the question what can or will be done with them." Describing new arrivals, "...the oldest who was 9 or 10, hardly knowing her alphabet, but very mature...She seemed determined to be a scholar...After being drilled in music...her voice developed into one of unusual sweetness, and thousands have been affected to tears by the plaintive manner in which she rendered the song ‘Little Willie'...Since we opened our Home we have received 241 infants...During the first three years we took illegitimate babes as an experiment, but found it impossible to save them...What shall we do with our boys?...It looks so much like slavery to take them West...." Many tragic case histories, including their aid to the elderly and abject poor of Boston. One issue with nibbles at blank bottom, light foxing, some waterstains, else generally very satisfactory. Very scarce. $55-80 (3 pcs.)

30-2. "Matters Curious, Useful and Entertaining."

Four almanacs: Isaiah Thomas, Jr.'s Mass., Conn., Rhode Island, New-Hampshire and Vermont Almanack..., 1810, "34th (year) of Columbian Independence," a seldom-seen usage. 41/2 x 71/2, (46) pp. Much nibbled at blank right, but still with generous margin; old resewing, last leaf very worn and lacking few words at stitching (but text matching, fine, and complete in the following almanac); toning and wear, but still a satisfactory example of this iconic title. •Isaiah Thomas, Jr.'s Town & Country Almanack, or Complete Farmer's Calendar..., 1811. Resewn with thick chocolate-brown twine, title leaf lacking lower left corner, including bit of ornamental border and 11/2" semicircular fragment at blank right; elsewhere, some edge tears, wear, and light waterstains, but satisfactory. • The Farmer's Almanack..., Richardson & Lord, Boston, 1826. Some foxing, especially of first and last two leaves, wear, but satisfactory. • Centaur Almanac and Cook Book, 1886, 5 x 71/2, circular likenesses of Grant and Cleveland on cover, with classically-inspired motifs in mustard yellow and terra cotta. On back cover, "The Diver." Original string loop for hanging. Imprint of Stafford Springs, Conn. druggist. Promoting "harmless" substitutes for opioid tonics routinely given to children! Cover lacking fragment at right, old tape repair at corner, wear, but about good. Very scarce. $60-85 (4 pcs.)

30-3. "The lady of the house leads the way from the parlor to the dining room...."

Interesting group of 19th century books for and about the American woman: The Family and Householder's Guide; or, How to keep house, how to provide, cook, wash, dye, paint, preserve health, cure disease, etc. "A Manual of Household Management," ed. by E.G. Storke, 1859, 5 x 73/4, 238 pp., elaborately blind-tooled caramel cloth, gold-stamped with mother holding baby, as two children cling to her legs. Exhaustive - and fascinating - index. With information on every imaginable aspect of the antebellum household: "The brisket is a penny a pound less in price than the roasting parts...The lady of the house leads the way from the parlor to the dining room...Do not take salt upon your knife and make a great clattering by striking on it with your fork that you may scatter it all over your food...Pies should never be eaten at breakfast...Low necks and short sleeves, laces and jewelry, are entirely out of place at the breakfast table...." Foxing, inner hinge open, but very satisfactory. • Heroines of the Household, by Rev. William Wilson, 1880, 41/2 x 7, 299 pp. + lengthy publisher's listings, illustrations. Pleasing pictorial blue cloth, young woman reading a book on swing, in gold and burgundy. Biographical sketches "of some of the noblest specimens of Christian womanhood in ancient and modern days...." Scarce. • Home Influence: A Tale of Mothers and Daughters, Grace Aguilar, 1883, 41/2 x 71/4, 386 pp., gold and red on darkest green cloth. Dramatic title-page woodcut of survivors of a shipwreck approaching shore, illuminated by men waving torches. • The Hearthstone; or, Life at Home, by Laura C. Holloway, Chicago, 1886. "Hints and Helps for Homemaking, Home Furnishing, Decoration, Amusements, Health Directions, the Sick-Room, Nursery, Library, Laundry, etc...Complete Cookery Book." 6 x 81/4, 582 pp., all-over pictorial cover with charming old house, child riding high-wheeled tricycle in carriageway; scene inset in gold lozenge of parents, child, and cat beside roaring hearth. Unusual glazed eggplant-purple endpapers. All edges gilt, beveled boards. A wealth of Victorian advice, including sports and games for ladies (dancing was frowned upon), "Peculiarities of servants...The thieving cook...The ideas that foreign domestics bring with them...Butter-fingered girls...," the library in the home, "choice of occupation...doing nothing - the effect of continued idleness...girls without talent," medicinal and hygienic recipes, "economy in the home - the dollar saved...Rothschild's income," "company in the home - mischief-making persons, home-rulers, gossips, untimely and unprofitable visitors...," pets, including kittens, parrots, canaries, rabbits, home architecture, the kitchen, and much more. By now a celebrity writer, Holloway had earlier penned the sensational work, The Ladies of the White House. Moderate shelf wear, uniform toning, else about very good. Very scarce. Others with varied shelf wear and defects, but generally clean and satisfactory to very good. $200-275 (4 pcs.)

30-4. "Do burn the great majority of your letters after answering...."

Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 54 (first half 1857), 53/4 x 91/4, 574 pp., plus bound-in patterns (for lace, slippers, and more), hand-colored engravings of latest fashions, duotone lithos (including "Old and Young America"), and profuse woodcuts within text. Full suede calf, red spine labels. Including fascinating article on "Japan and the China Seas," with views of a "Tanka Boat Girl," "Chinese Woman and Child, Macao," and "Dress of a Chinese Lady of Rank." Shelf wear including top of spine and bottom edge of front board, else internally V.G. • What a Young Girl ought to Know, Dr. Mary Wood-Allen, 1905, 41/2 x 63/4, 194 pp., blind-embossed maroon cloth. Testimonials of Frances Willard et al. • Social Etiquette or Manners and Customs of Polite Society, Maud C. Cooke. "Rules of etiquette for all occasions, including calls, invitations, parties, weddings, receptions, dinners and teas, etiquette of the street...the art of dressing well... letter-writing, artistic home and interior decorations," 1909, 6 x 81/4, 524 pp., white and black flowers stamped on pink cloth, onlaid printed photograph of an impossibly tightly corseted woman. Pink marbled fore-edges. Lovely full-color frontispiece art of a striking young lady penning a "letter of thanks for beautiful roses," her dress perfectly matching the pink flower in her hand. Full-page plates showing parties, promenade at the opera, and other social situations; delightful small drawings and ornaments. "Cards for an unmarried gentleman should never be left by a lady, except in the case of his having given an entertainment at which ladies were present...Gentlemen are expected not to use classical quotations before ladies without a slight apology and a translation...Do not torment pet dogs or cats, or tease the children...Do not wander impatiently around the room handling everything within reach...." Much, much more, including bicycle etiquette, "How men are spoiled," "Do burn the great majority of your letters after answering," and "How to be Beautiful." Some handling wear, else good plus. • Women of all Nations, "An Enthralling Pictorial Story of Womankind the World Over - Their Habits, Types of Beauty, Social Status, Marriage Customs...," Cassell & Co., London, c. 1912. Softbound, 73/4 x 11, about 32 pp. ea. Parts 3, 6, and 7 (of a special edition of 16 parts). Including lengthy treatment of "Turkey and its Harems," discussing "White Slaves of the Harems," "Buying a Slave-Wife," "In a White Slave-Mart," "The Fair Slave's One Ambition," "Education of Mahommedan Girls," "White and Black Slaves" (in Asia Minor), and "Raising Daughters for the Market." Some storage patina, else about very good. • With two additional period publications for the young woman. Much engrossing reading. $80-110 (8 pcs.)

30-5. Locomotive Men "Not Interested in Russian Investigating Commission" - 1927.

Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen's Magazine, Jan.-Dec. 1927, 81/4 x 111/4, 576 + 560 pp., monthly indices, old black buckram. Covers typically removed for binding, but wealth of illustrated ads, including Illinois Watch Co.'s railroad stopwatch in yellow, green, or white gold, "Buy American Watches - made by Americans under ideal working conditions." Surprisingly wide-ranging content of broad interest, though almost all written from a union - and locomotive - perspective: "Our Next Step - Air Travel...The value of swift and safe air transportation cannot long be overlooked...Uncle Sam will be doing some fast flying in the not distant future" (p. 13); "Short Stories on Wealth - What Free Coinage of Silver Would Mean...The Gold Bullion Market..." (p. 18); "The Present and Future of Locomotive Design" (p. 48); photo of miniature Northern Pacific locomotive train built by union member (p. 53); "Workers Setting Up their own Cook's Tours...The more our people visit each other, the harder it will be for future war makers to stampede us with propaganda about how devilish are Germans or Russians or Americans or other foreigners..." (p. 80); "The Story of Science - Estimates of the Number of Stars... Stars differ in color...The stars are not countless...," with portrait of Halley, inset of comet, photo of Milky Way (pp. 115-116); "Prospects for Growth of Florida" (p. 117); "Violent Locomotive Boiler Explosions Continue," with large photo of engine blown into ditch (p. 133); "Who Wants War? Address given before Women's Peace Society, N.Y.C...Individual soldiers not enemies...Armament makers foment wars...Myths about the Great War...Newspapers and war...We have not got many years to work in...They will call you anti-patriots, traitors, dreamers of dreams..." (pp. 291-293); "Not Interested in Russian Investigating Commission...We have no time to participate in any trip to Russia for the purpose of investigating conditions in that country... (Aug., p. 129), and much, much more. The readers' jobs were inherently dangerous: 1927 locomotives used steam superheated to 750°, at up to 800 lbs. of pressure. Editorial cartoon, with locomotive worker reading newly-inked scroll with Resolution for 1927: "Enroll at least one non-unionist in ranks of organized labor, thus not only benefiting him and his family ...but...contributing to the welfare of all Mankind" (p. 12). Cover fray at upper right corner, some tears in spine labels, moderate cover shelf wear; internally clean and fine. Very scarce. $90-130 (12 issues)

30-6. Murder of the Century - and the first plea of Temporary Insanity.

Elusive pamphlet, "DeWitt's ‘Special Report' - Trial of the Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, for shooting Philip Barton Key...Feb. 27, 1859," the victim the son of Francis Scott Key. "Preceded by an introduction giving sketches of the previous career of many of the principal personages engaged in the Washington Tragedy." Published by Robert M. De Witt, 33 Rose St., N.Y. 53/4 x 9, 106 pp. + 4 pp. offers of song books and other "valuable and popular works." Capturing the tension and drama of all twenty days of the epic trial, culminating in Sickles' acquittal. Having an affair with Sickles' wife, Key's "fashionable air and agreeable address, rendered him extremely popular among the gentler sex...." His mistress - Sickles' wife - was of "Italian origin, and possesses all the Italian lustre and depth of eye...Daughter of Baglioli, the celebrated composer..." (pp. 4-5). As the trial proceeded, the stage was set: "...Mr. Key had been seen to pass the house...and to wave his handkerchief, under pretence of waving it at a little dog, which waving was the signal for these assignations. Mr. Sickles now knew that his wife had been dishonored by Key...He rushed down in a perfect frenzy...." Sickles successfully used the plea of temporary insanity for the first time in legal history, going on to a distinguished Civil War career. Set into old brown/grey duplex Gaylord pamphlet binder, matching cloth hinges, label removed from front board; title page with insect spots, graduated tip wear of first ten leaves, toning and some staining of about first four leaves, last page with some marginal wear, else surprisingly fresh and clean inside, and generally good plus. Rare on the market. $160-220

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31. Advertising & Catalogues

31-1. With Samples of Colored Yarn.

"Howe & Stevens' Treatise upon Dyeing and Scouring, as Adapted to their Family Dye Colors...," 260 Broadway, Boston, 1864. 33/4 x 61/4, apple-green wrappers, 47 pp. + tipped leaf with actual samples of yarn dyed in a spectrum of their colors, each with name printed above. In all, 21 of 30 colors present in their full 7/8" length, plus nine frayed, but all of these with at least one remnant persisting on verso. Including four browns, royal purple, scarlet, salmon, orange, crimson, solferino (plum), maize, and more. Detailed instructions on using their dyes to color feathers, and how to "dry-clean" hearth rugs, "ancient tapestry," curtains, brocaded silk or satin dresses, and shawls. Tables listing effect of one color on another. With nested circular for their "Soap Powder for cleaning woolens, silk, or colored goods," Miss Columbia woodcut at top. Modest wear at lower right corners, some insect spots on cover, else very good, the colors on the 21 full-size color samples vivid. A fascinating look at the hard work and artistic sensibility in maintaining a Civil War-era home and wardrobe. Rare in any condition. $120-150 (2 pcs.)

31-2. Popular Furs of the Roaring Twenties.

Highly interesting group relating to tanning and fur fashion of the Flapper era: 1926-27 catalogue, Globe Furs, Des Moines, 63/4 x 10, 32 pp., pink, orange, and black cover artwork showing man in thick fur coat and cap driving a horse-drawn wagon of wood planks, and woman holding fur lap rope, as she enters her sedan. Many photos, some in simulated color. Prices for rugs from bear cub, large bear, dog, mountain lion, tiger, wildcat, and other animals; Siberian squirrel coats, "from steel trap direct to you"; Japanese mink coats (up to 700.00), substitute mink coats from Northern muskrat, using up to 85 skins; Hudson seal coats, "surpass even genuine Alaska seal"; scarves of wolf, coyote, and red fox - including the heads and paws; more. Testimonials: "...Received my brown horse coat...Very nice job...." With order form for custom fur coat, and two shipping tags, stencilled with Milton, Pa. customer's return address, to send hides for tanning: "Salt hide well...You cannot put too much on it." Two holes punched for binder, else about fine. • Fur catalogue, "Custom Made by H. Willard, Son & Co.," Marshalltown, Iowa, 1926-27, 73/4 x 103/4, (16) pp., brown and black on aqua cover, black and white text. Many photos of mens and womens coats, jackets, caps, and motoring accessories, showing "exclusive models you can have made from furs you furnish." Extensive pricelist. Two holes punched, else V.G. • Folder inserted in preceding, red and black, illus. Much tattered and only fair. • Three different shipping tags to Crosby Frisian Fur Co., "Custom Fur Tanners - Mfrs. of Coats, Robes, Gloves, Mittens," Rochester, N.Y. Red and black on tag, fiber grommet. Unused. Toning, else V.G. • Catalogue, Reading Robe & Tanning Co., Reading, Mich., "Fur Styles - Custom Tanning and Mfg.," 4 x 9, 23 pp., photos. Horse and cowhide coats, mink, raccoon, beaver, and skunk chokers and capes, robes, and rugs. • Detailed pricelist, 11 pp. Including grizzly, polar bear, and dog rugs, pony coats, and more. Two-hole punch through some text. • Supplementary pricelist, 1926, 4 pp. •Letter, polar bear vignette. Two punched holes through text, else fine. $100-140 (13 pcs.)

31-3. Taxidermy.

Unlikely group relating to taxidermy of the Twenties: L. Loew, "Taxidermist and Manufacturer of Compressed Papier Forms...," Colville, Washington, 1927. Sales folder, opening to 61/2 x 21, black and white, photos of forms for white and black tail deer, elk, moose, bear, and coyote heads. Diagonal crease front panel; most items with binder punch. • Loew pricelist for artificial glass eyes, opening to 61/4 x 14. In ink, "We have scalps...Also Mt. Lion & Bear skins for rug work." Front panel browned and tattered, else satisfactory. •Loew letter, large photos two mounted heads. "My forms... are as near true to life as nature can be reproduced...Game is not so plentiful as it has been years ago...." • Unusual sales sheet, "Artificial Glass Eyes for all Purposes...Celluloid Beaks & Quills / Bird and Animal Eyes a Specialty," G. Schoepfer, 16 E. 36 St., N.Y., 81/2 x 111/4. Illustrating alligator, wildcat, goat, fish, bear, and tiger eyes, with 20 actual-size sample outlines, plus 6 other sketches. Vignette of eagle atop ... an eye. Prices for colored enamel, crystal, fish, and plain black eyes. Light-toning at two margins, four punched holes, else good. • Northwestern School of Taxidermy, "Taught by Mail," Omaha, sales letter, 2 pp., purple text, ornate red and black pictorial masthead. • Illustrated pamphlet offering their six-volume Nature Lovers Library, 8 pp., brown on cream. Including photo of Teddy Roosevelt, endorsing the books as "capital...." • School's letter, 1926, ornate masthead, giving instructions on remounting a deer head. • Folder of C.J. Mickelson, Expert Taxidermist, Duluth, Minn., 1926, 53/4 x 9, opening to 9 x 23. Photos of mounted heads, birds, a complete bulldog, and rug; prices and testimonials. •Enrollment form for Schmidt School of Taxidermy, Memphis. • Catalogue, H.M. Burrows, "Scientific Taxidermist," Titusville, Pa., 33/4 x 9, (8) pp., illustrating "Nippon American Beauty Panels" for mounting specimens. Including smoking cabinet with legs "fashioned from deer feet" and electric reading lamp with deer feet "trim." • Pricelist and order form. Most items with binder punch, light wear, but generally good to very good. $80-120 (12 pcs.)

31-4. Massive Architectural Catalogue with over 1,150 Illustrations.

Epic oversize trade catalogue, J.G. Braun, Chicago and N.Y., "Plain & Ornamental Wrought-Iron Moulding, Sash, Angle, T and U Iron, also Square Tubing for Elevator Enclosures, Shears, Punch Machines, etc...," 1909, 12 x 171/2, black on blue covers with elaborate Olde World scenes of ornamental metalworkers, with cherubs, godesses, and an angel overseeing the work; green linen spine strip, pp. numbered 100-207 but correct and complete as bound. Intended for architects, and profusely illustrated with over 1,150 profiles of Braun's fancy moldings shown actual size. "...Over 50,000 store fronts put up and trimmed with these materials...Our moldings are...better looking and much cleaner than cast iron...At the World's Columbian and Louisiana Purchasing Expositions [sic] our goods received three highest awards...." Some of the patterns are strikingly beautiful. Top 1" and bottom 3" of spine strip frayed, cover creases, few water spots, lacking blank upper right corner; back cover bound upside down by bindery; internally with uniform buttery cream toning, some handling evidence, else very good. Even then, a catalogue of this physical size and scope must have been costly to produce, and only a limited number printed. A remarkable cornucopia of early twentieth-century American architectural design, intended to be the "icing on the cake" for innumerable buildings. Contemporary with the blossoming City Beautiful and Jovian electrical movements, it is certain that numerous noted structures bore these wrought-iron embellishments. Wrought iron's fashionability continued through the Mediterranean, Norman, Spanish, and Tudor Revivals of the Twenties through Forties. WorldCat locates just five institutional copies. Very rare on the market. This and almost all other architecture-related items in catalogue ex-noted Jewish architect Alfred Zucker, of Mississippi, Texas, N.Y.C., and Buenos Aires, then acquired by nationally acclaimed architect James Riely Gordon of Texas and N.Y.C. $300-425

31-5. An Album of Estey Pipe Organs for Architects.

Heavy, oversize Estey Organ catalogue specifically prepared for architects, n.d. but c. 1924, in extra-heavy-duty 4-ring binder, 113/4 x 161/4, putty boards, black and mocha cover label, black luggage-grade cloth spine, endpaper copperplate-look litho artwork by Franklin Booth of an Estey organ in magnificent great room. (41) leaves, some with folding blueprints of newly constructed homes, churches, concert halls, hotels, and theatres with Estey organs from small to large, with five large mounted sepia photographs. Including "Specific Information as to cost, space, location, display...Treatment of tone openings, display pipes, connections between console and organ, construction of blower room and windtrunk...." Particularly stunning is the 9 x 131/2 glossy of "One of the largest Estey Pipe Organs ever built," in N.Y.C.'s famed Capitol Theatre, costing $30,000. Blank flyleaf with mousechew at bottom, first three leaves' punched holes pulled from rings, spine spotted and cosmetically worn but intact, boards with some dust-toning, wear, and waterstains; else internally clean and fine plus. The first such volume we have handled. A glorious effort to merge music, architecture, and soaring taste, befitting the Roaring Twenties. Excessively rare thus, certainly made in very limited numbers. WorldCat locates no examples. $275-350

31-6. A Catalogue of Architectural Ornaments for Interiors.

Oversize catalogue of Anaglypta low, high, and extra high relief ornaments, "1929-31," made in Darwen, England. Purple rubber stamp of importer "W.H.S. Lloyd Co., 48 W. 48 St. [N.Y.]" on front cover. Leaf-green bamboo-textured green cloth, 101/2 x 143/4 oblong, 253 pp. Then-unusual fine-screen boxdot halftones (and some line drawings) of several thousand interior ornaments for building interiors, on eggshell matte enamel. Index to designs lists use of each pattern, style, and size. Including borders, ceilings, corbels, cornices, friezes, moldings, panels, pilasters, plaques, spandrils, and other decorative devices, in every conceivable design interpretation of Chippendale, Classical, Elizabethan, Georgian, Gothic, Grecian, Italian, Jacobean, Old English, Pompeian, Renaissance, Tudor, and other styles. Animals and birds, Cupids, florals, geometrics, shields, and other themes of every description. 4 pp. in sepia of just-added designs bound at front. 1927 pricelist nested. Rectangular sun-toned outline on front cover where a book lay atop for many years, fragment lacking at bottom of spine, minor shelf wear, else very good plus. A design compendium capturing the very end of the classical influences in American architecture; within a year or two, Deco would sweep aside much of the old look, revolutionizing not only building arts, but industrial and graphic design. Very rare. Ex-noted architects Alfred Zucker and James Riely Gordon. $170-220

31-7. Architectural Leaded Glass Catalogue.

Superb, tall folio catalogue for architects, "Hope's Casements & Leaded Glass," Henry Hope & Sons, 103 Park Ave., N.Y., Jan. 1, 1919, 12 x 18, (60) pp. Black on light brown flannel boards, matching muslin ribbon tie, brown linen spine strip; black and orange on cream matte enamel text. Olive sepia halftones on every other page, showcasing buildings and homes with their windows. Early offerings of casement windows - including in solid bronze - for American buildings; casements would become de riguer by the 1930s. Users listed include Harvard, Princeton, Yale, London County Hall, New Zealand Parliament, Shanghai Municipal Buildings, National Library of Wales, Bank of Toronto by Carrere & Hastings (at first glance in the style of N.Y.'s Grand Central), and more. Numerous annotated photographs and technical diagrams of the windows. Decorative handles, fasteners (in mediaeval styles), and hardware, some for casements "over 7 ft. high." On inside back board, onlaid panoramic printed drawing, "Hope's Casements at Westminster," showing nine buildings within sight of Parliament Square which use their windows. Moderate waterstaining of blank back spine strip and spine, nearly colorless very light rippling last ten leaves, some corner wear, else internally very fine. An impressive production, in art, pressmanship - and in these high-end windows. Rare on the market. No literature of any year on Abebooks. Ex-architects Zucker and Gordon. $170-220

31-8. Factory and Machine Shop Equipment.

1909 Hoefer Mfg. Co. catalogue of Drill Presses, Power Metal Saws, Horizontal Drilling and Boring Machines, and Vertical Boring Machines. Freeport, Ill., 6 x 9, 56 pp. Gold-leaf border on cocoa linen cover, chocolate brown text throughout with exceptionally fine-screen halftones in black, many full-page. Centerfold sig. shaken from staples but present, old library label and label remnants on cover, not affecting logo, else fine. $45-65

31-9. World War I-era Truck Parts.

Kelly-Springfield Motor Truck Co., Springfield, Ohio, (1918). Printed in Kelly-Springfield's own shop. 12 x 15 oblong, 20 pp., black on green cover, original linen backbone, black and white text. Profusely illustrated "Parts List for 1917-18 Model K-31 Chain Drive, Model K-32 Worm Drive 11/2 Ton Kelly Trucks." Oversize full-page photographic plates of every conceivable part for these formidable trucks, with brief identification on facing page. Among illustrated items are tools, tool roll, oil cans, jack, floor board, name plate, radiator script, and many hundreds more, from the tiniest felt washers and pins to major structural components. Their Seattle street address penned in contemporary hand on cover. Printed addendum sheet present, with original fastener. Considerable soiling blank back cover, fore-edge, reduced fingerprinting of pages, else very satisfactory, and very rare. $80-120

31-10. Millers Falls Co.

Catalogue, "A Complete List in Miniature of Russell's World Renowned Scroll Saw Designs." Over 300 illus., many intricate and ornate. Pricelist at back. N.d. but c. 1905, 91/4 x 113/4, (16) pp. Scroll-sawed items include picture frames, wall brackets, architectural trim, clocks, bookcases, game boards, even entire miniature buildings. Some edge wear and tears, else V.G. $70-110

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.